CM Punk sig. request (PLEASE)

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Benjamin for WWE Champion
Ive never done this before, but i guess its finally time for me to get my first sig. I just need a lot of help. Have mercy on me if i screw this up, its new to me.
I would like;

1) CM Punk posing with the ECW Championship calmly (its okay if you wait till tuesday or wednesday to get a good photo from, since the title win hasnt happend on TV yet)

2)Have the words in any good looking lettering (that fits Punk's style), saying "Straight-Edge ECW Champion", with the ECW letters being the only ones that look like the original, barbwired logo the company uses.

3)Have the Pepsi Logo in the backround (without getting cut-off by the edges of the signature)

4)Have the words "C.M. Punk" on the top left corner, in the same font as the letters in #2.

5)Dont let the letters look too big compared to the photo of him and the backround, please.

Rep will be granted for whoever does this task of mine.
Thank You so much.
**BTW, how do i put the sig from wherever it gets posted, to where I put signatures? Sorry if its a dumb question, Im still kinda a rookie here =p

Take your time with it, I probably wont get another sig. for a long time, so I would like a good one. Thanks again for your help, Ill make sure to give you credit under the sig.
idk if this is what you were looking for, i made it quick

1) CM Punk posing with the ECW Championship calmly (its okay if you wait till tuesday or wednesday to get a good photo from, since the title win hasnt happend on TV yet)

Thanks for the spoiler dude, I was trying to get through the whole week without knowing what happens till the day of the show, but thanks for ruining it for me now, really appreciate it, you know you probably could have waited until after ECW aired to post this, but again thanks:angry:
Thanks for the spoiler dude, I was trying to get through the whole week without knowing what happens till the day of the show, but thanks for ruining it for me now, really appreciate it, you know you probably could have waited until after ECW aired to post this, but again thanks:angry:

Dude, even spoiled their own show. How the hell did you manage not to find out?
Thanks for the spoiler dude, I was trying to get through the whole week without knowing what happens till the day of the show, but thanks for ruining it for me now, really appreciate it, you know you probably could have waited until after ECW aired to post this, but again thanks:angry:

if u were trying so hard to not have it spoiled, why did u come to this thread or even come to Wrestlezone in the first place where everyone is talking about wrestling?

QUOTE=mochalman;230135]idk if this is what you were looking for, i made it quick


goddamn thats one hell of a sig thanks you!! 3 questions though
1) Can u make the ECW letters into the original companies logo with the barbwire and everything?
2) Can u make Punk with true color?
3) Can u have the words C.M. Punk going vertically down on the top right going down?
4) How do i put it on my profile?

thanks again it looks amazing as it is
goddamn thats one hell of a sig thanks you!! 3 questions though
1) Can u make the ECW letters into the original companies logo with the barbwire and everything?
2) Can u make Punk with true color?
3) How do i put it on my profile?

Put these around the URL

Also it looks a little to big so you might want to get it resized to 400x400 according to rules.

Badass sig though:thumbsup:
I cant get the pic to paste even though i resized 400 x 335. I copied it from the first pic, pasted to My Computer(my pictures), resized it, and when i tried to paste it, it wouldnt give me that option for some reason. help? =]
I cant get the pic to paste even though i resized 400 x 335. I copied it from the first pic, pasted to My Computer(my pictures), resized it, and when i tried to paste it, it wouldnt give me that option for some reason. help? =]

I'd just right click it, Properties, A box should come up, Copy and Paste that URL then put those IMG tags I gave you around them in the Edit Sig section and it should work.

I might be wrong though but I guess it's worth a try.
i suck at this. i went to properties copied it, put the things in, but then my computer just screws with me and goes no man, no sig for your punk ass. Are there any other ways?
I see you got it good work...just thought I help out but it still needs to resized some
WHOO HOOO it works! thanks AJ, its not normal for someone to walk me through something like this at 2:00 A.M. in the morning (New Jersey time)
Thanks Big Wes too u helped.
Now i just got to wait to see if Mochalman changes it around to my picky requests. Thanks everyone ive had enough for one day cya around
got it on. thanks again. Am i being a pain if i asked u to make CM Punk, the ECW title and the words "ECW" with color, instead of being faded out?
It'll have to be a bit smaller as well, as that's too big for the sig sizes on teh site (see site rules)
idk how sorry. i had the link sent to me from here and i cant get it from "my pictures" to the signature thing for some reason
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