Cody Rhodes & Daniel Bryan - Feud A Comin'?


Of Ace Stevens fame.
First of all, if you got the Steve Earle reference in the title, congratulate yourself. Second of all, read the rest of this post.

OK, so on the consistently very good SmackDown, Cody Rhodes cut another one of his awesome promos. He was cut-off by opening notes of Richard Wagner's Ride Of The Valkyries and of course Daniel Bryan. It all looked very familiar. Cody Rhodes cuts a promo, a face comes out and gets beaten in nothing more than a squash. But no, it wasn't to be. In a very entertaining TV match, Bryan caught out Rhodes and put him in the LeBell Lock to get the win. At this point, being the huge Daniel Bryan mark that I am, I got up out of my chair and fist-pumped. Rhodes then viciously attacked the submission specialist and placed a paper bag on his head.

After this event, all factors appear to point to a Rhodes/Bryan feud. Rhodes isn't the type of character to be happy with a loss nor is Bryan the type of character to be happy with a beatdown.

I'm personally delighted about this prospective feud. It's perfect for Bryan who's been lost since losing the US Championship (or even further back to the Miz feud depending on your viewpoint) and perfect for Rhodes who can't make it into the main event scene until the "big four's" storyline develops. There could be great matches as both are two of the most talented natural wrestlers in WWE. The story could be great too. Rhodes is angry at the ugly people he sees as personified by the WWE Universe while Daniel Bryan is the uber-talented, normal looking everyman. And while Daniel Bryan is certainly no slouch on the mic, Rhodes is the perfect guy to guide him through he promos.

I see nothing but good coming from this feud for both Rhodes and Bryan. How are you feeling about this possible feud?
I am feeling the same way you are about this feud; it's going to be awesome considering that it happens. Matches like the one they had last night are the reason that I like SmackDown better than RAW. I also like that SD tends to stick to more simplistic feuds than the overbearing ones over on RAW. I think this could be a simple feud storyline-wise, much like the one that Mysterio and Jericho had in 2009. The WWE did a great job of making sure that both Bryan and Rhodes came out of last night looking strong.

I'd like to see Cody Rhodes win a squash match on the next SD. Maybe beat Jimmy Uso or something. After the match, he will try to put a bag on the jobber's head and Bryan will run out and beat Rhodes down. This will give him revenge and can set up their match at Capitol Punishment.

I hope this will be a feud. When is the last time two midcarders had a good feud that didn't need a US or Intercontinental title? The last one I can think of is the Mysterio\Punk feud from last year, but those guys are way more credible than Bryan and Rhodes.
I've enjoyed what Cody Rhodes has been doing over the course of the past year or so. I enjoyed his "Dashing" character and I like this darker, psychologically twisted guy. He's come a long way from where he was 1.5 years ago. I like him on the mic and I like him inside the ring.

I was surprised to see Daniel Bryan get a win over Rhodes, though it was a pleasant surprise. Even though he's only gained 1 victory out of 3 matches since joining SmackDown!, he's been booked to be consistently strong since coming to the blue brand. He gave Sheamus a physical, competitive match while he was giving Sin Cara all he could handle & it was anyone's match and his victory over Cody was Bryan's first significant win in a while.

If they do decide to go down this road, which is likely considering how their match ended this past Friday, it could wind up being one of those feuds that ultimately elevates both guys.
I totally didn't expect Bryan to win that match, but when he did, I immediately thought a feud between the two could be approaching. I was even talking to my brother about the wonderful possibilities of a feud between the two.

This is good for both parties involved. Bryan hasn't really been doing much of anything for a while now, and Cody needs at least one more good feud before moving into the world title picture. Their match on Smackdown was a little rocky, but if they work at it I'm sure they'll develop some good chemistry. Cody will definitely carry the bulk of the mic work in this feud, but Bryan could do some good too. If they go through with this awesome idea, I expect big things.
This is good for both parties involved. Bryan hasn't really been doing much of anything for a while now, and Cody needs at least one more good feud before moving into the world title picture.

I agree with you on Bryan. I was worried about his future when his match with Sheamus got axed at Wrestlemania (in favor of a Dwayne Johnson promo lol).

About Cody though; I don't think he's as close to the world title scene as this board makes him about to be. He really seems like a midcarder to me, and under his old gimmick I wanted to see him as Intercontinental champion. But with this new darker, "grotesque" gimmick that he has, I don't think that he needs a title to be relevant (and having a title doesn't suit his storylines).
It could certainly be a very beneficial feud for both the parties involved. Cody has come a long way since splitting up from Legacy but he is still a bit spotty in the ring. Bryan can teach him a thig or two about ring psychology. Bryan's Achilles heel happens to be his promos where he is decent, it needs to be said, but he lacks the fluency on the mic that he has in the ring. Cody can show him the way there.

It could be the feud which keeps Cody busy till MITB where I totally expect Cody to win.
Yes, I totally agree. Another great match on Smackdown (and that's not the only great match on Smackdown this week).

Contrary to what most people feel -- that Cody Rhode is of Championship calibre, I am agreeing with amazing_blue that I didn't felt that way. To me, he is still in the upper-midcard echelons. He didn't impress me, like some other wrestler did. He has a decent skill set in his arsenal, he is quite good with the mic, and slightly more than average in the ring. You can see him getting better and better each week, but he is still not quite there yet in my opinion. I really like his current gimmick, but gimmick alone can only propel you that far, you can't depend on it.

A Code vs Daniel "feud" would be great. But keep the "feud" short. See how well Cody can work with Daniel Bryan, and then have him "feud" with another guy, and see if he can do the same. If you didn't find yourself get bored to death, then give him a title shot. Please, I really don't want another John Cena, or another Miz...
Great Match as everyone says... Whenever Daniel Bryan comes out, I just kinda kick back and smile because I do find his wrestling entertaining...

Cody Rhodes isn't touching the World Title for a while unless Orton desperately needs a heel opponent, and the Intercontinental Championship isn't coming off of Wade Barrett/Ezekial Jackson for Cody Rhodes anytime soon.

This should be a good feud should they do it, and to answer the question in the topic.. yes.. I believe they will have a feud... hopefully a PPV Match.
I'm very hopeful about his feud. The potential of these two is something that could elevate both of their careers so long as they're given time. I'm incredibly worried that they won't be given the proper time though, and even more worried that Daniel Bryan will simply be fed to Cody Rhodes like other superstars recently to help build him further. If we're lucky enough to see this go to ppv, then I will be a very happy man. I'd like to say only good could come from his, but it's not true. WWE can very easily ruin this by giving them 6 minute matches and having Cody Rhodes quickly coming out on top. I certainly don't want to see that. If that's what we're about to get, I'd rather it not happen at all.
I was pleasantly to surprised to see DBD actually pick up the win in their match on Smackdown, and also immediately thought that this might be developing into a feud. There match the other night was short, but showed that these two can be quite exciting together. The best part of this potential feud is that it will surely elevate both guys and they can work with each other to learn some new things about in ring work, mic skills, and character. DBD and Rhodes are two of the brightest young stars in the company right now and I am all for putting them together for this program if it can lead to maybe a couple quality ppv matches, which I'm sure they would do given some time.
It's no secret that I have been extremely impressed with Cody in the last year to where he is now one of my favorites. His character has grown leaps and bounds, especially since he began this disfigured gimmick and I'm sure he could teach DBD some things about how to bring that out in himself. His ring work has also improved exponentially since departing Legacy and he's easily one of the better in-ring workers on Smackdown these days.
DBD I'm excited for just to finally have something. He hasn't truly done anything meaningful since his feud with Miz and winning the U.S. title at which point he was one of the hottest things going. WWE did almost nothing with his title run until his short lived feud with Sheamus where he lost it. Since then, he has done nothing really. Bryan is clearly one of the absolute best in the ring in the world and he delivers every time he goes out there. Pairing him with another of the really good ring workers in the company will only let him shine more.

The only thing I would like to see between them is the IC title. At this point, it serves no purpose being on Wade Barrett. He should be a main eventer and is above the title, and no one really wants to see Ezekial win it anyway. It'd be much better served to be on the line in this potential Rhodes/Bryan feud to build it's credibility back up some.
I think that a Bryan and Rhodes feud woud be great because it would be something new and we know both guys can put on a good match. The problem is, would they get enough time to get this feud over and get enough time when they get to have a more important match, such as on PPV if they make it onto a card? The promos leading up to it by Rhodes would be good and we know Bryan can steal the show in the ring, so I am all for it if this could go on for a while.

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