Controversy Archive


Dark Match Winner
So i was watching some old content and interviews about wrestling, Some Off the Records, Some kayfabe interviews and some shoot interviews. An idea suddenly hit me. We (as a community) LOVE to read about controversy backstage. So why not relive some of the controversy from the past?

This idea will only work if we all together provide storys and sources. I hope you will all contribute and give a nice archive for this website to make it even more popular.

I will add all of the posts up to this main post if they are true and have sources. Please help me make this the best Wrestling Controversy Post on the internet.

So here is me starting it off (I will add more later.)

Story #1 | 2004.
Bob Holly gets in trouble for severely stiffing a new and young talent.

If anyone can provide a link to both or either Holly stiffing said talent and Fit Finlay I will link it up here.

Story #2 | 2009
Mr Kennedy released for unsafe working. <- Shows both bumps.

Story #3 | 2006
Paul Heymen walks from WWE after ECW PPV Dispute.

Story #4 | 2002 - Credit to AwesomeRko
The Plane Ride From Hell.
It turns out I can't edit my posts more than 3 times. So I will have to rely on you guys just posting it in comments.
anyone who think Bob "Hardcore" Holly's actions was controversial, doesn't understand the business.

Case #1: Matt Capotelli-It occurred on the season of Tough Enough that Matt & John "Morrison" Hennigan won. As a trainer, it is Holly's job to prepare them for what they may face in the business. He was showing him the stuff he, as well as a lot of wrestlers, had faced from veterans when they broke into the business.

Caase #2: Rene Dupree-The infamous "House Show Black Eye" incident. The Old School way is if you wronged anyone, you are owed a "receipt". its either serve your sentence this way or Wrestlers Court in the locker room with APA as prosecutors & Undertaker as judge/Jury. Dupree had been travelling with Holly. he was driving Holly's rental car and got a number of traffic tickets and never financially compensated Holly. So Holly worked stiff on a house show and blackened his eye.

When Styles showed up the following Monday for the Slammy's, the crowd knowing what he had done serenaded him JOEY chants. So Joey aknowleged the crowd with OH MY GOD! he knew why they where chanting his name so why not aknowledge it because it really was an OH MY GOD! moment. Who would have thought that little Joey Styles would knock JBL the fuck out. it was like Craig hitting Deebo with a brick.

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