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Cody Rhodes, the student of 3 masters


Australian Heavyweight Champion
I've been watching Cody Rhodes since his debut as the son of the American dream. It seems his dad was his mentor initially, he moved up in the mid card then formed a tag team with hardcore holly, holly did show him a think or too, and taught him untill he was ready to be on his own (sadly, holly was released later on). Then mr orton, Randy orton taught him and Ted untill he, Ted and orton went there own ways.

My question do u think Cody is/will be better than Ted and orton in the end, I don't want orton marks and Ted marks having a go, just for opinions on how u fans feel,


When I first saw Cody, I thought this kid will go far. I think he will get there before Ted Dibiase actually. As long as dibiase is holding his dads belt, will he challenge for another? But for cody, he just needs to get in there and really challenge, get put into a small feud, build himself up, get into a championship match, doesn't have to win, but as long as he commits, he can have more championship matches, and when some wrestlers retire, he will be there to pick up the pieces..
Holly was a master? At being a prick maybe.

I'll say it again now just I have been saying for a while now; Rhodes to me is far more interesting than Dibiase. He has a better look in my opinion from his creepy smile to his lack of kneepads. Something about him screams natural heel. He has an old school feel to him that is very nostalgic to me. Dibiase has a gimmick. A rehash of an old gimmick at that. Not to say that seeing that Million Dollar Championship isn't awesome, it absolutely is. Hell, I'll even say that Dibiase has grown on me. He has closed the gap I saw between Rhodes and himself at least a little. Still, Rhodes just seems like a much more unique performer to me.

The road will be longer and probably harder for Rhodes than it will be for Dibiase. He won't have the gimmick to ride off of and he will have to go with his natural charisma and ring work to win people over. He'll eventually get his big break after Ted has already won a world title. That's fine by me because I see Rhodes doing just as well as Dibiase. Maybe even better. Those kinds of things are purely intuition, but I can see it. My fear is he'll be put in another tag team before he gets the chance to shine as a singles star. Even through that I can see him shining, just as I saw him being better than Dibiase while in Legacy.

Comparing him to Orton is kind of rough. Dibiase and Cody are more on the same level with eachother, whereas Orton is on his way to becoming a mega face. For Orton, it all came down to the gimmicks they gave him. You had the beloved legend killer gimmick that really allowed him to mix it up with the big boys. Then you had an incredibly dull Orton when Cena was gone and he was WWE Champion. Now he's a lightning stick of energy and one of the msot over wrestlers in the company. Rhodes will have to be booked similarly. He's going to need to be given good angles and feuds or he will fall flat. We haven't yet seen Orton's peak so it's impossible to tell if Cody will reach those unknown levels. It wouldn't surprise me at all however if he were to eventually do it.
Cody has a very bright future in front of him, so does Ted, so I have to admit I'm a little torn to where they'll put both, seeing as already Ted Dibiase is doing things on a regular basis on RAW, as opposed to Cody who's had one match, except of being allowed to resurface the next episode as well.

I'm hoping Cody will be given a feud or something soon, as I said, I see bright things in his future, as well as for Ted, I find it hard to choose between which of them I properly enjoy the most, but if I really had to, I would have to admit it'd Ted DiBiase, purely for the fact that he's actually having a "storyline" behind him, where as Cody as of now just seemed like the one guy to pop up somewhere for the sake of having a match and showing "he's still here"

But in the end, I'm excited for these guys, I think that eventually we could end up seeing these two guys as the top people of the company, beating the living shit out of eachother in classic feud after classic feud, and I'm excited to be seeing them as separate champions (United States and Intercontinental, or WWE and World Heavyweight champion, either way, it has to happen that they hold belts at the same time, just for the epic feeling of it)

I feel Cody and Ted are rather equal potential and talent wise already, but Cody is nowhere near the talent of Randy Orton just yet, he may reach the point where we're looking at the guy, like we are with Randy Orton right now (if we discredit John Cena, for just a moment)
Both Ted ans Cody in my opinionwill be top names in the wwe in years to come. While i feel that Ted will get there ahead of Cody, heck hes got a weekly spot on Raw and was in this past weeks main event, and he is apparantly goin to start the fortunate sons stable soon. While i feel Cody will become a prominant name in the coming years i think his main event status may come with a 'rub' from Ted maybe a fued between them in a couple of years could propell them both to prominant ME names.

Overall though it will only matter how Cody is booked, just look at Orton hes had a few diffrent gimmicks, as stated he was the legend killer, then dull wwe champion and is now the out of control viper. I am looking forward to seeing how Codys career will unfold over the years though.
I want to see Cody get to the ME status before Ted. I'm not sure why but I like Cody alot more, his mic skills aren't great, in fact I find them pretty bad. However, I think he is just as great a wrestler as Ted, and I think it goes way too unappreciated by the WWE Universe.

Now that Ted has his own Million Dollar Championship, I'd like to see that become a different title, a succesful one. Maybe one for Mid-Carders. I think the creative staff at WWE could think of a storyline for Cody and the Million Dollar Championship. So seeing as though Ted has his own belt, I doubt he's going to run for any titles.

With Cody drafted to SD! I think we can see who Vince favors. If Cody can get a good title reign, I'm sure he can spread his wings and really show Vince that he deserves a ME picture.
I don't see Rhodes being better than Orton. In the end, I see Orton being declared one of the greatest of ALL time.
Now Dibiase, I never understood why everyone thought Ted would go so much farther. I always saw them as equal in generally every area. I see Cody reaching a midcard title first, but as for the world title, I have no idea. It's up to whichever kisses more ass.

I know this reply basically sucks, and I'n sorry, but I'm using this to take my mind off other shit. Ultimately, Orton>Rhodes=Dibiase.
Cody is in need of a good feud and an IC title reign before he goes anywhere. I think he should have a feud with somebody like christian, somebody with experience, and can hold matches. I don't think he will be in the main event before Ted though, he is the leader of a growing stable, with the colons in the tag team division, and possibly somebody in the mid card.
Sorry for getting off track, to answer your question, Rhodes will be in the main event, but not before Ted
I see Cody in the Main Event eventually, probably in about 3 or 4 years. Currently, I see him as a midcarder who will probably wrestle every other week. I like his finisher, but other than that, I don't see much in his moveset. I think he needs kneepads. He doesn't look right without them. It looks weird. But back on topic, I think with the training he's received and the teaching that Orton, Holly, and Dusty gave him, he's bound to be successful down the road somewhere. He's good enough on the mic, and with a little more pizazz for his character and moveset, he will get to the main event sooner than later.
I was just at a House Show today and Cody Rhodes debuted a new gimmick. (The storys up on the main site now) He came off as VERY confident, I think he even said he considered himself the best looking man in the arena. He says he is the "Uncommom" Cody Rhodes, which is ironic since other then name value, he's incredibly common. Either way, I think if given the RIGHT push, Cody Rhodes could have a long future. No World Titles, but a good future regardless. Hopefully this Uncommon gimmick don't end with the ever so common "Future Endeavored".
How WWE is using orton at the moment i feel he will have no title runs for a long while. But between Ted and Cody i feel Ted will get to the top of the mountain before Cody, thats just what i feel. but that is just how WWE is using Ted, look back the last few weeks: Ted won the three draft pick battle royal, and was picked as Edges mystery partner. That and he is hiring people to watch his back. then look at cody: won agains JOMO and then lost to Christian in an absolutely awesome match. Cody is better but Ted will get to the top alot quicker.:banghead:
I hope that Cody does have a mid card title run and if he can pull that off then maybe not anytime soon he could be in a ME.But not at this point in time, and not in 3 years.Cody has the wrestling but he needs more then that.I think that Ted will reach the Main Event before him and be a world champion before him.Ted has a stronger build then Cody and I think he is better on the mic.So Ted will reach the ME before Cody but both will be in a ME in the future.

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