Come to school handicapped, kids!

Fundraiser at school gone wrong. Heres the gist of it.
  • School to hold 'disabled' dress-up day
  • Prizes for "best dressed with a disability"
  • Advocate says fundraiser is in "poor taste"
Its newsletter stated: "There will be prizes for the best students dressed as a person with a disability. Get your thinking hats on and see what disability you can represent!"

The well-meaning idea has missed the mark, with one disbelieving parent saying she had spoken to other parents who were also bemused by the concept, wondering how they were meant to dress their child.

Principal Barrey Niven said the idea had been to raise student awareness of what it is like to cope daily with a disability but the idea had not been conveyed well in the newsletter.

The intention of the fundraiser, devised by the school's Student Representative Council, had been for students to come in with a bandaged arm or leg, he explained. He said a new letter would be sent to parents explaining the idea more clearly.

Paralympic gold medallist Matt Cowdrey said while he was sure the school's intentions were good, he didn't "think this is the best way to raise attention".

"People with disabilities want to be treated and should be treated no different to anybody else in the community," he said.

Disability advocate David Holst said the dress-up day was in poor taste and there were better ways to create awareness.

"You can understand it's with good intent, but it is trivialising some serious issues and is the worst in poor judgement and poor taste," he said.

"There are numerous agencies and associations that have regular contact (with schools) ... that could involve them in a much more positive way.",27574,25412218-1246,00.html
yeah, we australians. We're not good with stuff.
This is what happens when you live in the most Southern part of the most Southern country in the world...
It seems like it COULD be a good idea if you could just find a good way to go about it that isn't condescending and in poor taste. I just don't know how you'd do that...

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