Chris Jericho needs to shut up.

Mouthy Idiot

Occasional Pre-Show
I am tired of this dudes act. All he does is talk like a complete loser in his interviews. So he goes on Twitter {which is for followers in life} and brags about his dumb book being #9 on the NY Times best sellers list. Every Pro wrestler who writes a book gets on the NY times best seller list. People always buy wrestlers books its not because its him. Hes such a loser talking about touring with his pointless horrible band "fozzy" what a dumb name for a band. Most people cant name 2 fozzy songs. People keep asking if hes gonna come back and its like who cares at this point , he isnt worth the money or time anymore in WWE. There are too many guys who need his spot and hes a loser who gladly likes to JOB to guys in the ring at this point. He is such a sissy living off that backstage incident with Goldberg in wcw. He puts out the illusion that he is some tough dude and can fight because oh his dad played hockey and he can really scrap with the best of them. I hate Goldberg but he would have killed Jericho in a legit fight with nobody there to break it up. Jericho keeps worshipping Shawn Michaels in all his interviews and its like stop sucking another mans career off like that , be a man and praise your own career and not some other mans. He cant act , he cant sing , he cant even look halfway decent anymore. Hey Jericho , grow your hair long and lose some body fat and act like your old gimmick because your nothing now.
Obvious troll is obvious. Here's a freebie- good forum trolls aren't so blatantly obvious about what they're doing.

But fuck it- I'm bored, I've done all my work for the day, and if I leave it here, this post will just get killed for spamming. I'll consider an actual response to your post my charitable act for the day, because even trolls need to eat.

1) Fozzy sells more tickets then your band. It is Chris Jericho's vanity project; he is not looking to be signed to a major label and go on the international concert tour. I can't name two songs of theirs, nor could I say I've even listened to their music, but there are thousands of talented musicians that I haven't heard of. I consider myself quite the music connoisseur as well.
2) There is nothing wrong with losing a match. This is professional wrestling- the results are fake. Chris Jericho is a rarity in that he can 'lose' constantly and still maintain his crowd reaction.
3) How often do you hear Chris Jericho talk about that fight with Goldberg? Who even really cares anyways?
4) I never knew Chris Jericho's dad played hockey. You're apparently more into his character then I am, and I consider myself a fan.
5) Chris Jericho praises his own career plenty- you must have missed every in-ring interview he's done in the past two years. On Planet Earth, it is considered honorable to respect the people who came before you and gave you the opportunity to do what you do for a living.

There. Now no one else has to post and this thread can sink to the bottom and die.
I am tired of this dudes act. All he does is talk like a complete loser in his interviews. So he goes on Twitter {which is for followers in life} and brags about his dumb book being #9 on the NY Times best sellers list. Every Pro wrestler who writes a book gets on the NY times best seller list. People always buy wrestlers books its not because its him. Hes such a loser talking about touring with his pointless horrible band "fozzy" what a dumb name for a band. Most people cant name 2 fozzy songs. People keep asking if hes gonna come back and its like who cares at this point , he isnt worth the money or time anymore in WWE. There are too many guys who need his spot and hes a loser who gladly likes to JOB to guys in the ring at this point. He is such a sissy living off that backstage incident with Goldberg in wcw. He puts out the illusion that he is some tough dude and can fight because oh his dad played hockey and he can really scrap with the best of them. I hate Goldberg but he would have killed Jericho in a legit fight with nobody there to break it up. Jericho keeps worshipping Shawn Michaels in all his interviews and its like stop sucking another mans career off like that , be a man and praise your own career and not some other mans. He cant act , he cant sing , he cant even look halfway decent anymore. Hey Jericho , grow your hair long and lose some body fat and act like your old gimmick because your nothing now.

To suggest someone shouldn't be happy because their book has done well is ridiculous. Why shouldn't Jericho share his success with the fans that put him there.

Fozzy a stupid name? I raise you a band like Led Zeppelin... Daft as fuck name doesn't mean their not a good band. I'm not comparing Fozzy to Zeppelin but I for one am going to a UK festival where they'll be appearing and I'll be down the front having fun.

Jericho's at the stage of his career where 'jobbing' is a whole aspect of his character. He's done it all. It's time for him to make the rest look good. Thing with Jericho is he can put someone over and he still comes out looking just as good as the guy he puts over.

If I remember correctly the backstage incident was Jericho beating Goldberg in a legit fight? Unless to you a legit fight has to be two people punching each other in the head in which case fair enough Goldberg probably could. However that doesn't really matter if you can't connect with one of your punches and the guys got you in a position where he can break one of your bones, choke you out etc.

Not even going to bother answering your point about Jericho not bigging up his own career since you started your rant by insulting Jericho for bigging up the fact his book was doing well.
I am tired of this dudes act. All he does is talk like a complete loser in his interviews. So he goes on Twitter {which is for followers in life} and brags about his dumb book being #9 on the NY Times best sellers list. Every Pro wrestler who writes a book gets on the NY times best seller list. People always buy wrestlers books its not because its him. Hes such a loser talking about touring with his pointless horrible band "fozzy" what a dumb name for a band. Most people cant name 2 fozzy songs. People keep asking if hes gonna come back and its like who cares at this point , he isnt worth the money or time anymore in WWE. There are too many guys who need his spot and hes a loser who gladly likes to JOB to guys in the ring at this point. He is such a sissy living off that backstage incident with Goldberg in wcw. He puts out the illusion that he is some tough dude and can fight because oh his dad played hockey and he can really scrap with the best of them. I hate Goldberg but he would have killed Jericho in a legit fight with nobody there to break it up. Jericho keeps worshipping Shawn Michaels in all his interviews and its like stop sucking another mans career off like that , be a man and praise your own career and not some other mans. He cant act , he cant sing , he cant even look halfway decent anymore. Hey Jericho , grow your hair long and lose some body fat and act like your old gimmick because your nothing now.

ok. first, the second part of your name is spot on.
second. are you triple h or something?
third. they actually had a legit fight and when they broke it up jericho had imobilized goldberg for a while. goldberg lost, sorry.

I don't know what's wrong with you, Chris Jericho has had a hell of a career and you are allowed to dislike him but no one in their right minds can deny his in-ring talent and his mic-skills. This gotta be the most ******ed post ever.
First off I gotta give you props on being so honest with your username.

Secondly, why so much hate for Chris Jericho. He has every right to be proud about his book doing well, and the only wrestler's whose books make the top 10 are legends with memorable careers (like Foley, Rock, Bret Hart, Flair, Lawler), there are 1000's of wrestler biographies published but 99% aren't even worth talking about, Jericho wrote 2 pretty solid books (have you read either book cuz I was a fan of both).

His fight with Goldberg was instigated by Goldberg, not Jericho, Goldberg tried to act tough and Jericho put him in his place, so much for Goldberg being tougher, muscles and size don't equate to good fighting skills (and besides I would always take a Hockey player over a football player in a fight).

Now i'm not a big fan of fozzy, but they sell albums nationwide, have sold 100 of thousands of albums and have had 10,000 people concerts, most bands would kill to have that. Does Fozzy suck? Yes but so does Justin Beiber, in both cases you can't argue with their success.

He praises Shawn Michaels so much because Michaels was his main inspiration (and easily one of the top 10 of all time) as a wrestler, he is just showing the guy respect and only douchebags brag about his career, Jericho has done so well his accomplishments speak for themselves, Jericho doesn't need to brag about himself.

Jericho has done very well for himself in many different avenues and I really don't understand all the hate for the guy, you just come off as some jealous schoolgirl dude.
"To Kill a StrangerWell Mouthy Idiot guess your name proves what kind of a person you are.

1- Chris Jericho's band is a play on the name Ozzy Osbourne, when they started out they were called FOZZY Osbourne and then they shortened it to Fozzy. Jericho's band has a huge underground following, I for one would know because I'm a fan of his band. You say no one cares about Fozzy, they just had a huge turn outs for their tour in England. and guess what I can name more than two songs I'll give you three, "To Kill a Stranger" "Enemy which was the theme for Bound for Glory in 2005 and "Martyr No More" which was the theme for Royal Rumble 2010.

2-Who cares he can still draw heat this past fall he put on some good matches with Evan Bourne and he put him over well, something that no one else is willing to do since WWEs in a YOUTH MOVEMENT

3- Haven't heard of Jericho talk about Goldberg since 2003 when they were in a feud in WWE and who really cares anyway.

4- Are you really that stupid? I know who Ted Irvine is and he's been retired for 34 YEARS he's 66 years old. I've seen videos where a fan will ask Jericho for an autograph an he'll do it and have a little conversation with the person, yeah that makes him so mean (NOTE THE SARCASM on the so mean part)

5- I agree with Rayne have you seen any promo of his for the last three years? He always goes on about how great he is. And believe it or not it's ok to give guys eho have come before you respect, if there was no Shawn Michaels there would be no Chris Jericho , in hockey if there was no Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux there would be no Sidney Crosby or Alex Ovechkin, see where I'm going with this.

Sorry Rayne but Ihad to put my two cents in, because this guy is an absolute F'N IDIOT
Rayne -

I agree with you, but I hate when people use the arguement (for example in this case) "His band has sold more tickets than your band". He still has a right to an opinion and even to criticize. I mean, that's like saying "Oh you think Khali is a crappy wrestler? He's a better wrestler than you are". So by your reasoning, nobody on these boards has the right to critcize Khali, ever.

I'm really sick of hearing the Y2J/Goldberg incident. According to Lance Storm, who has spoken about it many times and he was there and is good friends with Jericho, Goldberg charged him and Jericho put him in a front face lock and completely immobilzed him. He went on to say the Y2J is pretty tough and would never back down from a fight with anyone.

Sorry folks, that is NOT a fight. If Goldberg got pissed and blindly charged forward and got caught... OK that was dumb on his part and doesn't sound like he was thinking... Jericho took advantage. So in their little scuffle, sure Y2J came out on top. However, Goldberg is trained in martial arts and is more physcially gifted than Jericho. My opinion, Jericho got lucky, doubt it would happen again.
Really? Trolling has made its way into the Wrestlezone forums? What is this, 4chan? But just in case somebody is dumb enough to actually believe this crap, here's a question for you... What have you done this week? Because Jericho got a book on the NY Times Bestseller's List, found out he was hosting an awards show for awesome rock bands, and got himself on national television...again. He's probably also done a half dozen book signings and had a few conversations with the people you grew up watching on TV.

I hope Chris Fitz puts you in the Walls...
Chris Jericho has all the right to brag about his career, He has done everything there is to be done. His book is great therefore if he wants to shove it in everyones face he can. I havent heard FOZZY but still, I bet you wish you could be a rock star even for band like fozzy. You talk about Chris Jericho's look, that means you been cheking him out YOU homosexual.
To the person who says Fozzy is a vanity project well thats ******ed. You tell me what a vanity project even means. Its an excuse Jericho would use to say OH I know my band sucks and wont be mainstream so I will call it a vanity project to ease expectations from the band. Plus he does run his mouth alot about the Goldberg incident and Bottom line is Goldberg would annihilate him in a fight. I would bet my life on that. The guy jobbed to CHYNA a woman in his prime because he was WWE's version of Disco Inferno. The reason he never got a long run world champ is because VINCE MCMAHON didnt allow it. Its all scripted so tell me why Jericho didnt get a bigger push , his world title runs were weak and he was mid card most of his run. There is no exuses to be made , he had the mic work , he was adequate in the ring, he was a bigger name guy. He simply wasnt A-Level like HHH and those guys so thats why he sucks up to Shawn all the time. He is a follower and not a leader in life so he sucks up to guys who were bigger than him. Plus the people who are saying Im a 'troll" your brain doesnt work like mine , im on a higher level , I see things more clearly. Its not about trolling its about having an opinion on a subject and not being afraid to state my view. Its all debate so stop calling it trolling because you dont like the view.
Well, never really saw anyone have an opinion like that on Chris Jericho. Just really awkward. Never really heard an opinion about someone being modest, and honest about himself.

But, one of the most recent quotes that Jericho gave was "It's Bush League!" as he described TNA's 3/3/11 impact, as they had an epic fail amongst fans.

So, my theory is, Mouthy Idiot is a TNA mark whose feelings got hurt, because Chris Jericho said how crappy the show was. That's theory one.

Theory Two, is that Chris Jericho forgot to sign his photo after a wrestling event. So, Mouthy Idiot became the new "Stan" for professional wrestling.

Then Theory Three. This guy just hates dancing with the stars, and can't believe Chris Jericho made it!

Well, no matter what the Theory is, what a way to start a horrible thread.

You can start a thread on if you feel his career was over-rated, or if Chris Jericho should of never been a big deal.But no! You do a thread on how he needs to be quiet, because YOU don't like it.

But when it comes down to it. Chris Jericho has had one of the best careers that most people could have in professional wrestling. Then to top it. He has other skills besides pro-wrestling to make a living. That's right, he won't be a Hogan or Flair, and have to wrestle for bush league till his 65. He could write another great book, or be band manager. Hell, he might even have a game-show. So, I like to hear more from Chris Jericho. He was one of the few wrestlers that have good insight.
ya Mouthy Idiot you said all is true, every word of your is gold.

Gj, this is the best trolling thread in my recent memory. Very original, I myself doubt I could've thought about something as good as this without very much luck.
Let me think for a second Billy Gunn, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho, Eddie F'N Guerrrero have all done the J.O.B. and let's see two out of the four became world champions, I'll take Jericho and Guerrero for $1,000 Alex, are you insane it's scripted, adequate you say, when a guy puts on a match with his hero and people say it's like looking in a mirror I'd say that's almost on par and a prety big compliment especially if that compliment is from HBK. And yeah it is trolling when you try to run down the guy on everything he's done because he's made himself successful, so I got a little advice for you, step away from your computer put down your cheetos and go work out and I don't mean your hands, because you obviously have no life buddy.
Let me think for a second Billy Gunn, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho, Eddie F'N Guerrrero have all done the J.O.B. and let's see two out of the four became world champions, I'll take Jericho and Guerrero for $1,000 Alex, are you insane it's scripted, adequate you say, when a guy puts on a match with his hero and people say it's like looking in a mirror I'd say that's almost on par and a prety big compliment especially if that compliment is from HBK. And yeah it is trolling when you try to run down the guy on everything he's done because he's made himself successful, so I got a little advice for you, step away from your computer put down your cheetos and go work out and I don't mean your hands, because you obviously have no life buddy.

What do those guys have to do with Jericho??? Of course all guys JOB at some point but to a woman while in their prime??? Thats a joke to me. And so because he "copied" shawns style that means its good. Shawn is a christian and has to praise Jericho to look good because it also makes shawns match look good also. Whats shawn gonna do?? Bash Jericho and say the match sucked and Jericho copied him??? Think about it. Also how does my opinion equate to meaning I eat "cheetoes and dont work out"" So because I bash Jericho it means im a slob and lazy... Dude grow up your not even intelligent for that comment. Plus TNA being bashed by Jericho I have no issue with that. The dancing with the stars is a desperation ploy for attention. Hes losing his battle with relevancy.
<deep breath>

Look man, I'm not gonna show up here and get all pissy about your comments just because I'm a Jericho fan boy. You're entitled to your opinion, smokey, but you're comments are WAY off.

First off, to claim that Twitter is for "followers in life" is just plain ignorant. We live in the information age, son, Twitter is just one of the mediums by which the information and communication occurs. More than likely, Chris is one of the more well-followed personalities on Twitter and it allows him to keep in constant contacts with his fan base and the world of professional wrestling. It's also a vehicle for marketing his personal brand, which now includes wrestling, music, radio, film, hockey, and reality tv. He has a resume that many folks can only dream about.

Second, the idea that every wrestler who writes a book hits the Best Seller list is beyond erroneous. I don't currently have the time to research the sales numbers for some of the other wrestlers books, but as I can see, Jericho's literary success is on par with Foley, Rock, Angle, and Michaels. Maybe I am missing a few, but if you think for a second that Amy "Lita" Dumas or Batista are going to do numbers like Jericho on TWO books, not just one, you're off your rocker. JJ Dillon's books was one of the best I've read and his sales never even sniffed the best seller list.

Now as someone who has seen Fozzy in concert 3 times and owns all of the albums, I'll piss all over your grade-school criticism of his music. He plays heavy metal, and he's formed the band with one of the better metal / rock personalities out there in Rich Ward. He's had the opportunity to play with many huge names, and has played in front of massive crowds in Europe. That's not an easy feat.

Next, if you want people to stop calling you a troll and respect your "opinions," then I have a suggestion for you. Try actually making an opinion and back it up with some form of coherent example or concrete fact. The ONLY thing I have learned from your OP is that you write at roughly a 2nd grade level.

Mouthy Idiot said:
There are too many guys who need his spot and hes a loser who gladly likes to JOB to guys in the ring at this point.

This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read in the history of the forums, and I've been here since '07. Nobody gets someone's spot because they NEED it. They either EARN it, or they DON'T. When Jericho is around, there's an increase in the quality of the product. He makes the people around him BETTER. He got miles out of Shawn Michaels that nobody thought HBK still had. And The Rock has, on several occassions, called Jericho one of his favorite guys to work with.

I spoke to Goldberg this morning. He hates you too.

Geez, you even crap on Jericho for showing respect to one of the two men who inspired his career in Shawn Michaels? Are you serious? You think he's "sucking off Shawn's career?" What an asinine statement.

People - well, maybe not you - but intelligent professionals evolve over time. That's what Jericho has done. If you took the time to evolve a little, maybe you'd be able to identify the difference between "your" and "you're." I think that's taught in 3rd grade, though, so you're not quite there yet. Just keep telling that nasty bully that you really need your milk money and you'll earn respect someday, too.
So he goes on Twitter {which is for followers in life} and brags... be a man and praise your own career and not some other mans.

Um, yeah. First you say he brags too much, then you say he doesn't do it enough. Make up your mind, Trolley McTrollerson.

For you to see what Jericho tweets, you have to follow him on Twitter, or click the headline in whatever forum you are in and read what he says. If he bothers you that much, you really don't have to pay attention.

Jericho of one of the few class acts out there. He has done everything he's wanted to in the business, and as such doesn't mind putting other talent over. That is the way future legends are born, son.

It's great to see such a successful talent in the biz have so little of an ego. I'm sure he's confident in himself, but he definitely doesn't go around abusing his status.

He's been involved in wrestling, regular television, movies, literature, hockey to some degree, and music. The only thing left for him to do is to start fcking painting and he'll know more than Bo (80's reference, look it up).

I know this has to be a troll, but I welcome the chance to talk about one of the true, exceptional stars in the business. He deserves the accolades and I have no problems extending them.

Please do not have this warped mentality when dealing w/people face to face/in the real world. You will most likely A) be ostracized, or B) given a mouth full of teeth.

That is all.
<deep breath>

Look man, I'm not gonna show up here and get all pissy about your comments just because I'm a Jericho fan boy. You're entitled to your opinion, smokey, but you're comments are WAY off.

First off, to claim that Twitter is for "followers in life" is just plain ignorant. We live in the information age, son, Twitter is just one of the mediums by which the information and communication occurs. More than likely, Chris is one of the more well-followed personalities on Twitter and it allows him to keep in constant contacts with his fan base and the world of professional wrestling. It's also a vehicle for marketing his personal brand, which now includes wrestling, music, radio, film, hockey, and reality tv. He has a resume that many folks can only dream about.

Second, the idea that every wrestler who writes a book hits the Best Seller list is beyond erroneous. I don't currently have the time to research the sales numbers for some of the other wrestlers books, but as I can see, Jericho's literary success is on par with Foley, Rock, Angle, and Michaels. Maybe I am missing a few, but if you think for a second that Amy "Lita" Dumas or Batista are going to do numbers like Jericho on TWO books, not just one, you're off your rocker. JJ Dillon's books was one of the best I've read and his sales never even sniffed the best seller list.

Now as someone who has seen Fozzy in concert 3 times and owns all of the albums, I'll piss all over your grade-school criticism of his music. He plays heavy metal, and he's formed the band with one of the better metal / rock personalities out there in Rich Ward. He's had the opportunity to play with many huge names, and has played in front of massive crowds in Europe. That's not an easy feat.

Next, if you want people to stop calling you a troll and respect your "opinions," then I have a suggestion for you. Try actually making an opinion and back it up with some form of coherent example or concrete fact. The ONLY thing I have learned from your OP is that you write at roughly a 2nd grade level.

This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read in the history of the forums, and I've been here since '07. Nobody gets someone's spot because they NEED it. They either EARN it, or they DON'T. When Jericho is around, there's an increase in the quality of the product. He makes the people around him BETTER. He got miles out of Shawn Michaels that nobody thought HBK still had. And The Rock has, on several occassions, called Jericho one of his favorite guys to work with.

I spoke to Goldberg this morning. He hates you too.

Geez, you even crap on Jericho for showing respect to one of the two men who inspired his career in Shawn Michaels? Are you serious? You think he's "sucking off Shawn's career?" What an asinine statement.

People - well, maybe not you - but intelligent professionals evolve over time. That's what Jericho has done. If you took the time to evolve a little, maybe you'd be able to identify the difference between "your" and "you're." I think that's taught in 3rd grade, though, so you're not quite there yet. Just keep telling that nasty bully that you really need your milk money and you'll earn respect someday, too.[/

You are so wrong on the Twitter argument. What kind of person needs to 'follow' someone elses life when you are your own person. Its called being a follower in life just like twitter calls it followers. Plus just how smug is he that he has to go on his twitter and talk about his book being #9 , GET OVER YOURSELF DUDE. Hes bragging about himself like its an accomplishment , hes so arrogant he recently said hes already working on his 3rd book and thats how arrogant he is. His book is 'winning' because hes a huge name in the industry. JJ Dillon is old an irrelevant and Lita was a girl in the biz for like 6 years of course their books are gonna underperform. As Far as Fozzy goes its a joke an the only reason and I mean the ONLY reason you like them is because Jericho is a WWE wrestler. If he wasnt a wrestler you would NOT care about fozzy at all. Who cares what those dehydrated Europeans like muscially. They probably have to go to fozzy concerts to have something to do. And yes I know wrestlers have to earn their push but when Jericho is on RAW 'overacting and looking bloated" it holds other guys back. Bottom line hes diluted and so are you for licking his backside like a good boy. Try to understand the concept that your a human and have your own life and should not be worshipping another man. And why worship Jericho the JOBBER.
I am tired of this dudes act. All he does is talk like a complete loser in his interviews.

As opposed the "WINNING MENTALITY" written all over your completely idiotic, trolling post.

So he goes on Twitter {which is for followers in life} and brags about his dumb book being #9 on the NY Times best sellers list. Every Pro wrestler who writes a book gets on the NY times best seller list. People always buy wrestlers books its not because its him.

Yeah. Doink The Clown would make the list. Eugene. Hornswoggle. For the record, twitter didn't deny it was for followers. In fact.. the people that read people's tweets on a regular basis.. are called... FOLLOWERS. However, as a troll, I'd assume that the difference in what the word follower can mean is beyond you.

Hes such a loser talking about touring with his pointless horrible band "fozzy" what a dumb name for a band. Most people cant name 2 fozzy songs.

His band isn't meant to be taken too seriously. Hence the name. However, I can't name any song by Fozzy. I also can't name a single thing you've ever done that was remotely respectable. Including this post I'm responding to. And you have the ability to edit at any moment in time.

People keep asking if hes gonna come back and its like who cares at this point , he isnt worth the money or time anymore in WWE. There are too many guys who need his spot and hes a loser who gladly likes to JOB to guys in the ring at this point.

Lol. Jericho needs to let other people take his spot. Yet... when he JOBS, you have a problem with it. Brilliant.

He is such a sissy living off that backstage incident with Goldberg in wcw. He puts out the illusion that he is some tough dude and can fight because oh his dad played hockey and he can really scrap with the best of them. I hate Goldberg but he would have killed Jericho in a legit fight with nobody there to break it up.

What the fuck are you talking about? They broke the fight up as Jericho was controlling Goldberg. That's a legit fight. As far as his father, I don't really remember him making much of a fuss about his father. Then again, I don't remember taking your post very seriously, either.

Jericho keeps worshipping Shawn Michaels in all his interviews and its like stop sucking another mans career off like that , be a man and praise your own career and not some other mans.

So, he talks about his music, his book and his father, apparently all the time. He does write about his OWN career. You hate this. Yet, when he's humble enough to admit that -- in his opinion -- HBK is better than anyone ever, he should praise himself more. Of course. Obvious.

He cant act , he cant sing , he cant even look halfway decent anymore. Hey Jericho , grow your hair long and lose some body fat and act like your old gimmick because your nothing now.

Wonderful. Douche.
People I hope ya know that Mouthy Idiot is really Dixie Carter hating on Y2J because he wouldn't sign with her company, and he called them BUSH LEAGUE about five times during a interview, he can write books she just write checks, he is going to be on Dancing with the Stars she didn't make the cut, Y2J world champion, game show host, Rocker, Author and movie star and what ever he wants to be, Dixie Carter is just a Mouthy Idiot.
So, he's arrogant, but doesn't praise his own career? That's counter-productive. The whole follower things is dumb because you obviously "follow" what he is doing to know so much about him. I know this is written as a cheap way of getting attention, but come on. As for him being a jobber, that is how young talent gets a push; by beating established guys.
So many stupid comments by the OP, so many contradictions

First you say he brags about himself on Twitter, then you say he brags about other people like Shawn Micheals and doesn't brag about himself. Make up your mind dude.

Then you say people who read tweets are just followers and Jericho is just a follower, but actually it's the people who are reading his tweets, so wouldn't that make him a leader.

And finally, please show me at least 3 articles, or interviews in the past 5 years that he has talked about the Goldberg incident. If you can at least do that, maybe you will get a little bit of creedence
You are so wrong on the Twitter argument. What kind of person needs to 'follow' someone elses life when you are your own person. Its called being a follower in life just like twitter calls it followers. Plus just how smug is he that he has to go on his twitter and talk about his book being #9 , GET OVER YOURSELF DUDE. Hes bragging about himself like its an accomplishment , hes so arrogant he recently said hes already working on his 3rd book and thats how arrogant he is. His book is 'winning' because hes a huge name in the industry. JJ Dillon is old an irrelevant and Lita was a girl in the biz for like 6 years of course their books are gonna underperform. As Far as Fozzy goes its a joke an the only reason and I mean the ONLY reason you like them is because Jericho is a WWE wrestler. If he wasnt a wrestler you would NOT care about fozzy at all. Who cares what those dehydrated Europeans like muscially. They probably have to go to fozzy concerts to have something to do. And yes I know wrestlers have to earn their push but when Jericho is on RAW 'overacting and looking bloated" it holds other guys back. Bottom line hes diluted and so are you for licking his backside like a good boy. Try to understand the concept that your a human and have your own life and should not be worshipping another man. And why worship Jericho the JOBBER.

Re: Twitter = being a follower in life. Welllll, do you keep up with your friends by text, phone, snail mail, smoke signal, facebook, email, or two tin cans tied to a string? If so, you're FOLLOWING up with those people, and all Twitter does is allow you to keep up to date on what others are doing. Period. It's not a cult, you won't be drinking the suicide koolaid at some Twitter retreat one day. Calm down.

Is it "smug" when someone wins a championship (wrestler or otherwise) and then tells people about it? Is it "smug" when a car manufacturer receives an award for highest safety rating then puts that in their commercials? No, it's called being proud of your accomplishments. It's not as though Jericho is calling you on the phone at 3am to tell you about this stuff. You don't wanna hear about it, don't FOLLOW HIM ON TWITTER.

You completely missed the point the other poster had about the wrestler's books. Re-read that, get back to me.

There are plenty of bands I don't care about or that I haven't heard about. They keep on doing what makes them happy and I don't bother them. Fozzy, meh, but hey, Jericho enjoys it and apparently so do a few tens of thousands of people out there in the big wide world. Open a window, there's more going on than just your life.

Finally, have you even watched wrestling? I mean, WRESTLING, not acrobatic spots like "Amazing Red" and his ilk are known for. But true in ring storytelling, grappling and such? Maybe you need someone to explain it to you, but Jericho can make ANYONE look like a million bucks when they're in the ring with him. From the move sets, to the pacing to the over-selling a move (yes, it's important to OVER sell a move) he could probably make ME look good in that ring.

Anyhow, that's all I got. Good luck in Mom's basement.
He does brag about HIMSELF all the time. I was saying that he should not be bragging on shawn and others like he does because he is his own ICON according to people like you. He is the one whos misleading people and portraying this act all the time. I dont give a damn about his book or band and for the guy who asked for 3 articles to see where he mentioned the Goldberg incident, I am not your research boy , you GO look up his "shoot" comments from all his glory hogging interviews and find it yourself. Why cant people see things the way I see them?? Im like one in a billion because no matter what I post I get crushed by marks for stating an outside view. I guess because I am not a certified Zone Mark I get no respect. Plus I dont mind when people disagree but at least show me some courtesy and understand there is 2 sides to a coin and NO I DO NOT FOLLOW anybody on this earth on twitter and I never will.
You don't like Chris Jericho, that's your opinion and that's fine. But your reasons that you state for not liking him or so Contradictory. You say he doesn't brag about himself, then you say he does.

You say every wrestlers books make the top 10, when you are proven wrong, you make excuses about how bad the wrestler was or how unimportant they were, blah, blah blah.

And your the one saying he keeps bringing up the Goldberg incident, try proving it and backing your words up. Instead of using excuses like "Oh I'm not your research boy"
So, if you do not follow anybody on this earth on Twitter, and quote "Never will" A) How do you know he has Twitter? B) How do you know what he puts on his Twitter?

Face it, we see Jericho for what he is: A LEGEND. I've seen shoot interviews of his, a few of them. Want to know who brings up the Goldberg incident? The interviewer. Heck, he was on Attack of the Show last week, not one mention of Goldberg. His name didn't even come up.

You can't brag about someone elses accomplishments, you can PRAISE other peoples accomplishments, but not brag. He has every right to praise someone like HBK, a hero an inspiration to Jericho. Shawn Michaels praised Ric Flair, does that mean Shawn was leeching off of Flair's career? Face it, dude, you were dropped on your head too many times as a child and now you can't make sense if your own arguements. And when you tell other people to look up stuff on your own arguements, usually means you got nothing to back it up.

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