Congratulations and Thanks


Staff member
Well, that about wraps it up for the WrestleZone Posters Tournament for 2014! It has been a blast running this tournament and before I do anything else, I just want to make a couple of thanks.

Thanks, first of all, to everyone who put their name in the hat to enter. Also thanks to everyone who voted and took part; it would have been a pretty drab affair if it was just me voting on every match. And lastly, thanks to KB for providing the space to do this in and supporting it.

Which brings me nicely onto the congrats part of the post. A massive congrats to our finalists, KB and Sally for an impressive display throughout the tournament and especially in the final. A further congrats goes to this year's winner; "The People's Admin" - KB, for winning the whole thing.

It's been a blast running this thing and, who knows, maybe one day I'll do it again.

Final standings:

1st - klunderbunker
2nd - Mustang Sally
3rd - Tastycles
4th - Echelon
Great tourney, OD. Much respect.

Thanks again to all of my voters. Your tribute is accepted, and I will bestow a good harvest to each of your villages. To be voted a top 8 poster here a year after getting voted ROTY is pretty cool. If my heart grows another size I might give back that roast beast I took.
Great Tournament organised by Dave.

Congrats to the Semi-Finalists and losing Finalist,Sally and of course, the Winner, KB.

Hopefully, this can become a yearly tournament going forward,if possible...
Great job putting this thing together, Dave.

Congrats on winning KB, and congrats to you as well Sally for making it to the finals.
Indeed. I'm well aware that I got a good many votes due to reputation whereas Sally earned her spot. That's much harder than what I did.
Highly enjoyable tournament. Congrats to KB for the win as well as a congrats to Sally, Tasty, and Ech for making it to the other top spots.

Dave, you did an awesome job running this thing.
Thanks, everyone! Like I said, it has been an honour to run this thing, and hopefully KB or Sly will allow me to run it again in the future. I have a lot of ideas if they do, so keep an eye out...
Fun stuff, and congratulations to the finalists. I'll definitely be interested in this again when the time comes.
Great job Dave - how about throwing it out off the bar next year, might get contributions or even participation from the likes of JH then. JH vs IDR'd be my dream match!

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