Complete Fourth Round Results


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Chicago Region

Sting b. Jushin Thunder Liger 67-25
Shawn Michaels b. Randy Savage 76-63

Toronto Region

The Undertaker b. Goldberg 63-50
John Cena b. The Rock 71-70

Tokyo Region

Chris Benoit b. Ricky Steamboat 56-35
Ric Flair b. Eddie Guerrero 58-35

Mexico City Region

Chris Jericho b. Vader 66-46
Steve Austin b. Andre the Giant 76-34

Final 8 Man Tournament

Sting vs. Shawn Michaels

The Undertaker vs. John Cena

Chris Benoit vs. Ric Flair

Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin
So in other words, of the final 8 we have two former winners, three former runners up, and the weakest of the names is Benoit.

Not fucking bad.
Cena, the face of his generation, against a glorified transitional champion?

I like The Champ's chances.
Nope. This is a one night tournament a la King of the Ring. The idea is three stages of the tournament: standard wrestling, gimmick wrestling, endurance wrestling. You have to be good at all three to win.
Well, I'd substitute Taker for Hogan, and Jericho for *shudders* Vader, but to be honest thats not exactly ground breaking either
If I have my way it'll be Benoit vs 'Taker/Cena (I haven't decided who I'm voting for in that match yet). I wont have my way though.
Cena vs. Austin is the best final we can get out of this. I might even hear arguments for Austin there. Maybe.
Undertakers already won it hasnt he? Plus he's really boring, should be Sting/Cena vs Austin I think
Here should be the Final Four

Here will be the Final Four

I actually want a Cena/Sting final. Should be most interesting.
Even though Michaels > Sting, and Sting is my second favorite wrestler.

Matches start Saturday and will be going 5 days instead of 4 mind you.
Well I stopped caring lol. Sting or Cena v Austin for the final seem to be the direction this is headed in.
Sting should win but Shawn is totally riding the "He just retired so he's the greatest ever" wave right now. He should have lost to Savage last round
The biggest disappointment of round 4 is Vader losing to Jericho. Vader vs. Austin would have been sweet.

HBK vs. Sting is another dream match. Taker vs. Cena is a future mania main event. Both should be close.

Bye Bye Benoit.

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