Christopher Daniels

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke

The Fallen Angle, the internet darling, Christopher Daniels has returned to TNA. He's got a new look... sort of. He also seems a little bit more filled out than he was before.

I've never been incredibly impressed by Daniels. He's little more than your average cruiserweight. Staniels are one of my favourite ever tag teams, but that's the best I can say about him. Never much cared for him as a singles wrestler.

However, I'm going to wipe the slate clean. I'm going to pretend I've never heard of this Christopher Daniels before, and we'll see what happens. I doubt I'll be impressed.
He's the future of TNA along side AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe.

When guys like Steiner, Angle, and so forth start stepping down names like Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe will again take the high reigns in TNA as they had in years past before the company really went public/national.

At the time none of the aforementioned three could really sell the company without the help of household names like Booker T, Kurt Angle, and Christian.

TNA has grown them for some time now and with the recent frontline/originals v. MEM feud that's been going on for months now they've been pushed again back to the forefront – where they belong.

Welcome back, Fallen Angel.
I for one think that if his match with Angle is any sign of things to come this could be very good for TNA. I hope it doesn't take AJ out of his singles role though because he really needs the TNA title soon. The funniest part of the whole thing is the picture u showed because as he entered the ring he actually said i never left which is kinda priceless
I for one think that if his match with Angle is any sign of things to come this could be very good for TNA. I hope it doesn't take AJ out of his singles role though because he really needs the TNA title soon. The funniest part of the whole thing is the picture u showed because as he entered the ring he actually said i never left which is kinda priceless

He'll be pushed in singles. It's quite obvious to me that TNA realized that guys like Rhino, Eric Young, Lethal, and Creed weren't even remotely ready for the role they were given. In the case of Rhino he's simply never over with the TNA crowd. He never was, and he never will be.

In their place AJ and Joe were given Daniels – a much more intelligent choice, and much more established persona.
Beat Rhyno anyday. That guy has such a stupid look and is seriously one of the most confusing guys. I don't udnerstand why TNA thought Rhyno was good enough to main event and stuff, he seriously sucks compared to other main event powerhouses like Lesnar, Lashley and even Batista tbh.
He also seems a little bit more filled out than he was before.

Where have you been? He was Curry Man, and lately he has been portraying Suicide. Its not much of a surprise to see him look like that lol
The suits hid how filled out he was. The Suicide suit particularly, because Kaz filled it out much better than he did. He's the skinnier version of Suicide, after all.

So how dominant did he look against Angle? My guess: not very.
The suits hid how filled out he was. The Suicide suit particularly, because Kaz filled it out much better than he did. He's the skinnier version of Suicide, after all.

So how dominant did he look against Angle? My guess: not very.

Did you not actually watch the match?

What happened to giving him a chance?
There is a legitimate reason as to why he is considered the greatest independent wrestler of all time. Christopher Daniels is the definition of an all around solid performer. Rather than excel in just a few categories, he took it upon himself to become well adapted with them all. Daniels has a nature ability to tell a compelling story in the ring and find a form of chemistry with even the most mediocre performer. He has been poorly used in TNA and should be rightfully pushed as the World Heavyweight Champion. AJ Styles and Christopher will always be heart and soul of TNA wrestling and it's truly a shame that both are put on the back burner to many of the "big names."
There is a legitimate reason as to why he is considered the greatest independent wrestler of all time. Christopher Daniels is the definition of an all around solid performer. Rather than excel in just a few categories, he took it upon himself to become well adapted with them all. Daniels has a nature ability to tell a compelling story in the ring and find a form of chemistry with even the most mediocre performer. He has been poorly used in TNA and should be rightfully pushed as the World Heavyweight Champion. AJ Styles and Christopher will always be heart and soul of TNA wrestling and it's truly a shame that both are put on the back burner to many of the "big names."

How is Daniels considered the greatest indy wrestler of all time? He is okay in the ring I guess, but he didn't make much of an attempt to interact with the crowd and seemed very boring. I barely remember his matches since it's been a while since he wrestled without a mask in TNA, but I remember him being a lot better than he was last night. Facing Kurt Angle probably didn't help things, because it made him look even worse compared to someone as great as Angle. He was facing TNA's top performer, and he doesn't have any ring rust, so what's his excuse for last night? I think Daniels is better as a heel, because a heel doesn't have to show as much personality. He isn't believable as a maineventer right now anyway
I'm gonna be honest, I haven't watched TNA in quite some time but the title of the thread caught my eye. I decided to go search for the Daniels/angle match and watch it. Daniels looked great in that match. I mean, he took two or three awkward bumps but otherwise, he was very good. And his crowd interaction was better than I recall from the last time I actually saw him. So, yeah, I'm gonna say he is quite well rounded and I don't see this ring sut that was mentioned before.
Hell I didn't think he was my age, I missed it last nite, for a gfriends Bday. Hell I thought he was in his late 20s something when I 1st started watching him with his RA thing going.
we've been waiting to see who the last guy is for team jarrett, and that's what we get? i mean, i guess i can't say i'm disappointed. i wasn't really expecting anybody that great anybody. but.....daniels? i was expecting at least a little better than that.
You should learn from past mistakes and give up before you get started. TNA would make a Stone Cold / Rock match look like shit. It doesn't matter who's in the ring !! God bless them all for making a living doing what they love. Enjoy it while it lasts boys !!
He's the future of TNA along side AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe.

The future of TNA is nearly 40 years old? He's not the same age as Styles & Joe you know. He's quite a lot older. I was watching him in 2000 and I think he'd been wrestling for a few years then.

I like Daniels. But that could be because I've seen him wrestle locally before he was famous. But he's not the future of anything. He couldn't get over as a main event wrestler in TNA in a feud with Sting. That's a Billy Gunn/Rock situation right there.
Christopher Daniels is an awesome wrestler! Look at it like this, he was Curry Man, Suicide for a bit before Kaz returns, and his own character. When did you ever see him use the same move set for any of the 3 characters? That's how talented he is. He's the ONLY wrestler in TNA that could give A.J. a run for his money as the best in TNA. I'm pissed he had to lose to Kurt Asshole in his return, but for storyline purposes this time only, I understand it. Check out the best of Styles part 2 dvd. They have a 3 way match with AJ, Joe, and Daniels. 1 of the best matches I've seen in my 25+ years of watching wrestling.
he never left lol was just incognito.

He'll screw the front line anyway you just watch :) That was Jarretts decision, bring back someone who had a huge rivalry with AJ and Joe.
If anyone has any question to how good Christopher Daniels is, take a look at the Triple Threat X Division Championship match with Joe, AJ, and Daniels as in my opinion it is the best match not only in his career but one of the best in TNA, ever, by the way if you haven't seen it go to youtube and check it out. And about the match itself I watched it, and I will admit it wasn't his best match but, when there was only something like 30 minutes of total in ring wrestling for the whole show, as reported on, then it is hard to have a complete match. I think that they did a great job in selling his return, to his original persona, which not only includes the match but everything before and after. And even though he has been there the whole time as Curry Man/Suicide, his moveset hasn't been the same so he might not have ring rust, but he might have had move rust as he hasn't used moves like the BME, Best Moonsault Ever, the STO, and the spinout powerbomb, which Daniels' version is the real way it's supposed to be done not Cena's half ass version. The fact of the matter is that he wasn't given an opportunity to showcase what he can do, because after TNA went on a signing spree of ex-WWE stars, they changed his character, so how is he going to be a main eventer when he was told to be Curry Man and Suicide? I myself want TNA to succeed but in their own way, not the WWE way. We all complain that TNA is turning into WWE because of the talent that they have signed, well now they are going back to the days when TNA was about X Division guys, you know the days when we all watched on a regular bases because it was different from WWE with their innovative styles. Kudos to TNA for focusing on what got them to this point to begin with.
This is a really bitchy comment to make but I hate his new ring gear.

That aside he's one of the very best in-ring performers there's ever been. The guy that says he has natural story-telling ability is dead on, he can just flat out wrestle. I've never seen a bad Daniels match. His only problem is getting over with a crowd that don't care about match psychology, that's why he's adored in ROH and with the indies, indie fans want to see WRESTLING, TNA is marketed 50% to those people and the other 50 to the WWE audience and the WWE audience don't even know what psychology is.

For that reason I was surprised that he got as big a pop as he did on Impact, so good on him for that. Whoever said he got beaten by Angle in his first match didn't really watch that well, it was ruled a draw and we all know he won as he INITIATED THE OFFENCE.

He looked very good in his return but I would have liked to have seen them go a little longer. Think about how much sense it makes though, the three guys that kicked the door in for TNA and announced HERE WE ARE in 2005, the three guys that have torn each other to pieces to put the company on the map are united as a team to take on the pension club.

He isn't the future, he's 40 yeards old, but for the next year or two I think he's a good person to have around... but I'd get him back to the Fallen Angel character ASAP, part of why he isn't over with casual fans is his name is Christopher Daniels....
The guy who started this thread said he would wipe the slate clean and pretend he had never seen Daniels before. With all do respect to that guy, I think its obvious he never did. If your first glimpse of Daniels was as part of the Styles/Daniels tandem you haven't seen Daniels. He was never involved in anything important after that tag situation. Judging him on his performance at that time is completely unfair.

Go back to anything Daniels between 2000 and very early 2006 and its plain to see the guy is GOLD! One of, if not the best workers in the business (his execution, moveset and ability to protect his opponent as well as telling a compelling in ring story is unparalleled). He is very solid on the mic and has a great gimmick. If I was running TNA, Daniels would have been the guy to end Joe's unbeaten streak to capture the title a couple of years ago when both guys were still red hot and hadn't, in Joe's case, been so overexposed in the wrong ways that TNA made even Joe look like shit.

My fondest memory of Daniels has to be his quest for the X-Division title and his first run with the belt. He single handedly made the X-Division title the hands down MOST important belt in the company. I remember him headlining PPV's ahead of the world title match, I remember Daniels vs Style and later on Joe being the hottest angle on their TV show. He just had this thing about him that brought an aura of prestige to that division at the time. He is just a very talented guy.
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