CM PUNK To Bring Back TV-14?


Dark Match Jobber
keep this one short and sweet.

now after the worked shoot last monday and looking at this video got me to thinking that maybe CM Punk has indeed signed an extension and is being allowed by mcmahon to say whatever he wants and get as edgy as possible. its no secret that WWE has leaned more to the mature audience as of late with cuss words and more intense storylines as of late but i cant help but think that with the direction that wwe is going with punk that they are using him to bring the company back to tv-14 and cater to a more mature audience again.

So what do you guys think?

is punk just doing whatever he wants because he knows hes leaving next week?

or is this part of something even bigger? (i hope so)
lol....."YOU HAVE A VAGINA!!!!"

Anyways, I got to be honest....I am getting sick of seeing these threads about TV-14 coming back. I'm gonna be brutally be honest, it's NOT coming back. WWE doesn't give a shit about what 30 year old attitude era fan's wan't, sure they throw a bone your way's every now and then, but there not gonna reorganize their entire product to meet your personal expectations. I'm not trying to insult the person who posted this, I'm just sick of seeing those words "TV-14" on every dirtsheet website I go to. TV-14 didn't make the product any better, It was just an excuse to be less creative and throw Boobs and blood in your face....Which obviously isn't relevant anymore, I mean....Look at TNA, I honestly think they would get better ratings if they were PG.

At House show's, You can pretty much do whatever the hell you wan't. Sure, they will try to keep the action appropriate for everybody, but Punk was arguing with someone at ringside, nobody else in the arena could hear camera's, nothing.

Wishful thinking on your part, but unrealistic I'm afraid.
CM more than likely can if WWE were to make him the center attraction, however, the Youtube video just showed the side that CM Punk talks about, the side of him that hates many wrestling fans. He snapped, I wouldn't use that video to try to warrant anything he lost his head in a fit of non-kayfabe rage. Unfortunately this might damage him a little, unless mainstream media gets a hold of it a blows it out of proportion, then it might hurt him a lot.
I had a discussion on this matter with D-Man and Norcal and we all agree this won't bring back TV-14 AND it shouldn't either. Here is why......having TV-PG leaves MUCH more room for more and easier shock value moments such as this. Also not doing it to much. Leaving shock moments few and far between each other. If everything was shock value as it was during the attitude era then nothing would be shocking at all and everyone would be on here complaining still about it being stale and cookie cutter.
NO no no no no no no. Only one man can stop the PG era and thats Vincent Kennedy Machman. No one else has the power. All this was is CM Punk proving he can do whatever the hell he wants within reason until July 17.

I had a discussion on this matter with D-Man and Norcal and we all agree this won't bring back TV-14 AND it shouldn't either. Here is why......having TV-PG leaves MUCH more room for more and easier shock value moments such as this. Also not doing it to much. Leaving shock moments few and far between each other. If everything was shock value as it was during the attitude era then nothing would be shocking at all and everyone would be on here complaining still about it being stale and cookie cutter.

This is absolutly correct. People need to quit bitching about the PG. If you want blood boobs and cussing go watch TNA. People need to appriciate what they have and not point out every little flaw. I could go through and point out flaws in movies like Avatar or Titanic, but i dont i sit back and enjoy. which is what people should do. The aditude era wasnt good because of the cussing boobs and blood. it was good because of the Rock HHH and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Plus all the storylines. Todays writer just got lazy.
Let's sit back and think about who benefits the LEAST by returning to TV-14....... Vince McMahon.

1) During the attitude era major advertisers were pulling back their commercials during WWE programming. Major advertisers were being pressured by outside groups to not advertise during RAW. Advertising equals MONEY.

2) (And I said this one on a previous post) How much more dollars are being made selling merchandise? Adults by T-shirts and maybe programs in a TV-14 world. In a PG world.... With KIDS.. Adults still by T-shirts and maybe programs, BUT You can't buy yourself something without buying something for you kid. How about a $50 Rey Mysterio mask? Or.. a $200 replica spinner belt?

So what benefits Vince?

The chance of the WWE returning to TV-14? Probably about the same chance of Jeff Jarrett ever returning to the WWE. And remember he is J E double Gone....
he had a good promo yes i like cm punk but he aint bringing back tv 14 hes leaving in a few weeks so no and hes been treated like a jobber before he said he was going to leave so definately not why would the wwe bring back tv 14 for cm punk
hahahahaha LOL @ the moose dude...let me get this straight because a couple of "mods" agree with you, then your point of view is correct? Gimmie a break. I dont care what you or the silly little moderators have to say. WOW they can ban me from a forum, whippie doo...sorry, that makes me so mad that people value their opinions more because they are afraid to disagree with them. Well I am not.

That being said, I do NOT think CM Punk is leading the WWE into a new era. Being one of the 30 year old wrestling fans and being smarter than your average 19 year old fans that havent watched wrestling as long as I have. I know whats going on and its in everyones face. The wrestling business is RECYCLED. The storylines and the characters which means the RATING over the show will change also. Will there be another attitude ERA? YES!!! ...when the audience the WWE is targeting now starts to get older, then they will shift to a more edgier audience. Once that audience starts to turn "30" like my generation they will switch back to a kid product to attract the next generation of fans and then the cycle will continue. Its smart business. WWE knows once we hit a certain age most of us will not be watching wrestling in our 40/50's so they will need to cater to the younger fans.

If you don't see how obvious it is then you probably should have staff working with you and teaching you how to live life.
And before anyone jumps down my throat NO I'm not suggesting it's going to go to TV14 or have a new attitude era. But does anyone else feel with the past 2 weeks on Raw that the WWE is starting to take a slightly mature and less patronizing approach with it's programming? Keyfabe has almost been broken as of late and the main story arch is actually quit intense and has shown Mr McMahon back as his old self and John Cena not playing the ideal employee and getting behind the heel CM Punk... it's not as black & white at the moment. Couple that with the recent behavior of the likes of R-Truth and Big Show & The Great Khali no longer playing a goofy character but more of an enraged beast it does seem like the WWE might be shifting it's focus a bit.

Now remember I said its a transition period, much like transition periods before (such as the shift to the attitude era in 96 - 97) where some bits fit and others didn't so the is the kiddy PG friendly stuff (Dolph Ziggler and the Money In The Bank ad spring to mind). Is this the beginning of a new era?
I had a discussion on this matter with D-Man and Norcal and we all agree this won't bring back TV-14 AND it shouldn't either. Here is why......having TV-PG leaves MUCH more room for more and easier shock value moments such as this. Also not doing it to much. Leaving shock moments few and far between each other. If everything was shock value as it was during the attitude era then nothing would be shocking at all and everyone would be on here complaining still about it being stale and cookie cutter.


Yes! thank god someone gets it. With the attitude era, there was chair shots to the head in every other match and it seemed someone was always getting busted open every raw/swackdown etc.. Remember when HHH hit undertaker over the head with a chair at WM this year? it seemed way more dramatic, like OMG!!! Remember way back when it was illegal to get thrown over the top rope? and when you seen someone get thrown over the top rope, you was like "Oh crap!" and now it's like big deal :shrug:

I Do think however, they should bring back the TV-14 rating, but don't go over board with it like the did with the attitude era, but i don't think it's coming back anytime soon.
There may be a transitional period going on in WWE right now... with a couple exceptions... John Cena & CM Punk. John Cena is the WWE Champion and is scheduled to fight The Rock at WrestleMania 28 in Miami; CM Punk was just reinstated and is fighting Cena at the Money in the Bank PPV. Cena won't lose the championship at MITB; he is the top guy in WWE right now... Vince has no reason to "Fire" him again. CM Punk will be WWE Champion again, but not until after WM 28 at the earliest. Reply to this and let me know your thoughts!!
I agree with the transitional period rants but the transition definitely isn't in the PG to TV-14 range. It is the fact that the writers have come up with a better storyline. The PG rating isn't necessarily the problem IMO and in the opinions of some of the attitude lovers as well. If you notice this storyline has become a transition because the WWE has transitioned from making a storyline/feud that can be played by basically any two superstars to making a storyline built for specifically Cena and Punk to pull off. Punk, the only heel on the Raw Roster that can pull off the promos and the heat to build this feud, and Cena, the face of the business, the only face that can make a believable impact against Vince McMahon, i.e. tonights Raw ending.

Basically the only thing they went back to in the attitude era is creating better storylines that would only work for certain characters which enhances the overall effectiveness of the storyline. Sorry for that long ramble!

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