Charisma and NXT


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Charisma is obviously an important part of the equation to succeed in the WWE and is something the NXT rookies will need to show if they want to take the next step in their careers. On the most recent episode of NXT, Michael Cole took another shot at Daniel Bryan for having no charisma and wearing plain red tights. Last I checked, charisma didn't have all that much to do with the kind of tights one wears and even if it did, Steve Austin did pretty well for himself in plain black tights. But venting about Michael Cole and WWE's treatment of American Dragon is not what this thread is about. It's obvious they just like to rub it in Danielson's fans' faces that he hasn't earned anything in the WWE by taking cracks at him all the time and jobbing him out every week. That's old news.

Though, the most recent Michael Cole jab at Daniel Bryan did inspire me to ask this question. Which NXT rookie has (or is currently showing) the most charisma? Here's a rundown of how I feel about the subject.

I will throw Daniel Bryan out of the discussion because my view on him will be biased. I have been a fan of his for awhile like many others and know he has charisma in promos and especially in the ring. I personally feel that Justin Gabriel, Wade Barrett, and Michael Tarver have no charisma. At least they haven't shown it yet. I feel that David Otunga's relationship with Jennifer Hudson gets mistaken for charisma. At least he has that to run with though. HHH used who his wife is to have greater success in his WWE career. Darren Young has the beginnings of a character, but I don't see overwhelming charisma from him. I feel that Heath Slater has some charisma and untapped potential. Further character development after NXT will help Slater bring out more charisma and realize that potential. I feel that Skip Sheffield is showing a good bit of charisma in limited time on NXT and that his character could be used well in a comedy role.

After all of that, I have to say that Slater and Sheffield have shown me the most charisma out of the NXT rookies. What are your opinions on which NXTers have the most charisma?

Keep in mind I haven't seen any FCW and am going with what I have seen on NXT only. I am sure people who do watch FCW will be able to enlighten me further on this topic.
I'm not entirely sure that I'd count Slater bouncing around and shaking his head side to side as charisma.

I think that Skip Sheffield has the most charisma. I'm not really sure if they want him to be heel but the fact that he actually got some speaking time on Raw speaks volumes on how they value his mic skills. Plus he's just got a likability to him. I love watching him cut promos cause I know they are gonna be entertaining and fun... and he's only really cut 2.

Yep Yep Yep what it do!
Charisma is obviously an important part of the equation to succeed in the WWE and is something the NXT rookies will need to show if they want to take the next step in their careers. On the most recent episode of NXT, Michael Cole took another shot at Daniel Bryan for having no charisma and wearing plain red tights. Last I checked, charisma didn't have all that much to do with the kind of tights one wears and even if it did, Steve Austin did pretty well for himself in plain black tights. But venting about Michael Cole and WWE's treatment of American Dragon is not what this thread is about. It's obvious they just like to rub it in Danielson's fans' faces that he hasn't earned anything in the WWE by taking cracks at him all the time and jobbing him out every week. That's old news.

Though, the most recent Michael Cole jab at Daniel Bryan did inspire me to ask this question. Which NXT rookie has (or is currently showing) the most charisma? Here's a rundown of how I feel about the subject.

I will throw Daniel Bryan out of the discussion because my view on him will be biased. I have been a fan of his for awhile like many others and know he has charisma in promos and especially in the ring. I personally feel that Justin Gabriel, Wade Barrett, and Michael Tarver have no charisma. At least they haven't shown it yet. I feel that David Otunga's relationship with Jennifer Hudson gets mistaken for charisma. At least he has that to run with though. HHH used who his wife is to have greater success in his WWE career. Darren Young has the beginnings of a character, but I don't see overwhelming charisma from him. I feel that Heath Slater has some charisma and untapped potential. Further character development after NXT will help Slater bring out more charisma and realize that potential. I feel that Skip Sheffield is showing a good bit of charisma in limited time on NXT and that his character could be used well in a comedy role.

After all of that, I have to say that Slater and Sheffield have shown me the most charisma out of the NXT rookies. What are your opinions on which NXTers have the most charisma?

Keep in mind I haven't seen any FCW and am going with what I have seen on NXT only. I am sure people who do watch FCW will be able to enlighten me further on this topic.

First of all, I would like to address your description of the Danielson "hating" that's going on. The guy is charismatic, no the ring. On the mic, he hasn't had a chance to prove that in his 10 years or so of pro wrestling. At least not on this kind of stage. I agree that people can get over with plain looking tights, but don't compare Danielson to Steve Austin. Steve Austin was one of the most charasmatic men in the history of pro wrestling. Danielson doesn't belong in the same sentence as Steve Austin.

And as for all of the jabs at Danielson and his indy career, and his "poor treatment," I think you are reading this all wrong. He is easily the most over out of the NXT guys, and that is because WWE has made it that way. He is having a personal feud with a big star in the Miz, and his first match was against Chris freakin' Jericho, for god sakes. I think all of this has led to his being way, way over with the NXT fans.

Cole is playing kind of the heel-commentator role on NXT. People are really liking Danielson, and Cole bashing him only adds to his underdog status. Remember, this is what Danielson asked for. He was going to be on Raw, but asked to go down to FCW. That is how he came to be in NXT. WWE had enough confidence to debut him on one of their big shows, but he wisely asked to head down to the minors.

I think charisma is lacking a bit in the NXT. Tarver has none, I think he is basically done for on this show. Slater and Gabriel both have charisma... in the ring, but I'm not sure how that will translate to mic work. Sheffield is funny at times, but I'm not sure how over he can get without Regal as his foil. Otunga has charisma, on a more subtle level. If he can improve in the ring, he could be a good heel. Darren Young also has some charisma, but that gimmick will get him nowhere, fast.

I would say that Wade Barrett has the most charisma, inside the ring and on the mic. Just because he doesn't show a great amount of energy on the mic, doesn't mean he isn't charismatic. He has a good gimmick going, and having Jericho as his mentor isn't hurting.

Danielson will eventually be the biggest star out of this group, I have no doubt in my mind about that. The WWE is marketing him above and beyond the others. Remember, just because he is losing a lot doesn't mean he is being buried. He is losing to big name guys, and is getting more exposure than any other NXT guy. He probably won't win NXT, because he doesn't need to. He doesn't need to win this competition because he is over enough and has a big enough fan base to suceed without winning NXT. I think you are reading far too much into how much he is being "buried."
As far as charisma goes, I don't think anyone can legitimately say David Otunga doesn't have it. Now, like most of the Rookies on NXT thus far, we've only really had the chance to get to know him through the vinyettes that all the Rookies have. Otunga comes across as very natural, very sure of himself and everything he says just flows very smoothly. I feel that if David Otunga was given some real time on the mic, he'd probably wind up blowing everyone else on the show away. He has has a confidence about himself that does put me in mind somewhat of The Rock.

In their own ways though, I suppose you could say that the Rookies are all charismatic. Wade Barrett has a great natural presence about him. He towers above everyone else in terms of overall height and size. He has a decent mix of the tough guy and English gentleman thing going on, but I can barely understand a word he says. Darren Young just seems like something of an energetic young guy. It's always nice to see a black wrestler that isn't stuck with a stereotypical black thug kind of role. Daniel Bryan is just a hard worker and people do respond in their own way to wrestlers with great abilities and a great work ethic. It helped make Benoit a superstar.
First of all, I would like to address your description of the Danielson "hating" that's going on. The guy is charismatic, no the ring. On the mic, he hasn't had a chance to prove that in his 10 years or so of pro wrestling. At least not on this kind of stage. I agree that people can get over with plain looking tights, but don't compare Danielson to Steve Austin. Steve Austin was one of the most charasmatic men in the history of pro wrestling. Danielson doesn't belong in the same sentence as Steve Austin.

And as for all of the jabs at Danielson and his indy career, and his "poor treatment," I think you are reading this all wrong. He is easily the most over out of the NXT guys, and that is because WWE has made it that way. He is having a personal feud with a big star in the Miz, and his first match was against Chris freakin' Jericho, for god sakes. I think all of this has led to his being way, way over with the NXT fans.

I wondered how long it would take for someone to take exception to me using the Steve Austin plain tights example. I was using that as more of a way to show how Michael Cole is just blindly bashing Danielson instead of being a heel commentator as some like to put it. Would Cole ever say that Stone Cold has no charisma because of his plain black tights? I'll let you figure it out.

And I know Danielson will be just fine despite the hardships he is going through now, but he is being made to look weak to fans who don't know any better losing to such big stars as David Otunga and Wade Barrett. By the way, I heard David Otunga compare himself to The Rock, John Cena, and Triple H all in the same sentence. If me comparing Dragon and Austin because they both wear plain tights (and that is all I said) is such blasphemy, what is Otunga's comparison considered?

Cole is playing kind of the heel-commentator role on NXT. People are really liking Danielson, and Cole bashing him only adds to his underdog status.

And as far as Cole being a heel commentator, he needs a lot of work if that's what he's trying to do. I feel that witty heel commentary has been something that has been missing from wrestling for awhile and would like to see it take more of a place in wrestling once again. When I think of heel commentators I think of Bobby Heenan, Jesse Ventura, early 90s Jerry Lawler, and even Pittsburgh's own super genius himself Double M. While these guys took jabs at the babyfaces they came off as witty and knowledgeable. Michael Cole just comes off as spiteful and douchy.

Sorry, but I had to get my opinions out there. I'll get back to the actual substance of this thread. It does seem that the rookies and pros who have good relationships (Slater/Christian, Barrett/Jericho, Gabriel/Hardy) all help their respective rookies and give them a certain presence that they would be missing without the pros at their sides. I guess the real story will be told once the rooks no longer have the pros to lean on. Although I do see a potential partnership developing between Barrett and Regal that would be a huge benefit to Wade. Perhaps I need to reconsider my earlier criticism of Wade Barrett, as he does have the great opportunity to learn from two of the best the WWE can offer.

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