Could a Fatal 4 Way tag match save the division?


Pre-Show Stalwart
A lot of these forums contain ideas on how to save the tag team division. However, WWE never do anything like our hopes and imaginations. With that in mind, here's an idea I had to, well, attempt to save the division:

This Monday night, Kofi and R-Truth come out and say how there is no good competition, and being champions is so easy. Out comes Abraham Washington, saying he wants a rematch for Primo and Epico, and Big Johnny has already accepted the match for No Way Out, and the winner of Smackdowns match between Kofi and Primo chooses the stipulation.

Smackdown comes round, these two face off, with partners in respective corners. Abraham Washington comes out and attacks R-Truth with a steel chair, and Primo and Epico are man-handling Kofi. Out comes The Uso's, saving Kofi, and saying the Board of Directors has made it a triple threat tag team match.

Next Monday night, a backstage segment with an argument between all three teams, as 'Millions of Dollars, Millions of Dollars, Millions of Dollars' is heard from the ring. Darren Young and Titus O'Neill are stood there shouting they're the best tag team in the company today, and should be treated with respect. Here we see Big Johnny again saying they'll have their chance at No Way Out, in a fatal 4 way tag match.

Don't know if it would work or not, but it'd be a great idea I think?
Ideas? Opinions? Discuss.
I don't think this one match would save the division and there are some flaws in how you set it up (it isn't really in Kofi or Truth's character to boast about it being too easy to be champions), but I do like the idea. One of the most alluring things about it, to me at least, is that it gets four teams on television at the same time. It lets the audience know that there really is more than one team, and it makes the tag titles look coveted after.
It's a good idea. The only problem I have with it is Kofi and Truth coming out and saying this is "so easy". I don't think that is in their respective characters to do that in the current form. Maybe tweak that idea and have them come out and issue an "open challenge" and then eveything else you said happens. I would probably replace D. Young and T. O'neil with D. Ziggler and J. Swagger.
One match will not "save" the division. Prestige, storylines that matter and damn good teams will save the division.

However, would I like to see a Fatal Four Way Tag match? Yes please. The four teams you've picked seem to make sense what with Ziggler/Swagger apparently breaking up, so this could all be good. I'd love to see what they have to offer in the ring and with 8 different superstars to work off of each other, this could be a great match. Who would win it I'm not too sure, I'd love to give the straps to the Uso's, they're great guys really.

In all, Fatal Four Way match = Good.
Saving the Tag Division = Needs a lot more.
It's not too hard to fix the tag divison, I just don't get the sense that the WWE cares about the divison enough for saving. Back in the day you had three types of tag teams. There were the young guys starting out (Strike Force, Hart Foundation, Rockers.... etc) then you had your established tag teams (Demolition, LOD..... etc) and then there where the guys who were never going to make it solo so they become a heel tag team (Rougeau's, anything with express at the end of it.... etc).

Now in todays WWE, you are not going to see teams like Demolition and LOD. Main event tag teams just don't exist today so we can throw out that possibility. But the other two groups exist. The group consisting of solo guys who can't be main eventers now includes faces so teams like Kofi and Truth are possible, and we see the young teams with groups like the Uso's and Titus and Young.

But to make this divison relavent 3 things need to happen.

1) You can't feed the young tag teams to established guys when they need to look good. This makes the tag team look so weak and not believable. The only time they should interact is when its part of a major tag match (like Survivor Series) and even then you can't just have stars squashing these guys.

2) Equals within the ranks. So far we are seeing Kofi and Truth run through the competiton. This cannot continue and these other teams need to look like there equals.

3) Young guys who WWE wants to put on the fast track (Barrett, Sheamus, McIntyre.... etc) should not just skip through this step. While it may have worked for Barrett and Sheamus, McIntyre has fallen through the cracks and he may never recover. Also, you take away talent from the division which makes the product weaker.

Not that hard to make tag teams relavent again, I just don't think WWE really cares to make this happen.
But to make this divison relavent 3 things need to happen.

I agree with your three reasons, but I think you missed the most important thing needed to fix the division: commitment.

By that I mean they need to hit these points:

1) Television time for the champions every show. I don't care if it's a match, a short segment, a cut scene, it doesn't matter. The champions are the flag-bearers and need to stay visible.

2) A tag match on every show. It doesn't need to involve the champions, but every show -- okay, maybe not every, but damn sure most -- should have a match on it to keep the division breathing and to make sure fans know there's action.

3) Build teams for the long-term, not to give some young buck a jumping off point to a singles career three months down the line. Look at the roster. They have a million guys that, for whatever reason, will probably never obtain singles success. Who really believes Tyson Kidd has the potential to be a world champion or even a mid-card champion? Okay, so formally match these guys up. Give them whatever storyline you want to bring them together, then throw matching gear on 'em and have them share an introduction. Give them a team name. And have them wrestle. It's better to have an active tag team than an inactive singles guy. Just don't flop guys together for the sole purpose of having one of them turn on the other to become a singles star (more often than not, this fails anyway).
There's no way that one match can save the tag division. The division has been stale for years now and we've seen countless multi-team title matches. The problem is that there are no real feuds. Having one half of a team face the other half one week and then having the other two face off the week after, culminating in a title match later on, is not a real feud. They need segments and angles to make us give a crap about why these two teams are wrestling. I thought one step in the right direction would have been a summer-long feud between Kofi/Truth and Swagger/Ziggler. Give them TV time and a best of 5 series, with each match getting enough time to be awesome. Let the 4 guys go out there and do what they do. A solid, long feud about the TITLES is what can save the division.
You can't "save" something which isn't on the brink of destruction and the WWE tag team division is nowhere near the edge.

They've done a good job of re-building it. Stop the fantasy booking, we all have ideas we think could be "great" and could make an interesting watch, chances are however, if half the ideas members of the IWC put forward were placed into action they'd be completely atrocious. WWE have done a good job creating a stable division and it's much better than this time last year where the division was near non-existent.

Kofi and R-Truth have been good title holders. Epico & Primo generate interest due to AW. The Usos and the team of O'Neil & Young are having a solid little rivalry between Superstars and Smackdown with both teams looking good. Justin Gabriel returned on last nights edition of NXT so chances are he'll return to Tyson's side and we've got another tag team. No, they don't wear matching tights, come out to solo entrance music or have catchy team names, but that is the evolution of WWE's tag team division, and when you look across the border into TNA they're mostly following the same pattern with the likes of Magnus/Joe and Kazarian/Daniels.

There is nothing wrong with the tag team division. There is nothing wrong with the WWE Tag Team Champions. There is no fantasy match anyone can conjure up that'll make an instant "impact" or "save" the prospering division. Instead of complaining and attempting to be fantasy bookers, just watch. And if you still feel the temptation to book your own shows, I got two places for you to go, the Book This! section on the forum or download Extreme Wrestling Revenge and go nuts.
I very much like the way the division is building up right now. None of these teams (Young/O'Neal, Rex/Hawkins, Usos, Epico/Primo) look particularly formidable at the moment, but they're real teams and that's something that hasn't existed, outside of the Usos, for the last two years. Just let these teams do their thing for a while, let them wrestle on tv (lord knows they'll need time to fill on 3 hour Raws) and see who gets themselves over. Oh, and make sure Rex/Hawkins get storyline segments because they are GOLD together.

I'd try to add a menacing power team to the mix. Use Swagger and pair him with someone big - heel Ezekiel Jackson? Maybe even Tensai if he's really fallen that far.
Something needs to be done, for sure. If they could somehow emphasize that those titles were important again that would be a start...Miz/Truth could have won them last fall and gave them a huge boost, Ziggler/Swagger could have helped elevate the status of those belts. The Usos should have been tag champs by now....not sure why but seems like they really want Kofi to be 1/2 of the tag champs no matter what, which is fine but if they don't look like a major prize with several teams going after them it won't matter. It's been said already, but TV time for real feuds over those titles is key.
That won't save the division because after the match, which could make for a cool opener, the fans still won't care about the division. There is only one thing that can save the tag team division. Placing actual TAG TEAMS into matches/angles that get them over enough for fans to have interest in the division again. That, and only that, will save the tag team division. Also.... When I say "actual TAG TEAMS" that refers to two guys who share a similar gimmick that form a team rather than being thrown together (this eliminates every "team" from the roster but one) as well as actually being interesting and good enough at what they do to justify a push to the top (which eliminates the one remaining team) unfortunately no one in the WWE fits that at the moment.

The idea might make an interesting match, but like I already said.... There is no way that can save the division. They could put Air Truth, Epico & Primo, and Young & Titus into a Triangle Ladder Match or a TLC match to try to recreate the brilliance we saw from the Hardys, Dudleys, and Edge & Christian. Even THAT will not save the division. It certainly would help if the one and only "true" tag team on the roster (Usos) wasn't one of the worst tag teams in history. Face it, the tag team division is only for randomly thrown together groups now in an effort to create more singles stars.
One match is not going to save the division, especially a gimmick Fatal 4 Way. Now if Kofi and Truth went out and had a 5 star match with say Epico & Primo that would be the better start. I think what needs to be done is actually have a decent storyline involving tag teams. They also need to bring in new teams instead of just throwing mid-carders with nothing to do together and giving them the belts. At this rate I'm sure Kofi and Sin Cara will have the belts by the end of the year, it's ridiculous. There is an abundance of talent on NXT and in FCW that you could make teams out of. I really like this Ascension faction down in FCW and wouldn't mind seeing them come to the main roster as a team. Corey Graves & Jake Carter are an interesting team down there. Seth Rollins and Richie Steamboat are touring with the main roster, two gifted young talents who have teamed together, why not team them on the main roster for a while? You also have some good talent on the main roster (Drew McIntyre, Ted DiBiase, Mason Ryan, Evan Bourne (when he returns), Alex Riley) who are doing nothing but jobbing. Allow these guys to get some air time and exposure by giving them a storyline and making them teams. I think Michael McGillicutty and Ted DiBiase would make a good one. Pair McIntyre and Ryan or Cesaro, two European guys with Regal and make them a team. Until WWE does this the tag team division will remain dead regardless of how many Fatal 4 Way, Triple Threat whatever matches they try and promote quickly.

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