Chick-fil-A Hullabaloo

I don't know about other states but as far as Georgia is concern. Chick-Fil-A is probably one of (if not the most) cleanest fast food restaurants in the state and they always provide great customer service. Do I disagree with his opinion? Yeah, but that's not going to stop me from eating at a place that I generally enjoy.
I find it kinda ironic that Chic-fil-a specializes in chicken, & another name for chicken is "cock", so basically they're trying to sell you a cock sandwich while not supporting gay marriage.

Are we really at a point where we're not buying chicken sandwiches from a fast food place simply based on what they choose to beleive?, am I suppose to be going into every fast food place I eat at & ask them if they support gay marriage before I order?
Are we really at a point where we're not buying chicken sandwiches from a fast food place simply based on what they choose to beleive?, am I suppose to be going into every fast food place I eat at & ask them if they support gay marriage before I order?

Not if it isn't important to you :shrug:

I am confused by people acting like making decisions based on personal moral criteria is some insane new idea. It is especially amusing watching religious groups rally against such an approach.
I'm with Justin: this kind of stuff is ridiculous. I've been to Chick-Fil-A maybe twice, one time being a few weeks ago with Becca. The food was good, but there's one thing people are overlooking: once I give them my money, I have no control or interest in where it goes. Becca and I were hungry and we paid money to get lunch. The food was good and I'm not going to change where I go based on this. You can't avoid every place where their profits goes towards something you don't like because you would either starve, get sick over time, or have very little to your life other than your principles.
I think it is ridiculous to suggest that for example a gay family should not even consider that they might want to go elsewhere. Is it ridiculous Jewish people aren't as big Gibson fans as they might have been in the past? Is it ridiculous that Tiger Woods lost sponsorships?

It might be true that you have no control of where your money goes after you hand it over but you are neglecting to notice that people are taking interest in where it goes before they hand it over.

Indian people get along fine without eating beef. I fail to see how it is impossible to survive while including some moral considerations in your dining decisions.
I think it is ridiculous to suggest that for example a gay family should not even consider that they might want to go elsewhere. Is it ridiculous Jewish people aren't as big Gibson fans as they might have been in the past? Is it ridiculous that Tiger Woods lost sponsorships?

It might be true that you have no control of where your money goes after you hand it over but you are neglecting to notice that people are taking interest in where it goes before they hand it over.

Indian people get along fine without eating beef. I fail to see how it is impossible to survive while including some moral considerations in your dining decisions.

I'm not saying that they shouldn't go elsewhere if they want to. If they don't want to that's perfectly fine and up to them. I'm saying that to me it doesn't make a difference.
I'm not saying that they shouldn't go elsewhere if they want to. If they don't want to that's perfectly fine and up to them. I'm saying that to me it doesn't make a difference.

Then why are you speaking about it generally? Even then I find it almost impossible to believe that you have never considered not purchasing something based on some personal belief.
Probably not, no. That guy (likely) isn't the one making whatever I'm buying there, isn't there ranting about how wrestling needs to be done away with, and isn't selling it to me. Also I'd assume most people either want to get rid of wrestling already or don't care, and on top of that, I'd hope the guy was there so I could argue with him over it.

On a more serious/more realistic note, it would likely depend on where this place was/what the cost was in comparison to competitors. I go to McDonald's more often than Chick-Fil-A because McDonald's is a five minute walk from my house and Chick-Fil-A is a fifteen minute drive.
How is the person that owns the business not selling it to you? I guess we could start checking the teenage girl at the checkout counter on Facebook to see how much of a bitch she is though.
I mean directly. Sam Walton or whoever is the CEO of Wal-Mart isn't selling me whatever I buy at Wal-Mart.

She can be however big of one that she wants to be. If she's nice to me when I'm paying for something I don't care.
KB land is an interesting place. It sort of reminds me of in interviews when they talk about someone everyone knows is a dick and people say something like they were always nice to me to avoid admitting it.
I've never eaten there. Drove right by it taking my wife to work every morning for a year, never stopped there once.

I disagree with the notion that it's not a big deal. I don't care if it's a fast food chain, anyone who donates money to any of these ******ed foundations is a piece of shit in my eyes. I have no issues with discriminating against of group of people who are what they are due to choices they've made.
It would appear this all boils down to how many degrees of separation you feel responsible for. My moral goal post is set at about 1° and I sleep the sleep of the just. If yours is farther, congratulations, I guess you're entitled to consider yourself a better person than I am :shrug: (tho' not quite as good as those who set it even one step beyond). I'm not anti-gay, I'm pro tasty chicken sandwiches and waffles fries.
I don't hate anybody. As Christians, we're not supposed to. Do we have overzealous Christians that hate everybody nonchristian? Yes. It's unfortunate as it gives the rest of us a bad name. I have a few gay friends and they are some of the nicest people I know. I work with a gay guy whom I talk to regularly we get along pretty well. Do I think Chick-Fil-A is wrong for stating and supporting their beliefs? No I don't. Pro gay people do the exact same thing so why shouldn't anti gay? There is no hate involved they just simply don't agree with being gay. I'm sure if 2 guys or 2 girls walked in their doors hand in hand kissing eachother they'd still serve them because they don't HATE gays, they just don't agree with their choices. I don't agree with being gay or gay marriage. Does that make me a hateful bigot? Not at all. As I said I have gay friends. I just don't agree with their choices.
I don't hate anybody. As Christians, we're not supposed to. Do we have overzealous Christians that hate everybody nonchristian? Yes. It's unfortunate as it gives the rest of us a bad name.

Actually it is fairly fortunate for you because it allows you to play this less wrong is somehow right game so that you can have your cake and eat it too. There is nothing admirable about not being a hate monger, any reasonably moral person should not indulge in such behavior at a minimum.

I have a few gay friends and they are some of the nicest people I know. I work with a gay guy whom I talk to regularly we get along pretty well. Do I think Chick-Fil-A is wrong for stating and supporting their beliefs? No I don't. Pro gay people do the exact same thing so why shouldn't anti gay? There is no hate involved they just simply don't agree with being gay. I'm sure if 2 guys or 2 girls walked in their doors hand in hand kissing eachother they'd still serve them because they don't HATE gays, they just don't agree with their choices.

I don't think anyone is saying that you can't express your opinions. Just that if you do be prepared to be held accountable by those that disagree with you.

I don't agree with being gay or gay marriage. Does that make me a hateful bigot? Not at all. As I said I have gay friends. I just don't agree with their choices.

Some might say that makes you a bad friend. Do straight people tend to remain friends with people that don't agree with their choice of significant other? Not usually. Once again, not being a bigot is the least you can do. I'd say the root of your problem is clinging to this ignorant idea that people choose to be gay.

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