CM Punk, better as a face or heel?


Dark Match Winner
I've been following this great wrestler for awhile and I honestly love him both as a heel and face. As a face, I will say he was more extreme and daring with his wrestling and beat great wrestlers for the titles. But as a heel he can rival The Rock in mic skills. Only problem is he hasn't won that many matches (his best heel victory was against Hardy at SS 2009) as a heel and now has a masked guy cheating for him. Either way he puts on amazing matches.

What do you guys think Punk is better as? A face or a heel?
CM Punk is like 99% of wrestlers, hes better as a heel. Its a hell of a lot easier to get over as a bad guy than it is as a fan favorite.
I've been fofollowing CM Punk too and seen all his championship reigns from when he won the ECW championship to when he won his third world heavyweight championship. I've always liked CM Punk but he wasnt one of my favorite wrestler. UNTIL he turned heel. I like CM Punk as a heel yeah he was good as a face but great as a heel. At first when he was face he came out and said I am straight edge blah blah blah I didn't care that he waas straight edge at all. BUT as heel he tells people he straight edge, he tells people he's better than them, he makes little girls cry on there birthday. He is great as a heel. He basically says the same stuff about how he is straight edge but used that to turn into a heel.
CM Punk is by far a superior heel.

While CM Punk was very over as a face, he's also very over as a heel, and I feel that CM Punk has been putting on some of the best work I have seen come out of him during this heel run.

CM Punk weekly produced amazing promos that are hard to compete with when it comes to mic skills, only done by 2 or 3 people in the company as of late (Chris Jericho and The Miz, Triple H during his heel period is able to compete with these guys as well I feel) and that's quite a list of people to be put along with.
He's working an amazing program with Rey Mysterio, and his work with Jeff Hardy was absolutely golden as well, he's one of the most consistent and well placed wrestlers and gimmicks in WWE right now, something I sadly cannot say about him during his face run.

And no I'm not saying he wasn't a great wrestler or a great promo cutter during his face period, but the heel run is just so much superior in every way if you ask me.

Heel Punk definitely.
CM Punk is a way better wrestler as a heel. Punk was great as a face, but his face run was a bit of a joke and he wasn't getting enough of attention. Now Punk is getting tons of attention and he is also one of the most hated heel in the WWE, and I could easily say that he's the best heel wrestler in the WWE right now, and he is also pulling some of his best matches as a heel right now. So I'll have to say that is has been more successful as a heel wrestler than a face wrestler.
CM Punk is the best heel in the WWE in right now.
CM Punk was a mid-card face.
that should be enough on it's own, but ill go in depth anyway.

CM Punk sounded so uncomfortable on the mic as a face, he was barely ever on the mic untill his first WHC reign which was an epic fail. he just sounded so forced.
as a heel, anything he says gets heat,he is amazing and i mark out for every one of his promos. he and chris jericho are the only men in the WWE who can give the same promo week after week and still make each one specialm amazing and interesting.
as veeryone seems to agree, cm punk is way better as a heel. I watched him in ring of honor when he was a heel and as a face. he did have the whole second city saints thing going which was good, but when he fought his tag partner( whose name i honestly can't remember) it was a great ladder match. the only problem i have with punk as a heel, is the current storyline and how he is marked as the jesus character. i am not very religious, but i think it is complete BS that he can play the jesus character.
This isn't even close. He's WAY better as a heel. I could not stand him as a face. I thought why is the crowd giving him a decent pop? Could it be Killswitch Engage theme music, because all I see is cookie-cutter promo's, bouncing back and forth his stupid straight edge hands, and all he does his kick his entire match. Now however the heel punk delivers excellent promo's, great angle with the SES, moveset is better in the ring. It was just an entire turn around for me. Now I don't take a bathroom break when he's on TV.
Punk is deffinitely better as a heel. As a face he was good, but I think he woulda played a tweener role better, really emphasizing the "Punk", but whatever. My only problem with Punk as a heel is the way he's booked. He loses 5 out of 6 matches, and jobbed to Cena in less than 3 minutes. He should start using some of his indy moves too (which he does very rarely), but I just got way off topic. Bottom line: Ok face, EPIC Heel.
I agree, not even close, he is such a better heel than he was a face. I never really watched smackdown much, but since this whole Straight Edge Society has come about, his promos have been great and entertaining. His spot in the Royal Rumble this year was very well done. I wish they would of let it go longer than it did, thats how entertaining it was. As a face I thought he was very annoying and bland. I really think they need to give him some sort of title run soon, whether it be the IC or WHC. I know it wont happen, but i would love to see him win at over the limit, it would create so much more heat on him.

back on topic, I liked the guy since he enter to the E. great matches against JoMo, underrated matches but epic against the Pope (Elijah Burke..remember?lol). he was becoming one of my fav wrestlers.
hes was easy in my top 20 of fav wrestlers. HOWEVER with his heel turn he become top 3. I mean the way he did it against Hardy!!!!WOW!!everyone was like WTF??!! and it became progressive (unlikes Edges heel turn) he is HATED!!! and has so great mic skills. I lmao everytime he says "blablablabalabla BUT YOU CAN BE SAVE....." I mean its perfect the staright edge persona plus with the SES!!...and his role at the RR:GENIUS!!!

as someone said my only problem is he actually loses 5 out 6 matches!!!! damn it creative team!!! you screw it once again!!!
Is this even a serious question? As a face he was just a normal plain face as a heel he excels at his straight edge persona
i think when it comes to mic skills hes better as a heel when it comes to him being a better wrestler and making him have good matches a face
Well, it seems official. Everyone liks Punk better as a heel. I cannot agree more. Like some, I liked Punk as a face, just didn't buy into his character to much. To goodie goodie John Cena like. When Punk went heel, it was the classic way of doing it, let it build. Once lightning struck, he filled that void on Smackdown for the monster heel left behind when Edge got hurt. Punk did a good job of filling that gap, and if you pay attention to some of his promos or how he gets upset in the is very Edge-Like. Now I am not dogging Punk for playing off of Edge, or anyone else. Hell, why bother watching wrestling then right? He has just amazed me as a heel. I am a BIG Rey fan, but I actually find myself wanting Punk to win. He has turned me into a believer. Best part is, I dont have to shave my head. I am already bald.

Another Punk thought that just came to mind. When he was face, I just couldn't buy him as a Champion above a mid-card level. Now, as a heel...yup I can buy it. He could make a huge run as Champ on Smackdown. If they do this right, and keep building him the way they are I would love to see him and Trip go at it again.
He gets a big reaction from the crowd either way so can be be both, but he's way better as a heel. I never was a big punk fan too, so its better for me if he's a heel cause I have a reason to dislike him haha.
punk is superior heel!.. i think this whole straight edge society crap is dumb.. im not saying HIS straightedge gimmick is bad.. i just dont see why he needs two dumbasses hanging with him.. he use to win titles n shit now hes feuding with little rey? come on vince! PUNK V MCINTYRE for the World Heavyweight Championship(once mcintyre is established as main event material)
Face CM Punk was boring as... still have no idea why they kept him as a face for so long.
Heel CM Punk however, is what WWE really needed, a guy who could get great heat and also be a good enough wrestler to be world heavyweight champion. I hope he remains a heel for the rest of his career, he's really good at it.
I've heard it said a few times that Punk's mic skills are as good as those of The Rock. Are you kidding me? It's the same crap every single week. That's why people hate him. They are bored with him. "I"m straight edge." "I'm better than you." "My hair signifies purity."
It's getting so old. I'm begging him to come up with something new. When he was a face he was mid card but he was way over. I'm sure many of you read the same thing I did that McMahon wanted to turn him heel because he was getting too over. I have to admit that I was a little disappointed when he turned heel. Punk was a throwback to the days of Hulk Hogan. He represented everything that was good. And now that's he's heel, the WWE has made that a bad thing; an uncool thing; an arrogant thing. Punk represented all that was good and now he's just a whiner who says the same crap week in and week out.
Ah I do love to make a rant out of an easy question.

CM Punk built the name that he did in the indies through this "Straight Edge and Better Than You" gimmick. He was a heel for the majority of his time in ROH and various other promotions, and he became one of the best promo men in the industry (independent or otherwise). See his story of the Old Man and the Snake for proof. He was a masterful heel and it got him signed.

He debuted in the WWE as a face and rose quite quickly, capturing title after title. He may have been one of the best starters in recent memory, winning the ECW, Intercontinental, Tag Team and World Title, as well as two Money in the Bank wins in a short space of time. He was over, people liked him, he was marketable.

But there seemed to be a level of resistance to him that started during his poor world title run. People labeled him a paper champion, a failure, a disappointment. I've witnessed crowds turn on him live, booing him, even saying he can't wrestle. His positive reactions dipped week after week. The WWE seemingly abandoned him mid-reign and gave focus to others. He was never pinned to lose his title and then embarked on a fairly dull journey to a second MITB win.

It was when he beat Jeff Hardy, creating another legit Money in the Bank shocker, that Punk really hit his stride. His transition from clean-cut (minus the tattoos) face, to conniving heel was wonderfully executed. At first he was rational and honorable as he feuded with Edge & Jeff at the same time, but gradually it became clear he was making excuses and his true nature was revealed to us.

Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk was the WWE feud of the year in 2009 in my opinion, with incredible mic work from Punk, and some very good wrestling from both men. The angle wrote itself, and Punk was drawing major, MAJOR heel heat. Retiring Jeff and then dressing as him the following week drew a line under it in my mind. Punk is better as a heel than a face.

Oh but wait, there's more...

He started the Straight-Edge Society, becoming a cult leader, a savior, a messiah. He riles the audience up and hypnotizes the I.W.C. Him cutting promos in the Rumble and Elimination Chamber was a stroke of genius. Every time he chastises the audience for abusing alcohol and pills, they boo ever-louder. He has a posse to back him up, and he's moved from Jeff Hardy to Rey Mysterio, targeting the child-friendly characters, whilst preaching to the adults.

He knows precisely what to say, and you cannot deny that when he is on the screen everybody's eyes are fixed on him. Nobody is playing their character better in wrestling anywhere in the world right now. Nobody. Jericho gets face pops for being too good, but Punk is getting booed week after week, whilst still putting on great matches.

No contest in my mind. Punk is at present the best heel in a company full of great heels.
I've heard it said a few times that Punk's mic skills are as good as those of The Rock. Are you kidding me? It's the same crap every single week. That's why people hate him. They are bored with him. "I"m straight edge." "I'm better than you." "My hair signifies purity."
It's getting so old. I'm begging him to come up with something new. When he was a face he was mid card but he was way over. I'm sure many of you read the same thing I did that McMahon wanted to turn him heel because he was getting too over. I have to admit that I was a little disappointed when he turned heel. Punk was a throwback to the days of Hulk Hogan. He represented everything that was good. And now that's he's heel, the WWE has made that a bad thing; an uncool thing; an arrogant thing. Punk represented all that was good and now he's just a whiner who says the same crap week in and week out.

well well well..guess who ISNT a whiner wrestlemaniIII!!!!!!!!!!!:banghead:
"wah wah wah he represented good wah wah wah evil" oh cmon man!!THIS IS FUCKING WRESTLING. Mr Cena respresents "good" on the company CLEARLY!! even if being the "good guy" who has loyalty, respect and other crap needs adhesive tape to beat the "mean guy"

I actually agree with he says is week after week but man, SERIOUSLY CMON!!!
the Rock said week after week "if you smell...."you know the rest and thing like "it doesnt matter who you are/what your name is" blablabalbalba dude is part of the character. ALWAYS!!plus the fact he says that isnt what makes him good on the mic but HOW he says it and depeding the context!!!

btw sorry if I offend you somehow, wasnt my intention
Without doubt he's better as a heel. Think about it..not only has his mic skills improved..but everything improved. His ring skills, his mic skills, and his gimmick. Cm Punk has proved to be a way better superstar playing as a heel.

Plus, Cm Punk has proved to be better in feuds as well. Before, Punk rarely got on the mic, now we get to here him at least twice a night! Cm Punk can excel way better in his rivalries because of this, which makes him better then his opponent.

Without a freaking doubt..Punk is a better heel.
CM Punk is an amazing heel. He needs to be champion honestly. Hopefully after Over the Limit, he will have Rey as his fourth member (and the mystery masked man) and can make a run at the World Heavyweight title. He would make a much better heel champion than Swagger and put some legitamacy behind the title. Heel CM Punk all the way!!
Every one has said it and I agree, he is the real deal heel. The heel turn may not have been the best for his career because he is now an upper midcarder, but after the SES maybe he can be pushed as not just a great heel but a perfect heel for the WHC.
I've been following this great wrestler for awhile and I honestly love him both as a heel and face. As a face, I will say he was more extreme and daring with his wrestling and beat great wrestlers for the titles. But as a heel he can rival The Rock in mic skills. Only problem is he hasn't won that many matches (his best heel victory was against Hardy at SS 2009) as a heel and now has a masked guy cheating for him. Either way he puts on amazing matches.

What do you guys think Punk is better as? A face or a heel?

That's the point, heels aren't supposed to be extreme or daring at least not in comparison to their babyface opponent. They have to walk a fine line and not "out-shine" the babyface or do anything that would garner cheers to often, if ever. The old saying is faces are there to wrestle, heels are there to win. Hence the face eventually proves he's better by out wrestling the heel and then the heel cheats his way to take the advantage and possibly the victory.
^I kind of hate that though. Heels always have to cheat.

That's why I really enjoyed his heel match with Jeff Hardy at Summerslam 2009. He didn't win by cheating. He won by skill. He should be a heel who wins by literally defeating his opponents. I would love to see him beat Rey by using the Anaconda Vise.

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