Change To RP Format

The Enforcer

The Heel John Cena!
I am making this post to inform everyone that there will be a change to the way you are all going to be allowed to RP for the PPV.

Everyone who is a match will be allowed 1 RP for that match and it must be directly pertaining to the match. Meaning I want to see it as a promo or as something of the sort. I am doing this to get people really think about the RP and to make it as real as possible. I want it to build hype for the matches themselves not just for the character. This will be done as a trial and if we find that it brings out the best in all of you we will continue to do this for PPVs Only.

Thank You
Enforcer and Sincade
ah lovely you bring this in when am in the middle of a storyline and a heel turn

am sorry like but I totally don't agree with this whatsoever, it's always better when people RP backwards and forwards...and how many real promos do you see relating to their specific match? Very few. It's all to build the character up THAT'S THE POINT OF A PROMO to hype interest in a character which would then give interest to their match. Look at the best promos of the 90s thread, I think there may be ONE relating specifically to a match,
I have to disagree with your statement. Look at how much they hype up "Matches" Orton vs Cena Last Man Standing. Promos hyped the match and the tatics leading up to that. Not a scene in a reasturant where the wrestler causes a scene.

Taker vs Henry (All mind games leading up to the match) Like I said nothing pointless just to make the guy look good.

Its ok for you to disagree but that is the way this PPV will be done. After that if it doesnt go well we will switch it back to the old format.

Like I said this would only be for PPV's anyway. Taking one show away from your storylines isnt going to destroy it at all.
Its ok for you to disagree but that is the way this PPV will be done. After that if it doesnt go well we will switch it back to the old format.

in other words I don't care about your opinion.

If the next show is the PPV it'll be bollocks, I've just turned heel (Which was mucked up by whoever wrote the match and I had to redo the ending) how will I be able to explain that when I'll be in a random match against someone. The only logical match where I could do that would be against Everest and that's not gonna happen.
good point, what happens if someone turns heel/face?

I feel this would be like tossing a coin, dont get me wrong, but we hardly know about the other characters...
How i would be able to know how mentally burnt is Haseem, if i dont get to see an RP? also, some external factors are crucial for some guys, main example Gus and HEIDI. Heidi played a main role in Gus comeback when he was going to be fired. dont get me wrong again, but without Heidi moral help, Gus was lost.

Anyway, it's up to you guys, but instead of just applying this rule, it would havebeen better review the rule first, and THEN apply it.
Flame I dont want you to think that we dont care what you think cause thats not the case at all. We care about what all of you have to say but I just cant shoot down my idea, I have thought about this for quite some time and I want to see how it works. Hell it may blow up in my face in which case I will be the 1st one to admit that I screwed up. I just think that it will get people to really be interested in the matches thats all. I mean I even explained why I was doing it. Its not like I said this is the way its going to be, if you dont like it then leave. I said it will be a trial thing and if it doesnt work then we can go back to the original way.

Can you at least try and see where I am coming from with this and at least attempt to make it work? If you would like to explain why Titus turned heel in your RP thats fine with me, I just want people to focus more on the matches, thats all I am asking for.

And the reason with the 1 RP for the match is cause I want people to bring their "A" game to a PPV and not just write something cause they know they can add a new one later on in the week.
I am sorry but I have to fisagree with The Enforcer because what does RP stand for? Roleplay! not hyping your match. Your idea is actually pretty good, Enforcer, but not for this. To be fair, what can we possibly do? I know u sed that it is only for this ppv or all the ppv's but what if me and someone feud, which will be me vs. him for 3 straight ppv's in a row, how r we gonna come up with like different RP's for each one?

What r we gonna do? have an interview each time or mention the match. We mention the match in our RP's but the main part of it is the character thing. People should RP like they do. But they should include something that involves their match, but also to build up their character, like with my RP.

The RP with Hasheem and Dan Rather. Part of it was about Titus and the tourny and the fact that i was gonna face him. But the other pat of it was about Hasheem.

RP stands for Role PLaying, like ur role playing as ur character, i think we should leave things on how it is, but if people are RP-ing, but not really based on the match, just promo's to build him up, then thats a no-no. But if part and it should really only be part (could be a big part or a little part...up to the person that is writing the RP) should be really be about the match and the feud. If the RP has ntn to do with the match then no...but i think it should be like 25 % of the match...and the rest be on whatever the person writnig the RP wants it to be about....but it should have some connection to the match. If someone is RP-ing their adventure to an amusement park, and if it is a heel then the heel annoys the people, or if it is a face then the person helps other people, that wont have any connection the his or her's match-up, so they shouldnt do that....i think if ppl r not talking about their match...then PM that person telling him or her to change that...or else wtvr.

But to chance it completely, thats totally not fair.
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Senior to be honest I knew for a fact that you would deff argue this with me. I am not surprised that I was correct in thinking that.

As far as you breaking down what the word RolePlay means I get that. And I think that alot of you are reading way too much into this as you see it as a contraint. The only thing that I want you all to do is to focus on the match. I dont care where the hell your RP is or what the hell you are doing in the RP, Just talk about the match. Hell trash talk about the other people in the match all the while building yourself up as if you were going to win.

I want to ask you all a serious question, if we were to take any of you and put you on the WWE Roster would the RP's that you have been doing work on a continious basis or would they want you to write about the match every once in a while. Compare what you are all doing to what is done on tv and you will see that they talk about the matches alot more then you all want to let on. Yes there are storylines behind the promos but you can all make those storylines if you want to as well.

If there is someone you want to work with and the other person has agreed then you can RP about that. As long as it pertains to the match. Hell I have 2 PMs in my mailbox right now from people who have taken an inniative (sp?) and started their own storylines. Nobody is stopping you from doing that. I am sure that the RPs that they will do will build up the match as well as build their storyline.

I will give you a perfect example. Flames RPs are hella good but the past 2 I believe had to do with a "Personal" storyline. Were they good? Hell yea, they were awesome and I cant wait to see how they play out. But is that building up a PPV match? No its a character development RP.

Didnt mean to put you out there Flame, I love the idea and think its awesome for the fed I just had to give an example
ok fine so u have a point with flame's...did i do anything wrong? (I am asking a serious Q bc im still a lil confused)

And what did u mean by tht u knew i would have me, u sounded like i always have a problem with anything, lol.

anyways, if u can plz privatly PM me...explaining to me what can't and can be done for the PPV's thing then i wont have a problem with that. I didnt get the 1st post u sed so i would appreciate it if u PM me what u want.

And how come u only put that we can only dfo 1 pm...wouldnt it be better if we do what u sed but add more than just 1 pm...i mean just one?
1st of all, i might be dumb, but what the fuck does (sp?) mean, i've seen it in like 20 posts, and if its something important, i want to know

2nd, I think its a good idea, like, my RPs were kind of half and half, enforcer, would that be more of what you wanted, or more like,

At Civil Revolution,there will be a (blank) match for the Elite X Championship featuring Gus, El Guerrero, Hasheem, and Big Will,
(enter Guerrero)
Guerrero: blah blah blah i'm gonna win,
Gus: Blah blah blah balh i'm gonna win
Hasheem: blah blah blah i'm gonna win,
Wil: blah blah blah i'm gonna win

and so on?
Right yeah I agree with the PPV thing, and yeah you used me as an example. I had a mix of rps and everyone has said it was good.

SC am gonna be blunt with you and I think your rp could have been done in one go, you stretched it out and it was the same thing for what 7 posts?

And Gus (sp?) means have I got the right spelling?
umm dude, the reason i did it in 7 posts wasnt because i wanted to have more posts than didnt even come into my mind...i did that bc it was more realistic that enforcer said.

commercial breaks per thing. yea i could have done it like commercial break then continue it with one post...but i didnt do it all in one straight took me a couple of days to do that whole thing...i put a REAL lot of time and REAL LOT of effort into it and im really happy it paid off...just saying

again, i dont wanna have problems with anyone, especially with one of the most nicest and man who takes responsiibly. Just because i dont agree with u doesnt mean im gonan say, change it or i am out.

I know that Hasheem is a great addition to WZCW, like the rest of us, but i dont have in my head, if i walk out now, they will be begging me to come back, i mean who the fuck do i think i am if i think that. honestly.

But this is good that we have an argument bc this way no one is miserable abou doing something we r forced, the more we talk about it the more chances of doing it.

like when enfc. sed that maybe just try it once, he said that bc a few ppl had a problem with that, look i have no problem doign this, i may not think it is ALL right but i still dont mind doing it...i think w all should meet half way.

I just really dont want the only 1 RP per person...that would take the fun of competing of the RP's like me and Lee did with all of our matches.
SC am gonna be blunt with you and I think your rp could have been done in one go, you stretched it out and it was the same thing for what 7 posts?

And that I don't mean in a nasty way, as you can see I repped your last post. Just if things can be done in one rp do it, rather than having 7 of the same interview. Also finish off things, can you remember last PPV when you planted something in my locker room yet nothing came of it? Finish the story off.

And now after a think I think that 1 promo for a PPV about the match is a good idea as long as it's only for PPV and not the other shows. It gets you focused on the goal.
yea ur right it does get u focussed on the goal...but can u maybe set the liimit to 3 posts...just so u can get the point across even stronger?
Gus- No it does not have be "blah blah blah i am going to win. I just want the RPs to be at least 75% about the match and less about other crap. Just hype up the match. Put yourselves in the shoes of someone watching the show. I want you to think by the end of your RP "Damn! I really have to see that match!" not so much "Damn! That guy is a kick ass star but I will just check the website to see who won since I dont care to much about the match" Do you get what I am saying?

Flame- I love where you are going with your storyline and I want it to continue but just not exactly how its been going with this paticular RP. And yes your RPs have been kick ass, no doubt about it.

SC- The reason for the 1 RP limit is cause of what Flame pointed out, it differs repeating yourself. Thus making an awesome RP!!

I am not trying to be controlling you guys I just want this fed to rock and I think this might spice it up a little.
FlameLeeUK said:
Gus- (sp?) means spelling?
oh, i see, lol anyway, are my RPs what we were looking for for this or not? or more of like Ultimate Warrior Style, talk about the match and then at the end, BAM a barrage of yourself fine with that...sorry if i gave u hard time....u prolly hate me or dis like me bc i always give u problems...which i think i dont...u dont havta tell me i dont or i do... i dont think u dis like me but's ntn...i like u tho, ur an awesome guy, but i just want u to know i am a person that argue's for what he believes in, i dont just shut up and take shit, which gets my ass kicked some times, but at least i spoke my mind, i dont want anyone like styepping all over me.

and i aint saying that u did...swear to u i didnt...i was just explaining why i argue...if it is only on a trial and if it is only for this ppv im fine...and in fact if it actually is a good idea, which i am now seeing that it is, i woudlnt mind it...but part of being on WZCW..i luv the backstage competition to get RP's done and make them great....

...ask Flame...he knows how fun the competition is....when he wrote an RP i wrote one and when i did he did...thats why we got a lot in...just saying.

but we can try this
Thanks you guys for jumping on board with this. I really hope that this works and that you guys pull out some of the best RPs that we have ever seen!
Enforcer, I honestly like this idea.

Not to rip on you Gus (well, I guess I kind of am...but don't take it personally?)...I got kind of frustrated when I would crack a promo, then you would do the same thing and turn it around and do the same thing for your character. It didn't seem like it served much purpose other than to take some of the thunder out of my promo. Also, I was avoiding using you in any of my promos so as to not take your character in a direction that you did not want to go in. But then you used mine, so I figured it was fair game to do so. So, I cracked the whole jumping through your windshield promo, still only using any dialogue from your character to an absolute minimum. It was a good promo I thought...but then you just cut a promo in response like 10 minutes after I cut mine playing it off as a dream. It may not seem like a big deal, but I just thought that was kind of a shady play in the sense that all of my promos from last show were devalued by that (except the one that had a lot of Latin in it...I would give you money if you could play off that one).

So, I guess I'm in favor of the one RP rule because I tend to put A LOT of time into my promos (sometimes it'll take me 3 hrs. to drop a good one). This way people will be forced to really think about their promos. I'd like to be able to do more, but some rules would need to be set in stone or at least some unwritten rules.
I'm wondering, would several "scenes" be allowed in one RP? I've seen it done in several other threads and it allows everyone to expand on their characters and their storylines with just the one RP.
okay people. I support this 1 rp. lets give it a try its something new. it a challenge. so try it once and shoot from there
Okay, I'm not sure if this belongs here or in the discussion thread. It could go either place, I'm assuming.

WHEN will the board be open to post our single RP for the p.p.v.? I already sent mine to Enforcer, just to make sure its "valid" to the new rules.. I may tweek it slightly, but overall what I sent won't be deleted.. it'll only be added too.

Also, in regards to Mr. Sam & the reply to Sam.. so, are we to understand that we can still only RP ONE POST.. but it can span over several scenes/hours, maybe even a day or two? Or does this mean we can RP more than once? Cause I'm pretty sure we're pushing the 1 RP ONLY rule pretty hard right now.

And finally, Enforcer, I'm sorry for all the PMs, but could you at least try to reply to one of them.. I've noticed you've posted within the past few days.. & while I'm not unintentionally trying to make it seem like I'm "important," over everything else.. it deals with whether or not my RP is okay or not, as well as the other thing will be approved to do. If you're too busy, maybe I can send both my RP & the other thing to Sincade, since you're 50/50 partners, & he can help me? That way I'm not bothering you.
Will its not a matter of bothering me but I want to make sure that I reply the right way and make sure that I say what I want to say. You will get your response later tonight

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