Chris Jericho Speaks out to HHH!


Pre-Show Stalwart
I can not believe that no one mentioned this on here so imma give it a shot,

Chris Jericho responded to Triple H's dig from Monday's WWE Raw television show. "Thing is @TripleH, despite (your) major push, (you) never were either," Jericho wrote. "Good luck in (your) future endeavors." Follow him online at

Jericho also noted that it was "time to move on" and "bye by @WWE."

This was a remark to Triple H who stated on Raw that Daniel Bryan was in the same category as Jericho, Edge, and Rob Van dam in that he's good, but he's not the one, and that if they would've been top face of the wwe then daniel would be working for ted turner aka wcw founder, whats your thought's on hhh comment was this correct? or not, and now jericho says goodbye to wwe, is this really happening? is jericho done with wwe for good? or is this storyline and could lead to a return of y2j?
Personally I hope it's real and it means Jericho is done with the WWE as his last 2 runs have done nothing except take up air time that could be used for talent that're gonna be around for the future.

Reality though? Jericho knows it's all part of the show. Hell, he was quite vocal about calling out Billy Graham when he took an on-air dig seriously, very much doubt someone like Jericho would be silly enough to get riled up about a heel character saying things about fan loved veterans that would, by design, annoy the fans. Although with a guy that thinks he was the reason that Fandango was THE man the night after wrestlemania (I thought it was Fan's music) then you can never 100% tell, just 99.5%
Definitely kayfabe, I can't believe anyone would think otherwise. Jericho uses and exploits social media sites like twitter all the time to work the fans and to contribute to the development of storylines. He is very aware of the fans' obsession with the product and with their preoccupation with being knowledgeable fans who supposedly know all of the inner workings of WWE. It has always been reported that there is bad blood between Jericho and Triple H. That may or may not be true, who knows but either way, Jericho knows that sentiment is out there and he is playing right along with it. If Jericho ends up never returning to WWE, well then he's simply having a little fun working the fans. Far more likely, when he returns, this will all play right into the storyline associated with yet another surprise return.

Jericho has been around the block long enough to realize that any comments made by the character Triple H during an episode of RAW are all in character and he would take them in context. He wouldn't be offended by anything Triple H would say on the show. Likewise, his reply is the typical smarky rebuttal, questioning Triple H's prominence and stature in the grand scheme of things.

I see nothing of significance in the comments of Triple H. And even less of significance in the response by Jericho. For anyone who thinks otherwise, give your head a shake.
Jericho knows how to work the internet better than anyone. He also knows how not to let an opportunity like his name being mentioned in a negative light on Raw pass him up without responding and getting everyone to buzz about it, leading to great heat for his eventual return and also setting him up to be apart of the biggest storyline currently going on in the company.

And for the record, what Jericho said about Trips was 100% factual, whether he sincerely meant it or not.

Personally I hope it's real and it means Jericho is done with the WWE as his last 2 runs have done nothing except take up air time that could be used for talent that're gonna be around for the future.

Totally not true. Jericho has done an awesome job putting young guys over in his last two stints, while also giving the fans great matches. Just because he's not out there calling Stephanie a "Trash Bag Ho" doesn't mean he's not as valuable as he used to be... he is and his work proves it every time he's out there, not to mention the incredible responses he always manages to receive from crowds whether working as a face or heel.
HAS to be a work. HHH in a story about himself mismanaging the WWE and Jericho calls him out on it? Has me thinking we might see a neon countdown pretty soon...
It's Jericho. The guy is one of the best at manipulating social media to further storylines or stir up some controversy.
Wow....I'm speechless. You mean there are people who are genuinely buying into the notion that Jericho is 100% serious? While Jericho's statement that Triple H was never was the "one" either is factually correct, it wasn't meant in any more of a malicious intent than Triple H's comments. It's kayfabe, pure & simple.

Guys like Jericho, Edge & Triple H know how to yank the chain of the IWC. They know how to generate buzz and whether that buzz is positive, negative or whatever; it gets people talking.
Wow....I'm speechless. You mean there are people who are genuinely buying into the notion that Jericho is 100% serious? While Jericho's statement that Triple H was never was the "one" either is factually correct, it wasn't meant in any more of a malicious intent than Triple H's comments. It's kayfabe, pure & simple.

Guys like Jericho, Edge & Triple H know how to yank the chain of the IWC. They know how to generate buzz and whether that buzz is positive, negative or whatever; it gets people talking.

You do realize that kayfabe means to be in the script, since jericho is not under contract he don't have a script so how can it be kayfabe?
You do realize that kayfabe means to be in the script, since jericho is not under contract he don't have a script so how can it be kayfabe?

When did you have to be contractually obligated to pull out an old character for a quick second?

I believe Jericho knows it was a kayfabe speech by HHH... so why would he react in a real way?
I almost kinda hope it was real because damn... that was a good burn lol.

While I don't think it was legit, I do see how some could come to that conclusion, as a character shouldn't really mention "push" and break kayfabe. Plus, that sounded really uncharacteristically salty from Y2J.
You do realize that kayfabe means to be in the script, since jericho is not under contract he don't have a script so how can it be kayfabe?

Did your unicorn tell you that? Dude, Jericho is under contract, He's taking time away to do his Foxzy thing and then will be back for a run. It's similar to RVD's deal. BTW, did your unicorn also notice that it is an amazing coincidence that the E would release a statement about RVD the day after he's mentioned on TV, isn't it, when 1) No one asked and 2) they don't typically comment on contracts except when they future endeavor someone....
Jericho is just working as usual, like someone else said he called Billy Graham out on getting pissed off over a heel cutting a kayfabe promo when Punk dissed Bruno.

I don't know when his latest Fozzy escapades wrap up but maybe Jericho is going to be on Team Show at Survivor Series? or maybe it's planting the seeds for Jericho to be involved in this angle next year on the road to Mania? Or maybe he was just being an old pro and throwing in a jab to create a bit of buzz for fun? It's all good.
Everybody who works in the pro wrestling industry, that says anything to anybody, is in an attempt to get their own brand over. With very, very, very few exceptions. Even the people I would consider friends, some of whom aren't relevant to today's mainstream wrestling product, everything they say in a public manner is to put their name out there.

Jericho is a long-time WWE guy. He has a phenomenal relationship with WWE, and the people who run the show. Triple H is essentially a WWE lifer. The two of them existed in the same era, and have each other to thank for a ton of great material. Triple H is a WRESTLING CHARACTER, trying to get over as a heel, by taking cheat shots at popular babyfaces. And he's doing so by jabbing at the truth, which irks the public even more.

Wrestling isn't real. Triple H isn't going out there to try and piss of Jericho because of some personal vendetta. Jericho isn't responding in kind because he hates Hunter. Y2J is the master of working the internet. Nothing he says about wrestling should be taken as real. It's 100% Jericho, 100% of the time. Stop drinking the Jerichohol.

You didn't mention that Edge also responded to being called out on Raw. And he pretty much straight up said, "hey, this shit is fake. Get over it."
You do realize that kayfabe means to be in the script, since jericho is not under contract he don't have a script so how can it be kayfabe?
So, in Hogan's book when he says that when guys were out in public, they'd say "kayfabe" to each other to give them a heads up to stay in character.....that was in the script? I don't think you know what you're talking about. Kayfabe=work. As in, work someone. As in, Jericho is working everyone. Whether this leads to something or not doesn't matter, Jericho is working and it gives WWE something fun to play with if they want.
Wrassling fans really are idiots. I am embarrassed to be one.

Its a work. Jericho does this thing all the time. He was right about Triple H though!!! Although I place Triple H much higher than Edge and RVD.

Triple H A-
Chris Jericho B+
Edge B
Jericho stay's in character alot, i know hhh only said that to get a rise out of the fan's that even paid attention to it, in reality jericho is a way bigger star than hhh, i think everyone know's that. i don't think jericho is as mad as he's leading on, for one thing this bring's more spotlight back to y2j
On Twitter sometime last night, a fan stated that what Triple H said was unfair & untrue as it pertains to Jericho. Jericho simply responded:

"No big deal. Always nice to be mentioned on Raw."

Those ten little words say it all, especially the last seven of them.
On Twitter sometime last night, a fan stated that what Triple H said was unfair & untrue as it pertains to Jericho. Jericho simply responded:

"No big deal. Always nice to be mentioned on Raw."

Those ten little words say it all, especially the last seven of them.

I Agree, why is Jack-Hammer always right?

Chris jericho may even be planning a future return, after all it's his home away from home or rock n roll.
This is such a non issue that Jericho and Trips (and Edge and probably even RVD) are laughing at you all for debating it.

At the end of the day the simple truth is if you're in the spot you're good enough. No rookie gets the title first night (unless you're David Arquette of course) so correction no one in the WWE gets the title the first night... you did something right more than once to be put in that position and they are even if it's for 4 weeks planning to build the company around you.

Trips is right that guys like RVD and Jericho didn't quite make it to A+ status and he probably played a part in that. But he knows HE didn't either... despite what guys like Taker say in their DVD interviews, Trips knows better than anyone that it's better to be an A- level star for 15-20 years than getting that AAA push for 3 years and not being worth it like Warrior, Goldberg and their ilk. He knows damn well Jericho, Edge, he and RVD are in that club of guys who will be remembered, have their "history" but were never truly "the guy".

As for Jericho his comment about it being nice is right... they didn't bring out "The Best In The World At Being A Midget" or do down his legacy - just pointed out the truth, he didn't get that babyface massive push for the title. He could care less as he got the belt several times and the fans care enough to want to talk about him... but he's still laughing at you.
For at least ten years now, I've never depended on what Triple H says to have any kind of consistency or follow any type of continuity. Whatever he says is BS 100% of the time. I'm not angry about what he said I'm just overall angry that I can't count on him to deliver anything of value in the insane amount of time he takes up on TV. I'm also angry at the fans that give too much credence to what he says.
It was a promo, dunno why that much fuzzle about it...

All guys HHH mentioned were considered(in the eyes of people and WWE) great but never considered "Faces of WWE". So he wanted to tell Danyel Bryan that he cant get Championship because he isnt that good to go over somebody he consideres good for bussiness(in this case Orton). Its a freaking promo about a match on Sunday, too much fuzz about it...

Which would kinda mean that WWE has done good job about match. Trouble is that nobody mentiones match and everybody that "trashy comment" HHH said...

And Jericho will come back probably. At Rumble next year I pressume. :)
The issue isn't people giving creedence to him. He is the COO and heir apparent, so what he says does have creedence. But that this kind of promo has been a staple for 40 years... How does it differ from "To be the man..."? But people have jumped on it as being a personal attack when Jericho himself has said it's nice to be mentioned...

Recently Ken Shamrock spoke out about "issues" with Hunter and the peons saw it as doom and gloom, killing his chances of a return... Guess what, they put him on "Where are they now" yesterday!!!

If you are out of the biz and someone is talking about you it is NEVER bad... If you're HHH and Shamrock is saying you're stopping his return it HELPS cos that's the exact gimmick on screen right now!
new fans might now watch a KS match and they can pop a crowd with an appearance during one of HHH's promos (as it'll be Vince bringing him in)...

At times like this I really buy into Al Snows views on "smart marks".
Of course it was all in character - but what it does set up is a Chris Jericho return against Triple H which i would like to see - yes I know it's been done before but it's more likely to happen than Triple H vs The Rock or Triple H vs Austin
It's the old adage that people simply believe what they want to. Fans want Jericho to hate HHH because of numerous reasons. Fans want Jericho to show up HHH down the road and prove why he's better.

I will say this though: In business, you sometimes work with folks you can't stand. I know I sure have and that doesn't mean I can't be around them. It means you're civil, act like a professional, and go about your day. In this case, the business is pro wrestling and parts of that business is to stir up buzz about something.

I'd say Jericho probably doesn't like HHH and many more don't either. Imagine being a worker somewhere and this young upstart comes in and he's driven to work hard, but doesn't really do very well. Yet you see this person get promoted. THEN you see this person marry the CEO's daughter and now he's one of the board members and controls pretty much everything. Would you like said person?
Erm only flaw in that logic is that Triple H had been in WWE for several years when Jericho came in and was already World Champ... Jericho maybe caught the beginning of the Steph stuff with his first run but even then he wouldn't have had much to complain about as he was Champ within 2 years of debuting there.

Now some like Taker, I could see that being true...there'd be respect but not much scope for family picnics there as they ran in different factions (Kliq/BSK) but Jericho has no reason to HATE Triple H, if anything that he didn't get that face run gives him one last thing he can do for them and it could end up against Hunter as one of Vince's "picks".

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