Chris Jericho After Wrestlemania


HBK for life
My question for you is what do you think chris jericho will do after wrestlemania. Do you think he will keep wrestling, maybe for the title, go back to playing in fozzy, be a gm, or just manager.

I think that he will stick around for just another month or two to feud with punk for the title, and then punk makes their final match with jerichos career on the line. Punk manages to win, and jericho goes out with Y2G chants everywhere.
He'll be around for a few months after Mania. My guess would be a three PPV feud with Punk followed by a face turn and a possible feud with a lesser established heel who needs to go over a star. Maybe Rhodes, Barrett or even Bryan. All seem like perfect opponents for Jericho to put over before he leaves again.
My question for you is what do you think chris jericho will do after wrestlemania. Do you think he will keep wrestling, maybe for the title, go back to playing in fozzy, be a gm, or just manager.

I think that he will stick around for just another month or two to feud with punk for the title, and then punk makes their final match with jerichos career on the line. Punk manages to win, and jericho goes out with Y2G chants everywhere.

I seem to remember a report a couple days ago stating that Jericho may end up leaving sometime around April or May (probably just after mania) to go back on tour, plus he himself has stated that while he may not always be around he will never actually leave. So personally I am not really expecting Jericho to be around very much after mania this year, at least not for a few months.

Jericho Possibly Leaving:

More on Chris Jericho's WWE Future
According to, there is strong talk that Chris Jericho will only be working with WWE through late April, possibly May, before taking another hiatus from the company to tour with Fozzy.
Yeah, I honestly see him leaving quite soon after Wrestlemania. It's obvious he has other goals he wants to accomplish outside of wrestling and who are we to stop him. It would be awesome if he put over Punk and a few other less credible superstars before leaving. Like Jake said, Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes all seem like awesome opponents for Chris Jericho to share a feud with. There's plenty for Jericho to do around the WWE but I don't see him sticking around long after Wrestlemania.
Jericho and Barrett could be a good little feud since that was a Pro and NXT guy right? But I have seen that report about Jericho leaving, and didn't think he would be sticking around after WM.
I honestly believe this is his last real run with the WWE (Obviously some suprise apperances every now and again, maybe a Mania match down the road) but over all I believe his full wrestling career ends this time

But after WM, I see him in a feud with Rhodes or Bryan as a face before leaving
There's no way of knowing for sure what's on Jericho's plate once the Punk feud is done, especially because of how active he is with Fozzy, I'm pretty sure they have recording and touring plans this year. He's probably on the verge of retirement from full time wrestling. I think it would make more sense for him to stay around until Summerslam, not only because there's little point in coming back for 3 months only to disappear again, but because there are so many potential opportunities for younger stars to go over him. A Cody Rhodes feud with a possible 10th IC title run is what I'd like to see the most, but I could just as easily settle for Jericho/Barrett or Jericho/Bryan. But only time will tell.
I expect him to stick around for a month or two after Mania and then take off, I believe his Fozzy schedule kicks back up around May or June so he's gonna have to leave for that. As much as I always want more I have to constantly remind myself that we're lucky to even have him back at all right now and he's got two different awesome careers that he's had to manage throughout the years ontop of a family. I say that he continues the feud with Punk, does maybe one other feud/story line and then takes off, but it wont be the last time we see him.

Jericho is the king of returns and while he always says he's accomplished all he wants in wrestling his competitive spirit is always pulling at his heart to wrestle. I say he does his Fozzy biz for a while, they finish their next album and tour for a bit and we maybe see him come back as a face. Something inside me says that they will have him win a Royal Rumble before his career is solidly finished, he's been in plenty and has come close this year plus the year Edge won and I can't give a good reason other than a gut feeling. But I am thankful for every bit of Jericho we get from here on out and every single fan should be as well.
I honestly don't know. Jericho's making it seem like hes staying for awhile but with him u just never know. He trolls the fans! Its what he does! Nah but i think he needs to turn face maybe after match with CM Punk at OverTheLimit this year and have someone the next night on RAW take him out after him saying maybe he will retire or something. Someone like Cody Rhodes or Wade Barrett can take him out and have him out till Elimination Chamber and he can put over a young talent at WM 29!!
Thats too bad he is rumored to only stay a little after Wrestlemania. I guess he just came back for a wrestlemania check.

I dont think this is a good trend for the WWE though. They have too many guys getting top billing at WM that will most likely be gone after WM. I get why Vince was against part-time workers for a long time.
i think he'll only stay until over the limit. he'll have a match with punk at mania, a rematch at extreme rules..maybe a ladder match or something? and then have a final match with punk at over the limit, the match being an i quit match, since that seems to be where they do those matches. and then he loses that match, says i quit and then leaves again, maybe comes back every now and again, odd match here or there, but i dont think he'll be back full time ever again. which is ashame cos im a huge jericho fan lol
Well, I think I see Jericho losing to Punk at Wrestlemania, then maybe the feud will end at Extreme Rules or Over the Limit. But how will WWE manage to write him out if storyline again? I think though, that he will probably stick around until Summerslam at least, IMO, I hope he will take revenge on Randy Orton for taking him out in 2010, that would probably be a good feud. Bottom line, WWE will find some kind of way to remove him from tv like they did before. But at least Summerslam at the latest, then he'll go tour with his band, and return within a couple years again for one last career/title run.
I will say this, Chris Jericho is by far my favourite wrestler. Not only is he phenomenal in the ring and on the microphone, but he's also from my hometown! So no one is excited for him to be back more than me.

However, it really takes the wind out of the sails of it all to know that he's leaving as soon as April or May already. How much hope can we possibly have for his impact when we know that he's only got 2-3 more months left? I think I'd rather him stay out of the WWE until he can come back for a longer period than come back for such a short stint. I guess it just feels like a big tease, especially when his gimmick is this big End of the World thing, that he apparently needs to accomplish within 2-3 months.

Oh well. I guess I'll just enjoy the ride.
Unfortunately, Jericho's scheduling doesn't allow him to stay anymore than a few months at a time. His band is doing REALLY well and does tours all over the world.

And if that's the way it is going to be, I would rather this be his last run. You can only do so many come backs before it gets old. I didn't care much for his previous return against Orton.
I don't look for Jericho to hang around long after WrestleMania. I'd love to see him stick around and have a lengthy feud with Punk, but there's been talk of Jericho touring with Fozzy this summer. I don't know if this is true or if it's just a rumor going about, but I'm thinking that it's probably true.

I could see him hanging around for another month or so to ultimately end his program with Punk before disappearing again for a while. If that turns out to be the case, I personally hope that they don't decide to give him a brief run with the title.
I hope he stays awhile since he is my all time favorite "sports entertainer" but everything seems to point to him staying around till Summerslam then leaving again. I would like to see another title run because his last championship loss being to Swagger don't sit well with me. Maybe have Punk win at WM 28, Jericho takes belt in rematch at Extreme Rules and holds it until Over the Limit or Summerslam losing it back to Punk.
Chris Jericho will win the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber before having a 6 week run as Champ leading to the match with Punk at Mania 28. After putting Punk over and the subsequent rematches, Id expect Jericho vs Punk at the May ppv to be a Loser Leaves WWE match or some similar gimmick attached to the match.

Chris Jericho is only contracted through to May, but these always get extended on a handshake. JERICHO WILL NOT BE INVOLVED IN ANY FURTHER FEUDS, not in this run anyway.
I could see Y2J leaving a little after Wrestlemania, but coming back at Summerslam or maybe even Survivor Series. He's one of my favorite wrestlers ever, so I'm just glad I get to see him now. But maybe something like what they did between Jeff Hardy and CM Punk. Y2J loses so he has to leave WWE for his tour. But he comes back and terrorizes Punk after his tour, and ends up beating him for spot back in the WWE. Just an idea, but I think it could work out pretty good.

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