Cole Cheapshots Jim Ross

i think you have to much time on your hands... i watched raw live in the Uk and picked up nothing on this... its just a typical Micheal Cole throw away comment..... cant believe you have 3 pages on this so far.....
Oh whoop, big deal, wanna fight about it? [/family guy]

Seriously though, who gives a flying fuck that Michael Cole gave a cheap shot to Jim Ross for a brief couple of seconds of the broadcast where the commentators were doing their usual personal chat on the mic? It's not like Cole said TNA or Chris Benoit on live television. Even so, Ross will always be better than Cole in the announcers seat no matter how hard Cole tries. So something like this should be just kept as an attempt at humour... something like a sarcastic laugh, perhaps?

If I were you, I'd focus on the match if the commentators start talking shit, which, of course, depends on the person and their definition of shit-talking.
This sounds like another case of people making a big deal out of nothing. But, this is the internet so someone has to make a mountain out of a molehill at least a couple of times a week or it just won't feel like the net. People made a huge deal out of JR being replaced in the opening video for Raw even though Jim Ross himself said in his blog that it's really no big deal and that he felt it was time to update the thing anyhow. If JR had a problem with it, he would have said as much so I never saw what the big deal was anyhow. I also wish that Jim Ross would come back as commentator but, as he's also said in his blog, he loves the idea of not traveling across the country and world week after week now. JR has moved on for now, so I think it's high time that we do the same thing.

As for Cole's comments, I've little doubt it may have been something of an attempt to get under the skin of the IWC. Michael Cole has been playing the IWC like a cheap fiddle for the past 5 or 6 months and I've gotten a kick out of it. There've been reports of Michael Cole "turning heel" for a while now. If that is the case, it's taken a while to do it but I don't mind that at all. A slow build up is something that the WWE has gone back to in 2010 and I'm glad. If you watch NXT, Cole comes across as a mean spirited asshole, particularly to internet fans, and it's a definite improvement over what he has been doing.
I wouldn't look to deep into this if I were you. Vince is know to feed lines through the headsets and since Cole already draws heat as it is, I'm sure Vince had him say it. Cole will never be at JR's level, so there's a chance that he meant to say it on purpose, but who knows. Give it a week or so and see if Cole keeps saying things like this.
I know this seems to be kinda a gray area, but I'm gonna go with those that said this comment was Cole's inability to read a script, or listen to the voice in the earpiece properly. As also indicated by the line "I've received another from the anonymous general manager."

Look, we all know Cole has his faults, and I am also guilty of faulting him too. But between him and King, of course King's gonna knock on him and chances are the 'net community and majority of wrestling community will too for those who were happy with the chemistry that was on-screen with JR and King. Now we all know ULTIMATELY every little thing about the shows are decided upon by the ever ubiquitous Mr. McMahon, why else is he the Chairman? Anyways, we know those earpieces aren't there to make them look pretty. We know its because its a feed for the higher ups to give them little bits to run with. Unfortunately, its not 100% if the bit will succeed, especially given that RAW is a live tv show.

I'm sure even if Cole were to probably apologize, it will still be "He was told to say that" or "Someone told JR" we can debate that all we want. The truth is, until one of us is in that position to be calling the matches, with someone telling you in your ear what to say, when to say, how to say it, we probably shouldn't judge if it was a potshot, or maybe just someone who just followed a bad lead.
That's my :twocents: on that.
Well stuff is fed through the headset. But sometimes stuff can be said off the cuff obviously. It is not exactly hidden about the 'rivalry' him and JR had/have and the desire to replace JR with Cole but Cole never quite cutting it as a JR replacement.
Did anyone else notice this when they watched Raw last night. During the Jericho/Cena VS Miz/Sheamus match Cole starts talking about egos. Cole said, sorry its not a exact quote but something along the lines of.

"King you know something about Egos"

where King responded with

"Yeah I sit next to you every night, you have the biggest ego I know."

The Cole responded with "I was talking about your time sitting next to JR".

Anyone else notice that? If you did what was your take on it?

I find Cole to be pretty annoying actually. I try to tune him out an focus on whats going on in the ring. Thats kind of hard to do when Khali or the Divas are in the ring. Granted the Divas are really hot, they are just not that good.

Nope musta missed it to be honest, but then again Cole could say that he wanted to fondle my mother and I probably wouldn't catch it.

He will never be half as good as JR.
I really don't get what everybody problem is with Cole other than their love for JR who is one of the best announcers of all time but they feel Cole shouldn't have took his spot. I don't notice most of the annoying aspects that people point out that Cole does every week. I like it when he says Vintage and he does his job pretty well imo. If JR really didn't mak a big fuss about it, I don't see why anybody else should.
If you had actually paid attention, you would have recognized that Cole's comment was not a shot at JR, but rather an attempt to deflect the King's comment away from himself. He wasn't taking a shot at JR, as much as he was just deflecting the verbal jab King gave to Cole.

Wow, talk about reading WAY too much into a comment.

This easiest answer is usually the right one. Cole knows he has no right to say a single negative thing about Jim Ross. It would literally be bad for his career. People love J.R. and probably always will. Cole isn't really in great standing with the fans, if he is any standing with them at all. He was trying to aim a comeback at King and it failed. Definitely not a shot at Ross. Cole is just naturally unfunny and not witty.
I think this is another way of WWE trying to punish JR for attending UFC 116 or it might be that Cole's trying to be funny like LegendKiller716 said.

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