Christmas traditions

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
I know it is only October and it isn't even Christmas yet not even close

But I was just curious as to everyone's yearly traditions and just what it is that you guys all do for Christmas like for example what do you guys do on Christmas Eve (December 24th)? What do you guys do on Christmas Day (December 25th)?

I guess you can say I am in the Christmas spirit which is why I wanted to know just what it is you guys do with your families every me a Christmas fanatic
Growing up in a split family, we always had Christmas on my dad's side on the 24th. When my step dad adopted my brother and I, we just kept that part of it going.

Mom usually makes a small dinner, nothing comparable to Thanksgiving, and we eat and do gifts.
Watch Christmas Vacation. Every year. I will probably hurt someone if they try to change it.

A Christmas Story for me, with family. With friends, we watch Home Alone, and drink whenever they say the words Pizza, Paris, or Polka.

In turn, I dread the forthcoming John Candy.
Usually our Christmas is busy with visiting family and friends. We go to my husbands sisters on the 24th for dinner with his family. Since his family is sort of all over the place, they all try to get there for that one night.

Since my parents are no longer alive, Christmas Day will see us either at home, my sister's or my brother's. We take turns, this year it's my brother's. My sister and I will make something and take it with us, so my sister in law doesn't have to do all the cooking. They do the same when they come to our place. So in other words it's that day we spend with my family. First we do the usual open gifts in the morning then start dinner or start getting ready to go out.

On Boxing Day if I didn't have to cook Christmas dinner, then we have people over, or go to friends for a small Christmas party. We will spend too much money, eat too much food, but will enjoy every minute of it.
As for my Christmas tradition I try my best to make a Christmas service and I avoid the TBS station like the plague.
Look everyone, Milenko hates Christmas!

Explain boxing day to me Navi. We don't have it here in the States, and I am not a smart man.

Boxing Day is a holiday we have on the 26th. I believe it's called Boxing Day because people would actually go boxing on that day. I could be totally wrong on that one though.
Christmas is over with before 1 PM. Gets really hot and by then everyone is ready to beach it anyway.

They play cricket on Boxing Day which you can't escape if you turn on the television and the stores have the best sales.
Explain boxing day to me Navi. We don't have it here in the States, and I am not a smart man.

Sorry Yaz just saw this. Boxing Day is the day after Christmas and as far as I know only the UK and Commonwealth countries call it that. I have no idea what the origins are, but that's when all the stores put everything on sale up to 75% off and they are packed. It's similar to your Black Friday, something we don't really do.

It's a statutory holiday here, well except for retail and restaurants. Government offices and banks are closed. If you do have to work you get double time and a half, so it's worth it to some. For most though it's either a day to go shopping if you want to fight the crowds or visit with family and friends.
Watch Roommates kid (my god daughter) open a present at Christmas Eve, then 70% of the time I head to my father's family Xmas Eve feast with about 50 family members there on average. Next morning it's opening presents at home, then off to my mother's side with about 10 family members for another feast by 11:30 AM. Then back to my mother's house to open a few presents. Then back home to eat a Christmas supper later in the day.

Tree folded up, thrown in a box a few days later.

That's it. A lot of eating during Christmas. A couple of years ago we discovered that our 150 pound American Bulldog LOVES to open presents, he gets super excited and tears at the wrapping. So now we wrap his birthday and Xmas presents for some big laughs and a new tradition.
Meet up with all my old college mates on Xmas eve for drinks, usually pretty drunk.

My brother comes up North from London ever Xmas and stays at my house then we go to parents for presents and food on Xmas day. I don't have any relatives other than my brother and parents so it's just the 4 of us.

I'm single at the moment but for the last couple of years my ex and her little girl would celebrate Xmas with my family. Her parents are Jehovas witnesses (she's not) so they didn't celebrate Xmas so the two of them would join my family. It was so nice having a child around for the holiday, really brought back the magic of Xmas for me, I'm going to miss it this year
I love Christmas but the day itself I don't really do anything.

I start my Christmas jumper wearing about the 7th of December (currently have 12 of them) with decorations going up. I've a Pokémon Christmas wreath, Christmas Yoshi's and a tree (with Mario Star).

Christmas Eve I get drunk with work people and the day itself I watch the South Park Christmas Specials and a Charlie Brown Christmas.

Boxing day I usually see my nephews but this year I'm working Boxing day so I'll see them through the rest of the week. Then I have New Year off.

I used to hate Christmas but I decided to start my own traditions.
I forgot to add this. A new tradition started here about three years ago, ugly Christmas sweater parties. You find the most hideous sweater festooned with Christmas stuff on it and wear it to a party. The ugliest one wins a prize. Usually a bottle of booze.

People used to make their own by putting lights, tinsel, holly and sewing Christmas teddy bears onto a plain sweater, but then the stores picked up on it. You can't go past any store now that doesn't have tons of them in the windows. At $45.00 a pop they are making a fortune.

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