Computer Problems

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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The main computer I use is an Asus EEE PC 900 series netbook. Today, I was lying on the floor using it. I went to respond to Mattitude Follower's question in the Ask A Forum Question thread, when all of a sudden it went *blip* and turned off. It was plugged in, and gave no sign of warning that it had low or critical battery. It's still plugged in, turned off, and the orange charge light is blinking like it does when it's charging. I can't turn it back on for more than a few seconds.

This happened a week or two ago as well, but I don't remember the exact circumstances under which it did. When that happened I went downstairs to play videogames and came back some time later. It worked fine.

So I'm thinking it had something to do with the battery getting low but the computer thought the charger was charging, so it didn't tell me about the low battery.

Any ideas?
I will try and help you but im not so sure.

My sister had a problem like this a while back, i dont know what computer it is

it had a battery problem and she had to get it changed.
That...might be it. I wanted to get another battery as to have an extra.

Even though I work on computers at my school. I wish I could help you. I mean it have a virus or maybe overheated if its kept on for a certain amount of time. But idk those are just ideas as what might of happen though.

Hope you find the problem and fix it.
It might have overheated, you never know. After all, it was on the carpet and has been on for a while now. I put it in hibernate, though, so that doesn't happen...Hmmm...
It's likely either a battery problem or a charging problem. Either way, it may just be easier to buy a new one than go through the process of trying everything that might be the solution.

I'd take the netbook to a technician and ask how much it would cost to look/fix the problem. If the answer is greater than $150, spit in his face and buy another netbook.

Or, buy a real computer.
How are you posting if the computer is on the fritz? The cell phone?

I think its the computer overheating. If there's any kind of ventilation problem it can easily damage something. I'm having a similar problem. If it stays on for too long it flickers like a tv with no signal and then restarts.
How long ago did you buy it?

I know dealing with outsourced customer service is like jumping through hoops, but it's worth dealing with if it's still under warranty.

Or like Sly said, just buy a new computer. Basic laptops are really cheap nowadays, and are much better than netbooks.
I love my netbook. It's a really small laptop. I've gotten too used to it, anyway.

I got it over the Summer. The charging light has calmed down now, so I'm hoping things are all right. It seems to be working now...

And, we have a regular computer, Robert.

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