Chemistry Between Wrestlers

In a sport like Pro Wrestling, chemistry is very important. Much like dancing, it requires that you are somewhat "in tune" with the person you're working with. It means that just like a sports team, you have to be able to work together. While wrestling seems like an individual sport, it requires that both guys give their all and go out there and do a good job. Now, while most can go out there and put on a hell of a show anyway, the ones with the best chemistry always put on the legendary matches that we'll remember forever.

Keeping that in mind, who are the two workers that had the best chemistry that you always enjoyed watching?

For me, it would have to be these two men:


The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin

Rocky and Stone Cold could put on a great match in what seemed like whatever conditions. I accredit that to them having excellent in-ring chemistry. They really vibed off of each other, as is evident by their trilogy at Wrestlemania. As a kid I remember how eager I was to see a Rock v. Austin matchup just because I knew it would be a lasting memory, and their chemistry was a big reason why. They never failed to impress me. Their chemistry was something extremely obvious to all fans, because they really knew how to work with each other. Rock and Austin easily take this one for me.

Everytime these two stepped in a ring together you knew it was going to be a classic. They always had chemistry together. They could put on good back and forth entertaining matches everytime they comepete against each other whether it's in a casket match, Hell in a cell, or Shawn Michaels retirement match at Wrestlemania 26. There match at Wrestlemania 25 was my favorite even though 26 had a better story. 25 had more near falls and high spots. I give props to both men for working so well that late in there career.
The best wrestlers have a great chemistry with >95% of the roster, and ultimately that in-ring chemistry is what defines the "push" a wrestler receives.

Like you just said it is extremely apparent when that chemistry is present, causing the fans to actually give a damn abt whose butt is about to be kicked and why we should care about that butt being kicked.

I see people complaining all the time how guys like DiBiase, Morrison, Kofi, etc deserves a push but the majority of them cannot consistently put on a decent match. I have yet to see a good DiBiase match. Kofi and Morrison are athletic, but they just don't have that rival to where they can play off the others chemistry.

I'm more hopeful for Morrison now that Miz is in the main event (a natural feud for both), but the WWE can go a long way in creating new faces by simply putting two guys with great chemistry into a feud and letting them just have at it. Let the fans decide who is face or heel, but thats another story all together.

To answer your question, I would say either Bret Hart/HBK or Bret Hart/Austin. Anytime they had a match you knew it was going to be good.
why I agree with Stone Cold and the Rock! I have to go a little bit old school.
1st: Ric Flair and Steamboat! Everyone talks about how great steamboat vs savage was at wrestlemania. They rehearsed and rehearsed. Flair and Steamboat stepped in the ring and made gold no platinum and more than just one night. I mean just there three matches in 87 would make for there case. But they put on good matches in the late 70's, and even better in the late 80's. I can't think of anyother two that could pull that off after 10 years.
2nd: Would be Austin vs Rock. I think that already been adressed.
3rd: The Freebirds vs The Vonerichs. Perfect good vs bad matches. But I always rooted for the freebirds. Of course Flair is my favorite wrestler so I lean towards the bad guys. You could put these two teams in any kinds of match, singles, tag, triple or all angles and they pulled off great matches.
4th: This one was a little shorted lived but Tully Blanchard vs Magnum TA: These two feed off of each other so well, and you could just feel the hatred they had for each other. I loved watching these two. As long as Magnum was facing any horsemen I would root for him. But Tully is my 5th favorite of all time and Magnum brought out the best in Tully!

Sorry forgot one more:
5th HBK vs HHH. For these two to be such great friends went they were against each other they were at there best. I mean HBK comes back after five years and who does he fued with. These two put on several great matches.
Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes - This was one of the biggest fueds in wrestling history that spanned the entire country. Each match went an hour and yet it was gold everytime. Both HOF's packed stadiums and you didn't know who was going to win.

Rock n Roll Express vs Midnight Express - This tag team rivalry made the 80's great. They were polar opposites but put on amazing matches. These teams had to have wrestled at least 100 times yet you had a main event feel. Hell, Vince stole the RNR express gimmick and created the rockers. That is how good they were.

Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money
- These two teams can steal the show on any night. I am always amazed because I never see the same spots twice. Its always unique and compelling.

Motor City Machine Guns vs Generation Me - Great chemistry and always a four star match. For both to be so young yet have that type of energy is what great wrestling is about.

Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka - This fued was the hottest in ECW. The matches were hardcore, brutal yet told a story. Both wrestlers could get the crowd high and keep them there the entire match. They were gold.
Since only WWE/F Guys have been picked I thought I threw in some in TNA guys

My First Pick is Beer Money and MCMG these two have Great Chemistry together and they just work Very Well anytime these two go at it you can pretty much guarantee an Excellent Tag Match. These two teams put on a phenomenal Best of 5 Series earlier this year and I expect another Really Good Tag Match this Sunday. I will Always be excited for a Beer Money vs MCMG Match.

My Second Pick is Kurt Angle and AJ Styles these also have Great In Ring Chemistry and they work Well together and I've had some really good matches and you can also expect great matches when ever they face other. I will Never get tired of seeing AJ vs Kurt Angle
i think bret hart and jerry lawler had some great chemistry... i often felt like these two HATED each other and they did such a great job with their feud. Sting and Flair had great chemistry and i'm not too big of a flair fan, but whenever him and sting were in the ring, it was epic... the 80s version of rock and stone cold!
I think as far as tag team chemistry goes...I read what VencomHardcore stated about the MCMG/Generation well as MCMG/Beer Money...After reading that..I thought about it and I have to agree...for those two teams who are both extremely quick and agile. I think you have to have COMPLETE trust in your opponent(s) when in a match. I think that having that trust really shows when they are more willing to do those more risk taking movies. Let's face it...we all know it's choreographed to some extent. But we also know that when a team has that great chemistry together AND are already proven to be able to perform in the ring...what happens between the bells is at least a little bit decided by those performers. I really enjoy watching the MCMG face either of these teams because you can literally see that they trust each other to not seriously injure each other..which makes for some amazing matches.
Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes definitely had amazing chemistry back in the hey day of the NWA, no doubt about that. The promos, the matches, the son of the plumber vs the stylin and profilin'! It was amazing!

Rock and Stone Cold as mentioned already brought out the absolute best in each other and there are not many other combos that come close to creating the reaction from the crowd that these two did.

Sting and Ric Flair were another pair that amazed me back in the day. Every match they had was amazing from the first 60 minute match at Clash of Champions to the last match they had on the final episode of Nitro.

these two had arguabley the biggest fued since the atitude era...period...these two went together like peanut butter and Jelly..the story was perfect..the fans were into..and the way it ended was perfect..the main event in Cenas hometown where he lost..then in edges hometown where edge was perfect


Come on the story was here as well..for me it started in 2005 royal rumble...the final two..then batista wins..goes to raw wins the title and becomes the big man on Raw.....

and Cena
well he got the second place he became the biggest name in the WWE since austin and tore up WWE and still is....then they finally meet up at summerslam 2008..damn thye had a match..even broke cenas neck in that match. the story was golden all the way into 2010...i think the chemisrty was golden and def worth watching
hornswoggle vs the eagle! all seriousness, i gotta go with Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. I know they've only had 2 matches together, but these 2 guys can put on a show when their together! Hopefully, WWE will put these 2 in more matches in the future :D
Okay, I have about four in no particular order:

1: Triple H vs Steve Austin: Anytime these two got together in the ring, you knew there was going to be an old-fashioned smashmouth brawl, with it basically culminating in the three stages of hell match at no Way Out 2001.

2: Triple H vs The Rock: Always great matches, I always enjoyed the battles these two have had, they would literally take you for a ride and you wouldn't change the channel when those two were on.

3: Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian:Back when tag-team wrestling actually mattered. They put on really great high-flying matches and Edge & Christian with the old people portraying the Hardyz and Lita was hilarious, and when the Hardyz dressed up as Los Conquistadores to beat Edge & hristian for the Tag-Team Titles.

4: Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho: Two of the best technical wrestlers at the time, you knew you were going to see a good match, and some hilarious Y2J Promos, as a wrestling fan, you could see your technical wrestling, your high-flying and your brawling and it never got old when these two picked up where they left off, like the submission match from Judgment Day 2000 or the 2 of 3 falls match from summerslam 2000, clearley these two were putting on some of the best matches of 2000.
Im throwing a little ROH in this. Many of their guys have great chemistry together.

Davy Richards and Tyler Black.. IMO put on some rely epic performances.

YouTube them, you will not be displeased :)
It may not be the popular choice, so although all of the other choices are definitely true, I'm just going to mention Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar. These two had some great matches throughout 2003, even the WM19 match until Lesnar's botched shooting star press. I think it might've been easier for those two to have chemistry because they both have similar backgrounds before entering WWE. I enjoyed Brock's matches and I wish he would've stayed with the company.
I'm surprised these two haven't been mentioned:

Shawn Michaels Vs. Kurt Angle. They put on a CLINIC at WrestleMania 21. Pat Patterson has even gone on record as saying that it was his favorite match at the time. Every time those two were in the ring together, even if it was a tag team match, they still put on a show.

Secondly, although we only saw it once (to my knowledge), Shawn Michaels Vs. Rey Mysterio. This only happened one time, and it was on the Eddie Guerrero Tribute Edition of Raw, and how fitting that the main event of that show feature Eddie's best friend facing one of the best wrestlers in the history of the business? Sure, the match had no buildup, but it wasn't needed. On a night where we were remembering a great wrestler, father, and man, all we wanted to see is what Eddie would have wanted to see himself...some of the best wrestling possible by two great competitors.

However, there were two men that turned me into the fan that I am today, 14 or so years ago. Stone Cold and The Rock. My first time ever watching Raw I just happened to be flipping through the channels, and saw The Rock giving his "eulogy" for Stone Cold, followed by Austin running over Rock's car. I had no idea what was going on, but I have been a fan since that very moment. The chemistry between the two and the mic work were second to none. Hands down, The Rock Vs. Austin was what turned me into the wrestling fan that I am today.
I can't believe no one has mentioned Regal and Benoit. From their work in Japan, WCW, and WWE, everytime these two had a match it was AWESOME! You always saw suplexes, counters, submissions that you never see in a WWE ring. Regal one blocked a german suplex by grabbing his own leg to prevent from being lifted. And not mention they were masters at making wrestling look "real". If you've never seen them go at it, I strongly reccomend you Youtube it. They were literally TECHNICAL WARS.
Jericho vs. Mysterio, Jericho vs. Michaels, Austin vs. Triple H, Michaels vs. Taker.. freakin amazing.
Edge vs. Kurt Angle was always amazing too.

Favorite would have to be Edge vs. John Cena or Stone Cold vs. The Rock as to me those are the real blockbuster feuds of the past couple eras.
Lot of my choices have been mentioned:

Freebirds-Von Erichs
Midnights-R n R Express.

I do have a few others though:

Dynamite Kid-Tiger Mask: They put on classic after classic and inspired generations of future stars like Liger, Benoit and others.

Jack Bisco-Dory Funk Jr.: They were sensational together ! Put on classics not only all over the U.S. but Japan as well in the 1970's ! They were so evenly matched and were technical masters !

Misawa-Kawada: Very strong personal rivalry not only inside the ring but outside as well. They put on a series of matches for the ages in the 1990's and were the best in the world at that time !

Shawn Michaels & Chris Jericho

I think it's widely recognised that these two had some excellent chemistry between them. Jericho himself was a HUGE Michaels fan growing up. He basically patterned himself after Michaels, but by the time 2003 had rolled around, Jericho was his own man and the first ever Undisputed Heavyweight Champion in WWE history. Jericho and Michaels stole the show at WrestleMania XIX and put together a great feud prior to that. They would feud for much longer though 5 years later.

In 2007 Chris Jericho returned to the WWE and he went into 2008 with a ton of momentum. It wasn't until he began a feud with Michaels that Jericho revealed how good he was. Michaels was the perfect opponent for Jericho and vice-versa as Michaels and Jericho played off one another with terrific matches all over the year and great promos. These two were simply the others best opponent.
Gotta also mention:

Steve Williams-Terry Gordy: The legendary tag team were bitter rivals in the UWF before they ever teamed up and had many great matches over the UWF title. What made them so great was that you had 2 big guys that were great workers who could work a fast paced match and not tire out. Be it a wild bloody brawl or a technical match these 2 just clicked !

Jerry Lawer-Bill Dundee: These 2 guys have been going at it for 35 years and they still work well together ! Had some fantastic hair vs hair matches, one in which Dundee lost and his wife had her head shaved, and a great series of loser leaves town matches ! Throw in the fact that these guys were also even on the mic and you had magic !
I agree with Crock's choice of Rock and Steve Austin. The two had excellent chemistry with each other though I must say that that does not surprise me much. Both were very good wrestlers with similar styles. I think they just figured out the formula for their matches and it worked every single time. Another thing that I felt was that though Austin brought out the best out of Rock, but it was not the other way round. I felt that Austin had better matches with Triple H and Kurt Angle than he had with Rock.

Speaking of which, I thought Kurt Angle and Stone Cold had fantastic chemistry as well. That was surprising because Steve was a brawler while Kurt was more of a technician. Yet they tore the house down whenever they wrestled.

Another set of guys who had surprisingly fantastic chemistry with each other were Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude. Now both of them are not great workers with Warrior being particularily bad, but they always had great matches with each other. Some of their matches when Warrior are Intercontinental Champion were pretty good as well as their cage match when Warrior was the WWE Champion.

Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat also had fantastic chemistry with each other. Both of them had the stamina to put on long matches as well as the technical skill. The two of them put on three back to back great matches in 1989 and that has been hailed as the greatest series of matches ever by many scribes.

Also worth noting is the chemistry between Rick Rude and Ricky Steamboat in WCW. They put on several good matches with each other with a 30 minute Ironman match being the best of the lot.
Jericho and Dean Malenko. Their feud over the WCW cruiserweight title was epic. Opposites attract they say, and those two couldn't have been more different. I remember being young and actualy believing the hate that Malenko felt for Jericho. It was the only time I ever saw any real emotion from Dean, and that feud taught me how fun it was to cheer for the bad guy. It's always been my favorite feud and probably always will be.

I also have to mention Stone Cold and Vince McMahon. They have a special chemistry that reminds me of Superman and Lex Luthor. It's that epic.
How can you guys forget about HHH and HBK?! Their feud was classic and they always left it all out there in the ring, their matches were amazing.

Another duo with great chemistry has to be Kane and Undertaker they feuded on and off in 97-00 then in 03-04 then 08 and 10 so clearly they've meshed together in the ring over time
Im gonna go with two that I havent seen posted yet, but, always had one of, if not THE best match on the card...

Kurt Angle, and Chris Benoit...look at whenever they faced each other, and try to find a bad match, it is impossible. They had the same style, and it always led to the most awesome matches...if you liked wrestling, true wrestling that is.

If you want tag teams, then, I will go with Hardy Boyz/Edge & Christian....Again, whenever they faced each other, it always stole the show...Especially the TLC/Ladder matches. They feuded for 4 months in a row one year, which at the time, was unheard of. No matter what kind of match, or stipulation, they were never stale or boring when they faced each other.
Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero

No matter what promotion, what group of fans, or what type of match, Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko never failed to entertain and put on a damn good match. In ECW, they were some of the first to out on matches that entertained fans notorious for their liking of blood and violence. Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero didn't have to do all of that to entertain those fans. They worked very well together, whether they were tag teaming or facing one another in WCW for the cruiserweight title. They both had very similer styles of wrestling-- were very technical but were able to fly if needed. They put on some of the best matches I have ever seen in my life. Great chemistry.

Bret Hart and Owen Hart

This one is a fuckin' given. Two brothers that have or had great chemistry in the ring. From their cage match that proved a cage match needn't to be violent to be a succesful cage match. To their epic battles over the Intercontinetal Championship. Owen could never one up his brother and that formed jealousy which helped propel their chemistry together. Finally Owen was able to go over Bret by beating him at Wrestlemania X in a match I believe that stole the entire show. This feud should've launched Owen directly into the WWF title picture and it's a shame it didn't. These two put on great matches with each other whatever type of match it was. They were really able to produce emotion from a dead crowd, now that's chemistry.

Others that I would say have tremendous chemistry would be John Cena/JBL, JBL/Eddie Guerrero, Mick Foley/The Rock, and Triple H/Jeff Hardy.

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