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Conspiracy Theory: Vince Sabotaging Triple H?


The internet wrestling community is abound with various conspiracy theories. Hardly any of them have any weight to them and this one probably doesn't either. Like most conspiracy theories, there happens to be a pretty loose set of circumstances that can be string together to make a somewhat cohesive, albeit it unlikely, "what if" type of situation.

Perhaps the most common complaint in WWE over the past 3 or 4 months has to do with how the main roster is booked when compared to the developmental roster in NXT. In NXT, there are simple, cohesive storylines that are easy to become invested in. On the main roster, it seems that Vince changes his mind every other day. For instance, it's reported that Vince tore up the Raw script for this past Monday's show about 3 p.m. and all but rewrote it himself. In NXT, just about everything on the show happens with some sort of purpose. Not everything is epic or grand, but it's not done just for the sake of doing it. On the main roster, we've seen a very noticeable uptick in "sports entertainment" themed and/or 3 minute matches, the purpose of which seems to be primarily to fill up air time.

Wrestlers brought to the main roster from NXT have been sort of hit & miss. I know, understand and agree with the simple fact that not every wrestler can "make it" to the top. However, it's strange to see some promising talent from NXT brought to the main roster and used questionably:

Big E displayed a good deal of personality and charisma in NXT and was the 2nd NXT Champion. He comes to the main roster, however, and is assigned to be the silent, one dimensional bodyguard of Dolph Ziggler. Vince does sometimes engage in using stereotypes to define wrestlers. In Big E's case, he saw a big, strong, muscular powerlifter and Big E was saddled with what Vince McMahon feels is the proper way for such a character to be.

Bray Wyatt is among the most original characters WWE has had in a long time. Thankfully, they kept what made Wyatt work on the main roster, yet Wyatt has lost some steam that he hasn't yet regained because Vince fed him, Harper & Rowan to John Cena. There were ways to make Wyatt & Cena both look strong, yet Vince insisted on Cena looking as strong as possible, to the detriment of the entire Wyatt Family.

The Ascension are the most dominant tag team in NXT and probably will be the most dominant in NXT's history for a while. They made their debut on Raw last week and have immediately been labeled as a rip off of The Road Warriors because of slight tweaks to their look and mannerisms. I find it difficult to believe that Vince couldn't see the parallels that'd be drawn between the teams. The Ascension was fine the way they were, so why make things all the more difficult for them by casting them in the role of Road Warrior rip offs?

Adrian Neville is reported to be the next wrestler called up to the main roster. Neville has been a strong force in NXT, was in some of the best matches in the whole of WWE in 2014, had a meaningful run as NXT Champion and is the most intriguing high flyer WWE has seen in years. Yet, there are reports that Neville will be brought to the main roster with a character inspired by Mighty Mouse, basically Superman if Superman was a mouse. The character hasn't been remotely relevant since the late 1980s, it's outdated, it's behind the times, it's a cartoon, it's...well, the idea practically has Vince's name all over it.

As I said, there's no way to prove any of this as a fact. It's just a number coincidental happenings that just happen to have a ring of truth to them to one degree or another. It does make you wonder a little bit though when you take into account how big Vince's ego and apply the very real possibility, some would say probability, that Vince is truly out of touch with modern fans now in the same way his rival wrestling promoters were in the 1980s. Is he egotistical enough to be resentful that Triple H, his son in law, someone that he's taken under his wing for the better part of 15 years, MIGHT have his finger on the pulse of fans the way Vince once did? It does make you think a little bit.
I don't think that this has anything to do with a bitterness toward Triple H, but I could see why Vince just wouldn't "get" what's happening with NXT.

I'm sure Vince watches NXT and feels its too old school, not glitzy or polished enough, and sees the main stars as undersized indie workers who could never be his vision of high card WWE guys. Therefore he sees the product as vastly inferior to the main roster product that more closely resembles his vision and doesn't get how others are perceiving the situation as the opposite.

And I'm sure he figures that once he gets his hands on these superstars he'll package them in what he feels is their best way to get over, which will eventually sabotage them, and ironically confirm in Vince's mind that they were the ones who didn't have what it takes, proving to himself he was right all along.
I don't believe Vince is intentionally sabotaging Triple H, but I do believe his ego is out of control. It's always been pretty bad, but probably got worse following the death of WcW.

The reason why I don't think Vince means to mess things up is that he has given some pretty powerful pushes. Big E was the IC champ for awhile and for seemingly no reason, fans grew bored of him. I believe Bray didn't get pushed that hard because around Wrestlemania season, there wasn't a lot of room for dominant heels outside of the authority. Also, he was given too much promo time and fans started chanting 'boring'.

Even CM Punk tended to think that Triple H was the spiteful one, whereas Vince was merely out-of-touch. It makes sense, as I feel the problem with a lot of these NXT guys is Vince's preference for walking gimmicks. The Adrian Neville idea sounds AWFUL, although I've felt that Neville lacks the charisma to be a real main eventer for the main roster. Then again, I've said the same thing about Ziggler...
What I find amazing is that when Rollins, Ambrose and Reigns came up they were made into the Shield. They got some of the best booking ever, and look where they are today. McMahon even mentioned them in the podcast, saying they were the ones to watch out for. Compare that to what's happened to some of the other call ups Adam Rose, The Ascension and poor Adrian Neville, it's like night and day.

Don't think it's a conspiracy but just Vince thinking he knows better than anyone else what the fans want. Problem is he doesn't know what the fans want, judging by the ratings and crowd response at the last couple of RAW's. If HHH doesn't want to see the NXT totally ruined then he has to step up and step up quickly. Otherwise what we will see happening is these guys get themselves over in NXT and get slammed on the main roster. What's the point of having a developmental system if you're going to do that. There is no point at all. The sooner Vince takes a backseat the better, the product is in the shitter and he's the main reason for it being there.
I wouldn't put anything past Vince McMahon. He's petty, vindictive and chronically insecure. A malignant narcissist if ever there was one.

If you're a wrestling fan, you're looking forward to Vince's death. It's the only way you'll get decent programming again. It took the Kliq to smack some sense into McMahon in the mid 1990s. Brash old Steve Austin then came along, further challenging McMahon's vision of a wrestling world where Doink and Dink are prominent players. Vince has since regained control, and rendered WWE a company full of yes men. It's a dictatorship now, and only his demise will change things. It doesn't help that his ONLY star is a soulless corporate automaton who will never challenge anything he says.
Anyone who believes this theory probably wears a tin foil hat.

Vince is still in charge, and anything bad for business falls on him. I do not see him sabotaging anything.
The internet wrestling community is abound with various conspiracy theories. Hardly any of them have any weight to them and this one probably doesn't either. Like most conspiracy theories, there happens to be a pretty loose set of circumstances that can be string together to make a somewhat cohesive, albeit it unlikely, "what if" type of situation.

Perhaps the most common complaint in WWE over the past 3 or 4 months has to do with how the main roster is booked when compared to the developmental roster in NXT. In NXT, there are simple, cohesive storylines that are easy to become invested in. On the main roster, it seems that Vince changes his mind every other day. For instance, it's reported that Vince tore up the Raw script for this past Monday's show about 3 p.m. and all but rewrote it himself. In NXT, just about everything on the show happens with some sort of purpose. Not everything is epic or grand, but it's not done just for the sake of doing it. On the main roster, we've seen a very noticeable uptick in "sports entertainment" themed and/or 3 minute matches, the purpose of which seems to be primarily to fill up air time.

Wrestlers brought to the main roster from NXT have been sort of hit & miss. I know, understand and agree with the simple fact that not every wrestler can "make it" to the top. However, it's strange to see some promising talent from NXT brought to the main roster and used questionably:

Big E displayed a good deal of personality and charisma in NXT and was the 2nd NXT Champion. He comes to the main roster, however, and is assigned to be the silent, one dimensional bodyguard of Dolph Ziggler. Vince does sometimes engage in using stereotypes to define wrestlers. In Big E's case, he saw a big, strong, muscular powerlifter and Big E was saddled with what Vince McMahon feels is the proper way for such a character to be.

Bray Wyatt is among the most original characters WWE has had in a long time. Thankfully, they kept what made Wyatt work on the main roster, yet Wyatt has lost some steam that he hasn't yet regained because Vince fed him, Harper & Rowan to John Cena. There were ways to make Wyatt & Cena both look strong, yet Vince insisted on Cena looking as strong as possible, to the detriment of the entire Wyatt Family.

The Ascension are the most dominant tag team in NXT and probably will be the most dominant in NXT's history for a while. They made their debut on Raw last week and have immediately been labeled as a rip off of The Road Warriors because of slight tweaks to their look and mannerisms. I find it difficult to believe that Vince couldn't see the parallels that'd be drawn between the teams. The Ascension was fine the way they were, so why make things all the more difficult for them by casting them in the role of Road Warrior rip offs?

Adrian Neville is reported to be the next wrestler called up to the main roster. Neville has been a strong force in NXT, was in some of the best matches in the whole of WWE in 2014, had a meaningful run as NXT Champion and is the most intriguing high flyer WWE has seen in years. Yet, there are reports that Neville will be brought to the main roster with a character inspired by Mighty Mouse, basically Superman if Superman was a mouse. The character hasn't been remotely relevant since the late 1980s, it's outdated, it's behind the times, it's a cartoon, it's...well, the idea practically has Vince's name all over it.

As I said, there's no way to prove any of this as a fact. It's just a number coincidental happenings that just happen to have a ring of truth to them to one degree or another. It does make you wonder a little bit though when you take into account how big Vince's ego and apply the very real possibility, some would say probability, that Vince is truly out of touch with modern fans now in the same way his rival wrestling promoters were in the 1980s. Is he egotistical enough to be resentful that Triple H, his son in law, someone that he's taken under his wing for the better part of 15 years, MIGHT have his finger on the pulse of fans the way Vince once did? It does make you think a little bit.

I've read this three times now and can't put my finger on a solid point how his means Vince is sabotaging Triple H and for what reason.
It is not a conspiracy theory. It is fact. Vince purposely ruins RAW every week so we keep tuning in. Problem is he his living in the 80's! It made sense back in the 80's to do the exact opposite of what fans want.... but it makes no sense to do that in 2015 and Vince can't see that.

Doing the Hogan/Cena thing is NOT cool. We fans are too smart for that. Give us D-Bryan/Ziggler/Ambrose like we are screaming for instead of SuperCena and Roman reigns/Cena 2.0!
Not every single wrestler that keeps called up from NXT needs a major push, each talent has to have their role and not each talent can be top of the card, for every Randy Savage you need a Tito Santana and people like Adam Rose are their to fill that role.
Not deliberately sabotagibg but his touch is gone. It's almost like the main roster has to be WrestleMania and NXT has to be WCW or Sunday Night Heat. It's almost like Vince wiped everyone else out to kill the wrestling industry (a bit OTT but when Vince said to Austin on his podcast that WWE was 'entertainment' and not wrestling it's hard not to think that way)

As someone who watches NXT very rarely what I say might come from a bit of ignorance but what is the point of building someone up like The Ascension for instance and then change them when they hit the main roster? A bit of continuity would be good for the company.

People who saw them from the start in NXT must be thinking 'WTF happened to the Ascension? They deserve better.' At least with repackaged wrestlers like Ryback and Wyatt those characters weren't anything like Skip and Husky. If someone gets over with a gimmick or persona what's the point in changing it? What I saw from that LOD style promo by The Ascension was garbage.
For instance, it's reported that Vince tore up the Raw script for this past Monday's show about 3 p.m. and all but rewrote it himself.

That's probably a more valid concern than Vince being "out of touch with today's product." We've all had instances in school and at work in which we did a project, had second thoughts and made multiple revisions, only to find that what we had done originally worked better because it followed a more cohesive plan. This type of micro-managing could be Vince's chief problem ..... as opposed to what Triple H is doing on NXT, where the storylines are simple and direct. While Trips probably tweaks certain areas, I would think he sticks to his original gameplan, making the product easier to follow and most likely better in the long run.

As stated by others, I doubt Vince has a plan of sabotaging his son-in-law. What purpose could that possibly serve?
For instance, it's reported that Vince tore up the Raw script for this past Monday's show about 3 p.m. and all but rewrote it himself.
Then even HHH would think Vince has done good job(and vice versa Vince would think HHH has done good job because he was almost on every segment) because their viewership went up :)


And I, really, really dont know why anyone would think Vince and HHH arent same side of a stick but instead separate sides who are conflicted and why everything good that happens is asociated with HHH and everything bad with Vince. Vince is controle freak, dunno why you think NXT or anything is running past him and HHH is implementing his own ideas almost all time. And no, he has no purpose in sabotaging his own product. Let alone sabotaging somebody who he is grooming as his succesor. ;)
I don't think Vince is out to sabotage HHH but Vince is just neurotic and his entire world revolves around the company shares and if the price dips or feels something creative does is going to dip shares then he has no problem pushing HHH to the side and jumping back on the controls. It's not Vince vs HHH but Vince vs everyone as he believes only he knows what the masses want.

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