Code of silence ?

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One of the WWEs problems are the storyline leaks that are constantly supplying the IWC with information about on going or future storylines.

I´m pretty sure the WWE has tried multiple times to prevent that from happening but somehow lots of inside information end up on various internet sites.

But TNA was able to surprise the audience multiple times for example by bringing Bobby Lashley into the company and other unexpected moves.

So what does TNA better then the WWE ? Is it maybe the only thing TNA does better ?
I would not say TNA hides things better, there not as well known as wwe. And it's easy for them to pull stuff off because not many people are watching them or at least far less than wwe. :undertaker2:
I think that the problem with the WWE and how their storylines and angles get leaked onto the internet is because they have a much larger writing staff. They have a creative team for each brand. I'm not sure how many people are in creative but something is always bound to be leaked because they have so many people and it is harder for them to go around and try and find out who leaked the storylines. So basically in the WWE it's harder to keep the storylines from leaking.Where as in TNA it's just Vince Russo, Jeff Jarret, and some other guys name that I can't remember right now. I'm not sure if Dixie Carter is involved in the creative process if so then add her to the people writing the shows and they still have a smaller writing staff than WWE. My main point is that in TNA it is easy to detect who is leaking the storylines. Even if one of the member just told another wrestler a storyline they are planning and the wrestler leaked it then it's still easy to find out which creative member did it and punish him.

And I don't think that's the only thing that TNA is better than the WWE in. They have a better tag-team division and the knockouts and the title belt are actually important and they are aloud to have good matches.
I don't know whether TNA does anything better than WWE, but they have surprised quite a few people in recent months.

It's more than likely just a matter of WWE having more people in the mix. There is a much larger board of directors in the "E" and a lot more employees overall.

Another issue may be the fact that a lot more people stick their nose in WWE's business, meaning more wrestling junkies follow their product.

TNA is able to keep everything in house... literally since they don't travel much.

If the "E" were to try a surprise signing or a surprise appearance, it really would be easy to keep it under wraps. TNA has a much tougher time since they tape shows a month at a time and used to tape bi-weekly.
TNA has fewer employees so its easier to control. WWE can't monitor all it's workers. Still many TNA storylines get leaked anyway, but they are better at keeping a secret.
WWE CAN keep things hidden when they really want the Royal Rumble return of Cena last year, and the return of Batista a few weeks ago
What I think that when the WWE hires its creative writing team, that they should do hiring/creative storylines in groups. And these groups are contracted to a "code of silence" or "sworn to secrecy" to where if ANY person of that particular group leaks out that storyline that they're working with, then all of the employees of that storyline is fired on the spot.

But then you still have the individuals now that STILL leak info, and you have ideas that are still kept to secrecy.
Like on that E60 show during a meeting you could see anywhere from 20-50 people were in the meeting where Vince was giving out future storylines and such, I mean you can just tell the WWE has way to many guys in these meetings, I kinda wonder why they need so many people, goes to show NOTHING is on the wrestlers end, its all writers and creative minds doing all the work for the wrestlers.

I dunno how its done in TNA, but I do think they have far less people writing, and maybe more stuff is done on the wrestlers end on the fly?
I can tell you with 99% certainty that in TNA it's very likely that when there is a major story development they want to keep a secret (such as Angle, Lashley etc...) there are very few people who even know what's going on. It's very likely that with both Lashley and Angle, only Jeff Jarret, Dixie Carter and Lashley/Angle respectively knew about it. TNA doesn't have a giant team of writers, so there's no need to fill everyone in. They also tape weeks in advance, so there's plenty of time for writers to work something out after a debut.

Bottom line here is that in TNA almost no one knows, where in WWE a lot of people know, so there's bound to be slips. If it were just Vince and Stephanie/Shane who knew something I'm sure it wouldn't get out...but they'd have less time to develop an idea for a larger audience and sometimes a live one.
I don't think they do it better than WWE. The only problem is that the fans want to know what is going on and will go on in the future of the the WWE. The same cannot be said for TNA. A lot of people don't really care about TNA and really could not care less about what they have planned. WWE is different because they are much bigger than TNA. I mean if you really wnated to find out anything about TNA, I'll bet you could. It's the exact same as WWE but people just don't really care enough.
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