CM Punk Voiceless Sig request page


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Hey all signature makers I'm looking for a new Sig for the new awesome story for punk the voiceless and the wwe.

What it is about: A Cm punk group called the voiceless against the wwe stars.
Who's in it: On the left side is the voiceless with CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Kings of wrestling, Zack Ryder ( because Punk was sticking up for him at the WWE part of comic-con) and Tyler Black. On the Right side the WWE logo, Cena, HHH, Orton, Del Rio, and Vince McMahon.

Credit and rep will be given to the best Sig maker. Sorry if this is a really big task but if you can't do it just take out the wwe side of it and include all of the people from the voiceless group i had and put them in a Sig with the text above them saying the Voiceless.

Thank you to everyone who participates. :)
here's my go around:


I felt like 5 different people was hard enough to fit in right, let alone more....

.....As I typed this I realized I forgot Colt. My bad, he'd throw off the even balance in mine anyways. If you want him to replace someone, I can easily do so
here's my go around:


I felt like 5 different people was hard enough to fit in right, let alone more....

.....As I typed this I realized I forgot Colt. My bad, he'd throw off the even balance in mine anyways. If you want him to replace someone, I can easily do so

Wow I haven't been on here for a while but that looks nice and 1 small task can you remove zack ryder and put colt in and for the red background can you make it a dark silver or black but other than that thanks for the sig :)
sorry man, it's been awhile since i've been on here too. i'll do my best but idk if i'll be able to find it. i'll do my best though

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