Co. General Manager

S'All Goodman

S'All Goodman
I have been looking through Youtube and started watching the Co GM segments from Raw in 2003 which included Bischoff and Austin. These where some of my favourite moments and it's a huge shame they finished this as early as they did.
They had great chemistry on screen even though they had problems with each other in the past which they have very much overcome and became great friends.

My question is, if you could choose a Co GM pairing for Raw who would it be and why? I think Raw is in serious need of an on screen (kayfabe) booker and it would be a nice change of pace instead of seeing The Authority control everything backstage.

You can chose from anybody past or present who still has a realistic chance or returning to an on-screen role.

I apologize if this thread is not in the correct section as it is my first ever thread. I'd really appreciate some feedback too. Cheers :)
First of all I would split brands..I know many doesn't like that idea, but I really loved when SmackDown! "was fighting" with RAW. Then I would choose for SD hmm..maybe I would stick to Teddy Long but I would make him a bit more active than he was back then and for RAW I would choose, I don't know, maybe Booker T or Jericho would be great :D or Shawn Michaels.. but that's my opinion, maybe noone will like what I wrote.

I also thought for a second about Edge & Christian being GMs for RAW together o_O but I immediately rather forgot it :D
I would like to see Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair as co GMs. I love there life long "feud" so I would enjoy seeing them disagree every week. I also think they can both still offer something in that role.

Personally I've grown tired of The Authority running the show entirely. There needs to be some balance Hogan & Flair could provide that.
There is an overwhelming sentiment against the "heel authority figure" these days. I'm not in that camp. I understand why they have someone in that position, being the straw that stirs the drink so the speak.

With the real life authority figures now actually being in charge on TV, it comes off much better then when it is just a fictional figurehead.

But if/when Triple H and Stephanie step out of their current roles, there is one guy that I think would be a GREAT GM.


Think back to the old JBL, the "wrestling god", not the guy we have on commentary now.

I'm not really a fan of the "Co-GM" thing, even when Bischoff/Austin had some good moments. I just don't like the concept of a two guys on opposite sides of the spectrum both running the same show. It may make for entertaining segments, but it just seems ridiculous that Vince would have two people with opposite "viewpoints" running HIS show.
I think having Edge and Christian as Co GM's would be great. They obviously wouldn't be making the main matches on the card, but they could seriously help the Tag Division as well as add some much needed humor to the show.

I think it would be great to see them try and pair wrestlers up with each other no matter what their chemistry. You may be surprised by some of the combinations they come up with that you actually find entertaining.

I think JBL is a great shout as a heel GM, but i wouldn't be able to enjoy it as much with having The Authority, i want to see something a little more light hearted at the moment. And it's not that i don't like HHH & Stephanie, i just think we need an alternative.
Well, first of all, if they're going to go for another "General Manager", they'd better have him separate from the Authority, inasmuch as he's not just a lackey or a yes-man. At the same time, let him have the Authority's trust that he will do what's "best for business". No better guy I can think of than either Ric Flair or HBK. They're HHH's buddies, but at the same time you know when it comes right down to it they won't be intimidated or influenced by HHH, at least not on-screen. Plus there isn't really anyone I can think of who knows more about the business and how to give the fans what they want, etc. That being said, if they were to split the brands again, it only makes sense that if you put Flair or HBK on Raw, then JBL could be perfect for Smackdown. Again, not as a lackey, but just generally a heel GM who HHH knows will do what's best for business. That's who I would go with, anyway.
OP did you forget Team Brickie: Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero as they were the last Co-GM's of Raw n SD!. But the whole GM thing is pointless right now as if you think about Corporate Kane is the Current GM as they way he can book matches for The Authority. But Co-GM;s are not needed w/o a Brand extension.

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