Christian's Title Shot


HBK for life
So when johnny said that if his team wins at wrestlemania, he will give christian the title shot he has been asking for. My question for you is, who do you think christian would go after?

I think he would try and get a shot at the wwe title. It would give punk a feud to build him as champ going into a possible feud with wade barrett(which i pray to good we will see)and the two would put on some great matches, and great promos.
Actually, Johnny said he'll award him a shot at the World Heavyweight Title so whoever wins the Sheamus/Bryan encounter will most likely have a match with Christian at Extreme Rules. Sheamus is definitely walking out of Mania the champ because in my opinion, the Rumble winner has to win the championship this year since it's been five years since the last one won. The Rumble would lose some of its aura if Sheamus doesn't win this year and some fans may begin to view it as another ordinary PPV and your typical battle royal thus losing its mystique and uniqueness. Also, they might have a triple threat instead of a one on one match up at Extreme Rules with Bryan invoking his rematch clause.

I also think it's virtually a lock Team Johnny wins so Christian will definitely be getting his title shot and he's very deserving of it even though WWE has never really pushed him a lot for whatever reason. I think they aren't high on him because he lacks the it factor, the star look or whatever but I've always liked him both on the mic and in the ring. It's very unlikely he wins because Sheamus has been on a roll lately and I think it's clear WWE are pushing him to become their next star and most likely the face of SD.
I think he would try and get a shot at the wwe title. It would give punk a feud to build him as champ going into a possible feud with wade barrett(which i pray to good we will see)and the two would put on some great matches, and great promos.

while id love to see this fued i just cant see it happening Sheamus is gonna win the world heavyweight title at wrestlemania and he "injured" Christian before so of course christian wants revenge only problem with this fued is sheamus destorying christian in a few ppv matches would be boring just like it was last year when they fueded.
im wondering if Christian will be the only one to get a title shot. After that why would Henry or whoever else is going to be on the team want one as well. It doesn't make sense for anyone to be on his team now and not be guaranteed a title shot. What I wouldn't mind seeing is something similar to the Team Orton vs. Team HHH where the winning team controlled Raw for the coming weeks. It would be similar in the sense the weeks after WM each guy would get a shot at Punk/Sheamus for the title. This would also make things difficult for Punk which is what we would expect JL to want to do.

Back on topic though, Id like to see him challenge Punk. Either feud makes sense though, Sheamus "injured" Christian and Christian could go after Punk because he never won the WWE Title. THe Punk feud would be better imo, just because the two guys could put on a classic and there two of the top guys on the mike. Also wouldn't mind having Jericho involved to make a Three Way for the WWE Title...
They'll probably give Christian the Championship match on the first SD after WrestleMania. Sheamus will have a dominant first title defense and then face Bryan again at Extreme Rules with Orton probably in the Triple Threat match.

Christian isn't getting a big feud. WWE knows that people won't believe he'll win.
I'm hoping for Bryan to win and then a Bryan/Christian feud which I think would be fantastic.

Whether it actually happens though is another story :(
Agreed, he jobs out on the first SD with some kind of Teddy Long backlash and then gets drafted to RAW, goes into some Triple Threats with Jericho and Punk while they wait for Barrett... Henry ain't getting any shots cos he is leaving...

Christian and Jericho on RAW again makes some sense... IF it's true about A-Train returning then there is a stable there...
It seems certain to me that Sheamus will win at WrestleMania. Bryan's been built as a squirrely winner and a guy that pulls it out cheaply. Cashed in MITB to win, kept the title out of Show's hands using AJ, snuck out of the cage at the Rumble, and his only elimination in the Chamber came over Santino. Bryan hasn't got any credibility to actually take out Sheamus at WrestleMania. I suppose the match could end in disqualification or countout, but at a Mania that the WWE really needs to come through for them, I doubt they'll pull something like that. More generally, I get the feeling that they're no longer interested in Bryan as a main eventer and that he was mostly a stopgap for a poorly thought out SmackDown roster and a result of Henry's injury. Going even further, I think there's some ambiguity in the results of the other three major matches on the card. Triple H could beat the Undertaker, which would be a pseudo-heel move. Jericho could very well beat Punk. I don't even know which result in Cena/Rock translates to heel/face. The WWE will probably want a clear face winner in this match. Everything adds up - Bryan has next to no chance of walking out of WrestleMania as the WHC.

So, that said, the more interesting question is whether or not Team Ace wins at WrestleMania. It seems the likely move and obviously the most interesting one. The only motivation I could see for the WWE writing off Ace is that they're tired of him on TV, which doesn't make any sense at all. Despite his gimmick being that of a dull blunderer, he's ridiculously interesting as a character and in his actions and has really made Raw a pleasure during his tenure. I suspect that the WWE is well aware of this and intends to place Ace in charge of both shows, although I'm not certain he'll keep both long-term. That's another story. The bottom line is that I do indeed expect Ace to win, although it's not entirely guaranteed, since a heel victory is always a stretch in the WWE.

That said, it seems likely that Christian gets a championship shot against Sheamus, which seems like a good feud to last for a little while. Christian could probably have a very similar feud with Sheamus as he did with Orton - constantly striving for the title, failing, maybe acquiring it briefly by some cheap victory, but losing it back. Meanwhile, they'd probably have phenomenal matches, which I'm game for. I get the feeling Bryan might get shipped to Raw in the draft, which would further support that particularly angle occurring. But to answer the original question, I would consider it very likely that Christian will get his title shot against the World Heavyweight Champion, most likely Sheamus.
So when johnny said that if his team wins at wrestlemania, he will give christian the title shot he has been asking for. My question for you is, who do you think christian would go after?

I think he would try and get a shot at the wwe title. It would give punk a feud to build him as champ going into a possible feud with wade barrett(which i pray to good we will see)and the two would put on some great matches, and great promos.

Punk dosent need a feud to build him as champ. He is the WWE champion and has been well solidified. Furthermore why have Barrett go after Punk? It would mean Barrett would have to jump to Raw at the draft and that is unlikely because he is doing fine on SD rather than being lost in the shuffle on Raw.

Christian will be fed to Sheamus. He has reason to go after him and both men will be on SD for some time to come. SD has a thinner roster and needs both of them. Sheamus and Christian will happen. Captain Charisma wont win, but it will be a nice little feud.

It has been circulated the MITB match was scrapped because Barrett was injured. Once he comes back, it will be a matter of time before we see him in the title picture and Sheamus vs Barrett would be great.

Christian will be a go-to guy for the SD main event, but very un-likely he will win again this year. Sheamus will destroy him and likely beat Kane and a few others before dropping it to Orton or Barrett before the end of the summer.
I would have to say, if anyone, it'll be the world heavyweight title and Sheamus. It probably would be a filler feud until Barrett comes back. I don't know. Since Sheamus appears to be HHH's guy, he'll probably have quite the title run until Wade comes back.

I love Christian and I do enjoy Punk. But, for whatever reason, I just don't see these two personalities and promos meshing real well. Probably just me. Also, I kind of hope Bryan gets drafted to Raw and has a feud with Punk at some point (title or no title).
clearly Christian stated the World Heavyweight Title, so he will be going after Shemaus to build his reign as credible. Then when Orton turns heel, he can take the title from Sheamus around Summerslam.
WWE are almost building Daniel Bryan just like they did to Christian last year, Winning their first world title, turning heel, being the wimpy heel that avoids combat, I think after Mania we should see the Bryan Sheamus feud continue to another PPV. Then Sheamus will fued with someone drafted from raw, maybe a Ziggler or Rhodes.

Where as for Christian I would like to see WWE build him as a more liable competitor, as right now I don't really see him as a liability to the WWE championchip, have him say one night on raw, after inducting Edge in to the HOF he can be more foccused on the WWE championchip and maybe feud with Punk after his feud Jericho, and then get into a fued with a face Ziggler, that would be an awesome fued
I don't know if he'll ever get the title again, but I am hoping to see Christian have a run where he isn't made to look like a complete bitch. Now, that shouldn't mean that he has to turn face to be able to do that, but considering how things have been going it probably would be case.
most likely sheamus but i could very easily see the wwe ignoring this after mania. they would just pretend johhny ace never said it and have christian just never bring it up. of course christian should stay in the ME from now on but dont be surprised when his title shot is just ignored.
All signs point to Sheamus. I hate to admit it as I really want to see Bryan retain at WM.

This is looking like a classic transition for the belt. Sheamus (the face) gets a WM title win thanks to HHH, Christian (the heel) gets the belt from him at the next PPV due to underhanded heel tactics.

Two heels wrestling for a belt makes little sense. The only other option, assuming Ace wins, is Christian fighting Punk.
If Christian does get this title shot, then that brings up four different scenarios that could play out. JL would be running both brands, so he could allow Christian to challenge for either of the two world titles. It would most likely be the Smackdown brand's world champion, but it could be Raw's world champion too. Christian could potentially face CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, or Sheamus. All four of these are feuds that I would really like to see. The potential as far as promos and match quality is certainly there. Whichever one of the four we may get, I think we as fans will be in for something great.

I doubt that Jericho will defeat Punk and be around much after Wrestlemania, so that's probably not happening. Bryan and Christian could put on amazing match, although one of them would need to be a face. So that leaves Punk and Sheamus. Punk's going to need someone to feud with over on Raw after Wrestlemania and his angle with Jericho ends. This could put Christian into that spot. The Sheamus feud would make the most sense from a kayfabe'd standpoint, due to the history that they have. I think it will be Christian VS Sheamus. I would enjoy any of those four scenarios though!

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