CM Punk's promo shoot as become a reality.

I am Mr. Excitement

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Let me explain, if you oh so remember CM Punk's promo shoot then you know that it was a very big deal. He pretty much shot the whole company down for not giving him the push he deserved and everything he asked for he now has. But who and what else has he mentioned? He mentioned John Lauranitis back in June before he even became a character on TV and now "Big Johnny" is the most hated person on WWE tv now. He also mentioned Triple H. Few weeks after Punk did his shoot Triple H came back to WWE TV as the COO. And his one is what mad me post this thread. Brock Lesnar returned and now Paul Heyman. Now don't get me wrong Brock Lesnar's return was unexpected but so was Paul Heyman. CM Punk said he was a Paul Heyman guy like Brock. Now if there is a story line later in the year with say Brock Lesnar and Heyman basically taking control over WWE tv the mastermind of it all should be revealed as CM Punk. This will start his heel turn run with him facing Austin at WM 29!!

Thanks discuss ur opinions and questions
He also said he'd make the WWE (and the title) entertaining again... :/

On topic, you're right that he has "foreseen" a lot of what has gone on since the shoot - how much of that is pure coincidence (Brock/Heyman return) we'll never know. Judging by your post you'd think that all of the pieces are firmly in place for plotlines and builds to be interesting, but unfortunately things haven't come to fruition.
It was a "worked -shoot promo" not a complete "shoot promo " meaning it was predetermined.

CM Punk mentioned these things :

John Laurinaitis : All predetermined to make John Laurinaitis an on-screen figure.

Triple-H : Later became the COO of WWE (kayfabe).

Brock Lesnar : CM Punk mentioned Brock Lesnar who few days later was announed as a playable character in WWE'12.
It's all become true because it wasn't really a shoot. WWE successfully worked the shit out of the Internet. I wouldn't be surprised if his contract wasn't really expiring either.
It was a "worked -shoot promo" not a complete "shoot promo " meaning it was predetermined.

CM Punk mentioned these things :

John Laurinaitis : All predetermined to make John Laurinaitis an on-screen figure.

Triple-H : Later became the COO of WWE (kayfabe).

Brock Lesnar : CM Punk mentioned Brock Lesnar who few days later was announed as a playable character in WWE'12.

This is probably true. It did set up a lot of future appearances from everyone mentioned (except that "Kiss ass" Hogan!). The WWE is using the internet to make storylines real. I don't like this kayfabe, reality, twitter, dirtsheet stuff that's going on right now. I liked it when wrestlers had a mystique about them and guys protected the buisness. Maybe it wasn't a coincidence that CM Punks contract ran out the day after a PPV in his hometown...
It's all become true because it wasn't really a shoot. WWE successfully worked the shit out of the Internet. I wouldn't be surprised if his contract wasn't really expiring either.

He signed a new deal at the Money in the Bank PPV when he kicked Cena's ass in Chicago.

Anyways, I call it coincidence since no-one could have foreseen Brock actually returning to the WWE in any format. I was completely shocked when he did, though I had to admit it was inevitable when he retired from UFC. I just didn't think he'd get his ass handed to him in his last couple of UFC fights, so I guess I should start expecting the unexpected now, lol.
you know what the funny thing is... after watching that promo, I don't get how Punk ends up becoming one of the top faces. He basically cut a heel promo on the fans calling them lazy and saying they won't get a real job etc. Everytime I hear that I ask why the hell did this guy get cheered so hard after and if that was really the plan or an unintended consequence they just ran with.
It's because this promo got him over with the hardcore fans, who make up a high % of pro wrestling fans in Chicago (which also happens to be his hometown). That, coupled with the insane hatred of Cena by hardcore fans, made the atmosphere at Money in the Bank beyond electric. Vince saw how over Punk was in Chicago and decided to run with it. Basically, the MitB PPV turned him face. He was the heel going into the match, but worked that match like a face since he was in his hometown.
Wait so your saying that the WWE, the same WWE who botched up The Invasion angle and countless other storylines are smart enough to think up what your saying? I think this is more wishful thinking then anything else. As fans I think sometimes we see storylines were there are no storylines and that is the case here, sorry.
First things first...

This will start his heel turn run with him facing Austin at WM 29!!
People need to stop clamoring for that. Austin isn't coming back, he doesn't have "one more match" left in him. And even if he did, it'd be a really bad match. Punk himself couldn't carry Austin to a five star match at this point. The promos and the build-up would be legendary, but the match would be awful.

He signed a new deal at the Money in the Bank PPV when he kicked Cena's ass in Chicago.

Anyways, I call it coincidence since no-one could have foreseen Brock actually returning to the WWE in any format. I was completely shocked when he did, though I had to admit it was inevitable when he retired from UFC. I just didn't think he'd get his ass handed to him in his last couple of UFC fights, so I guess I should start expecting the unexpected now, lol.
I think after, I believe, the Carwin fight, when he had that confrontation with Taker, the seeds were planted for an eventual return. Long before the losses to Cain and 'Reem.
Sounds too good to be true, WWE creative haven't been able to even get Y2J's return right. Also Brock's contract was done a while ago, there is a good chance it may have been sounded out in the WWE boardroom. The length of time we're talking about, though, would mean there wasn't enough to plan it out. Besides WWE are so impatient it would have happened already.
It's funny how things work in wrestling, or for that matter, any other business. You never know what's going to take off. Who would've guessed that Punk's throwaway mention of John Laurinaitus would wind up being the most impactful part of that promo? Laurinaitus, of all people. A backstage exec with no onscreen role whatsoever. A year later he's the central character in WWE.

But the OP is right. Everything Punk talked about has come to pass, and not just the return of HHH. WWE has actively pursued 'smart' fans, pushing Punk and Bryan, embracing Cena's boos, Zach Ryder, Paul Heyman... That promo truly did change the landscape of WWE.
I doubt they will make CM Punk heel. But i love the idea of it. I have a feeling CM Punk is becoming the next John Cena. By that i don't mean wrestling wise, we all know you can't really compare the two. But a long title reign, chasing the WWE title over and over again, and being pushed as a top star. Which i don't have anything wrong with, he's more deserving than most. Although i see fans reacting negatively towards this because it almost always happens after a while. Once a superstar gets pushed so much fans get sick of it and want something new. Turning him heel sooner or later would be for the best if they want to keep the crowd emotionally attached to Punk instead of losing interest. And the sooner he turns heel the more relevance it will have.
well let me be the first to say (imo) CM Punk will be turning HEEL.. sooner than Later.. and go On to be one of the BIGGEST, Most Hated of all time..because in REAL LIFE he truly feels that He IS BETTER THAN (most) of US.. any1 who is truly "straight edge" does...

its so so Simple too.. all Punky has to do is act like He played "US" the whole time and "we" bought it.. Much like his heel turn in 05 in ROH...

this will happen..imo. just when & how vary..

ne 1 agree??

Punk is not going heel. He's to over. They invested alot into his character and he needs to remain the top guy for business purposes. He's the hottest commodity they have. Punk as a face = money. Punk as a heel = what else is on TV?

To answer the slightly off topic question............Austin does not have 1 more match left in him as a singles guy; tag team, yes. I would love to see after the RR, a build up of Punk vs a stable sort of like Foley vs Evolution and have WM be Punk/Austin vs ????? This way the fans get what they want, and VKM gets his super buy rate.
I agree. Not necessarily with the fact that it will be a Heyman, Lesnar, and Punk stable, but the fact that he will/should turn heel. Many wrestlers turn from face to heel and back to face, but can you think of any superstar(s) that you seriously hated while they were a heel, or that you didn't hate but you knew that no one on the roster could be as good of a heel as they were at that time? Punk and Edge were best when they were heels, hands down. Though I would prefer Punk as the sort of Anti-hero he was when he did the shoot. He was getting pops and cheers but he was also dissing the fans while he was dissing other competitors, perfect mix to make him the anti-hero.
He also said he'd make the WWE (and the title) entertaining again... :/

come on. hearing him yell 'im flying!' as he delivered a closeline from the top rope was incredibly entertaining to me. i had to find a clip of it online after i noticed it and replay it over and over again.

but i agree. i wish he did that more
come on. hearing him yell 'im flying!' as he delivered a closeline from the top rope was incredibly entertaining to me. i had to find a clip of it online after i noticed it and replay it over and over again.

but i agree. i wish he did that more

When was that? Intangibles like that are always entertaining to me. I noticed he mocked Bryan during their OTL match when he kept the Figure Four locked in until just before the referee's 5-count, then said "I have 'til 5!" and chuckled.

Anybody else think he worked a lot of that match like a heel?
When was that? Intangibles like that are always entertaining to me. I noticed he mocked Bryan during their OTL match when he kept the Figure Four locked in until just before the referee's 5-count, then said "I have 'til 5!" and chuckled.

Anybody else think he worked a lot of that match like a heel?

It was just after he did that shoot promo on Raw. Here's a YouTube clip of it. There's another floating around that was a week after, or a week before this one. Where he yelled out 'I Can Fly!' as he did the flying closeline off the top rope.

And I do agree. Him saying that during a PPV match, and then chuckling about it as he sat in the ring, just cracked me up
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you know what the funny thing is... after watching that promo, I don't get how Punk ends up becoming one of the top faces. He basically cut a heel promo on the fans calling them lazy and saying they won't get a real job etc. Everytime I hear that I ask why the hell did this guy get cheered so hard after and if that was really the plan or an unintended consequence they just ran with.

Maybe because he was right and, in the end, truth justifies itself.

Punk successfully predicted the future, but he failed to predict that he himself would suffer the most for it. His character has been all the poorer ever since.

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