Chris Jericho: WWE's Worst Champion

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
By WWE's shit counting he's a five time world champion, 9 time IC champion and a fuck knows how many time tag champ. I'd say he's had about 20 WWE titles in his career.

But when you look at his reigns none have been great. I know there have been worse individual champions. But WWE never bothered to put titles on Albert or The Godfather time and time again.

I have more to say, but I'll see what the response is.
I wouldnt say he's the worst,but I totally get your point. It seems that everytime the WWE wants to mix it up, they throw a belt on Jericho. They have never really given him the chance to have a long reign as World Champion and try to make it work. His reigns are usually short and he does'nt really get the chance to defend the belt without losing it. And to tell you the truth, I had forgotten about the 2 reigns as WCW champion during the invasion. I am a huge Jericho fan but I am also willing to admit that his title reigns are usually lackluster.
Fine I'll humor you. No doubt this will be followed by some witty tyrade from you, Then you'll reveal, tongue firmly in cheek that it was a great joke thread. It might even get sigged by someone. Then again, who am I to talk?

By WWE's shit counting he's a five time world champion, 9 time IC champion and a fuck knows how many time tag champ. I'd say he's had about 20 WWE titles in his career.

Thats impressive right? Thats 500% more world titles than Khali. Oh yes, my knowledge of numbers is pretty good.

But when you look at his reigns none have been great.

Are we talking about World Champion or Intercontinental? Or even European? Be specific. Either way, he's been solid enough, I guess.

I know there have been worse individual champions.

Personally I was a fan of Stan "The Man" Stasiak. Ivan Koloff wasnt half bad either. He was actually Canadian. Crazy. But you're right. Much worse.

But WWE never bothered to put titles on Albert or The Godfather time and time again.

Any one of Jericho's intercontinental titles were better than both of Alberts and The Godfathers reigns put together. I dont get your point.

You say he's the worst champion, then give us two wrestlers that were clearly worse. Even if they got it once, doesnt mean they werent worse than Jericho. I like to compare the Intercontinental Championship to herpes. Once you get it, you're stuck with it on your record. You can't just erase them and say, well ya know, compared to like Orton and Angle, Jericho was the worst Intercontinental Champion.

But i'll look like the dick for getting serious in a joke thread. LOL?!!

I have more to say, but I'll see what the response is.

Well, fire away.
Fine I'll humor you. No doubt this will be followed by some witty tyrade from you, Then you'll reveal, tongue firmly in cheek that it was a great joke thread. It might even get sigged by someone. Then again, who am I to talk?

The subtle witticisms that I put into most of my posts go unnoticed.

Thats impressive right? Thats 500% more world titles than Khali. Oh yes, my knowledge of numbers is pretty good.

WWE appear to ahve learnt their lesson with Khali, no more titles for him.

Are we talking about World Champion or Intercontinental? Or even European? Be specific. Either way, he's been solid enough, I guess.

Titles, in general.

Any one of Jericho's intercontinental titles were better than both of Alberts and The Godfathers reigns put together. I dont get your point.

How so? For somebody of his status none of his reigns have been particularly memorable, nor has he produced a career defining match whilst holing a WWE belt.

You say he's the worst champion, then give us two wrestlers that were clearly worse. Even if they got it once, doesnt mean they werent worse than Jericho.

I can't think of anybody worse, ratio wise.

You can't just erase them and say, well ya know, compared to like Orton and Angle, Jericho was the worst Intercontinental Champion.

9 reigns, what has he done with the belt?

But i'll look like the dick for getting serious in a joke thread. LOL?!!

It's not a joke thread.
The subtle witticisms that I put into most of my posts go unnoticed.

Not for lack of trying I'm sure.

WWE appear to ahve learnt their lesson with Khali, no more titles for him.

You say Jericho is 'ratio-wise' the worst champion. Lets look at his runs with the world title and compare. He's had the world title 5 times, counting the various WCW titles and the undisputed title. Are you saying that Jericho is really so bad as to say he was 5 times worse than Khali? Ratio wise?

How many of Ortons reigns have been memorable? He's a 5 time champion. And any time he isnt actually chasing the title, he's terrible. And certainly not worse than Jericho

How so? For somebody of his status none of his reigns have been particularly memorable, nor has he produced a career defining match whilst holing a WWE belt.

I like to think of his reigns throughout 2008 to be quite memorable. He was holding the title when he faced Shawn Michaels in a ladder match at No Mercy 2008. I think that was certainly a career defining win. If anything it was a good match. So was his and Cena's at Survivor Series.

I can't think of anybody worse, ratio wise.

Jeff Hardy. 7 time tag champ. 4 time Intercontinental Champion. Granted he only lost one of those championships because of drug problems. To Jericho, funnily enough. Either way, how many of his 4 Intercontinental Championships do you remember? Jericho at least defended it at 'Mania.

9 reigns, what has he done with the belt?

Just because the only interesting thing he has done with it is...not much, doesnt mean he is the worst champion. Difference between bad and worst. Its like Samoa Joe's cleavage to Big Daddy V's cleavage. Huge difference.

It's not a joke thread.

We'll see
Ohhhh, Jake touched a nerve here.

Championship or no championship, Chris Jericho is one of those guys who manages to go out and put on the best or 2nd best match in most nights. So you're asking why he is a shit champion? Simple - he's not.

As a tag team champion, Jericho (along with Chris Benoit) carried WWE during a bit of a lull, stepping up and feuding with HHH and Austin as "The Two Man Power Trip." That tag team title reign was fairly significant, if only because it was a chink in the armor of the two heels who were running the company at the time.

As an Intercontinental champion, Jericho put over Chyna better than Jarrett had, competed in some classic feuds with Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit, and often restored luster to the belt when it had started to falter.

Jericho's world championships have been lackluster, but not piss poor.

You listed his title reigns and challenged me to think of anyone with a worse body of work as a champion. Couldn't you make the Jericho comparison to Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels?

The Hart Foundation's tag title reigns stand apart because they were damn important at a big time in tag team wrestling. I grant you that. But Bret's Intercontinental Title reigns each lasted 3 months, and ended in losses to The Mountie and Davey Boy Smith. Along the way, Bret had great matches with Shawn Michaels, Mr. Perfect, and Roddy Piper. Similar to what Jericho did with Benoit and Guerrero, even Angle.

Jericho's problem is that he's too good for the mid-card, but not quite believable as a day-in, day-out World Champion. It's a tough curse to have, but still he does his job better than most. And now that he and Edge are Tag Champs, I may switch from Raw to SD.
Not for lack of trying I'm sure.

Well I don't need to try, I know they're in there somewhere.

You say Jericho is 'ratio-wise' the worst champion. Lets look at his runs with the world title and compare. He's had the world title 5 times, counting the various WCW titles and the undisputed title. Are you saying that Jericho is really so bad as to say he was 5 times worse than Khali? Ratio wise?

Pretty much, yes. About 20 WWE title reigns and nothing intresting has happened during any of them.

How many of Ortons reigns have been memorable? He's a 5 time champion. And any time he isnt actually chasing the title, he's terrible. And certainly not worse than Jericho

Well, without a title isn't relevant to the topic. As for Orton title reigns, maybe you're right. But he's not had as many now as he.

Then again. Orton vs. Foley was for the IC title, that was memorable. And nobody expected him to win at last years Mania, so that could be another notch in favour of Orton being a better champion than Jericho. Depending on your opinion of memorable.

I like to think of his reigns throughout 2008 to be quite memorable. He was holding the title when he faced Shawn Michaels in a ladder match at No Mercy 2008. I think that was certainly a career defining win. If anything it was a good match. So was his and Cena's at Survivor Series.

Good matches, but not great. Nobody will remember then as well as other ladder matches.

Jeff Hardy. 7 time tag champ. 4 time Intercontinental Champion. Granted he only lost one of those championships because of drug problems. To Jericho, funnily enough. Either way, how many of his 4 Intercontinental Championships do you remember? Jericho at least defended it at 'Mania.

Jeff Hardy lost a world title in record time. People will remember that. Also, he'll always have those TLC matches. I'm sure he was a tag champ when one of those occured.

Just because the only interesting thing he has done with it is...not much, doesnt mean he is the worst champion. Difference between bad and worst. Its like Samoa Joe's cleavage to Big Daddy V's cleavage. Huge difference.

It makes him one of the worst champions because of the wealth of championships he's held.
Championship or no championship, Chris Jericho is one of those guys who manages to go out and put on the best or 2nd best match in most nights. So you're asking why he is a shit champion? Simple - he's not.

Recently I'd agree. But from 2001-2004 I wouldn't. With exceptions.

As a tag team champion, Jericho (along with Chris Benoit) carried WWE during a bit of a lull, stepping up and feuding with HHH and Austin as "The Two Man Power Trip." That tag team title reign was fairly significant, if only because it was a chink in the armor of the two heels who were running the company at the time.

Entertaining as it was, the only significant thing about that partnership was that Triple H injured himself against them.

As an Intercontinental champion, Jericho put over Chyna better than Jarrett had, competed in some classic feuds with Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit, and often restored luster to the belt when it had started to falter.

His co-reign with Chyna is the only thing that came close to be intresting during 9 titles reigns. Although I agree he had lots of good matches throughout that time. But where was his one classic as a champion?

Jericho's world championships have been lackluster, but not piss poor.

I'd consider his Undisputed reign to be one of the worst of all time. I exaggerate ever so slightly.

You listed his title reigns and challenged me to think of anyone with a worse body of work as a champion. Couldn't you make the Jericho comparison to Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels?

Sure, but neither of those wrestlers are as as in vogue as Jericho is right now.

The Hart Foundation's tag title reigns stand apart because they were damn important at a big time in tag team wrestling. I grant you that. But Bret's Intercontinental Title reigns each lasted 3 months, and ended in losses to The Mountie and Davey Boy Smith. Along the way, Bret had great matches with Shawn Michaels, Mr. Perfect, and Roddy Piper. Similar to what Jericho did with Benoit and Guerrero, even Angle.

My point is that Jericho never had a match like Bret Had with The Bulldog. Something that could define his or another career. Bret also won his first IC title in a memorable match and I'd say The Mountie shocking a flued up Bret worked better than anything Jericho has ever done whilst champion.

Jericho's problem is that he's too good for the mid-card, but not quite believable as a day-in, day-out World Champion. It's a tough curse to have, but still he does his job better than most. And now that he and Edge are Tag Champs, I may switch from Raw to SD.

The tread idea came to me during the Rey Mysterio match last night. Had he romoved the mask I wouldn't have made it.
Well I don't need to try, I know they're in there somewhere.

Should we take a poll on how many forum users can understand your witty quips?

Pretty much, yes. About 20 WWE title reigns and nothing intresting has happened during any of them.

You don't think you're being a little harsh and biased? What Intercontinental title reign in the past 7 years has been up to your idea of "memorable?" Orton's was good. Thats probably it.

Well, without a title isn't relevant to the topic. As for Orton title reigns, maybe you're right. But he's not had as many now as he.

But he's had the same amount of World title reigns, and these are the meat and vegetables of the argument. The quality of a world title reign is far greater in importance to an Intercontinental reign. Prove me wrong.

Then again. Orton vs. Foley was for the IC title, that was memorable.

Your opinion of memorable really. Im sure some fans don't remember it at all. Especially that sick reversed RKO onto the thumbtacks.

And nobody expected him to win at last years Mania, so that could be another notch in favour of Orton being a better champion than Jericho. Depending on your opinion of memorable.

I fully expected him to win at WM24. What I did not expect was Jericho entering the RAW scramble match. Again, whats memorable to you? What if you had alzheimers?

Good matches, but not great. Nobody will remember then as well as other ladder matches.

It springs to my mind in terms of ladder matches. Cody Deaner's ladder match doesnt.

Jeff Hardy lost a world title in record time. People will remember that. Also, he'll always have those TLC matches. I'm sure he was a tag champ when one of those occured.

Because since Jeff Hardy happened to be in a match with an interesting stip, where the titles changed hands doesnt mean he was interesting. Im sure it was the dudleys at both WM2000 and WM X-7 who were tag champs.

Jericho was Intercontinental during the MITB. Would that contribute to an interesting reign?

It makes him one of the worst champions because of the wealth of championships he's held.

So basically, you're saying that since he's had so many chances with the belt and not been memorable to you, he's the worst?

At which part in an Undertaker title reign were you entertained by something memorable? Or a Bret Hart reign? Just asking you're idea of memorable.
Entertaining as it was, the only significant thing about that partnership was that Triple H injured himself against them.

I would think that the fact it was entertaining was alone enough to justify its existence. Every tag team shouldnt have to be put together to recreate "This is your life" or "Austin 3:16". Why does he have to have done something significant? And why should the fact he hasnt make him one of the worst?

So he's had a few too many shots at it, Im still waiting for the Undertaker to do something groundbreaking.

His co-reign with Chyna is the only thing that came close to be intresting during 9 titles reigns. Although I agree he had lots of good matches throughout that time. But where was his one classic as a champion?

Why is a wealth of good matches not enough to be a good champion? Does one classic then therefore make up for a reign full of awful matches?

I'd consider his Undisputed reign to be one of the worst of all time. I exaggerate ever so slightly.

It was terrible. But one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole basket of apples you recently picked. Im pretty sure thats how the saying goes. It's not like Hogan didn't have a few bad ones.

Sure, but neither of those wrestlers are as as in vogue as Jericho is right now.

In vogue? I've got my fingers crossed for an Orton thread soon.

My point is that Jericho never had a match like Bret Had with The Bulldog. Something that could define his or another career. Bret also won his first IC title in a memorable match and I'd say The Mountie shocking a flued up Bret worked better than anything Jericho has ever done whilst champion.

What about last nights match with Mysterio, or at least any of their past matches over the title? He may of lost the title, but so did Bret to the Bulldog.

The tread idea came to me during the Rey Mysterio match last night. Had he romoved the mask I wouldn't have made it.

It's not like he didn't WANT to take off the mask.
I feel as though Chris Jericho's title reigns are more memorable than they are long. I mean, if you try to look back at any year, and try to list the number of Intercontinental Champions there has been, then you're bound to name Jericho more than a few times. You remember that he was Intercontinental Champion. You remember that he was World Champion and whatever title he's held.

I don't feel that he is WWE's worst champion, but I get your point. Jericho can step in to any fued with a title and when he sees that opportunity, he takes it. Last year, he was caught up in a fued with Shawn Michaels, but when he was needed in the Championship Scramble at Unforgiven, he was there. More recently, he was more obsessed with taking off Rey Mysterio's mask, then winning the Intercontinental Championship. He was more concerned with breaking his own record, than actually being champion.

Now, Chris Jericho and Edge are the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship. Two main eventers, who aren't very good singles champions (length-wise, though they make great champs). Both are known to hold titles for a non-lengthy period of time, but now are tag champs. Will they help each other out, so that their reign can last for more than just a few weeks, or will their short title reigns continue?
Chris Jericho is by far one of the best talents in Pro-Wrestling. He definately in my top 5.

Hes also one of those talents that doesnt need to hold a title for a long period of time to be credible. He makes the programs hes involved in interesting. Anyone who remembers his work in the WCW can attest to this.

I mean did you just completely forget about the 6 month program he was in with HBK, amazing, and there was no title even in that picture. Sure he lost the IC Title to Gay-Rey but the program he was involved in with Rey, made the IC Title bigger than its been for a long time. Now hes paired up with Edge with the Tag Titles, hopefully theyll be able to bring some credibility back to the Tag Titles with long term feuds with the Colins, the Harts, and Legacy.

He is in no way a bad champion, unlike some other main eventers he knows when to pass the ball so others can take it and go with it.
Recently I'd agree. But from 2001-2004 I wouldn't. With exceptions.

2001? Really? His feud with The Rock was pretty solid, the mic work between them was strong, and the matches were nail-biters for fans of both men. Plus, with the Invasion storyline as the backdrop, it created tension among the "face" WWF team. Jericho was a Double-Champion for a time as the WCW Champ and Tag Champ with The Rock.

2003? Really? The first feud with Shawn Michaels and the Wrestlemania 19 classic?

Entertaining as it was, the only significant thing about that partnership was that Triple H injured himself against them.

That's because the injury cut it short. Jericho parlayed shortly thereafter into the feud with The Rock.

His co-reign with Chyna is the only thing that came close to be intresting during 9 titles reigns. Although I agree he had lots of good matches throughout that time. But where was his one classic as a champion?

The ladder match with Benoit, featuring the Boston Crab atop the ladder.

The Euro-Continental Title Match with Benoit and Angle.

Against Guerrero when Chyna turned heel.

Either of those 3 will do just fine.

I'd consider his Undisputed reign to be one of the worst of all time. I exaggerate ever so slightly.

Many people would agree with you. Hell, I was unfulfilled by it. But you have to concede the fact that the N.W.O storyline was occuring, so a load of focus was taken off of Jericho and placed onto The Rock and Austin feuding with Hogan, Hall, and Nash. I mean, Hogan's return to the WWF for the first time since King of the Ring? The NWO in WWE? They put ALL of the main stars into that feud, EXCEPT for Chris Jericho, who was the champion.

My point is that Jericho never had a match like Bret Had with The Bulldog. Something that could define his or another career. Bret also won his first IC title in a memorable match and I'd say The Mountie shocking a flued up Bret worked better than anything Jericho has ever done whilst champion.

I dunno. His WCW Championship matches with The Rock were pretty awesome. Near falls, close calls, surprise endings.
Are neither of you aware that I've got a shitty intrenet connection?

You don't think you're being a little harsh and biased? What Intercontinental title reign in the past 7 years has been up to your idea of "memorable?" Orton's was good. Thats probably it.

He won his first IC title nearly 10 years ago.

But he's had the same amount of World title reigns, and these are the meat and vegetables of the argument. The quality of a world title reign is far greater in importance to an Intercontinental reign. Prove me wrong.

It's about collective title reigns.

Your opinion of memorable really. Im sure some fans don't remember it at all. Especially that sick reversed RKO onto the thumbtacks.

I don't understand your point. Do you agree that it was memorable or not?

I fully expected him to win at WM24.

You would be one of the only ones. Orton won to fool everybody. If you were a member here at the time you could've held your head high.

What I did not expect was Jericho entering the RAW scramble match. Again, whats memorable to you? What if you had alzheimers?

I remember it. But it's not memorable. In the future nobody is going to say ''Hey, remember when Jericho won the WHC without doing anything?''.

Punk getting the shit kicked into him > The actual Scramble match.

It springs to my mind in terms of ladder matches. Cody Deaner's ladder match doesnt.

TLC, WrestleMania X and others are matches that'll always makes peoples top 10 lists. Jericho vs. HBK won't.

Because since Jeff Hardy happened to be in a match with an interesting stip, where the titles changed hands doesnt mean he was interesting. Im sure it was the dudleys at both WM2000 and WM X-7 who were tag champs.

The bumps and the classic matches are still defining moments for Jeff Hardy.

Jericho was Intercontinental during the MITB. Would that contribute to an interesting reign?

No. Maybe if he was IC champ during the better MITB matches. Or maybe if Punk didn't steal his thinder.

So basically, you're saying that since he's had so many chances with the belt and not been memorable to you, he's the worst?

Sounds as good a reason as any. Certainly when WWE keep putting belts on the man.

At which part in an Undertaker title reign were you entertained by something memorable? Or a Bret Hart reign? Just asking you're idea of memorable.

Bret Hart, Iron Man, WrestleMania 12. (Memorable match)

Not sure about Undertaker, might have to think of something. But I don't think yhe's ever been a great champion either.

Every tag team shouldnt have to be put together to recreate "This is your life" or "Austin 3:16".

But surely they should have some?

Why does he have to have done something significant? And why should the fact he hasnt make him one of the worst?

You have to do something significant for people to remember you. Titles solidify that something.

Why is a wealth of good matches not enough to be a good champion?

He's a great wrestler. The fact that he's never had a great match as a champion must surely be an issue.

Does one classic then therefore make up for a reign full of awful matches?

Yeah, if it's good enough.

It was terrible. But one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole basket of apples you recently picked. Im pretty sure thats how the saying goes. It's not like Hogan didn't have a few bad ones.

Hogan always had something that you could look back at and remember well. And more improtantly, easily.

What about last nights match with Mysterio, or at least any of their past matches over the title? He may of lost the title, but so did Bret to the Bulldog.

Time might tell on that Mysterio match. But right now it's nothing.

The outcome of a match isn't improtant.

It's not like he didn't WANT to take off the mask.

But he didn't. Him taking it off would make a career highlight.

2001? Really? His feud with The Rock was pretty solid, the mic work between them was strong, and the matches were nail-biters for fans of both men. Plus, with the Invasion storyline as the backdrop, it created tension among the "face" WWF team. Jericho was a Double-Champion for a time as the WCW Champ and Tag Champ with The Rock.

Like you said, solid.

2003? Really? The first feud with Shawn Michaels and the Wrestlemania 19 classic?

Was that a title match?

That's because the injury cut it short. Jericho parlayed shortly thereafter into the feud with The Rock.

What ifs are all well and good.

The ladder match with Benoit, featuring the Boston Crab atop the ladder.


The Euro-Continental Title Match with Benoit and Angle.

Not really. That lasting image of him holing the European championship won't endure the test of time. Me thinks anway.

Against Guerrero when Chyna turned heel.


Either of those 3 will do just fine.

I think it shows what a poor champion he has been.

They're certainly not the defining moments for the others involved. Benoit & Eddie at the end of Mania XX, Chyna covered in flour holding the IC title are things people remember. Jericho applying a Boston Crab on a aladder is something that he does in every ladder match he's in.

Many people would agree with you. Hell, I was unfulfilled by it. But you have to concede the fact that the N.W.O storyline was occuring, so a load of focus was taken off of Jericho and placed onto The Rock and Austin feuding with Hogan, Hall, and Nash. I mean, Hogan's return to the WWF for the first time since King of the Ring? The NWO in WWE? They put ALL of the main stars into that feud, EXCEPT for Chris Jericho, who was the champion.

I'm not saying it's Jericho's fault. Not entirely anyway.

I dunno. His WCW Championship matches with The Rock were pretty awesome. Near falls, close calls, surprise endings.

But wouldn't you expect him defeating Rock & Austin in one night then both on ther next two PPVs to be more epic than it is?
I was making this same sort of point last night in the live discussion thread. Jericho's reings as the Intercontinental champion have been, for the most part, brief and/or insignificant. His last reign was used as prop to continue the Jericho-Rey feud and he held it a month. Last year, he was hardly seen with the belt. In 2004, he got the belt because Edge was injured and dropped it a couple weeks later to Shelton. In 2003, he held the belt for about a ten minute reign. In 2002, his reign lasted about two weeks. His first reign lasted slightly over two weeks. His second went about a month. His third lasted only four days. His only mildly impressive IC title reign is his fourth. It clocked in at a little under three months, but at least he was part of the division and focused on that belt for the most part during that reign. But even then, Jericho doesn't stack up against the great IC champions like his fans and the hype videos say he does.

And of course his world title reigns fall short of being memorable in any significant way as well. Sure, he's billed as the first Undisputed Champion. But how many people have a lasting image in their head of Jericho being helped up the ramp by Vince that night while not looking very impressive at all? Not many people remember how it went down, and his reign became an afterthought in the wake of the Triple H-Stephanie feud.

I like Jericho. I enjoy his wrestling. A lot of people do. I think how good of a wrestler he is keeps people from really giving much thought to what a poor champion he'd made over the years.
No. Chris Jericho is NOT the worst Champion ever. I tell you who it is. Hes New Tag Team Partner. Edge.

Edge is the worst. Edge only gets titles for at most 2-4 months (World Titles) and he only gets those because hes the Ultimate Oppertunist, whenever WWE needs a Heel to be Champ Edge gets it. Im sick of Edge finding ways to get World Titles. Although some great rivalries have happend (John Cena) I dont think he deserves 9 world titles.

As for Jericho, the only good Title reign would be the Undisputed Champ reign that was good in my mind.
I’ll put all the money in the world on his Undisputed Champion run going sour on the fact that Triple H was in the process of making a comeback, seeing as that is who he had to drop the title to. All the energy was focused elsewhere, and Jericho was booked as the coward heel champ, who didn’t want to face any of his opponents.
But what I think most of you are forgetting is that title runs don’t really mean anything in the Legacy of the wrestler. Most of you probably don’t remember Chris Jericho in the WCW, I do, he was great then, and is even better now.
A prime example of a person who hasn’t had a ton of recent Title Runs, but is considered one of the if not the greatest wrestler to ever live is Shawn Michaels. HBK is a four-time world heavyweight champion: a three-time WWF Champion and a former World Heavyweight Champion. But do we remember Shawn for his title runs? Or his great programs and matches with other wrestlers? I can say I don’t remember any of title runs, not one, but I remember him putting on some of the greatest matches I have ever seen.
Another good example is Eddie Guerrero, who only held a major world title once. But do we remember Guerrero for that one world title reign, which wasn’t booked very good. Or for the fact that he was one of the best wrestlers to ever grace the WWE ring? I’ll remember him for being one of the best wrestlers I’ve ever seen, and his one run as champion may not have been great, but he was entertaining.
Triple H has been a 13 time World Champ, but how many of those runs were actually enjoyable to watch? 3? Maybe 5? It doesn’t add to Triple H as a wrestler to have 13 world title reigns in his career just because he wants to beat Flairs record. Flair got up to 16 runs because of the amount of time he had been in the business, not because he wanted to be champ at least once a year for the past 10 years.
The same thing can be said for Jericho, although his title reigns have been lackluster, his feuds have been memorable, he is one of the most entertaining wrestlers in the business today, and he did save the WWE when he returned. He reinvented himself, and show cased a different direction a heel could take, and still manages to get heat from the fans. So does being a 9 time IC champ matter in the Legacy of Chris Jericho? Not really, but it adds to it. It also helps Rey Mysterio stay as a top competitor in the WWE by having him beat the guy who was awarded superstar of the year last year, and had two WWE title runs since his return. It makes Rey look like a stronger combatant. (Although I think they need to get rid of Rey completely)
Jericho has had plenty of great matches when he hasn't been champion but it's when he's champion that's a whole different story. Like Canadian said I believe, Jericho is too good for the midcard but you can't invest in him as a world champion long-term. I feel that Orton is going to be headed down that same road as well but he won't get as many titles as Jericho.
How could u even think this, Jericho is one of the hardest workers WWE has ever seen, hes is amazing, amazaing on the mic and never has a boring match. even without lookin at those aspects hyou cant says hes the worst because we have the worst champ right now in Punk, talk about boring, and lame title runs, i generally like heels more but hes one that i will never like. Again, Jericho is pure amazing and if u cant realize that you need to get ur head checked out.
Jericho most memorable matches are against Shawn Michaels, HHH, and Malenko among others. He wasn't champion then. He's one of the most forgettable champions in history because you can never name a great match from him as champion. He is an amazing worker but his matches never have that same intensity when he is champion.
Jericho is in that category of wrestlers who don't need the title. He is a top 5 worker and usually has the best match of the night. All IC title reigns mean nothing anymore because that title means nothing. The reason he had it was to try to bring the prestige back to it. He is top 5 in the ring and on the stick. Whenever they need someone to carry a feud, they call Y2J.(sorta like HBK). It is a shame they pull the straps off of him so quick, and to Rey Mysterio of all people.
I'm not going to super-ultra multi-quote like people have seemed to have been doing in this thread but I'm here just to throw in my :twocents:

First... the title of the thread is not good IMO. Chris Jericho: WWE's Overrated Champion would be a little more suitable. I can name many champions worse than Jericho. Khali, Kane, Jeff Hardy, hell... even almost all of Orton's reigns have been god-awful. With the exception of his reign that went between 07 and 08. Jericho is the guy that the WWE pinned their very first UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONSHIP on. Now there is a very valid argument in there about whether it was a good move or not and I don't deny that. Putting that on Jericho over Austin and Rock was a pretty bold move by Vince or whoever decided that. Jericho is also one of the guys who has never disappointed me in the ring. I can't find a Jericho match that is boring. My least favorite of his is at Mania where he lost the Undisputed Championship to HHH. Even that wasn't a bad match, but it wasn't great. But alas... just another HHH match that was not exciting. Big surprise there.

Last night at the Bash, Rey-Rey and Jericho put on a match that I would definately throw in the hat for Match of the Year. I would put it 2nd to HBK/Taker. However, I would put it 1st as far as Match of the Year in the sub-catagory of not really knowing which way it would end. We didn't really think Mysterio would be un-masked, but weren't totally sure because it happened in WCW. And he took it off in interviews during tribute shows to Eddie and Beniot...or one of them or something.

Jericho is one of those guys that gold in any fashion works for him and he can make it work for the program he's working. Up and down the card, Jericho can do it. Put him first in a match against Morrison, they'll have a great match. Put him in the middle with an IC title match against Rey Rey again, they'll put on something pretty damn good. Put him in the main event with HBK or Cena or Orton, he'll deliver the goods. So his title reigns haven't been anything amazingly huge or long. Big deal. Jericho's combined like... 10 weeks of champion last year were more entertaining than any of HHH's reigns in the past 5 years.

I do believe his days to hold the title for a long long period of time (i.e. 6 months or more) are pretty well over, but his ability to entertain and be in that ring is better than 95% of that roster. So for that, he is in no way WWE's worst champion. He's going to have a great feud with Edge (because we all know their reign as tag champs will end with them imploding and thus be the big move to Edge's face turn), and if Jericho goes over in that feud, I see another run as champion in him somewhere until WM26 comes around and he's likely Taker's last WM victim.
I don't think he is a shit champion. I think a lot of his champion reigns are ruined due to crappy rivals with other superstars.

I do, however believe that there are some superstars with horrific reigns that make Jericho's reigns amazing. Some of these superstars, shafe_41 mentioned; Kane, Khali, Finlay & Bobby Lashley.
Jericho is rightfully a 6 time world champ! Anyways I see your point, but than again there have been worse. I really think WWE should put a world title on Jericho for atleast 6 months just to see how it would work out but VKM probably won't 'coz his job is to make his golden boy Cena look like he's better than Superman or for a asian like me Goku!
Jericho has had many short and less than memorable title reigns. That I'll agree with. But the label of worst champion doesn't fit. To be a bad champion you have to have bad matches and titles need to feel devalued when you have them. If anything, Jericho brings prestige to titles.

Within the last year it was very hard for the IC title to get on PPV. It got defended (and won) in an intergender match. Since Jericho decided to go away it the IC title was defended on three straight PPVs in three great matches. When he won the World title last year he defended it at No Mercy in what is arguably the greatest ladder match of all time.

How about a few more of his IC title reigns? At Taboo Tuesday and Backlash he had great IC title matches with Shelton Benjamin that put Benjamin back on the map after he lost the momentum he got from beating Hunter due to injury. He quietly stole an Unforgiven show by having another great ladder match with Christian to win the title.

You can't call his Undisputed title reign the worst. Hunter held it for one month and jobbed it to Hogan in a horrible match. Then Hogan held it for one month to feud with 'Taker which included in the infamous Hogan in 500 pounds of pads being slowly dragged on a motorcycle incident. While Jericho held the title he had great matches with Rock and Austin on consective PPVs. The reign may have ended with a whimper once he started feuding with Triple H leading into 'Mania but the first couple months of it were great.

Even in the tag team ranks Jericho's reign with Benoit was memorable for the TLC match, the match with Austin/HHH where they won the belts (because it was good and not just because Hunter tore his quad) and because holding those belts it what propelled Jericho into being a legit World title contender after misfiring for so long.

Jericho's reigns aren't the most memorable in the world but they still generated quite a few great moments and even more great matches. That in it's own right is enough to make sure no one should be able to label him as a bad champion let alone one of the worst.

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