Chavo, Be Free!


Want I would love to see, is Chavo turn on Vickie. Chavo is a good wrestler and great heel, but I think it's time he FACEd this problem (pun intended). I'm sure that there are loads of you saying that Chavo sucks and that he blew his chance and shizzle like that. But he's like the last Guerreo to be wrestling and I believe is a real insult that the fun-party loving Guerreo's are stuck behind a wheelchair pushing back and forth. I want Chavo to do it with style and to step out the shadows and into the future of the WWE.

Chavo should be helping Vickie out to the ring in the wheelchair, but at the top of the ramp let go of the chair and send her flying with a finger for Vickie and Eddie's shoulder pumps for the fans. So I beg of the WWE...

Chavo will never be free. He has good matches when allowed to show what he's got, normally against the likes of Rey or Punk, but his one great shot to main event (his ECW title reign) was passed over in favor of a big sloppy oaf. He's become too much of a joke to headline and just gets squashed way too often. It kills me as he gets better heat than his spot on the card should allow.

Let us Chavo fans just be happy that things aren't quite Santino bad.
Chavo will never be free. He has good matches when allowed to show what he's got, normally against the likes of Rey or Punk, but his one great shot to main event (his ECW title reign) was passed over in favor of a big sloppy oaf. He's become too much of a joke to headline and just gets squashed way too often. It kills me as he gets better heat than his spot on the card should allow.

Let us Chavo fans just be happy that things aren't quite Santino bad.

I cant agree with you more, the fact that ECW was Chavos one big chance to shine and show that he can fill the spot left by his uncle was closed by the WWE destroying him within five seconds at wrestlemania really sucked ass, the guy is one of the best workers the company has but they would rather have him linked with VIcky then fine, just give the guy a push that would make the gurerro family proud , but in all reality it will never happen so be happy that he still has a job!.
Chavo could never fill Eddie Guerrero's void. Eddie is probably one of the top ten North American workers of the last couple decades despite spending most of his career in the midcard and had an acting range superior to Chavo's. That doesn't mean Chavo isn't deserving of a chance. Chavo's first couple matches with Punk are some of Punk's best in the WWE. Not to mention the way Chavo did all the work for Rey's return feud in 2007... very well.

I don't think he's one of the best in the WWE, but he's proven he's better than some of the guys pushed over him. He's better than MVP. He's better than Miz. He's better than Kennedy. He's better than Kane. He's better than Shelton.

Even if Chavo is never a main eventer, there was a point where he could be a legit midcard threat (From his return to the ring in 2006 until his eventual WM24 squash, he was a prospect). One of the most mishandled careers in recent WWE history.
FUCK no. thats insane.

News flash. No one gives a FUCK about Chavo. I would rather watch any person on the roster, almost. The only reason he even has heat as a heel is becuase everyone is pissed about him taking up air time, and that they are forced to sit and watch his boring ass. You couldnt get people to care about Chavo if he set himself on fire. Him turning face, and straying away from the heat magnet that is Vickie Guerrero is a TERRIBLE idea
Just a random thought...

Everyone keeps saying someone needs to turn and cost HHH the title at Backlash.

How good would it be if it was Chavo, would give him midcard status back and "complete" Legacy all at the same time. Doubly so if Vicki comes too and manages.

Think about it, when you think the name Guerrero you think "Legacy."

It won't happen but....what if?
I don't think he's one of the best in the WWE, but he's proven he's better than some of the guys pushed over him. He's better than MVP. He's better than Miz. He's better than Kennedy. He's better than Kane. He's better than Shelton.

I couldn't disagree more.

Chavo is actally pretty shitty in the ring. He tries to clone his dead uncle's moveset and actually done more shame than good.

I've seen anorexic chicks pop their hips better during childbirtth than Chavo does trying to imitate the three amigos.

Hornswoggle performs a better frog splash than Chavo and most of Big Show's shits are bigger and quite possibly more talented than that fucking midget.

He's a jobber to the stars - nothing more. The only reason he hasn't made the future endeavors list is because of his last name and his uncle's unfortunate death.
I love Chavo Guerrero. He's a great wrestler, he has a lot of ability, and he grew up around this business.
Honestly, the Chavo Guerrero behind Vickie, is not the Chavo of old. That's a week, pathetic manager...for a manager. Yes, now in the WWE even managers need managers.
Chavo has put up with getting yelled at by Edge, Big Show, Vickie...he's been Choke Slammed, speared, FU'd, tombstoned, put through a table.. it would be so easy for WWE to run an angle where Chavo became sick of all the crap.
I think there could be a couple of weeks were it got really bad. Big Show and Vickie could continue their affair, and make it obvious because Edge isn't around anymore. Eventually Chavo could confront her about it, saying how she's cheating on her husband, and he wonders if she would ever do the same to the man that used to be her husband. Vickie would slap him and tell him that if he had a problem, he could take on Big Show. If Chavo somehow won...Vickie would call the entire thing off with Show. If not, Vickie would renounce all ties she has with the entire Guerrero family!
During the match, Chavo could lay out Big Show with a steal chair, grab a ring bell and knock him out. Then he could grab Vickie out of her wheel chair and throw her into the ring. He would look at her and say "Choose. Guerrero...or him." Vickie would get all teary eyed and appologize to Chavo and say how she was going to change and be a respectable Guerrero. Chavo would hug her, but then knee her in the gut and hit the Three Amigos. He would go up top, give the shoulder rolls, and hit the Frog Splash on Big Show. He could end it with "you are dead to me, and my entire family." And before he goes he could stare at the crowd and shout "Viva la Raza!" and beat his chest.

That, would be the return of the Guerrero.
Chavo could go on to beat Big Show in a freak David vs. Goliath match. He could then go on to challenge MVP for the IC title, but be constantly stopped by Vickie every time he went to gain momentum. Maybe, Big Show would get sick of Vickie eventually, and actually help Chavo to get rid of her by going to the board of directors or something. Then Chavo and Big Show would challenge Vickie to find anybody on the RAW roster to face them, and if they won, Vickie would be fired, on the spot. She would get a couple sell out heels, but in the end, they would give her up, and she wouldn't be able to find anybody to come to her aid, and would be forced to quit.
Chavo could then actually go on to do great things, since he'd be in the spotlight a lot in an angle like this.
something like posted by Mike with the "cheating" Vickie and chavo wondering if she ever cheated on Eddie could be coming to the forefront here very soon. as i had read in a post her ealier today that Vickie has been training for some "in ring action" over the last few weeks or so. let's pray Chavo is givin a real chance. i used to like watching him wrestle..but lately he has been a joke wanna be Eddie...just let chavo be chavo.
I don't see that happening, Vickie needs a bitch like Chavo... besides Chavo is NOTHING compared to Eddie, and his version of a frogsplash just looks ******ed. I think he's one of the worst wrestlers on any of the rosters, and EVERYONE is better than him. Bottom line, he'll always be the un-talented little priss that he is.
Originally Posted by ztwhite

He's a jobber to the stars - nothing more. The only reason he hasn't made the future endeavors list is because of his last name and his uncle's unfortunate death.

ztwhite is right. If Chavo had a different last name, he'd be long gone by now. I'm not tryin' to be mean, but he just doesn't have star power or charisma.
Let me tell you one thing, there was a time in WCW when Chavo was quite over, I mean, people were going nuts over the guy, that was the time he had Pepe, the stuffed horse. People cared about Chavo , he seemed to command an audience response, then, they shredded Pepe in a wood chipper.....and it was over. You see, Pepe was the one with the most charisma out of the two, and when Pepe went, so did Chavo's popularity. Kind of sad if you think about it.
First I would start the metamorphosis of Chavo Guerrero. There's no point splitting from the one person who's keeping him over without planning for after the split. My solution is a simple name and slight gimmick change. Turbo Guerrero. He'll be wrestlings own Speedy Gonzalez. He won't be able to move as fast as Speedy, but he'll try and he'll think that he's really quick.

This is the sort of shit gimmick that could get him over.
To be Fair to Chavo he is not a bad wrestler at all.He's just stuck in a company who honestly has no place for him.Anyone saying he has no skill and that he sucks obviously hasn't been watching him long.He was always a top contender in his division in the old WCW and one of the most exciting to watch.With this now dead Cruiser Weight division Chavo is stuck being a jobber or a side kick to some other main eventer.Saying he has no talent is a stupid thing to say.

Secondly and he will say it himself he is not his more famous uncle.The movies he does was done when Eddie was still alive and if he did it exactly like Eddie then he would be drawing heat for trying to be too much like Uncle Eddie.Its a lose lose situation for him in that department.I don't get why its a big deal anyways.Do people bad mouth Angle for doing the 3 german suplexes?No because he did them against Beniot even and its not bad to borrow from people in the business as long as you are super-over on the mic and with the fans.If you are a mid card nephew of a legend and do it its wrong.

Last is the complaint about his frog splash.Its stupid to compare it to anyone else's because hes has always been more plain or basic if you will for that type pf move.Eddies had his own movement or look about it much like RVD had his own variation.I dont blame him for taking a move hes used forever and sticking with it all these years.

Chavo will end up doing one of 3 things i think:

1) Stay where hes at jobbing to newer wrestlers and helping them by giving them someone who doesnt mind putting them over himself.

2) If WWE ever focuses on its Tag Team division he could join a tag team with someone later down the road.He was always a decent tag team wrestler but most of that success was with Eddie in WCW/WWE.

3) Last and least likely but not impossible will be WWE will eventually release him and he will join his Uncle Hector in TNA.He might even have a chance at an X-Division run and a few feuds here and there.

Over all Chavo has always been fun to watch to me and when he was allowed to he showed why the Cruiser Weight division was such a big success.He was capable of competing with the likes of Psichosis,Juvi,Rey Mysterio,Jericho,Eddie, and countless other's that he fought weekly in WcW.He just needs a division he can shine in and the WWE really doesn't have anything like that for him right now.
To be Fair to Chavo he is not a bad wrestler at all.He's just stuck in a company who honestly has no place for him.Anyone saying he has no skill and that he sucks obviously hasn't been watching him long.

I don't think anyone is saying he has no skills, he's quite talented as a wrestler, he just has the charisma of a doorknob. Charisma or presence is a major factor for a successful connection with the audience, they have to care about you in some way. Many wrestlers suffer from charisma deficiency, like Matt Hardy for example, it didn't help Chavo's career at all.
First off Chavo is good in the ring and has talent in that sense but I can't help but wince in pain when his entrance music hits because he is just so boring to me. I can't place my finger on why this is but I just can't bear to watch him, maybe it's that he doesn't really have much of a personality and isn't that good on the mic imo..his better days were in WCW and when teaming with his highly entertaining late uncle...I'm sorry but Chavo offers nothing that I would want to watch unless he undergoes some sort of radical gimmick change that would make him interesting.
Chavo was good before Eddie's death, when they teamed together, they were almost unstoppable. Even before that he was a dominant force in the Cruiserweight devision. I want Chavo to be free but even if he is free, he will never be a good wrestler in the eyes of the fans unles WWE brings back the Cruiserweight title.
Chavo belongs in the backburner, just like pushing vickie's wheelchair. hes as talented as a box of rocks. he has the charisma of a plastic plant and i don't care how many times he can run circles in the ring, the fact of the matter is he puts me to sleep everytime i watch him wrestle. he's lucky he STILL has a job in WWE. If his last name wasn't guerrero he would have been fired ages ago. he offers nothing. i say keep him where he is.
Once again Chavo is only as good as creative allows him to be.The feud with Rey is proof of this.As long as he is written in as a side kick to someone or a flunky he will never come across as the performer he has been known to be in the past.He was a key guy in WCW's Cruiser Weight Division.Him and Eddie had some awesome matches as a tag team.The only thing holding him back now like i said is Vince doesnt see him as a main event or even upper mid card guy right now.Sure he put the ECW title on him but with this whole Vickie thing i think Chavo is doomed to be a jobber until he gets released and then hopefully gets one more decent run at wrestling in TNA or ROH where his ability will be better utilized.
Woah, people are actually using the size of Chavo's shirt to justify how bad a wrestler he is? I smell an opinion brewing.

And you say it's also bad that he uses Eddie's moves... as a tribute? Do you not visit you families graves? Do you not remember them on their birthday. Those of you who have lost someone close to you like a brother or sister (or uncle in his case) do you not still do the same things you used to and smile about the times you shared together doing it? That is all Chavo is doing and it's a common thing is wrestling families.

Chavo is a great worker who has been buried by the WWE. People have to stop judging people on what they see on WWE TV. This is the reason most people think Cena has no wrestling moves. Watch his OVW stuff... it's far more entertaining but WWE want him to be this Superman Tank of strength. One of my all time favourites. Juventud Guerrera... watch anything from him OUTSIDE the WWE. It's brilliant to watch. A match he had early in his career with Eddie is one of my favourite all time matches. Chavo is no different. Watch his WCW stuff and he'll impress you. Watch his Cruiserweight title run in WWE especially his matches against Rey and you'll notice it's him who carry the matches. One of my favourite matches in recent years was on Smackdown with him Vs Jamie Noble who is highly underused in the WWE.

It is my opinion that Chavo is only doing the Vicki storyline simply because he wants to. She's his family and I'm sure they feel close to Eddie by working with each other and you have to respect that. I got the feeling last week on Raw he was bringing this story to a close with the mention of him only pushing Vickie's wheelchair around. He was then squashed. This could happen regularly until he snaps. I hope I'm right.

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