Chris Jericho to possibly take a sabbatical from WWE in near future.


City Dweller, Successful Fella
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE star Chris Jericho is expected to take some time off from the company when his contract expires this fall. WrestleZone was the first to exclusively report awhile back that there was heat on Jericho for accepting the host position on ABC's game show "Downfall," and it appears that both the game show tapings and upcoming Fozzy dates might see Jericho taking time off from WWE. There is speculation that he might finish up with the company altogether, but that has not been confirmed at this point.

This is news to me I thought Chris Jericho was perfectly content in the role he had with the company. However he has done this before, as I recall back in 2005 he took time off to have a over two year sabbatical from the company to work on other endeavors such as: his band Fozzy. So now not even a whole three years after his return from that sabbatical, he now plans apparently to take another.

His band Fozzy is apparently once again going to take up a lot his time as they are going to be playing a lot of shows and perhaps even some tours related to that new album that came out a few months ago. Also his new game show tapings as well seem to conflict his schedule on the main roster. Keep in mind that it has not even been threeyears since this first sabbatical of his since the last time he did this, but keep in mind this may only be speculation.

Now there is also more rumors going around thinking that once Chris does leave after his contract expires, he may not return to the WWE once he leaves. But again only more speculation. So if any of this reigns true, how do you feel about this? I for one will miss Chris Jericho as i think he is one of the most entertaining stars on the roster. But if he wants to leave I can only support his choice as it is for other endeavors he wants to peruse. But again I want to here what you other posters think.
I can only hope it's speculations. Chris Jericho is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. To see him pack it all up and leave, even if it's just temporarily, would be a sad day for me.

Especially if he does it permanently. I think it would be a shame if he decides to retire now. He's still on quite a roll. He's doing some of the best work of his career. And have been doing so the past 2 years time. To wrap it up like that would be a shame.

I can only hope if WWE as well as Chris Jericho does decide to part ways, permanently. That WWE will at least give him the goodbye this performer deserves. Chris has been a big part of WWE for what is slowly nearing 10 years. And 20 years in the business. That's quite a career. Chris is a surefire Hall of Fame inductee. So for WWE to just give him a goodbye like Batista perhaps, would be a shame.

WWE has been known to job out the people that decides to leave the company. So I'm not sure whether Jericho is fine with being jobbed as of late. Especially if he's deciding to leave.

Here's to hoping it will only be a speculation, and if truth - A brief leave.
I feel the way I did when Jericho, Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam chose to take significant time off from wrestling. The problem in each case is that there are only so many years they can put their bodies on the line to stand up to the rigors of wrestling. These are the years they can make the most money and WWE is the place they can earn it. Isn't it better to stay with it for now?

Jericho can always host game shows and sing with his band after his wrestling career is over.

Of course, if leaving is what he wants to do, he can do it. I'm just saying that, down the line, he may end up wishing he had spent a few more years earning the big bucks while his body still allowed him to do it.
Jericho has said many times he feels good still and is fine with juggling his busy schedule. Problem is I think because of that show he is hosting his plate is way too busy. Juggling hosting a show, his band and I would assume a full time WWE contract just doesn't seem possible. He is either going to burn himself out or take something off his plate. It looks like the WWE will be taken off.

As for him possibly leaving the WWE and not coming back, well whatever happens happens. He's accomplished everything there is in wrestling pretty much. We all know he doesn't have many years left in him. If he wishes to try something else in his life who are we to judge? It's like someone who works at the same job for 50 years and gets a gold watch when they retire. It's very rare for a wrestler to stick it out with a company the entire time. Good luck to Chris in his future. If he does come back, every including the company will welcome him back with open arms.
Long story short I can count the wrestlers that I would truly miss if they left tomorrow on one hand and Jericho tops that list. Arguably the best in the biz, huge shoes to fill if he leaves. Hopefully if he does call it a day (or a career) someone will take advantage of the spot he opens up and runs with it.
I'm legitimately frightened that this is the end. With HBK's retirement, Chris is the last of my all-time fav's that is still active. Ive heard a lot of talk recently that Chris has been quoted as saying things like "I've done all I ever dreamed of in the business, and now I just want to get young guys over"

The work he has been doing lately (Bourne, Nexus) seems to back this up (hell, he even teased at his own retirement a few weeks back), as well as the game show gig, and to top it all off, Fozzy seems to be more active again.

Like I said, I would hate to see it, and I really hope I'm wrong, but after his previous two year hiatus, I think the next time he leaves will be it. Here's hoping its not quite yet, and he juggles his schedule for another year or two!
Sigh... I really hope this is not true. With HBK gone and now Y2J possibly leaving, Kurt Angle is the only one left imo that can consistently put on great matches. Since I actually watch for the wrestling (and there's no MyNetworkTV where I live) then when Chris Jericho leaves will most likely be the day I leave WWE.
With Jericho being of of the handful of big stars left from the atitude era, being taker,jericho,hhh,edge,christian,hardy will be hard to see him hang it was hard the first time but lets face it...all the stars i named are either 40 or approaching it fast. and mosthave wife and kids and are way from thier familes about 50 weeks out of the year...they want to see thier kids grow.they have bands that want to tour with,theyve had injuries that ar nagging...and IMO i find that if you leave while your on top instead of overstaying your welcome...Flair,Hogan.....if you leave while your on top of your game then youll feel more satisfied and wont have much to prove and wont really have the need totry and get back in the ring at 60 when no one wants to see yeah if jericho leaves..itll be sad..but i know hell be the top draw still and def HOF'er it just wont be the same in about 6 years when they are all gone...WWE shouldve prepared for this but they stuck so hard to push HBK HHH Orton Cena and other stars that are over i feel WWE is about to pay for it...
Sabbaticals are great for guys like Chris Jericho. He has a lot of connections, and a lot of other forms of entertainment he does. He can work on his projects build his brand, and create a huge demand for him while he is away.

Look what happen when he came back from his first Sabbatical? His promos were great, got people interested in wrestling again, and filled some room for missing main eventers, then created a great heel character.

Not also that, but like I stated earlier. The demand for Jericho went up. Wouldn't it be great if Cena took 3 or 4 months every year or so. Younger stars get a spot light. We wouldn't get upset when we see him in the main event, because he wouldn't be shoved down our throats 24/7.
What else is there for him? What more does he have to prove in wrestling? He is pushing 40 or is already there, and does not have all the problems that Stone Cold, Undertaker, Michaels, and HHH have. A game show host, leader of Fozzy, and WWE take up all his time. The guy has a family. He needs time away for them. He does not need the WWE anymore. The WWE needs him because he is in the top 5 as far as wrestlers who draw fans.
I dont have a problem with him taking time off. I feel that only good can come when someone like Jericho takes sometime off. First of all, it leaves a spot for someone else to step in to. Second of all, it sets up for a good moment when he returns to the ring.

Now if were not to come back after his leave, I would very upset. He is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time and a pretty big void would be left he was gone forever.

I think he still has plenty of years left and there is still more he can do with the company. He can build his legacy and help get other guys over. To be honest, I dont think he has much of a future in game shows, as game shows barely have a future. He has been pretty successful with his music career and he could do that, but I think that still leaves time for wrestling.

I really hope he does stay with the WWE. He is one of the most entertaining guys right now and always has been.
No matter the wrestler, no matter how good or over they are, they will eventually get burned out. Both in terms of character and physically overall. Undertaker takes breaks rather frequently, Michaels did as well before his retirement. Trips has been out for a while now. It happens and is an expected aspect of things. Jericho is no different, maybe even more so at this point than others. He has been going nonstop just about since his return nearly three years ago. He's been both a mediocre face and an amazing heel and has given us more than one great feud. He is getting older and, if he's smart, he is thinking about retirement more now than ever. He has many things going for him outside of wrestling. Hosting a game show, writing a new book and he is always a great addition to random clip shows on VH1. Sure it isn't WWE money, but I'm sure he is all set in that department.

Honestly, what else is there for him? He has feuded with just about everyone there is to feud with. He has won titles all across the board and has proven to be one of the best overall performers in the company and entire profession for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I'd be sad to see him go permanently because he can absolutely go out and do what he does best. I'm simply saying that if he does call it quits for good after his contract is up, he had showcased an amazing career throughout the years. If he eventually comes back, he will be welcomed with open arms. Even if it's in a non wrestling position.

Whether or not he is hanging the boots up for good is something we won't know about until it happens. Whatever his choice is though, I'm sure it will be fitting for him and how he feels about the business and his place in it.
I dont think this sabbatical will be as long as his previous one. He is about to tour with Fozzy - they are playing in Manchester near where I live- I'm tempted to go and see them- and he probably just wants to recharge his batteries for a few months. I could see him being out for about 6 months and then coming back close near Wrestlemania for a big match.

Plus, his physique has been declining for a while now, I saw na old clip of him the other day, and was shocked as to how much better he looked back then. His return from this break should be with his old style tights and long hair again, much cooler look than what he has now
I personally do not have a problem with wrestlers taking sabbaticals. I miss them when they are not around, (ex. HHH right now) but it's great when they come back. Look at Edge, gone for 6 months last year, and it sucked. But his return was the highlight of the Royal Rumble, and he really gave the WWE a shot in the arm when he came back.

Now if Jericho doesnt come back at all, I will be devestated. I am still not over HBK being gone, and I'm still holding on to the ridickulous notion that this is all storyline and he is actually coming back at some point.. Losing Batista hurt too. I know many people aren't huge fans of his, but he was a legitimate main eventer and contender for world titles at all times. Losing Jericho for good will be bad, especially that rumors of the retirements of Edge, Undertaker, Kane, and Mysterio are always lurking as well.

Why he would leave WWE at this point is beyond me. First of all, it is without a doubt the most lucrative finacially of everything he does. It is also what he is best at. You wanna be a mid level rock star on the side, then great. He seems to do a great job of not letting any outside projects affect his wrestling career. He is never hurt, never off his game, and never misses any time for any reason. But when it comes to the point when you need to eliminate something because your schedule is getting too hectic, you should not eliminate your bread and butter. Just my opinion. I definitley hope he comes back..
I am pretty sure that if Jericho does take the sabbatical that has been suggested, he wont be back with the WWE as a wrestler again. In fact, I would be very surprised if Jericho returns to the WWE again for any reason. Let’s face it, Jericho is past the WWE. He doesn’t attract the same crowds as he used to and he hasn’t been overly impressive in the ring for a while. He has been good but he has been far from special lately and I don’t think the WWE would necessarily miss him if he went on to try other things.

We have known for a long time that Jericho belongs on a higher stage than what he is currently on and it looks as though he is finally getting that chance. I am not a huge Fozzy fan but I have heard enough of them to realise that they could realistically go places if everyone gives it 100%. Jericho is not able to do that whilst travelling the length and breadth of the country performing with the WWE. Downfall is a pretty good show too and I do actually see it having a future on ABC with Jericho at the helm.

Both of these things take Jericho into a whole new world and I think it has come at the right time for Jericho. He has already left a lasting impression on the WWE fans and his legacy is secure in our thoughts and the history books of the WWE. Maybe it is time for him to take a step away from the WWE and try his hand at what he does best and that is entertain, whether it is musically or otherwise.
You fans are so stupid. Chris is staying with wwe and he has said this over and over in so many interviews. Chris is only taken off two weeks in October for a tour in the UK .Rich Ward said in a interview Vince gave Chris two weeks off for the tour two weeks duh fools.Chris is the best ever and the fans love him jackass.
If Jericho were to leave I'm pretty sure he wouldn't come back, he has his band so he doesn't need to come back. I would miss him if he did leave because he's one of my favourite wrestlers ever, so hopefully he doesn't leave.
I think he just said in a dozen of interviews that he's gonna wrestle in WWE for at least 4 or 5 years .He has at least 3-4 graet years in him.HE NEVER GETS INJURED!!!He absolutely has no reason for leaving the business this soon.It's just like wasting a lot of big paycheck for him.
Yeah he isn't going anywhere.

If anything the time off would be short. No couple year thing at all. Jericho loves the business and will be winding down soon so I think he will milk his in ring career right now because he is in his prime.

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