Chris Masters



Just wondering what happened to Chris Masters?? He had a rivalry/friendship going with Carlito and then just disapeared. I did see a recent picture of him and looks a though he has lost a considerable amount of muscle mass. Has he been injured???
I thought Masters was gonna be the face in their feud, I hope he returns soon
He was my pick for Rookie of the Year, but now apparently the award's gonna go to Kenny, Mickie James or Lashley
When he returns, Masters should go to ECW and go after Test
I disagree, I think Masters should come back and go to SD. That's where a lot of new talent is coming and in and I can see him feud with someone over there.
Flames Out
I'd like to see him on RAW because that's primarily the show I watch...The whole Eddie Guerrero thing just made SD lose some points in my book.
I agree, I’d really like it if Masters when over to SD!, I think he’d be good over there.
he looks much smaller than usual cuz he's not juicing himself anymore. i don't think he'll be getting a push for a while
Masters still looked good tonight. Although leaner, he looks better in the ring. He's more finite with his moves. Give him a little push, he deserves it. If he goes into a program with Haas I'll kill myself
I really liked him tonight, a sort of breath of fresh air after seeing the same faces week after week. His in ring skills seem better and I want to see him in a feud.

Flames Out
No... We didnt... Sarcasim.... He does look extremly thinner... Hes also flubbier... His wrestling skills did get a bit better... But hes still not good....
masters still has alot of muscle and looks great he can still keep up the masterpiece gimmick
That doesn't make sense- that his wrestling skills are better but, he's still not good. I think he just needs a better gimmick and he could really go places.

Flames Out
he cant wrestle cena....thats one bad matchup! lol
What I mean by his wrestling skills are better... But he still isnt good... Cause he really didnt impress me... A couple of new moves... Really isnt much... But I cant really see him make it big on Raw.... He should join SD! So should Cena...
I thought that it was god to see masters back. he did look good in the ring...a little bit quicker also. I hope that he does get a push. If he did go to Smackdown that would also be cool, I think that they really need people because im my opinion Smackdown sucks!
I'd rather watch Masters over Batista any day. He's still got a good physique so I dont see why he cant keep The Masterpiece gimmick. After Batista he's the most muscular wrestler on the roster, he also looks more natural now unlike Batista who I believe will be having a month or so off when they do the next drug test.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! LMFAO last night! He comes out with all that music, pulls away the robe and he's a midget! I could take him now! No one anywhere is going to tell me it was painkillers. He was juicing more than Tropicana. His career is over. He sucked before, and he sucks worse now. LOL!
he jus loss muscle mass thats all....and u def could not take masters dude......only reason we r sayin this is cuz we r use to seeing him huge...he is still alot more built then some superstars on the masters is still gonna be kept around for awhile
I think his arms still look huge and his wrestling seemed a bit improved. I'm really interested in what he's going to do.

Flames Out

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