CM Punk Signs on TV

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
Anyone notice over the past week how the camera actually sort of slowly panned towards a CM Punk sign while someone in the ring was talking on both Raw and Smackdown...

I guess first off, did you notice someone actually got to hold a sign up saying CM Punk?

But I swear during segments the wrestler would be standing in the middle of the frame and the camera would ever so slightly move off to the right just enough for the CM Punk sign to show up.

Could be a sign things have changed? Could be a sign Vince is trying to warm back up to Punk? Could be a coincidence that they are caring less about signs getting through?
The signs being confiscated was a bullshit story anyways.
Enough with the CM Punk stuff. This forum is flooded with CM Punk thread after CM Punk thread. We get it, he left and it is still as big of a mystery to everyone as to why. It is like the missing Malaysian plane, we know the what could have been, but yet, we don't know the truth.

So we grasp at straws until one day we find out why it happened. And when we do find out what happens, then there will be a bunch of threads of how "Punk Sucks" from the people who miss him dearly.

Punk is gone, and if he returns so be it. If he doesn't, so be it as well.

Okay, venting over.
Can we please just merge all the useless CM Punk threads together into one "All Things Punk" thread, this shit is getting really fucking annoying.

It's a sign that fans like Punk, that's it, stop reading so much into every damn thing. The sign confiscation rumors were complete bullshit.
*Breaking News*

CM Punk ate some food earlier today. Reports suggest he might eat some more later. Stay tuned.

What kind of food? Did he have a drink to go with it? Was the meal something a person might eat if they're training for a comeback? What was WWE's reaction to Punk eating the food?
What a jerk! After everything food has done for him, just ate it!? Ungrateful prick. Whatever, he needs food more than food needs him.

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