CM Punk vs. Ryback?

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
Punk could probably carry him to a good match. Though with Hell in a Cell next month and reports regarding Punk's constant soreness, I rather he not have to keep up with a guy who, though hasn't injured anyone yet, has definitely caused a few stupid bumps in his match. I remember it was against Heath Slater, I think, and he pretty much dumped him on his head in a move that looked like he couldn't make up his mind between a flapjack or a back body drop. Slater is responsible for the bump too, but I remember Ryback's placement and pace as he set up the move looked rushed, like he didn't take his time to safely prepare himself or Slater. Little things like that can kill a man.
Great idea, it'll solidify Punk a bit more. Just like Umaga v Cena.
1. Ryback works fine in the ring. Maybe Slater sucks? :shrug: Ryback isn't Mason Ryan or that big idiot who ran with Tyson - Ryback can work. He can work a match, moves well, etc. Very athletic for his size. Not sure what you're seeing.

2. This is probably a temporary feud until Cena returns at HIAC. They have a match, Miz interferes, rematch at HIAC, etc. I would be very surprised if Ryback actually won the strap or even competed for it at HIAC.
2. This is probably a temporary feud until Cena returns at HIAC. They have a match, Miz interferes, rematch at HIAC, etc. I would be very surprised if Ryback actually won the strap or even competed for it at HIAC.

Yup. They'll find a way to keep both of them strong. A good test for Ryback though, see how well he does with a top guy,
1. Ryback works fine in the ring. Maybe Slater sucks? :shrug: Ryback isn't Mason Ryan or that big idiot who ran with Tyson - Ryback can work. He can work a match, moves well, etc. Very athletic for his size. Not sure what you're seeing.

2. This is probably a temporary feud until Cena returns at HIAC. They have a match, Miz interferes, rematch at HIAC, etc. I would be very surprised if Ryback actually won the strap or even competed for it at HIAC.

I didn't say he's a bad worker, but cited one particular instance where he was involved in a botch that could have either been his or Slater's fault, and extrapolated that to presuppose he might cause similar incidents. Slater, by the way, is actually a good worker, as I've learned from some of the exceptional matches he's had on NXT and Superstars. Though in my experience as a wrestler with some training, it looked like he had placed himself oddly for the move or, just as likely, there could have been miscommunication about what Ryback wanted done in the first place.

There are numerous possibilities for what went wrong. My main concern is that he's a big guy who dishes out big bumps facing a WWE Champion who's infamous for constantly carrying around ice packs due to soreness. I'm hesitant about Punk potentially getting hurt in the weeks before Hell in a Cell, for which I'd like him healthy. It might not be the most likely scenario. I'm just expressing a concern, not presenting fact or what I take for fact. I could be proven wrong in Ryback's forthcoming matches and I would prefer it that way. I don't relish someone being an unsafe worker, if an unsafe worker one truly is.
I think it was Swagger who almost got dumped on his head.

Also Ryback is amazing. The dude just gets me going. I marked hard when he showed up at the end of Raw. I expect him into be in the title scene sooner rather than later. But like Nick said this is likely a test and likely won't happen at HIAC as Cena should be ready.
Screw the Undertaker, at WM I want Lesnar vs. Ryback. That guy has some serious potential to be a huge star in WWE. For all those who want Cena as a heel Ryback is the best chance to make it happen.

Also as much as I would love to see Punk vs. Ryback if it happens it will only be for a few weeks. Miz will interfere in a match and hand over the IC title to Ryback at HIAC or Survivor Series.
2. This is probably a temporary feud until Cena returns at HIAC. They have a match, Miz interferes, rematch at HIAC, etc. I would be very surprised if Ryback actually won the strap or even competed for it at HIAC.

This. It's simply a filler feud for the time being while Cena is on the shelf. Also, likely a test of Ryback in the main event.
I guess the reports of Ryback being pushed to the moon are true.

I see this being a short lived feud that leads to Lesnar/Ryback down the road. Ryback has to lose sooner or later, and losing to somebody like Lesnar makes the most sense.
Punk could probably carry him to a good match. Though with Hell in a Cell next month and reports regarding Punk's constant soreness, I rather he not have to keep up with a guy who, though hasn't injured anyone yet, has definitely caused a few stupid bumps in his match. I remember it was against Heath Slater, I think, and he pretty much dumped him on his head in a move that looked like he couldn't make up his mind between a flapjack or a back body drop. Slater is responsible for the bump too, but I remember Ryback's placement and pace as he set up the move looked rushed, like he didn't take his time to safely prepare himself or Slater. Little things like that can kill a man.

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