
Community got renewed for a 5th season! Hope the new season isn't another jack off fan service season for season 3 converts. Season 4 was devoid of its own identity and felt more like a fan-made reply to Dan Harmon than anything.

Critics that were 'converts' to Community due to season 3's Remedial Chaos Theory tries to paint everything good about community about that episode. I guess the big shots took that as a sign and made season 4 all about appealing to fans of season 3. While season 3 isn't bad, the true heart of Community is in the earlier two seasons. The overemphasis on themes in season 3 really killed any development in other areas of the show.
I guess I can live with the renewal. On the positive side of things, it means NBC is still in such shambles that niche products like Community can survive for an extended period. I can't complain about that. Now bring on Hannibal season two!

On the other hand, a lot of this season hasn't worked for me. Most of the material that played to the oddest excesses of the Harmon era fell flat for me. I hope Guarascio and Port find their own voice next season rather than continue to chase the magic that was Dan Harmon's lunacy at its best (Yes: I'm implying that there was a worst, as Harmon had a tendency to take things too far into left field at times).

Season finale worked for me though. I normally don't go for such hardcore "darkest timeline" nonsense, but that episode clicked with me. Abed-centric scenes filled with knowledge only he would have appearing in Jeff's dream made no sense, but the episode made me laugh. That in itself is a victory this season. I can't deny it: Evil Annie was just plain funny. Allison Brie killed it in that episode. Or maybe I just like looking at her. Maybe.

The only other bright spots I can recall from throughout the season were the Jeff-Pierce scenes in the barber shop, the Freaky Friday stuff (Annie reacting to the Dean's Jeff was a great bit), and the Christmas episode. Why am I telling you this? I dunno. But it feels good to get it off my chest.
Ye good last episode. That felt almost like the Community of old. Has it been given a next season? Hope so. The show had some amazing, near flawless episodes and maybe some of that can be achieved again, good end.
In what way was this episode like Community of old? Really curious. The old Community was more nudge nudge wink wink fan service than the blatant fan service of evil timeline we see here. The old Community would never resort to a cop out of having the episode played out in somebody's mind without it having any bearing on the other characters. (except that ONE great episode)

I hate it that people think this is Community of old. The bodyswitching or Sophie B Hawkins episode were more Community than the season finale. This episode was simply pandering to the fans that only like the show for the gimmicks. And after reading a few critics review, I can understand why because almost all were 'almost gave up on the series until Remedial Chaos Theory made me a fan'.
In what way was this episode like Community of old? Really curious. The old Community was more nudge nudge wink wink fan service than the blatant fan service of evil timeline we see here. The old Community would never resort to a cop out of having the episode played out in somebody's mind without it having any bearing on the other characters. (except that ONE great episode)

I hate it that people think this is Community of old. The bodyswitching or Sophie B Hawkins episode were more Community than the season finale. This episode was simply pandering to the fans that only like the show for the gimmicks. And after reading a few critics review, I can understand why because almost all were 'almost gave up on the series until Remedial Chaos Theory made me a fan'.

Wasn't the "Community of old" all about the school (the classes, Chang, debate team), Will they/Won't they Jeff and Brita?, and what's the deal with this Abed guy?

I think Community has never been subtle. Pretty much from the original paintball through season four (I haven't seen the finale yet), it has been very clear that they were doing something different, a lot of gimmicks and parodies. I think you romanticize the first three seasons too much. This season has been very much in line with two and three, some things don't work but most do and everything is better than the crap every other sitcoms are putting out there. If folks didn't know the Harmon drama, they would never notice a difference between four, two and three.

I've said it before, if they can just get a couple cushy syndication spots (TBS, WGN etc.) they could build an audience to carry them a couple more seasons.
Wasn't the "Community of old" all about the school (the classes, Chang, debate team), Will they/Won't they Jeff and Brita?, and what's the deal with this Abed guy?

I think Community has never been subtle. Pretty much from the original paintball through season four (I haven't seen the finale yet), it has been very clear that they were doing something different, a lot of gimmicks and parodies. I think you romanticize the first three seasons too much. This season has been very much in line with two and three, some things don't work but most do and everything is better than the crap every other sitcoms are putting out there. If folks didn't know the Harmon drama, they would never notice a difference between four, two and three.

I've said it before, if they can just get a couple cushy syndication spots (TBS, WGN etc.) they could build an audience to carry them a couple more seasons.
They were always brash, but the humour had a mix of subtleness and in your face mix that made for good repeat viewings. The gimmicks and parodies were great, but they were not the be all and end all of the episodes. This season, it felt like the gimmicks were planned first, and then any stories were a filler afterthought. As I already mentioned, they would never have used the cop out that it was all inside Jeff's head to explain away the illogical path the final episode had taken.
I like how they somewhat addressed had a nod to Six Seasons and a Movie on the show. That's what I'm hoping for.

I'm usually great at TV shows, meaning if I like it to begin with, I can immerse myself into the world and accept whatever happens as "reality", and in the end, whether I like what happens or not, I can be sure I've at least enjoyed it.

That being said, I hate most TV shows. Lol

But I LOOOOOOOVE Community, and can't see myself not liking even ONE episode. I'm still hoping they get Harmon back and think it sucks the way things ended with him, but on the plus side so far I haven't felt like it's a completely different show or anything.

I have one "Greendale High" shirt and and "Annie Adderall" shirt, and I can say with absolute 100% confidence that I would literally, actually, FOR REALS murder an innocent person for just one kiss from Annie.

I guess we can all be grateful she's just a character on a show then, hahahaha!

I like how they somewhat addressed had a nod to Six Seasons and a Movie on the show. That's what I'm hoping for.

I'm usually great at TV shows, meaning if I like it to begin with, I can immerse myself into the world and accept whatever happens as "reality", and in the end, whether I like what happens or not, I can be sure I've at least enjoyed it.

That being said, I hate most TV shows. Lol

But I LOOOOOOOVE Community, and can't see myself not liking even ONE episode. I'm still hoping they get Harmon back and think it sucks the way things ended with him, but on the plus side so far I haven't felt like it's a completely different show or anything.

I have one "Greendale High" shirt and and "Annie Adderall" shirt, and I can say with absolute 100% confidence that I would literally, actually, FOR REALS murder an innocent person for just one kiss from Annie.

I guess we can all be grateful she's just a character on a show then, hahahaha!

Annie as a character isn't my type, but Alison Brie the actress is. She is just so funny and spontaneous and also very very hot.
I have one "Greendale High" shirt and and "Annie Adderall" shirt, and I can say with absolute 100% confidence that I would literally, actually, FOR REALS murder an innocent person for just one kiss from Annie.

LOL. Dude, you don't have to even THINK of going that far to get a kiss from "Annie" Alison Brie.

She's basically a floozy. :p

You're on a wrestling forum ... you are familiar with AJ Lee? Ya. She's probably like that. Just wait your turn and you'll get it.
Annie as a character isn't my type, but Alison Brie the actress is. She is just so funny and spontaneous and also very very hot.

I love both so I agree with that last bit xD Also, thanks for the video, it made my day :'-) She got so much stuff on the internet it's hard to keep up with xD

LOL. Dude, you don't have to even THINK of going that far to get a kiss from "Annie" Alison Brie.

She's basically a floozy. :p

You're on a wrestling forum ... you are familiar with AJ Lee? Ya. She's probably like that. Just wait your turn and you'll get it.


Someone hold me back, HOLD ME BACK

*tips over lamp*


... but on the other side I'm glad you think I can wait my turn and get it xD thank you :'-)

I know this D:

I'm sorry brah it's all good it's all good XD

I apologize for my harsh reaction. Here is a sweatshirt with Annie on it as my apology gift.

... Ok I'll stop now xD

Side note; They DID make paintball cool again! That last episode ruled :o

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