Chris Jericho vs John Morrison

The Encore

WZCW's Resident Rockstar
So, tonight on RAW Morrison looked strong and beat Jericho. We all know this is going to be a feud. But what will happen with these two come HIAC? Will they have a gimmick match there? Possibly Jericho vs Morrison, Career vs Career or something along the lines of that? It's hard to tell but this is interesting. And if this happens, will John Morrison become a big player? Especially if he got moved to Smackdown?
since jericho decided he never said he would quit if he lost at NoC i guess he's gonig to stay for a while. hopefully this develops into a great feud and morrison finnaly gets put over into the ME.
I'm glad Jericho has decided to stay, I'm a big fan. I don't know about Morrison though. There isn't really a place for him in the ME on Raw, I think he would benefit more from a move to SD.
Yeah, He would benefit a lot especially if he "ended" Y2J's career at HIAC, Imagine him going to smackdown, he could be the man to feud with CM Punk over the World Title around mania time.
Hmmmm it doesn't seem like this will develop into a feud since they're hinting at Orton putting Jericho out next week after their match. This rematch was just more jobbing out of Jericho before he leaves per usual standard. It also helped Morrison a lot by showing the first victory was not a fluke.
Well, we can only hope that their match foreshadows a nice feud between the two leading into HIAC and Morrison can get a nice rub off Jericho because we all know Jericho can put over whoever you want him to put over. I mean he was told to put over Morrison and Morrison after only what a week and half gets very solid pops. They are pushing Morrison now and I like the way it's going and I think if anything Jericho is the guy to Help JOMO reach the Main Event on RAW or SD!
I'm kind of thinking that Orton might punt Jericho in the head next week and put him "out-of-action" for a while so Jericho can tour with his band.
since jericho decided he never said he would quit if he lost at NoC i guess he's gonig to stay for a while. hopefully this develops into a great feud and morrison finnaly gets put over into the ME.

However, he won't be going into the main event, like.. Ever.

John Morrison doesn't cut it in the upper part of the WWE, he's hardly worth the time in the main event. He's been around for years, and there's numerous other better choices available, especially considering the fact that WWE is high on pushing the young guys, not pushing some slightly older guy who's slightly over.

John Morrison hardly has the thing to be a main event wrestler. He severely lacks the charisma to truly cut it at the top, and he is inconsistent in the ring at times, even his running knee looks like it could easily be botched, or incredibly stiff.

John Morrison's fights with Chris Jericho is hardly what I would consider a feud, much less anything that would put John Morrison into the main event. Chris Jericho doesn't put guys into the main event, he establishes them to get a firm position in the upper mid-card, alongside him. Chris is no main event wrestler, and his feuds has hardly, if ever made a main event wrestler, without the support of someone else to do the final push.

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