Chemistry Between Wrestlers

There's 2 choices that instantly comes to mind for me, and I'm absolutely amazed by the lack of mentions these two pairings have.

First of all:


I'm including them with the D-Generation X pairing, both because it really just looks better, and because not only are these two guys best friends, and worked for years together in D-Generation X. But they've also had some amazing matches spanning over a periodic 2 years feud more or less.

These are the two guys that put on an absolute war whenever they would face each other in the ring. At the Royal Rumble in 2004, at Summerslam in 2002, Survivor Series 2002, Armageddon 2002 and especially at Wrestlemania 20.

And on top of that they had some absolutely amazing promos alongside each other during times with D-Generation X, which I think definitely also counts as a part of chemistry, the very fact that they could play off each other so perfectly, to create such great promos and matches.

And my second choice, which surprises me even more:


60 minute Iron Man Match anyone? Nobody remember that? While a lot of people seem to agree there were a lot of rest holds, and it wasn't even the greatest Iron Man Match by far, I think that it definitely deserves a mention to the fact that these guys had great chemistry. Shawn and Bret might have had their problems from time to time, but when they would square off inside the ring, there was bound to be something epic going on. Even back when Shawn wasn't a main eventer yet, he was still tearing down the house with Bret Hart at places like Survivor Series 92.

These guys are two of the greatest in-ring performers of all time. They would always go out and perform at the top of the crop, solidifying themselves every single night as legends. And every time they would square off, there was a very special feeling about it. And I think that definitely has a big play in the whole fact that Shawn and Bret had an amazing chemistry in the ring.
To go along with what Ferbian said. I can't believe these 2 have not been mentioned yet, so I'll do the honours.


What is there to say about these two that already hasn't been said? There chemistry together was off the charts, when you watched them you generally thought they hated each other in and out of the ring, they brought out the best in each other, much like Bret & Shawn and Austin & Rock. Their match at WM13 speaks for itself. Will go down as one of the finest matches of the last 30 years. There numerous fueds are the stuff of legend.
Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn. Those guys had a lot of great matches in ECW. No build up needed for this match. Whenever they when out there the matches was pure amazing. I could watch those two everyday.
I agree with Ferb especially with HBK and HHH. Maybe because I grow watching those two, but I always loved how they interacted as friends or foes. Last man standing, hell in a cell, triple threat, elimination name it, they always stole the show.

Another one, could be Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio. I never liked Rey, but he was on the ring with Eddie, man WCW or WWE, it was always a good entertaining match. I never quiet understood the "story telling" in wrestling, in ring, until I saw them both.
Yeah it is Trips and HBK, because friends or foes, heels or faces, tag team or singles they are amazing. They love the business and they love each other. I would watch these to over any others. Although shout out to Rock and Austin, Kurt and HBK, Austin and HHH, HBK and Bret, HBK and Jericho....but over all DX are the best
I'll try and stick with ones that haven't been mentioned yet.

Edge and Christian/The Hardy's/The Dudley's: Really shocked there has yet to be a mention of these three. You knew that whenever any combination of these three stepped into the ring you would be in for at the least a good match, it may not always be a classic but it would nearly always be passable. Just look at the long line of classics they had TLC 1, 2 and 3, three way ladder match at WM 16, The Dudley's vs The Hardy's at the Royal Rumble from 2000, Dudley's vs E&C Rumble 2001, Dudley's vs Hardy's from Survivor Series 2001 and the list goes on.

HHH vs The Rock: Also shocked at the lack of mentions for these two. These guys traded the title back and forth for a vast majority of 2000 and didn't have a single bad match in the series, including having what is in my opinion the best Iron Man match ever at Judgment Day.

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