Christian York On Gut Check And Joey Ryan


Lord And Master
Staff member
Christian York appeared on the Chad Dukes Wrestling Show for an interview Thursday. Highlights from the interview are as follows:

“They really don’t talk to you during the day. All they did was one of the TV guys comes up to me, and he brought me to the ring, and says, ‘OK, this is where Al’s gonna stand, Taz’s gonna be, Bruce is gonna be, Jeremy’s gonna be here. Don’t cross the ring, you just stand right here is where you wanna stand, and that’s it. And the thing with Joey Ryan was, he got the ‘No’s.’ That was a shoot, that was legit, and he got pissed off and he grabbed the mic and the things that he said was not anything that was planned. He did that, he went into business for himself and look what he’s got now.”

Essencially, the claim is that everything said in Gut Check is totally real and the entire 89% thing was all Joey Ryan. And got hired for it. If true, Joey Ryan got hired for stepping out of line. TNA basically rewarded him for thinking on his own. Joey may not be setting rings on fire with his skills, but if there's anything to follow about him it's initiative. People in the business nowadays have become downright tame and submissive. Ryan didn't want no for an answer and look where he got for it. Well done if what York is saying is true.
I don't know if I want to believe what York said. It is possible that Joey Ryan got hired for being a renegade. But I always keep in mind that a wrestler's responsibilities in doing these interviews is to draw interest for themselves and the promotion. Will Ryan get a boost from this? Hard to say. Lately it seems the fans' response to him has been nil. He did draw interest when he was interrupting Gut Check, but that's where it ends. Right now I'll take what York said with a grain of salt.
What he said wasn't even all that great. Taz isn't a suplex machine he's a commentator, not crossing the line, more common knowledge. I can't see Ryan walking through the backstage area only to be stopped and told, "Well done on doing what we didn't want you to do, we could work an angle out of this and give you a contract," it all seems rather silly. Maybe York is just trying to sell the Gut Check segment in a kayfabe manner of speaking, cause I sure as hell don't believe it's not scripted.
I agree and have thought it many times, hell even legends have said that of Vince McMahon and no doubt it applies to TNA and hell any workplace too. there comes a point where you can't just keep being a sheep going to work not trying to ruffle any feathers for fear you'll lose your spot or your job.

At some point you have to take a risk if you wanna get any higher, either that or just be a complete ass kisser, and in Joey Ryan's case he isn't the most gifted athlete so he has to make up for that by being a cocky wise ass and hope it worked (which it obviously did). look at the shows, when he screamed blue murder on that gut check episode what did it do? it got exposure it got a huge reaction and everytime he was in the crowd or attacking Al Snow what did it do? got exposure and people need that, we need something to engage in.

Sorry but everything else thats going on isn't that engaging. AJ and the actress meh!!! Jeff Hardy back on top meh!!! Austin Airies had it going but they buried that., Aces and Eights is really mindless they are too busy trying to not make things worse they aren't making things better. Least Joey did something a little different, not saying we need to go back to the infamous Kevin Nash weekly "shoots" but people need to step up and take a chance they probably wont be fired over it unless it's really bad.

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