Christian York: "I want to be [TNA] World Champion"

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It's no secret I'm a fan of this guy, and I was really high on him coming through Gut Check (especially because he's a vet, which is exactly what I've been saying Gut Check should be doing now for months), but I don't see a world champion in him. Sorry, Christian. You just don't meet enough of my criteria to convince me you'll actually be a success as one.

Main event performers to me are required to meet a minimum of two of the following three markers:

• Exceptional verbal skill/talent
• Great look/character
• Adequate in-ring ability.

Jeff Hardy, for example, only has two of those three (adequate in-ring ability, great look/character), but still passes for a main evener because of it. To me, York only really meets one, maybe one and a half of these — adequate in-ring ability and somewhat great look/character, though that's highly debatable.

Maybe i'm way off the marker, but I just don't see it, though I do like his aggressive outlook. If more performers had that mentality, we'd have a fuck ton more stars than we do today.

He's persistent. And he's not afraid to speak his mind. Though he's really nice about it. He's doing something right given he's barely been around a month and has butted head's with Jeff Hardy and Robert Roode. He's got experience but in my book that haircut may want to go. He looks like a shorter Tyler Reks with a bleach job. I'm pretty confident soon enough he'll going up against Rob Van Dam and such. To him, it should be a matter of showing he can get it done in the ring. He already has the ambition for it.
Ya never know until given a full chance and a good push from the back. I never would of thought Hardy would ever become a champion and he has. In both companies nonetheless. It all depends on how bad this guy wants it. How far he is willing to go to make him the star he wishes to be. Given the right character along with a gimmick he can work with he has potential.

His look isn't all that bad. I just don't like the dreads he is sporting. It makes him unique looking sure, but when I see dreads I like them to look clean. Not dirty/grungy like they are. Build wise he has it. I think his build is similar to AJ Styles' build. His build is passable.

Now, his mic skills are there. He isn't great as he isn't anything horrible. If given time, I am sure he could show us his skills on the mic. As of now, they could possibly hold him back. But hey, if AJ was champion with his average mic skills, anything is possible.

In ring skills are there for him. I think he is the better of the Gut Check contestants to be on the show. He is passable in the ring for sure. So this can also help his career out too.

As for being world champion, ya never truly know. I could see it. I wouldn't but it now though. If given the chance to shine then maybe one day York's dream might come true.
He's no World Champion.

I believe his place is in the X Division and the tag team division as a heel and if he were to win either title, I'd prefer it to be the tag titles.

To me, York only really meets one, maybe one and a half of these — adequate in-ring ability and somewhat great look/character, though that's highly debatable.

I agree with your requirements of a world champion and your evalutation of him.

He kind of has a Conan the Barbarian look about him, but he's not the size of a guy like Batista. I don't think York/Batista's mic skills would be all that different, but I think do because of Batista's size/physique his mic skills just seemed to come off better.

So York is kind of in a weird position were he's ripped, but he's not a monster or power house, but yet not small enough to be crafty.
When I looked at your criteria I instantly though the York has two of those.
He has the in ring skill and he has a good look. However I agree with you that his look/character is debatable.
He doesn't have the "it" factor. Nothing about him screams world champion.
I like the guy and believe he has talent. I'm not denying that. I just don't see him as a legit world champion.
I am an admitted long time fan of York, but given his age, it seems that building himself up to world champion level at this point in his career does seem a little far-fetched. Even people like myself who are familiar with him and are fans of his from the past, we remember him as a tag specialist. I will say though that he has made good showings for himself as a singles guy so far in this new run with TNA, and the added muscle that wasn't there when he was younger doesn't hurt.

I'd love to see York get a legitimate chance to prove his worth, and thus far it seems like TNA intends to give him that chance. He has alot of talent, so there's no telling for sure how far up the card he could rise. I would not be shocked at all to see York hold TNA gold by the end of 2013, I just doubt that a TNA world title run lies in his future.

Either way, he's a good addition to the roster and the attitude he has is the right one to have. As long as a wrestler is willing to work and be happy with his placement in the company and try hard to advance up the card without taking on a sense of entitlement where he feels like he should be pushed further than the bookers do, aspirations are never a bad thing.
There is something about Christian York that I just love. Every time I see him I pay attention and watch closely.

But there is something about Christian York I can't stand too ... and I don't know what it is ... which of course hurts him.

I just can't see him as serious World Champion material. Maybe the kind of guy who gets a shot or two here or there and is believable, but I don't think the strap will ever go on this guy.

But, like I said ... every time I see him ... I at least for a second think he could be a top flight talent. So maybe it is in there somewhere.
I like Christian York and really admire his promotional work considering everyday he seems to be conducting another interview or appearing at an indy show promoting not only himself but the TNA brand, yet I can't help but feel hes getting a little bit too far ahead of himself. He has the right idea - there's that phrase, "If you're not in this business to be the best then you don't belong in it," - but get a feud going to begin with and then start speaking on your aspirations of becoming a World Heavyweight Champion someday. It'd benefit him more considering the more fans see of him, the more they'll support him.
Stranger things have happened. From what I've seen of York in his few TNA appearances thus far, he seems to be pretty solid inside the ring but that's just not enough to get it done these days.

He has a decent look and build, nothing overly great but he looks to be in great shape. He doesn't seem to have much of a character though and I'm not at all sold on his personality or charisma.

As has also been mentioned, York's pretty old for someone that MIGHT just be starting to hit his stride. In the grand scheme of life, 35 isn't old at all but it is when you consider that he's been wrestling since he was 19 and, thus far, doesn't really have anything to show for it. His age doesn't automatically knock him out of becoming a champ or anything, it's just unusual to see guys in his age range who've really done so little make it to the top. Off the top of my head, Mark Henry is really the only wrestler I can think of that's done what York wants to do: someone that's had a long career of mediocrity with no major happenings to show for it but suddenly comes on strong and becomes World Champion.

There are also a lot of other wrestlers on the TNA roster right now, and for the forseeable future, that I think most people would prefer to see as World Champion or as contenders. These days, the most common names I hear people mention in conjunction with the TNA WHC, aside from Jeff Hardy, include Bobby Roode, James Storm, AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Matt Morgan, Bully Ray, Christopher Daniels and maybe a few others. Except for Morgan, all of those wrestlers have either become stars in TNA by being long term successes, have been major players in WWE or some combination of both. Many of those, and I'm probably leaving a few out, have been wrestlers who've been established in TNA for a really long time. While York is in the same age range as most of them, he's a nobody because he's only now starting to get noticed. On top of all that, overall, those guys are simply much better than Christian York. All that, plus his age, makes me think that York won't be TNA World Heavyweight Champion unless TNA up and decides to give him a brief run at some point in the hopes of generating a feel good moment.
Of all the Gut Check TNA peeps, this guy has the best potential. I honestly forgot about all the rest of those losers until they came back for Open Check Fight Gut Night.

That one chick is hideous. Then there's those 2 other stiffs who fought each other. And we all know where Wes Brisco is going (and hopefully it's back to Promo School 101).

This dude could work his way up through the midcard and eventually could be the TNA Champion...but then again if Matt Morgan hasn't reached the mountaintop yet, how can Christian York ever expect to?
York would make a good world champ.... in ROH. Yes, he's been head up with Jeff Hardy and Bobby Roode, and did a good job against both. He has a Hardy like appeal to him, but not to the masses. He has the look and in-ring ability, and he is better IMO than Hardy on the mic. But he won't move merchandise like Hardy in TNA. He will probably get the X division or TV title at some point, but no higher.
maybe one day he could be world heavyweight champion, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. he's not a name from WWE that viewers are going to know. he's not even an established name with TNA. he's just new into TNA. sure he was there before, but how long ago was that now? he is going to need time to be built up so he is known.
I would like to think that everyone on the roster WANTS to be the Champ, reality for many of course is that it won't be the case and I don't see why York will be one of the exceptions. Good in the ring from what I've seen, put me in the camp that doesn't dig his look so much though I don't think it's terrible. Good that he setting his sights high though and who knows maybe that will end up being the difference that makes him an exception.
Regardless of whether anyone personally likes or dislikes Christian York's aesthetic appeal, he seems to be poised for a TNA World Championship run in the next few years. He has erupted since his brief second stint began and he's become a fan favorite practically overnight. York may not be a ratings juggernaut or a master talker, but everything he has done so far has connected with people and brought a bit more acclaim to the promotion and in a time when such proven commodities as Rob Van Dam, Mr Anderson, Devon and Sting are failing to bolster fan support of the company, it seems Christian York has made great strides in accomplishing that goal and on a smaller salary than many in the company (unless of course York got lucky and is the rare undercard talent to be paid a tremendous price).

When the time comes, I'd give Christian York the chance to win the Bound For Glory Series and furthermore the aforementioned Championship at Bound For Glory. After a month of York as Champion, you can give the title to Bobby Roode as a way to bait fans in for York's rightful title chase while giving the World Title to a proven draw in Roode.

Christian York will be good for business and will be a great, if momentary, TNA World Champion and I hope it comes to pass that Christian York has his night in the spotlight.
First Christian York should start off with the X-division or T.V title to get himself some momentum. THEN he really should receive that world title. He deserves it. He's been held back for 16 years too long. He has that experience.

BUT...yes, there's a but, at some points, he seems to "effortless" inside that ring from what I've seen so far. When (sometimes) he's getting a move performed on him or even when he's doing the move, it looks like he puts no effort into it, IT SEEMS SLOPPY. Also, he has too much of an "indy" look. He needs something that makes him stand out (not including his Rasta-like hair) and will make him that "star". His mic isn't all bad though.

Otherwise, he's great!

Awesome wrestler. It's what TNA needs, especially to carry the company on his back once guys like Kurt Angle and Sting retire. The company will be different without them but if they keep bringing in legit talent (not like the Robbie's)they won't really have that problem because they'll keep the fans interested.
I gotta give him credit he's not hiding what his goal is. But I gotta agree with IDR I don't think hes world champ material. I think its possible he could be down the road but not right now, Plus I think he should take the X Division Belt to get some momentum rolling for him before he even is considered for the world title picture.
Everyone going into TNA or any federation for that matter should have the goal of being that company's world champ. I like that he is so open about that goal. I definitely think he has a good look, and from what I have seen he has looked good in the ring. For me though it is just hard to picture him at the top of TNA. I like they way he started and he hung in there with Hardy well, and I could see him getting a title shot or two. I am very interested in seeing how far this guy can go, and I am definitely a fan, but something tells me he isn't world title material.
I know he is a veteran but in my mind he needs to stay in the present for a little longer if he wants the belt but he gave Jeff a run for his money so I think it's possible in the future
Never. Fuckin' never.

I love his look but he is overrated. People are really buying into TNA's propaganda with this guy. If they put him up against Bischoff and Robbie E. instead of Roode and Hardy this discussion would be non-existent.

Christian York was good in the ring when he was facing the top talent in the company and even then he didn't shine too bright, it was just interesting to see him against top guys.

This isn't Austin Aries we're talking about. Aries came back and there was no doubt in anyone's mind that this dude could cut a promo on a sack of sand, wrestle it and still be entertaining and a hundred per-cent sure future World Champion. Aries was flawless and still is and wasn't even booked as a veteran or nothing. He booked himself, essentially.

With York we can see TNA WWEing him. What I mean by that is taking an average wrestler and then weaving this huge cloud of hype around him. I'm talking vignettes, commentators noting how he gets their dicks hard, wrestling people shouldn't even be int he ring with - crazy shit like that. Then people buy it, because they're fucking idiots. If they say he's big, he must be big.

Nah, nah he isn't. He's a dude who's SUPPOSED to be quick paced but is actually slow and looks like the Jersey Shore version of Konan the Barbarian.

I'm not buying it.

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