

Too Sweet To Be Sour
You all know what I'm talking about: those certain groups in high school, like the jocks, the cheerleaders, the populars, the goths, the skaters, the emos, the stoners, the nerds, etc...: I'm asking, what do you think of them, and what do you think high school, and I guess to a certaine extent, life, would be like without them.

I personally don't like them. I believe they are WAY overrated. I deal with them plenty. I think it causes too much drama. All it is in a group of people who think they are better or too good than the next group of people, and shun those other people. I don't think things like that are needed. They are just stupid. Plus some cliques, like popular kids, can hurt other kids by teasing them and shunning them. So baically, to me, they suck.

Anyway, those are my thoughts, I might come back later with more, I'm kinda losing what I was going to say when I first thought doing this thread.
You all know what I'm talking about: those certain groups in high school, like the jocks, the cheerleaders, the populars, the goths, the skaters, the emos, the stoners, the nerds, etc...: I'm asking, what do you think of them, and what do you think high school, and I guess to a certaine extent, life, would be like without them.

I personally don't like them. I believe they are WAY overrated. I deal with them plenty. I think it causes too much drama. All it is in a group of people who think they are better or too good than the next group of people, and shun those other people. I don't think things like that are needed. They are just stupid. Plus some cliques, like popular kids, can hurt other kids by teasing them and shunning them. So baically, to me, they suck.

Anyway, those are my thoughts, I might come back later with more, I'm kinda losing what I was going to say when I first thought doing this thread.
My school.

Where I go to school, pretty much everyone agrees with you. There aren't any 'cliques'; there are groups of friends, but they aren't based on labels. If you think someone is cool, you hang out with them, if you don't, then you don't.
You all know what I'm talking about: those certain groups in high school, like the jocks, the cheerleaders, the populars, the goths, the skaters, the emos, the stoners, the nerds, etc...: I'm asking, what do you think of them, and what do you think high school, and I guess to a certaine extent, life, would be like without them.

Actually, and I'm not just saying this to be a bitch, once you're in the real world there are no real cliques. Hell, even in college cliques are non-existent. Unless you count the douchey frat guys and the ****ty sorority girls. But no one counts them, so my point stands. Everyone in college is rather friendly and helpful. You'll never see anyone trip on the sidewalk, lose a lot of papers in the breeze, and see people pointing and laughing while refusing to help because "she's one of the loser kids." People will go out of their way to help the kid get his papers, unless they're late for class. And even then, if you're like me, you'll still stop and help. I suppose that could just be the University of Arkansas campus, though.

High school has cliques for a simple reason. Everyone thinks they're top shit, and that belong to a "group" and they only belong to that "group." Funny thing is, the most liked people in high school are usually the ones who had friends in all of the cliques. People in high school think that is the most important thing in life, and nothing else compares. Sorry kiddos. Those cheerleaders that are the most popular kids in school? Most likely pregnant by the end of the year, or working for you in 5. Those jocks that push the nerds around in school? They're cleaning the floors of the 60-story building that nerd runs as the HQ of his world office in 20. Basically, high school students are fucktarded.

You can see it in the real world, if you look past the ignorant masses that seem to want to recreate High School in the general American public. People help others, people look out for others, and people are generally polite. Generally. And for the record, "polite" and "nice" are two separate, completely differing ideas. :lmao:
I agree with Razor. In college, you won't see cliques at all. People in college are usually very nice and very helpful. They say that you will make your best connections with friends in college and that is for a good reason. I know that if other students at UNLV hadn't helped me through my first week, I would've been up shit creek without even a boat. Life is really quite nice once you get out of high school and make that transition to college.

In high school, I was the kid that got along with everyone. I didn't belong to a certain group. If someone wanted to hang out with me, I was more than happy to oblige. I had popular friends, nerdy friends, my teammates on the basketball team, and so on. I have two best friends from high school that I still keep in touch with. One is gay and the other is a full out goth dude. My point is that I really didn't see the cliques all that much throughout my high school career because I hung around everyone.

What would high school be like without cliques? Better, in the long run, but ultimately boring. Sure, if everyone got along, then life would be better, but who wants that right? Part of the high school experience is walking down the halls and seeing the different groups of people huddled up at their respective spots among the lockers. I think that high school cliques ultimately teach us how we should interact with people in the real world. In the end, most people are going to hang around other people that they have stuff in common with. You can even see that on these forums.

I think that high school cliques are just part of the growing up experience.

That is all!
We dont have these cliques in the UK but my school is a small one. You cant even say theres poular kids because everyone is popular with differant people.
They're not really based on interests these days. It's mostly just levels of perceived 'popularity', but even at that level most kids are pretty chill. I think people put too much emphasis on cliques. It's more about just who you're most comfortable with. By high school most of these should be mostly gone anyway. If you have a good class most everyone will be friends by the end of the year.

I thought I had something else to say but can't think of it. Don't let cliques limit or define you.

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