Chance For A Fresh Mania

The Brain

King Of The Ring
There has been a lot of talk about how the main event scene has gotten stale in WWE. Most of the main eventers have worked with each other numerous times. With this in mind I'm wondering if we have a chance for a good mix of fresh matches for WrestleMania 26.

I never did care for WrestleMania rematches. I do not want to see Triple H vs. Batista for example. Even though it will have been five years since the wrestled at Mania I still don't care to see it at Mania again. If this feud is recreated I think it should be done somewhere else during the year. I think there are still some fresh matches out there. Here's what I see for a potential Mania card:

Undertaker vs. John Cena: I don't think anyone is expecting Taker to loose at mania, but it has to be in the back of our minds as a possible surprise. I'm sure the majority of fans will back Taker in this match. Those fans may fear that the WWE may want their golden boy to be the one to end the streak. I'm not sure if I want to see this for the title or not. I'm leaning toward yes because I feel it should be the main event. If so I think Taker should go in as champ. I think this will make people worry about the streak ending more. It is certainly within reason to predict Cena walking out of Mania with the title.

Triple H vs. Edge: It's amazing these two have been around for so long, but have not really worked together. I know they had one ppv match last year, but that was not really a good feud. That was more about Edge vs. Vicki. These two vets could put on a great Mania feud.

Shawn Michales vs. Jeff Hardy: This would be a fresh match between two of the most popular, if not THE most popular stars in WWE today. Not sure who the fans would side with. This could be looke at as the ever popular "passing of the tourch."

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase: I saw another poster suggest this match (sorry I forgot who) and I think it has some potential. If this is going to take place Dibiase needs to start breaking out of his shell soon. I see this as history repeating itself with Evolution. Dibiase starts to show his potential as the break out member of the group. Orton tries to hold him back just like Triple H did to Orton years ago. This should begin around Survivor Series and slowly build. If done right we will be anxiously awaiting the split and be willing to accept Dibiase as a main eventer.
My idea for the departure from Legacy: Shortly after No Way Out the 2010 Hall of Fame class will be announced. The Million Dollar Man will be on of the members (long overdue). Backstage we see him talking to Ted Jr. He advises his son to leave legacy. He is being held back and a true superstar stands on his own. The camera pans back to see Orton listening from around the corner. Later in the show the cameras go to a lot of chaos backstage. We see the Million Dollar Man laid out obviously be punted by Orton. Later Ted Jr. confronts Legacy in the ring. Orton denies any involvment and vows to find the person responsible. He tells Ted to trust him and gives a not so reassuring thumbs up. Orton then turns it to thumbs down like what happened to him in 2004. Other members of Legacy (hopefully one more will have joined by then to replace Dibiase, maybe Joe Hennig) attack Dibiase setting him up for an Orton punt. Remember this has been building for months so this is the payoff we have been waiting for. This brings Ted to the main event and launches the feud for Mania.

Chris Jericho vs. MVP: this is assuming MVP is successful transitioning into the main event scene. I'm not sure about that yet. I could also see Jericho vs. Edge if Edge goes face. Then I would have to rethink things for Triple H which I'm not willing to do right now.

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk: I doubt WWE can hold off until Mania for this

Batista vs. Big Show: This wouldn't be a pretty match, but it is a fresh feud between two big players. It can be short considering the rest of the card.

I could also see HBK vs. CM Punk. Something about Shawn and his lifestyle now compared to his past vs. a heel straightedge superstar is intersting to me, but I haven't thought out the details yet.

So even with all the concern about a stale main event scene I do hold high hopes for a fresh Mania. This is not so much a prediction though as it is what I would like to see. Sorry if it was too long. Any thoughts?
I like the card, but I don't think HBK needs to pass the torch to Jeff Hardy. I think that if you polled WWE fans, Hardy would already have overtaken HBK.

I think that the torch passing match at next year's mania should be Swagger going over a face HHH. Jack Swagger and John Morrison are future of the company. They should be feuding for the world title by WM 27 or 28. They are both very skilled in the ring, Morrison's promos are awesome and Swagger's are already intense and improving. The crowd reaction to Morrison's win over Punk was amazing. Shock mixing with delight.

Other than that, good card. I would have Kane win MitB by chokeslamming Evan Bourne off the ladder and hopefully through the ring. He would regain his monster status, and Kane with MitB is a very dangerous situation for champions. We could get Kane on both shows beating the shit out of champions, but not cashing it in. The heel champ could offer Kane a salaried body guard position, which could turn Kane face when he cashes in. The face champ would find a reason for an alliance that would make Kane an uner heel when he cashed in.

Enough with the cruiser's getting real titles. It's time to reestablish monsters.
This card would be pretty awesome, but I would also include a money in the bank match and finally have poor Shelton Benjamin win the damn match. I'd also rather have Edge go against Morrison, than MVP and have Jack Swagger in U.S. or Intercontinental title match.
This card would be pretty awesome, but I would also include a money in the bank match and finally have poor Shelton Benjamin win the damn match. I'd also rather have Edge go against Morrison, than MVP and have Jack Swagger in U.S. or Intercontinental title match.

Of course there would be more matches on the card. I just mentioned some of the bigger ones. I'm sure there will be a money in the bank match. Also a divas match. And I assume there is going to be some sort of celeb involvment, probably involving Donald Trump again. I was just focusing on the main players.
It would be nice to see Edge vs. Christian and maybe Taker vs. Jericho. Triple H and Swagger could happen. I bet a stack of Jr's bbq ribs that we will have Cena vs. Batista sooner or later. Mysterio and Micheals could be interesting. If they really want to push Miz and Morrison, one of them should be the MITB winner next year also.
Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase: I saw another poster suggest this match (sorry I forgot who)

Lol that was me and its cool. Your card is ok besides the Show Batista match, but thats only becuase they bore me so much. I believe someone posted another thread also saying that Undertaker vs Cena could be our generations Andre vs Hogan which is cool I just hope that if this match is to happen Cena doesnt win because The Undertaker's legacy is the streak. The man's never had a decent title run besides in 97. So he honestly deserves to keep his streak at Mania. This is my prefered card:

WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs Ted Dibiase
Now everyone can say its to soon for Dibiase to turn face and headline Mania but back in 04 at this time no one would have guessed that Batista would have headlined Mania 21

World Heavyweight Championship:
Edge vs Christian
Basically one of the matches everyone wants to see. This would be the perfect time and place to have it

Batista vs HHH
I would love to see a heel Triple H beat the shit out of Boretista and get his revenge for the 3 times Batista beat him in 05

The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho
Another match everyone is dying to see. This match is probably going to happen this year but i still would rather see at Mania.

John Cena vs CM Punk
This could be one of those battle for brand supremcy matches like Batista and Umaga had at Mania 24

Shawn Micheals vs John Morrison
This would be the show stealer and could be the passing of the torch so to speak.

Tag Team Championship Scramble Match
The Hart Dynasty vs Cryme Tyme vs (Bret Dibiase or Joe Henning) and Cody Rhodes vs The Colons.
I've always wanted to see a tag team scramble match so why not

The Miz vs Rey Mysterio vs Jack Swagger vs Shelton Benjamin vs Matt Hardy vs MVP vs Kofi Kingston vs Evan Borune

Diva's Title
Natayla Neidhart vs Beth Phenoix
Shawn doesn't need to pass the torch to Hardy. Hardy couldn't carry the torch. Hardy would drop the torch in a mud puddle on his way out of the building. I am not a Hardy fan, I think he is the most overrated star in the WWE.

If Shawn is going to pass the torch it had better be to a C.M Punk or someone like that who may be able to carry it for a long time.
theres a lot of good ideas being thrown around.i dont get the hype of Dibiase,the guy has yet to impress me or even make a real serious impact.christian vs edge?i would hate it.i was never a christian fan.personaily i would love to see morrison going up against jericho in a wrestlemania match.i think those two would put on one hell of a contest.or even morrison vs hbk would probailly be even better.i also wouldnt mind seeing taker and orton go at in in another wm classic.ortons on an entirely new level now than back in 05

but i think the match that a lot of people wouldnt mind seeing.The Undertaker vs John cena.i could just see it.the streak vs the Champ per say.all your die hard veteran fans would be on takers side,while all the little kiddys would root for cena.old school vs new school.this match may have taken place before,but so many things have changed sice vengence.taker dropped his american bad ass gimmick. cena was a heel going into that match.and john cena wasent nearly on the same level he is would be classic

i actually hope they do have this match soon.and id prefer it at WM
I like that card from the first post. What about money in the bank? Who would be defending their belts. I think Undertaker vs. Cena is a good title match with Taker walking in as champ. I guess that means Cena won the rumble and chooses to move to smackdown and challenge the Undertaker.

What about money in the bank?
Swagger vs. The Miz vs. Morrison vs. Kofi vs. Christain vs. Cody Rhodes vs. DH Smith vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Primo vs. Carlito
I like that card from the first post. What about money in the bank? Who would be defending their belts. I think Undertaker vs. Cena is a good title match with Taker walking in as champ. I guess that means Cena won the rumble and chooses to move to smackdown and challenge the Undertaker.

What about money in the bank?
Swagger vs. The Miz vs. Morrison vs. Kofi vs. Christain vs. Cody Rhodes vs. DH Smith vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Primo vs. Carlito

Dude, a 10 man MITB match? We don't need to make a clusterfuck match any more clusterfuck than it already is with 8 men.
Shawn doesn't need to pass the torch to Hardy. Hardy couldn't carry the torch. Hardy would drop the torch in a mud puddle on his way out of the building. I am not a Hardy fan, I think he is the most overrated star in the WWE.

If Shawn is going to pass the torch it had better be to a C.M Punk or someone like that who may be able to carry it for a long time.

For the record I think Shawn should go over Hardy. I just meant I think going in the fans could view the match as a possible passing of the torch so it wouldn't be predictable who would win, but I do think HBK should come out on top.
Undertaker vs. John Cena

Brilliant idea. Who else besides Cena has not yet faced 'Taker at a Wrestlemania? HBK came close, but no dice. Orton had his shot, as did Triple H. The build up to this match would draw f'ing HUGE. But as you pointed out, you'd have to assume Cena would be a heel in the match, at least in terms of the fans. If "Super Cena" went over Taker and ended the streak...whoa, you may need a full-fledged heel turn at that point.

Triple H vs. Edge

Brilliant idea. They showed some flashes of brilliance with the whole wedding planner angle and such, so why not give them a major program? With HHH on Raw, it's tough, and I don't see this match happening without a title on the line, sadly. I'd like to see them try to do a match similar to the HHH vs Austin, Three Stages of Hell Match. No title, just animosity.

Shawn Michales vs. Jeff Hardy

Brilliant idea. Hardy would have the energy to carry some spots in the match. Though I am concerned with his ability to slow the pace long enough to allow a story to be told. It'd have a shot at being better than some of the Michaels / Jannetty matches in terms of near falls and counters.

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase

Under two premises - no title in the mix (Ted isn't ready for that type of rub at Wrestlemania) and their respective fathers are part of the build-up. Evern better - A Throw In The Towel Match where a winner can ONLY be declared when one of the men's fathers - Orton Sr. or DiBiase Sr. - throws in the towel for the their son. Imagine the drama!?

Chris Jericho vs. MVP

Has potential. Maybe the stipulation could be to have a big pane of glass over the ring, and the first one to shatter it, effectively breaking the glass ceiling, wins.

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

Meh, spot-fest. Interesting, but I don't see it happening at Mania.

Batista vs. Big Show

More big-man on big-man violence? Fans are wise to the idea that big men fight because they can't think of much else for them.

Overall, I loved your card, and I'd buy the show.
I like most of the card. I would have Morrison vs HBK or Y2J though. I like the Cena/Taker idea, as long as Taker wins(CLEAN).Triple-H vs Edge would be great, but they are on different shows. It would have to be built up. I would like to see Edge win that, even though I'm a HHH fan.If Jeff Hardy is still around by Mania he could get HBK or Y2J(whichever isn't vs Morrison). I love the idea with Orton and Dibiase at Hall of Fame. It could be good as long as no titles are involved. C.M. Punk is one of my faves and I would stick him in a 3-way with one of the HBK?Y2J matches. I would also have to put Swagger in somewhere.

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