Chuck Wilcox

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Real Name: Charles Wilcox

Gimmick Name: Chuck Wilcox

Announced As: The Deadly Paradox

Age: 32

Height: 6'8

Weight: 320lbs

Hometown: Casper, Wyoming

Billed From: Casper, Wyoming

Alignment: Heel

Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first from Casper, Wyoming, weighing 320 pounds, The Deadly Paradox, Chuck Wilcox!


----------------Hair Colour/Length-Long black hair stops at his shoulders

----------------Eye Colour-Dark Green

----------------Facial Hair-Long unkempt beard

----------------Ring attire-Chuck wears loose black work pants, black combat boots. also wears black wristbands on each wrist, with a "CW" in green letters

----------------Backstage Attire-same as ring attire, except Chuck usually has a tshirt and a black jacket.

----------------Physical Features-at 6'8 320, Chuck is a beast. He is in peak physical condition. One look at him and you know its not gonna be a pleasant night

----------------Tattoos: None

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Chuck is a former member of a super covert task team codenamed "The Reapers" He left due to conflicting views as to how the force was operating......problem is, u dont "leave" The Reapers.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Enjoys inflicting pain upon others
Can fall victim to brief moments of "insanity" due to his past with The Reapers, causing him to act unstable(usually only happens during activities involving physical contact.

Brief Bio/History: Chuck Wilcox was recruited for The Reapers at age 21. At the time, Chuck was contemplating trying out for WZCW. After he was approached however, he quickly joined the force. The first couple years were just simply training him in the ways The Reapers operated. He learned how to silently sneak up and incapacitate the opposition, something even other members were impressed with give Chuck's large size. Over time, Chuck grew to be The Reapers most reliable agent.....However Chuck was slowly starting to lose his mind. The things he has done, and the things he had seen begun to take a toll on his mental stability. Chuck began becoming "unreliable" as he began breaking rank and trying to "Rambo" missions at times,leading to some very unfavorable situations. They tried to move him into an interrogator role, but seemed to only make matters worse, as Chuck enjoyed it WAY too much.
Finally Chuck decided he needed to leave The Reapers. He wanted to be free to cause pain and torment to anybody he pleased, whenever he pleased. So Chuck planned to leave and follow his original goal. Become a WZCW champion.

Entrance Music: [youtube]HNERxbBtT5Q[/youtube]

Entrance Description: Lights flicker green as the music plays. After approx 15-20 seconds, Chuck appears on the entrance ramp, crazy look in his eyes. He walks towards the ring slowly, stopping to intimidate fans at ringside yelling at him. He walks up the ring steps and walks to the middle of the apron, raising both arms high in the air as the green light spotlights him before turning and enetering the ring.

Fighting Style: Brawler/Powerhouse

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Chuck has been fortunate to have no previous physical injuries or issues. His mind however is unstable. prone to fits of insanity inside the ring

Finishing Moves (2 max): The Incapacitor(Powerbomb Lungblower)
Everlasting Pain(Camel Clutch)

Signature Moves (3 max):Reaper Bomb(Pop up Powerbomb)
Decapitator(Discus Clotheline)
Lights Out(Bicycle Kick)

12 Most Used Moves: Alabama Slam
Cradle DDT
Running Clothesline
Two Handed Choke Toss
Inverted Superplex
Cravate Suplex
Gutbuster combo
Full Nelson Slam
Exploder Suplex
Belly to Back Suplex
Sample RP.

The man strapped to the chair was bleeding and in extreme pain. He had been in this room with this crazed lunatic asking him the location of a certain child. The man did not know the correct answer.....but he wished he did. His knee was shattered from a railroad spike being hammered into it. he no longer had fingernails, as his tormentor took those with pliers.
The man tried to take deep breaths to calm himself. it was woring until he heard the squeak of the door being opened.....the man started weeping uncontrollably as he knew he would again be hurt for this persons amusement.

"Awww...why so sad Mr. Brooks? I've told you since the start of this. Tell me where the President's daughter is located, and this all can end well."

The unnamed torturer turned and grabbed a railrode spike and a hammer. He proceeded to trace the spike across various parts of Mr. Brooks body....his other kneecap. His shoulder. His foot. He finally settled on the palm of his right hand. Placing the spike in place, The sadistic man prepared to strike home with the hammer.


Chuck didnt appreciate this man using his name. He struck Mr.Brooks hard in the stomach before placing the spike against the palm again.

"The girl is in Yuma Arizona. shes being held at a house in the outskirts of the town. Ill give u the address and everything.....please. Dont hurt me anymore."

Chuck paused and looked at Mr Brooks. He grabbed a pen and paper and listened as Mr Brooks gave him the address of the location where the girl was held.

Then he snapped Mr. Brooks' neck like a twig.

That was Chuck Wilcox's last interrogation as a member of The Reapers. He enjoyed being a Reaper. He learned many ways to cause pain and torment because of them. But it was time to move on. Chuck had a hunger to injure that The Reapers couldnt satisfy.
Prior to him joining The Reapers, Chuck had contemplated becoming a WZCW wrestler. Looking back now, Chuck knows that wouldve been a mistake.

"id have been chewed up and spit out if i jumped straight to WZCW.....however now im fully prepared. I can go toe to toe with any superstar on that roster. Plus it gives me new victims to torment"

Chuck had just finished watching WZCW's most recent PPV Unscripted, and he grew excited at some of the potential wars he could see happening. Of course Chuck would win all of these wars....but nonetheless, there were a few that looked like theyd make Chuck work to make them finally give in and take their proper beating. Chuck saw guys such as Dorian Slaughter, Mikey Stormrage and James Howard as the types that wouldnt go down too easily. The new guy, Logan McAllister also looked like hed be a strong opponent should their paths cross.

"Charles? Is that you??"

Chuck looked up and saw a gorgeous blond standing in front of him....It was his old college flame, Mickie Graves.

"Hi Mickie."

Chuck stood up to give her a hug and invited her to sit with him. Chuck may have been an evil man....but even an evil man cant not notice Mickie.

"So how have you been Mickie?"

"Eh. Im okay, but my life is so fucking boring! It's same old shit day in and day out. Wish i had some excitement in my life. What about you Charles? Didnt know you were back in town. Last i heard you became a special agent haha.

Mickie laughed as she said special agent. If this was anyone but her......

"I left. And it's Chuck now Mickie. Wasnt what i wanted any longer. Im going to do what i contemplated when we were together......Im going to WZCW."

"OOH! Can i come with ya? I'll be your "manager" "The Manipulative Mickie Graves and her client, Chuck Wilcox!!' sounds good to me Charles. You should let me tag along i said my life is boring. Wyoming blows."

Mickie shoots Chuck a sad pouting face, and Chuck cant help but agree to her request. Mickie was always there for him in the past. Itd be comforting to have her around again.

"If you really want to Mickie, I'd enjoy your company. Just know, im alot more violent now. i WILL hurt some of these people. I will hurt them bad. and i will do it cause i enjoy seeing other in agony."

"Sounds hot. Ill be ready in the A.M. Charles. Let's go wreak havoc on the WZCW roster."

Mickie leans over and gives Chuck a quick peck on the cheek before leaving.
He wondered if Mickie would still stand with him when she truly saw how violent he had become.

Chuck heads home and packs before laying down in bed......tomorrow Chuck Wilcox was going to WZCW.....God help that roster.....
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