Child's Play Remake

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Aeon Mathix

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I was at the movies today and stumbled across a promotion poster for the new Child's Play movie which is supposedly a remake of the first one. After doing a little research about how its going to be dark and "scary" rather then comedy horror, I still havent decided if I want to see it or not. It would bring back memories afterall I was scared shitless of chucky when i was young, but I dont have high hopes for this movie after what they did to nightmare on elm street and friday the 13th after remaking them (its not the same directors but nonetheless) and i honestly believe chucky has ran its course especially with the whole "Bride" and "Seed" films. who knows it may surprise. Thoughts?
I'm sure it will be a fucking abomination. I'm a huge horror fan and the Child's Play franchise holds a special place in my heart from the repeated viewings of the films when I was a kid, shit I even enjoyed Bride of Chucky quite a bit, though probably for completely biased and nostalgic reasons as I was young and snuck into the theaters to see it with my best friend and we had a raving good time. Unfortunately nostalgia couldn't save Seed of Chucky from being a huge fat turd of a film with no clue as to what it's identity was. They should have just thrown the horror element out the window and gave the project to John Waters, why not he was already in the flick, that could have been great.

Anyways, yeah, been reading about this remake for several years. First things first if they don't use Brad Dourif for the voice of Chucky, this film is a complete failure from the start and should just be put out of it's misery now, Dourif IS the fucking franchise and without him on board it would be pointless. If they have him doing the voice though and a competent director, I could actually see this possibly being pretty good if they're attempting to go a darker route and cut out the comedic elements. That's absolutely what they'll have to do to make this film worth seeing though, horror-comedy is played out, especially in the Child's Play franchise.

I'm mixed about this flick. I'll be keeping my eye on it for sure, but I'm not holding very much hope right now for the quality of this project.
Is it going to be produced by Platinum Dunes? If it is, then there's an 85% chance that it will be a huge piece of shit (just look at what they recently did to A Nightmare on Elm Street). Anyway, the only horror remake I am legitimately looking forward to right now is Fright Night.
Oh no shit they are remaking fright night? thats tight i havent heard anything on that yet. And im not sure who the director is yet but my god it better not be dunes. The only reason I was looking forward to nightmare on elm street was cause of jackie earle hailey playing freddie (after seeing him as rourschach im sure a lot of people had a little hope too). and yes brad is returning for the voice of chucky it said on the poster (well at the top where they have the actors names and thats the immediate thing i looked for was brad's name lol) and i agree, if brad wasnt the voice of chucky I would probably watch the last airbender before this remake.
Na...your has ran its course..
The remakes of Nightmare on Elm St and Friday the 13th have been just about the girls running around with their boobies hanging out...who knows in this movie, they might have Chucky rape britney speares!!

I don't think a remake is even needed..if you want to remind yourself of these classics...just got and watch them..
Man, I am holding out hope this movie turns out well but just like Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street, I have a feeling it will end up being shit, which really sucks seeing as the original is so legendary in the Horror genre. The film does need to move away from the comedy element, maybe not entirely but at least a little bit, and needs to go in a darker path just like Nightmare. Realistically I have very little hope for this movie, I am more anticipating the long awaited Hellraiser remake which has been rumored for some time now.
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