Compare the 'spot'

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
Over the years, millions of 'spots' have taken place within a wrestling ring. Some have taken our breath away, others haven't had quite the same effect. Some of which will be replayed forever. And I was at work today, bored out of my mind, and was thinking over some classic 'spots' from years ago. And two that really stood out in my mind were Mick Foley being thrown from Hell in a Cell at King of the Ring 1998 and Shane McMahon's death-drop at Backlash 2001.

I'm sure many people will disagree with me but these two spots truly stand-out, purely down the physical sacrifice that was undertaken to pull them off. Both are amazing in their own way, but I believe their legacy is influenced by the time period they were done. Let me explain.

When Mick Foley was thrown off the top of Hell in a Cell, this was (at the time) probably the most ridiclous 'spot' of all time. It came at a time where this sort of high-risk wrestling wasn't nearly as rare as it is now. It paved the way for the risk-takers of today, and people getting thrown off the top of Ladders through a half dozen tables is actually fairly standard now. Not in 1998. Sure, wrestling had become more dangerous with the inclusion of more 'extreme' weapons but this set the standard. It remains one of the most replayed moments in wrestling history.

Now this is where Shane McMahon's death drop comes into play. In terms of height, McMahon's fall blows Mick's out of the water. That had to be at least 50 feet he fell. The sight of Shane falling from the top of the set remains one an 'oh my god, what the fuck!' moment of the past 20 years. Awe-inspiring, and done by a guy who in all due respect, shouldn't ever need to do it. The balls Shane McMahon had when he was a wrestler is actually in my opinion almost second to none. That spot at Backlash was simply a 50 foot drop onto a wooden flooring. That would break most people in half but Shane pulled that off and lived to tell the tale. But the problem is, people hardly remember this moment. Because in 2001, people putting their bodies on the line was a standard part of any match. It almost meant nothing when someone got thrown off a 20 foot ladder, and crashed landed through several wooden tables. Whilst in 1998 as I have said, this sort of thing was extremely rare (if infact none-existent).

These two spots, obviously are amazing, dangerous and in many respects life threatening. Even with a softened (to an extent) landing, the eternal injuries that both Mick and Shane could of attained were huge. You don't just fall from a height, onto wood, without hurting yourself badly (as Mick proved). So which do you think is the better spot? For me, personally, whilst Shane jumping off the top of the set was insane, for sheer 'innovation' so to speak, Mick Foley's spot at King of the Ring is one of the my favourite bumps ever. Literally, it just screams violence. The sheer brutality on the body would of looked more at home in a blockbuster action flick, not live on PPV where 10 year old kids could watch and think they could do the same. Simply unreal.
Shane-O-Macs without a doubt. Foley has endured that kind of abuse throughout his career. Shane, as you stated shouldn't have had to take those falls. He lived the privy life and enjoyed the silver spoon. Shane came out of the McMahon spotlight and took on his OWN spotlight. Whenever Shane was in the ring it was almost the Shane-O-Mac show (in singles competition).. Think about it. The diving elbow onto Test (RIP), the drop kick off the ambulance onto Kane, the Backlash fall just to name a few. Shane, like many superstars sacrificed his body for the company he loved. The only difference, the superstars were paid to that that IMO back then, and Shane came out on his own and decided to become a star taking all those risks.

Not taking ANYTHING away from Mick his fall was insane too but Shane to me is the winner of this Comparing the Spot section.
Ahh Shane o'Mac anyday! The guy is nuts! Like you say,has no need or financial reasons to risk his ass,he just wanted to do it to put on a hell of a show and give the fans a tre 'moment'.

I think hes done that huge fall a few times.The origins of it were surely the moment at Summerslam (2000 I think) in a hardcore match with Steve Blackman,when Blackman knocked him off the edge of the titantron with a kendo stick.Then the big one at Backlash agaist Big show (last man standing I think) then I know he did it at least once more,I think it was against Kane,coming off the front of the tron but Kane moved,actually looked like a really rough bump he took and was stretchered away.Cant for the life of me remember where or when that was.

But I also agree that any time Shanes been in the ring he becomes a must-see star.For what reasons im not sure,but I know this:If it was annonced that Shane McMahon was going to be at Mania 27,Id be a whole lot more interested,because you know somethings gonna go down.

(Rock,dont disappoint us,turn on Cena,help Cena whatever,just do SOMETHING)

BUt yeah,Shanes spots were unbeatable! I remember a 6 man tag at Judgment day I think,when Undertaker chokeslammed him from the top rope through the announcers table,that was crazy.
Ill go with micks fall from the cell, only because i was there live so i am biased, shanes was awesome unfortunately the replay shows he was never at an angle to actually really land on kane and that kinda ruined it for me because it was so obvious that it was fake, not to take away from that spot though
Hand down Shane-O-Mac for the very reasons described already... This is the same guy who took a very popular move of Rob Van Dam's and used it on his own father and that's the "Van Terminator" corner-to-corner dropkick into a garbage can... An honorable mention, for me, is Wade Barrett. He hasn't done anything death defying but he did take John Cena's 23-chair salute a couple of months back...
Ahh Shane o'Mac anyday! The guy is nuts! Like you say,has no need or financial reasons to risk his ass,he just wanted to do it to put on a hell of a show and give the fans a tre 'moment'.

I think hes done that huge fall a few times.The origins of it were surely the moment at Summerslam (2000 I think) in a hardcore match with Steve Blackman,when Blackman knocked him off the edge of the titantron with a kendo stick.Then the big one at Backlash agaist Big show (last man standing I think) then I know he did it at least once more,I think it was against Kane,coming off the front of the tron but Kane moved,actually looked like a really rough bump he took and was stretchered away.Cant for the life of me remember where or when that was.

But I also agree that any time Shanes been in the ring he becomes a must-see star.For what reasons im not sure,but I know this:If it was annonced that Shane McMahon was going to be at Mania 27,Id be a whole lot more interested,because you know somethings gonna go down.

(Rock,dont disappoint us,turn on Cena,help Cena whatever,just do SOMETHING)

BUt yeah,Shanes spots were unbeatable! I remember a 6 man tag at Judgment day I think,when Undertaker chokeslammed him from the top rope through the announcers table,that was crazy.

Unforgiven I believe it was. Also a last man standing match. I remember that match incredibly well. They were begging Shane not to do it (the announcers were as always hyping it up) and man did it deliver. That really did look rough looked like the stage didnt totally break and his head smacked it. Looked like he could have possibly suffered major whiplash. But again thats why Shane deserves this one because he didn't grow up dreaming to be a pro wrestler. But he still paid the major dues that all of the other wrestlers paid and then some. I think Foley and MAYBE Orton's spot against Cactus/Foley where Foley tossed Randy off the stage (that did look rough too) should all be included in the top 10 "holy s*it" moments of the WWE.
First off I would like to say that these are two great picks. Shane O Mac was excellent. Mick could have died though! Twice! The force of Micks weight and the sound and the ppl standing all at once in Mellon Arena will stand out in my mind as possibly the greatest bump ever! The fact that he continued the match was something ONLY Mick Foley could have done.

Shane O Macs was definately a Holy Shit moment for me as well. Falling 50 feet on your back takes balls. He just let go and said fuck it! I mean, he was higher than Giraffe pussy when he fell!:worship:

Most of all, please for the love of spots, do NOT mention Wade Barrett. This was possibly one of the stupidest and fakest spots I have ever seen. Barrett felt nothing under that piece of wood. Bad idea, it looked fake, it was fake and should have never been done. Take the wood away (which took all the chairs) and then, yeah, I'd be impressed. This idea should have never left the creative round table.:banghead:
I am going to say Mick Foley's. It is the most spectacular fall I have ever seen in wrestling.

The shock of seeing Taker toss Foley off the cell, and the impact he made when his twisting body hit the table is something I will never forget. I had never seen anything like it, and still haven't to this day.

Shane's fall was probably even more dangerous, but on camera is was alot harder to see. The camera shot of Foley hitting the table is iconic. Not only that but Mick got up and went back to the top of the Cell with a dislocated shoulder and carried on the match, that took serious balls.

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