Coco - The Hero The WZF Deserves.


Staff member
You know, I've not been around here much since I slipped into the beautiful grace of moderator retirement. I've been living one of these "lives" that I kept hearing about from happier and more fulfilled people.

Having popped my head today to check on how WZCW was coming along over the weekend, you can imagine my shock to find that WZ is electing a mod based on their popularity. Now given that most of the moderators on staff are there because someone is willing to fight for them in the Board Room, this new revolutionary election theory intrigues me.

But that's neither here nor there, to be honest. The point of the matter is that this is, to borrow a phrase, a rather "cool" idea.

I have no idea who is going to run to be a moderator. Maybe it will be the posters who have an inflated sense of self-worth. Or maybe it will be the posters that want a seat at the big boys table. Maybe it will be the posters that, like I did, wants to create a lasting legacy for themselves on this forum. Or, with a bit of luck, it will be the poster who can genuinely want to make this forum better.

I really didn't look hard enough to see who was putting themselves forward but I'm sure that Coco is. To be honest, he's the best candidate for the job. Although I might not swear any allegiance to any single party in these elections, at least Coco is telling it like it is.

Some posters will tell you how much they are going to deliver a new WrestleZone Forums experience. Some posters might even tell you how they are going to revolutionise the Forums.
Coco won't do that. He won't run tournaments until the spam sections are more diluted and more pathetic than your average Book This! show. He won't make the spam zone any better than it already is but that's because it doesn't need to be. Having retired from the staff, I quickly realised that the only place that I frequently want to read is The Bar Room and The GSD. It is the only place left on this site that keeps up to date and interesting.

I like to think that I could pick a good mod. I fought for numerous mods in the year and a bit I was a moderator. But the best mods are the ones that are committed. Maybe Coco is not going to the most active mod but he's the mod that WrestleZone Forums deserves.

Trust me when I say that Coco is the man to win this tournament. Join the cause.
If there's one thing I know about Coco after years of posting with him, it's that the man knows how to make things interesting.

That's about the best endorsement I can give, but I think it's a pretty good one.
and to think I used to like you, Dave.

Theres a handfull of people that could make what really is the most entertaining sections of the forums even more entertaining, and Coco is the frontrunner. All other mod positions will get filled eventually, by someone who is probably right for the job.

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