Championship Wrestling Alliance


Dark Match Winner
CWA is a small independent fed. A financial backer is willing to take a risk and help the company out and see what can come of it. They will be doing 2 monthly shows in a school gymnasium. They do not have a TV deal yet. They rely on word of mouth and a street team. The company is comprised of some relative unknowns, and some workers who have been around the block, and can be locker room leaders. On occasion, other names may be brought in, budget allowing.

The referees will be wrestling trainees, so they can get in ring experience, and get their ring positioning worked on. There are no contracts, so the workers are free to work anywhere they wish, and are not obligated in anyway.

The wrestling school is run as a way to make a new generation of wrestlers, and to help pad some of the income for the company.

(The pics are linked, I tried to change the color but I can't get them to change for some reason. Pretend they're red, or whatever your favorite color may be. Thank You)

Male Roster
Austin Aries - Height: 5' 9" Weight: 202 From: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Finisher: 450 Splash
Gimmick - Ladies man (Heel)

Joey Ryan - Height: 5' 10" Weight: 215 From: Los Angeles, California Finisher: The Mustache Ride(Swinging neckbreaker from the ropes), 'Nuff Said(Crossface Chicken Wing)
Gimmick - Stuck in the 70's (Heel)

Chuck Taylor - Height: 6'1" Weight: 200 From: Raccoon city Finisher: Awful Waffle(Leg hook belly to back, into a high angle piledriver)
Gimmick - Comedy/Unique (Face)

Jon Moxley - Height: 6' 2" weight: 230 From: N/A Finisher Moxicity(Double arm Face Plant)
Gimmick - Crazy (Heel)

Dingo - Height: 5' 7" Weight: 176 From: Australia Finisher: Dingo Driver(Fisherman Buster)
Gimmick - Serious (Face)

Trent Acid - Height: 5' 11" Weight: 180 From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Finisher: Acid Drop(Impact DDT)
Gimmick - Holy (Heel)

Pac - Height: 5' 9" Weight: 178 From: Newcastle upon Tyne Finisher: Multiple High Risk moves
Gimmick - High Flyer (Face)

Kenny King - Height: 6' Weight: 230 From: Orlando, Florida Finisher: Coronation (Rack Backbreaker into DDT)
Gimmick - Fun (Face)

Chris Camaro - Height: 6' Weight: 210 From: Indian Orchard, Massachusetts
Finisher: Whatever he has to do
Gimmick - Superstar (Heel)

Aaron Williams - Height: 5' 11" Weight: 190 From: Bludhaven USA Finisher: Frogsplash
Gimmick: Legit (Face)

Dark Lion - Height: 5' 10" Weight: 230 From: The Tsavo Finisher: The 9th Circle(Triangle Choke), Pridebuster(Last Ride)
Gimmick - Mythical beast (Heel)

Joey Owens - Height: Refused to tell us Weight: Refused to tell us From: Wherever he wants to be Finisher: JKO(RKO)
Gimmick: Cocky/Rude (Heel)

Marty Jannetty - Height: 5' 11" Weight: 225 From: Tallahassee, Florida Finisher: Rocker Dropper
Gimmick: Rocker (Face)

Al Snow - Height: 6' 1" Weight: 235 From: Lima, Ohio Finisher: Snow Plow
Gimmick: Al Snow? (Face)

Steve Corino - Height: 6' 3" Weight: 240 From: Sea Isle City, New Jersey Finisher: Old School Expulsion(inverted neckbreaker slam) Old School Kick(Superkick)
Gimmick: King of Old School (Heel)

Female Roster
Ariel - From: Boston, Massachusetts Finisher: Dariel(Altered Diamon Cutter)
Gimmick - Good Girl/Underdog (Face)

Portia Perez - From: Ottawa, Ontario Finisher: School's Out(Swinging rever STO)
Gimmick - Bitch (Heel)

Malia Hosaka - From: Osaka, Japan Finisher: Frankensteiner
Gimmick: Legendary

Nicole Matthews - From: Vancouver, British Columbia Finisher: Northern Lights Suplex
Gimmick: Sarcastic and egotistical (Heel)

Alere Little Feather - From:Shinnecock Indian Reservation, Long Island, New York Finisher: Indian Deathlock
Gimmick - Native American (Face)

MsChif - From: The Inferno Finisher: Desecrator(DDT, With her leg hooked over opponents arm)
Gimmick: Evil/Insane (Heel)

Kassidy - From: Miami, Florida Finisher: Swanton Bomb
Gimmick - Extreme (Face)

Tag Teams
Triple Dragon - Members: Retail Dragon, and Dragon Dragon. (Face)
Pic(Retail is in red, Dragon in Green)

Suicide Kings - Members: Chris Morgan, and Matt Vengeance (Face)
Finishers: Morgan - Running Fisherman buster Vengeance - Tiger Destroyer
Pic(Vengeance Left, Morgan Right)

South African Brotherhood - Members: Riot and Kaidyn Kross (Heel)
Finishers: Riot - Judgement slam Kross - Step up Enziguri
Riot Pic Kross Pic

Mexico's Most Wanted - Members: Damien 666, and Halloween

Irish Airborne - Members: Dave and Jake Christ

Other Staff
Shannon K. Rose - Announcer

Kenny Bolin - Manager (Heel) (Austin Aries, and Irish Airborne)

Joy Giovanni - Valet (Face) (Suicide Kings)

Pat "The Brat" Piper - CWA President
Very interesting approach. My favorite feds are the ones that showcase talent OTHER than WWE and TNA stars. Anyway, really looking forward to this one.
CWA November Show 1/2

Pre-Show info: Mexico's Most Wanted had problems with their working Visa and won't be here tonight.

Pat "The Brat" Piper makes his way to the ring. He talks about how the crowd is lucky to see such legends, and future legends, none of which compare to him. He announces a couple matches for the upcoming card.

Tag Team Titles awarded to the winners of the 4 corners tag match. Suicide Kings, South African Brotherhood, Irish Airborne, and Triple Dragon all competing.

Tonight we will also see a 4 on 3 woman's tag match, the winning team will face each other in either a triple threat or a fatal 4 way match at the next CWA Show to crown the first ever Woman's CWA Champion. A coin toss will be held to decide which team with get the woman advantage in the match, pitting the team of Ariel, Alere Little Feather and Kassidy against, Portia Perez, Nicole Matthews, and Malia Hosaka, with MsChif being the 7th participant.

Also the CWA Title will awarded to the winner of the battle royal at the end of the show, containing every member of the roster.

Pat leaves the ring, and the first match of the night is up next.

Match #1
"Astonishing" Aaron Williams vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley started the match with an interesting approach, spending the first few minutes arguing with someone no one could see but him, with Aaron being obviously cautious to start any sort of confrontation. The ref decides that maybe Moxely shouldn't be involved in this match, and tries to reason with him to get out of the ring. Aaron in a moment of compassion decides to hold the ropes open so the disturbed one can leave the ring, and not risk injury. Moxley boots Aaron in the face out of nowhere, sending him to the outside, followed by a plancha onto the outside. Aaron manages to take over for a moment, but the ref tries to gain control over the contest distracting Aaron long enough to allow Moxley to shove Aaron into the ring post shoulder first. Aaron rolls to the inside of the ring, Moxley follows, and goes to work on the shoulder. Finally applying a modified crossface in an attempt at a submission victory. Aaron manages to get the bottom rope breaking the hold. Moxley argues with the ref, because he thinks the bottom rope is too easy to get too. Aaron scores with a school boy, and a nearfall, but still comes back like the proverbial house of fire. He shoots Moxley into the ropes, and catches him with a huge dropkick. He goes up for the frog splash to end the contest, Moxley shoves the ref into the ropes. Aaron nearly lands awkwardly on the top turnbuckle but manages to keep his balance. Moxley had enough time to make it back to his feet, grabbing the injured arm, and pulling him off the turnbuckle on the the apron, with the injured arm bashing hard over the top rope. Moxley pulls Aaron into the ring from the apron, and applies a Fujiwara arm bar. Aaron taps out, before any more damage can be done.

Winner: Jon Moxley via Submission

Match #2
Four Corners for the CWA Tag Team Titles
Suicide Kings w/ Joy Giovanni vs. South African Brotherhood vs. Irish Airborne w/ Kenny Bolin vs. Triple Dragon

Before the bell even rings the S.A. Brotherhood get out of the ring. Riot grabs a mic. "Whoa, whoa, hold on a minute. We're not gonna put ourselves in this. It's too dangerous, too many unknowns. We negotiated our own contracts, and in those contracts, there is a stipulation. We came to CWA as #1 contenders to the Tag Titles. We don't need this match, nor do we want it. We'll just see the winners at the next show. Good luck boys. We're going to go save our energy for the CWA Title rumble."

Suicide Kings are caught from behind by the Irish Airborne, while Triple Dragon stand in the corner and watch. Vengeance hits his Tiger Destroyer finisher on Dave Christ out of nowhere. The pinfall is broken up by Retail Dragon. The match finally gets under control with the legal men being Morgan, Jake, and Retail Dragon. This doesn't last long however, after a double suplex attempt by Morgan and Retail turn into a double DDT reversal by Jake. All 3 men make the hot tag, Dragon Dragon cleans house. Everyone takes turns taking dives to the outside. Dragon Dragon is up last, and gets caught in the ropes and hung upside down by his feet. Retail tries to get him out, but gets nailed by Morgan, and rolled into the ring. Morgan goes for a high risk move but is cut off by Dave, he climbs the second rope setting up for a superplex, but is cut off by Retail, still standing on the mat. Morgan performs a sunset flip from the top to Retail, while Retail holds a waist lock on Dave, inadvertently giving him a German Suplex from the middle rope. Retail kicks out, and is up quick, but is met by a spinning heel kick by Jake. Jake turns and get an exploder by Morgan, quick cover, broken up by Dave who rolls out of the ring still reeling from the German suplex. Vengeance returns to the ring, and is clotheslined over the top rope back to the outside by Retail, momentum taking him to the outside as well. Bolin is beside himself on the outside, and suddenly starts to stalk Joy, distracting Morgan, and luring him to the outside. Morgan teases hitting Bolin, but get struck by a chair from behind by Jake. Vengeance and Dave take each other out when Dave hurricarana's Vengeance off the ring apron. Jake into the ring with a chair, Dragon Dragon is being released by the referee after hanging there for several minutes. Jake swings for Retail who ducks, the chair bouncing off the top rope and hitting him in the head, he drops the chair to the outside and staggers backwards. Retail is trying to get up, Jake trips over him, falling on his back, Dragon Dragon is free now, and with a big splash on Jake. The Ref counts, 1..2..3. The fans go nuts, as Triple Dragon celebrates with the fans. Irish Airborne are livid along with Bolin. Meanwhile Joy, and Morgan check on Vengeance who missed the outside protective mats and took a nasty fall.

Winners: Triple Dragon via Pinfall

Steve Corino comes to the ring. He hypes the previous match, and says "the only way to top that, is to take it old school." He says there's no one in the back that could lace his boots, let alone beat him in a match. The Music of Kenny King hits, and he makes his way to the ring, taking time to high five the fans. He gets in the ring, and says that Corino's speech sounded like a challenge to him. Corino promises him that it wasn't a challenge, but a fact.

King: "Well you know they funny thing is, facts can be proven, why don't you prove it right here and now." (Fans Cheer)
Corino: "I'd love to prove it to you. (pause) But the other fact is, Everyone knows the only reason you're out here, is because no one knows who you are, and you think that by beating me, you'll get your 15 minutes. Don't worry kid, I don't feel like humiliating you tonight."

Corino goes to leave, but is stopped by King.

King: "I didn't come out here to make a name for myself. I came out here, to shut you up."

Corino and King have a stare down. Corino backs away, and gets out of the ring watching King the entire time. King laughs, and says "That was even easier than I thought." He turns towards the crowd, and raises his hands, while the fans cheer. With his back turned, Corino slides into the ring, King turns and gets hit with the Old School Kick, laying him out. Corino smirks, and walks away.

Match #3
Dingo vs. Chris Camaro

Basic back and forth action in the opening minutes. Camaro has a problem keeping an advantage on Dingo until he catches him with a low blow that went undetected by the referee. Which began a series of illegal holds, giving the ref a bigger job to do. Dingo reverses a suplex into a small package, only gets a 2. Camaro takes back over, and whips Dingo into the corner, Dingo jumps, but Camaro catches Dingo's legs, he tosses Dingo to the outside, but Dingo adjusts managing to rebound into the same position, and doing a headscissors. Camaro hits the middle turnbuckle. Dingo makes a run around the ring, and hits a running dropkick to Camaro's back. he covers, and only gets a 2. He goes up for the moonsault, Camaro moves, and Dingo crashes and burns. Camaro picks him up, and hoists him into Fireman's carry position, Dingo Squirms his way out, and goes for the Dingo Driver, Camaro blocks it, and gives Dingo several elbow shots to the temple for his efforts. He hits the ropes coming back with a clothesline, Dingo ducks, grabbing the outreaches arm, and locking in a full nelson, into a dragon Suplex! 1..2..Camaro somehow kicks out. Dingo goes for the Dingo Driver one more time, and gets him up, but Camaro slides down his back holding onto Dingo's head as he does it. Camaro goes for an inverted suplex, Dingo flips himself all the over, into a roll up pin on Camaro. 1..2..Camaro grabs the tights, and rolls through, 1..2..3. Camaro steals one with a handful of tights. He celebrates to much dismay of the fans.

Winner: Chris Camaro via Pinfall

Dingo still remains in the ring, disappointed with the outcome. Kenny Bolin comes out, with Austin Aries they both enter the ring. Bolin has a microphone. He says that he likes Dingo's style, and that he wants Dingo to be a part of The Bolin Services. Dingo says thanks but no thanks, he works alone. Bolin says "Suit yourself." Aries attacks Dingo, but Dingo fires back, taking Aries down, and pummeling him with a series of right hands. Bolin, pulls out some sort of powder, throwing it into the eyes of Dingo. Chuck Taylor runs out, and makes the save, sending Aries packing. Dingo still blinded, feels Taylor in the ring, he pulls him around and hits him with a Dingo Driver. Aries, and Bolin applaud from ringside, and walk to the back. Medics come down to the ring, to check on Dingo and Taylor.​

Match #4
4 on 3 Tag Team Match

Ariel, Alere Little Feather, and Kassidy vs. Portia Perez, Nicole Matthews, and Malia Hosaka.
The pre-match coin toss awards the advantage to the team of....Ariel, Alere, and Kassidy.

MsChif refuses to even tag the entire match, choosing instead to stand on the apron and watch. Perez and Kassidy have a great exchange of counters, until Malia makes a blind tag, and takes Kaissdy down with a clothesline. They cut the ring in half on Kassidy and take control of the match with frequent tags. Kassidy finally makes a tag to Alere, who is taken down by Nicole and meets the same fate as Kassidy. Malia hooks on a sleeper, and attempts to get Alere to say goodnight, the crowd gets behind Alere, and she fights out of it, before being taken down from by a trip on the outside by Nicole. Perez gets tagged in. She goes for her finisher, School's Out, but Alere grabs the top rope, and Perez goes down with nothing. Perez gets bac up, and takes a charge, but Alere manages a samoan drop, leaving both women down. Perez crawls over to make the tag to Nicole, and Alere attempts to tag in MsChif, who just hops off the apron without a tag. Ariel reaches in makes the tag, she comes in, and knocks Nicole down with a pair of dropkicks. Malia comes in, but gets met by Kassidy who takes her to the outside. Ariel sets up for the modified diamond cutter, but is cut off by Perez. MsChif comes in finally, hitting a big boot on Perez. Nicole is up now, and swings at MsChif who blocks, and hits her with the Desecrator. Ariel rushes over to make the cover but MsChif takes her head off with a clothesline. The fans are shocked, and have no idea what's going on. MsChif pull Ariel on top of Nicole, and Ariel scores the win for her team. Mschif, leaves the ring and walks to the back.

Winners: Ariel, Alere Little Feather, Kassidy, and MsChif

After the match the 3 remaining winners celebrate, although Ariel is still having some side effects from her encounter with MsChif. Shannon K. Rose comes into the ring to get their reactions. He starts with Kassidy, who doesn't really say much. Alere wishes the both of them luck, and may the best girl win. Finally he comes to Ariel, and he asks her what she makes of the actions of MsChif. Ariel shakes her head and says "All I can say, is the bitch is crazy." Rose has the crowd give the girls one more round of applause.

Main Event
Battle Royal for the CWA Title.

The South African Brotherhood spend the first moments of the match on teh outside, claiming their entrance, and the walk to the ring tired them out because of the change in elevation, however Kaidyn Kross reminded everyone, that he would be in, in due time to take the title back to Pretoria. Riot says unless of course I win it. Kross replies back, "Yeah, but that's too unlikely." They spend time in the crowd having a drink and some popcorn, which they brought with them?

Order of Elimination
1. Chris Camaro eliminated by Joey Ryan via clothesline (3:21)
2. Dragon Dragon eliminates himself when he slipped off the top rope (4:59)
3. Retail Dragon eliminated by Dark Lion while he was watching Dragon Dragon (5:07)
4. Chuck Taylor eliminated by Dingo from behind; Dingo was pushed into him by Aries. (10:14)
5. Aaron Williams eliminated by Trent Acid via backdrop (10:40)
6. Dingo eliminated by Pac via hurricarana; Chuck Taylor hits the awful waffle on Dingo on the floor! (11:19)
7. Jon Moxley eliminated by Austin Aries via dropkick (14:47)
8. Jake & Dave Christ by Dark Lion via double clothesline (16:23)
9. Chris Morgan eliminated by Joey Ryan who pulled the ropes down allowing Morgan to spill to the outside (19:00)
10. Marty Jannetty eliminated by Kenny King via hip-toss from apron (19:45)
11. Joey Owens eliminated by Steve Corino via Old School Kick (21:34)
12. Al Snow eliminated by Austin Aries via help from Kenny Bolin (22:08)

Final 10
Austin Aries - Joey Ryan - Pac - Dark Lion - Kenny King - Steve Corino - Trent Acid - Matt Venegeance - Riot - Kaidyn Kross

Riot and Kross still on the outside. At least now they seem to be trying to pick their spot, and are actually near the ring now. Aries goes after King, Acid and Vengeance go at it, Corino and Ryan are chilling in the corner. Pac and Dark Lion are battling near the ropes. Lion has Pac almost over but Pac fights out of it. Pac has the monster staggered, he goes for a crossbody to take him over, and Lion catches him, and tosses him to the outside.

Pac is eliminated.

Lion goes after Vengeance who had Acid on the turnbuckle and teetering on elimination, Acid gets back into the ring, immediately going after Ryan who ventured to far out of his corner. Aries backdrops King over the ropes! King catches himself, and springboards in onto Aries, who catches him in an inverted atomic drop. Both men go for a clothesline, and take each other down. Vengeance with a calf kick on Lion, taking him down. He stands up, only to be grabbed and ejected from the ring by Ryan.

Matt Vengeance is eliminated

Ryan, and Acid are back at it now, trying to force one another over the ropes, Corino see's an opening, and he dumps both men over the top.

Joey Ryan is eliminated
Trent Acid is eliminated

With only 4 men left in the ring, Kross, and Riot figure this is as good a time as any, they are playing Rock, Paper, Scissors on the outside of the ring to see who goes in first. Kross loses, and slides in, going after a downed Dark Lion. Lion pushes him away like he's nothing. Kross gives up going that route, and instead goes after king. King takes some punishment, but finally gets in a knee to the midsection and tosses cross over the ropes, believing that he eliminated him, he seems really surprised to turn around and see that Kross has managed to hang on, having his arms and legs wrapped around the top rope dangling there. King shakes his head, but is hit from behind by Aries. Aries goes for a seated clothesline, but King ducks, and Aries hits Corino instead. Kross crawls still hanging on to the rope to the turnbuckle, and dismounts, and climbs the turnbuckle. He goes for a crossbody on King, who was working on Dark Lion, and connects. He goes back up to the top this time trying the move on Lion, he gets caught, and Lion puts him in gorilla press position, tossing him from the ring and onto Riot who wasn't paying attention on the outside.

Kaidyn Kross is eliminated

Corino is back up, but not for long, because King takes him down with a Lou Thesz press, and hammers away at him. Meanwhile Aries in under the rope with Bolin fanning him with some papers. Riot slides into the ring, and goes to work on Lion from behind, taking him down with a chop block, and going to work on his legs. Riot tries to eliminate Lion but Lion is too strong still yet. Kross slides back into the ring, Riot pokes Lion in the eye, Kross with a step up enziguri! Lion goes down to one knee, but is right back up, Riot and Kross grab him and dump him to the outside of the ring.

Dark Lion is eliminated

Down to 4 men, 5 if you count Kross who hasn't left yet, despite the pleas of the referees. Riot goes after King, grabbing by the eyes, and leading him closer to the ropes. Kross turns, and a missile dropkick from Austin Aries. Aries picks him up, and ejects him from the ring. Kross has now been eliminated twice. Riot and King are going at it, and Aries is going after Corino. Corino manages to work Aries over the ropes, but can't seem to get him off the ring apron. He can't see Bolin who is ducked under Aries trying to keep him from hitting the floor. King clotheslines Riot, and leans over the ropes to catch his breath, Riot gets up, and clotheslines him from behind, both men go over the ropes. Riot hits the floor, King hangs on, and skins the cat back into the ring.

Riot is eliminated

Down to 3 now, Corino has given up on Aries who is in the corner resting now. He goes for King who cuts him off with a boot, and picks him up for the Coronation, Corino wiggles, still can't get down, but manages to grab hold of the rope. King alters his plan and tosses him off his shoulders onto the ring apron. King tries to go for a clothesline, but it's ducked, Corino catches King with a shoulder block to the stomach, and re-enters the ring. Aries is back up, and hits a neckbreaker on King. Corino out of nowhere hits Aries with an Old School Kick, and now all three are down! King is the first to his feet, not far ahead of Corino. Corino goes for the superkick again while King is against the ropes. King ducks, and Corino crotches himself on the ropes! King doubled over in pain, and from the hard fought match, Aries catches him with a running kneed, King shoulder first into the ring post. Bolin comes into the ring now with his clipboard. Aries holds King for Bolin. Bolin goes for it, King ducks, and Aries takes the shot! Bolin is beside himself, and drops the clipboard. King picks it up, and smashes Bolin over the head with it. Bolin retreats, Aries is making his way up now. King sends him to the outside with a clothesline.

Austin Aries is eliminated

Corino tackles King seemingly out of desperation, and the both go over the top and to the floor! Corino is the first one up while they referees discuss who's feet hit first. Corino gets into the ring, and starts celebrating.

Pat the Piper comes out, and talks to the head official. He then announces that both men's feet have touched at the same time. So on the next show, Kenny King will face Steve Corino to decide who is going to be champion.

Shannon K. Rose tells the fans to have a safe trip home, and not to miss the next show.

Next Cards announced line-up
Ariel vs. Alere Little Feather vs. Kassidy vs. Mschif for the Woman's Title

Triple Dragon defends the Tag Team Titles against The South African Brotherhood

Kenny King vs. Steve Corino for the CWA Title​
I liked it. Variety of names used, which is a plus, and love the feuds that are going to be happening soon. Thought it was a solid show, and keep it up.
CWA November Show 2/2​

Shannon K. Rose welcomes everyone to the event. The night will start straight into in ring action this evening.

Match #1
Dark Lion vs. Pac

Pac is facing the man that eliminated him in the battle royal at the last show, hoping to gain some momentum. Dark Lion gains an early advantage early on with his power. He continues to hammer the back and neck areas of Pac for much of the contest. An irish whip by lion, back drop attempt, Pac lands on his feet, and connects with a single foot dropsault. Lion is staggered, Pac hit's two clotheslines, and Lion refuses to go down. Finally and spinning back elbow drops him. Pac with a standing moonsault for a 2 count. Pac goes to the top, and comes off with a hurricarana. Lion catches him, and lifts him for his last ride finisher. Pac drops behind Lion, Lion turns into a standing hurricarana. Pac goes back to the top rope, but Lion cuts him off and sets him up for a superplex. Pac fights out, and pushes him off the ropes. He hits a corkscrew maneuver on his standing foe, quick cover...only a 2 count. Pac raises his opponent to his knees, hits the opposite ropes, and a dropkick to the Lion's face. Another cover, but still only a 2. He whips Lion into the corner, and runs in, Lion reverses the match into his favor again with a boot to the face. He sets him up for the Pridebuster, Pac picks his legs out, with a float over pin. Lion kicks out, and at the same time locks in the 9th Gate submission hold! Pac refuses to tap out, and manages to get a foot to the rope forcing a break in the hold. Pac rolls to the outside, Lion follows, but is cut off by a few stiff forearms. Pac back in quickly, running to the opposite side of the ring and back with a springboard shooting star to the outside. Both men are down, but Pac manages to break the count, and puts Lion into the ring. Pac goes up top, and goes for an inverted 630, Lion moves. Pac writhing in pain now, Lion moves in for kill with the Pridebuster which connects. Cover, and a 3. Lion walks to the back leaving Pac in the ring. Pac gets to his feet, selling the brutal match up, as the crowd gives him a standing ovation.

Winner: Dark Lion via pinfall

The music of Pat Piper hits, and he walks to the ring. Pat says that he has a surprise for everyone tonight. Before he can reveal it though, the South African Brotherhood comes to the ring. Riot takes the mic.

Riot: That's all well and good, but you didn't mention a word about us.

Kross: Everyone knows, if you want to improve interest you have to talk about us as much as possible.

Piper: Guys, before I was interrupted I was about to make an announcement that you two might be very interested in.

Riot: Oh, Pat, Pat, Pat. Buddy, I'm flattered really, but you don't even have to say what it is. I think Kaidyn, and myself already know what it is.

Kross: But of course. It's something everyone would love to have. Two big bronze statues of everyone's favorite South Africans.

Riot: Yeah, it's really thoughtful and all, but think about the jealousy it's going to cause. Once you put those up at the entrance, everyone is going to want one for there own yards.

Kross: Marriages will break up, because wives are no longer interested in their husbands because they can look at the glorious figures that they have in us.

Pat: Ummm, close guys but not quite.

Riot: Right, must be granite.

Pat: (becoming increasingly irritated) No.

Kross: Marble?

Pat: No, not granite, not marble, not bronze, turquoise, sapphire, or diamonds. I was speaking more of this....

Music starts to play, but no one can figure out who's it is. Suddenly Mexico's Most Wanted comes rushing to the ring. Riot & Kross bail out, and wait by the entrance.

Pat: These guys were the surprise. Meet the enforcers for your tag team title match later tonight. To guarantee you two don't pull any of the crap you pulled last show, Damien 666, and Halloween. (Crowd Cheers)(Kross is beside himself, but Riot calms him down)

Riot: That's fine, whatever you want to throw in the way to try to keep the greatest tag team alive down. But I can make one guarantee to you. With or without the Spanish Inquisition, tonight, we bring home the head, of a dragon.​

Match #2
Women's Title match
MsChif vs. Ariel vs. Alere Little Feather vs. Kassidy
Ariel goes right after MsChif from the opening, but doesn't fair well, being tossed away on several occasions. Kassidy and Alere lend a hand, Ariel with a chop block taking MsChif down. MsChif fights her way back up, Ariel with the Dariel. Kassidy goes up top, and nails the swanton bomb, followed by Alere locking in the Indian Death Lock. Ariel breaks it up, before MsChif even has a chance to submit. MsChif rolls to the outside, leaving the 3 women by themselves. Ariel with a clothesline to Alere, but gets a hurricarana from Kassidy that sends her to the arena floor. Alere and Kassidy battle it out, neither gaining a clear advantage for a few moments. Kassidy hits a DDT out of nowhere, and goes up for the Swanton. Ariel is back on the ring apron, and pushes Kassidy from the top to the outside. Ariel goes to work on Alere. She goes for the Dariel, but Alere pushes her into the ropes, getting a samoan drop on Ariel on the rebound. She makes the cover, but only a 2. Alere locks in the Indian Death Lock. Ariel can't make it to the ropes. MsChif is back in and breaks it up with a hard kick to Alere's back. MsChif tosses Alere from the ring, and picks up Ariel. She positions her for a powerbomb, but Kassidy surprises her with a crossbody from the top. Only a 2 count though. Kassidy hits a russian legsweep on MsChif, followed by a running seated senton. Again only a 2. Kassidy turns around, and Ariel takes her out with a Dariel. Alere is back in now, with a quick roll up on Ariel before she can make a cover, it's broken up by MsChif. Alere with a crucifix pin on MsChif, but Ariel breaks it up. Ariel goes for another Dariel, but Alere pushes her off again, this time into MsChif who gives her another massive clothesline. Alere with a running crossbody on MsChif, who catches her. Fallaway slam into Kassidy who had just gotten up. Both women now out in a corner. MsChif picks up Ariel, who is nearly limp, and performs the Desecrator. She covers. And gets the victory.

Alere is stirring in the corner, and MsChif hits a big boot, laying her out. She now picks up Kassidy, and lays her out with a tigerbomb. MsChif grabs the Women's Title out of the refs hand, and surveys her damage.

Winner and the first CWA Women's Champion: MsChif

Match #3
Marty Jannetty vs. Trent Acid

Marty is on his way to the ring, taking time to shake hands with the fans before his first singles match. Trent Acid's Alter Boys rush from the backstage area and attack Marty from behind, with Acid directing. Marty fights the 3 off the best he can, until he succumbs to the numbers. Acid calls them off and hits the Yakuza Kick on Marty. He picks him up and rolls him into the ring. He orders the ref to ring the bell to officially start the match. The ref hesitates, but calls for it. Acid picks Marty back off the ground and hits the Acid Drop. He covers, 1..2..3. Acid gets the cheap victory. He poses over Marty, as he marks the cross symbol with his hands over Marty's chest.

Winner: Trent Acid via Pinfall

Chuck Taylor comes to the ring. He calls out Dingo. Dingo comes out with no music.

Dingo: Before you say anything, I'm telling you, I would never do what you think I did last show. We're partners tonight, just trust me.

Taylor: Really? Hell Dingo, that's really how it seems. Who else could it have been that hit me with your finisher? Who else was it that eliminated me from the battle royal?

Dingo: It's Aries and Bolin, I'm trying to tell you they're behind all of it.

(Austin Aries music starts, and he and Kenny Bolin come to the ring.)

Aries: That's pretty low Dingo. You turn on one of your friends, and now you blame the innocent so you don't have to except responsibility for it. I would never use such underhanded tactics. It's simply not in my nature.

Dingo: You know that's a load of crap.

Taylor: First off, I don't trust either of you. But I do trust the fact that I know, that it was just Dingo and myself in the ring when it all went down. So maybe for once in his life, Austin is actually telling the truth.

Aries: Hey now! I'm like a modern day Lincoln, I can not tell a lie! I am the most honest, successful, and might I add best looking, wrestler of all time. Who wouldn't trust me. (Bolin acts stunned that anyone would ever have distrust in Aries)

Dingo: You just proved yourself a liar when you claimed to be a wrestler.

(Aries gets in Dingo's face. Taylor pulls Dingo around facing him.)

Taylor: This doesn't involve him. This is between me and you.

(Aries spins Dingo around and pushes him. Dingo draws back to swing, but Taylor grabs his arm. Dingo and Taylor stare at each other arguing. Joey Ryan's Music plays and he makes his way to the ring. A referee comes in for the scheduled contest.)

Match #4
Dingo & Chuck Taylor vs. Austin Aries & Joey Ryan w/ Kenny Bolin
Aries and Taylor are the first in the ring. Taylor with a couple of arm drags, and a hip toss. Aries backs into the corner. Taylor tells him to hurry up and wrestle. Aries walks over and slaps him. Dingo blind tags Taylor, and tackles Aries down, with Taylor looking very angry. Dingo hammers away on Aries. He whips him off the ropes, and a backdrop on the rebound. Aries makes a quick tag to Ryan, and he also gets a backdrop. Dingo is lifting Ryan off the mat, and Taylor blind tags himself into the match. Taylor goes to work on the arm of Ryan. Ryan rakes the eyes, and taunts Dingo, Dingo jumps into the ring, but the ref fights to put him back out. Taylor with a boot to the midsection, and an irish whip, Ryan reverses, Aries with a kick to the lower back from the apron, the ref was still busy with Dingo. Taylor stumbles back to the middle of the ring, and Ryan connects with a clothesline into a backbreaker. He covers and gets a 2. He tags out to Aries who works on the back as well. They manage to keep him from tagging into Dingo for the majority of the match. Aries has an abdominal stretch locked into place, the crowd chanting for Taylor. Taylor has his leg free, quick hip toss. Aries bounces back up, and runs in for a clothesline, Taylor ducks, Aries on the rebound, both men take each other out with a double clothesline. Crowd is really behind Taylor to make the tag into Dingo. Aries gets a tag to Ryan first, but not far behind is the tag to Dingo. Ryan is rushing across the ring, but is met with a springboard dropkick from Dingo. Ryan back up, but is taken down with a scoop slam, and then a back elbow. Dingo backs up to the ropes, readying himself for his next maneuver, Bolin grabs his ankle. Dingo is struggling, Aries is back in and runs towards him. Dingo ducks down, and backdrops Aries out of the ring, and onto Bolin. Dingo is now free, and Ryan catches him in a small package but gets a near fall. Dingo is up to his feet first, and goes for the Dingo Driver, Ryan fights out with elbows, but gets a crescent kick to take him down. Taylor to the top rope for a high risk move on the downed Ryan. Bolin is coming around the ring, but Dingo steps onto the ring apron stopping Bolin in his tracks. Aries from behind on Dingo knocking him into Taylor and knocking his balance off. Dingo turns to get payback on Aries, but gets clobbered with Bolin's clipboard, and rolled back to the ring. Ryan covers, looks like he's going to steal this one, 1..2..Dingo gets a shoulder up. Ryan with a snap suplex. Aries goes up for his 450 splash, he goes off the top, and Dingo moves! Aries rolls out of the ring in agony. Dingo cuts off Ryan with a stiff forearm shot, and then a spinning heel kick. He is calling for the Dingo Driver, but Chuck Taylor comes into the ring, and hits him with the Awful Waffle. Taylor gets out of the ring, and walks into the back. Ryan seizes the opportunity and covers for the win.

Winners: Austin Aries & Joey Ryan via Pinfall

Intermission: We here a couple songs from a Local Band, Caden's Cry.

Match #5
CWA Tag Team Title Match
(C) Triple Dragon vs. The South African Brotherhood
Special Enforcers: Mexico's Most Wanted

Kross and Dragon Dragon start this one off. Kross tries to get fan support by clapping his hands above his head, but instead the crowd chants "YOU SUCK" to the beat of his claps. Obviously not pleased with this Kross tags out to brood on the outside. Riot comes into the ring, and wastes no time charging the Dragon. Dragon Dragon trips him with his tail, and Riot takes a nasty face plant. Riot stands back up and goes for the same thing, with the same result. Riot with a quick tag to Kross. Kross demands that Retail be tagged in, and gets his wish. Kross locks up with Retail and gets an arm drag out of it. Retail hits Kross with some chops, and whips him to the corner, following him in with a splash, and a suplex. Retail tags out, and Dragon Dragon scoop slams Kross 3 times in a row. Kross scurries to his corner on his knees and tags out. Riot challenges Dragon Dragon to a test of strength, and by know surprise, he stomps on the foot of Dragon Dragon. Riot firmly in control with a headlock, Dragon pushes him off into the ropes, and takes Riot down with a shoulder tackle. Riot is back up, and he takes 3 scoop slams. Riot back to his corner on his knees as well. He tags in Kross. Kross ducks through a lock up and connects with a series of right hand jabs. Kross locks on an arm wrench, and tags out to Riot who comes in with an axe handle on the arm from the middle rope. Riot takes Dragon down into an arm bar. Dragon gets his way back up, but Riot manages to make a tag. Kross in working on the same arm. He catches Dragon in the sternum with a side kick, and goes for a Bulldog. Dragon reverses, and Kross lands hard hurting his posterior. Dragon tags to Retail, but Kross manages pull him throat first into the ropes using Retail's tights. SAB take control over retail now. Retail makes a quick tag following Taking Riot down with a running cross body. Dragon takes Riot down with some clotheslines. Kross tries to save his partner but is ejected from the ring. Dragon makes an attempt at a powerbomb, but Riot pushes Dragon into the corner taking out the referee. Kross back into the ring with a chair, Dragon covers his head in the corner, Damien 666 grabs the chair and takes it away. Halloween in the ring with a chair as well. They're threatening SAB in Spanish. Suddenly Damien turns and smashes the chair over Retail's head! Dragon tries to come to the rescue was is taken down by Kross and Riot at the same time. They kick him in the corner. Riot goes to the outside and hold Dragon's arms from there so he can't move. Kross holds a chair in front of his face while Halloween runs and dropkicks another chair into it. The crowd is utterly stunned. Halloween gets Retail by both legs, and starts spinning him in a circle. Damien out of a corner with a dropkick to his head. Dragon has crawled under the ring after a continued beating on the outside by Riot and Kross. Riot grabs the Time Keepers table and puts it in the ring. He sets it up, and climbs up on the table with Retail, he picks him up for a piledriver, Kross from the top rope, turning it into a spike piledriver through the table. Kross and Riot are cocky as ever as they both place a foot on the chest of Retail. Damien and Halloween both count the 3.

Winners and New CWA Tag Team Champions: The South African Brotherhood.

Riot and Kross celebrate with the titles, as they celebrate despite the chorus of boos. They begin to leave the ring, but are stopped by Mexico's Most wanted. There seems to be some tension there. Riot turns into the corner, and appears to be going into his tights, he turns around, and hands Halloween something. It's a wad of money. SAB paid of Mexico's Most Wanted. Damien and Halloween head to the back, followed shortly by SAB, Kross returns though, and crawls under the ring. He comes back out, and is carrying the head of Dragon Dragon!

Shannon K. Rose interviews a couple fans about what they just saw transpire, and none seemed too please with the actions that witnessed.

Main Event
CWA Championship
Steve Corino vs. Kenny King

Back and forth contest throughout, Corino gaining a slight advantage though less than sportsman like conduct. Corino is sticking to working on the ribs of King. He locks in a body scissors, complete with digging into the eyes and face of King. King is trying to break the hold, but can't. He manages to turn his body, he stands up with Corino still hanging on, and backs him into the corner. Corino with a boot to the ribs, but King still manages to pull him out into a short arm clothesline. Cover, and a close fall. King up to the top, taking Corino down with a missile dropkick. Another cover and another near fall. King gets trapped in a small package, 1..2..King rolls it through. 1..2..Corino does the same, 1..2..the pin is broken up and both men are to their feet. King goes for a clothesline, but Corino ducks under and gets in a bridging german suplex, 1..2..kick out. This has been a hard fought match, and both men are showing it at this point. Corino puts King on the top rope, and sets up for a superplex. King fights off and pushes Corino to the mat. King with a leg drop from up top, Corino moves. The impact seems to have hurt Kings leg. Corino capitalizes and hooks on the Figure 4. King is very near tapping, but is trying to get to the ropes. Finally he grabs it. Corino breaks the hold, and pulls King to the middle of the ring. He goes for it again, King kicks him off and into the turnbuckle chest first. King gets Corino up for the Coronation. Corino grabs hold of the top rope. King drops him, and limps away. Maybe the move was too much for his leg. Corino goes for the Old School Kick, King ducks and picks him back up for the Coronation. His leg won't hold the weight though, Corino with a chop clock to the injured leg. Figure 4 is locked back in. King is gutting it out longer than most would have. He rolls it and Corino rolls through it and back to his advantage. Once more King rolls it, and bridges up to keep it there. Corino is too close to the ropes though, and it's broken quickly. Corino sets up for a piledriver. King picks out his legs, and elevates him into the corner. Corino misses the turnbuckle completely smacking his head off the top of the ring post falling to the outside of the ring. King goes to the outside, and retrieves Corino who is who has been badly busted open from the ring post. King puts him into the ring, and covers, 1..2..kick out, unbelievably. King is exhausted, and frustrated. He picks him up and hits the Coronation, collapsing after. He crawls over, and throws an arm over. 1..2..Corino still manages to kick out. King gets Corino up, whips him to the corner, Corino cuts him off with an elbow the the face. Corino hits the Coronation on King, he used King's own finisher against him! Corino covers and gets the closest fall possible. Corino goes for an Old School Kick again, king ducks once more, but this time hits a belly to back suplex. King is calling for Corino's own Old School Kick now. Corino stands up, and turns, Kings goes for it, but so does Corino. Both men connect with the kick. Both men are climbing back up using one another to beat the 10 count. They're up at 9, King pushes Corino to the corner, and sets him on the top. He goes for a superplex, Corino blocks, and connects with a couple elbows. King out of nowhere springboards to the top rope and over to do a huge super hurricarana. Corino reveres though and turns it into a devastating sit out powerbomb from the top. Corino manages a cover, 1...2...kick out! Corino can't believe it. He picks King up, King traps him in a modified small package, 1..2..3! King wins!

Winner and First Ever CWA Champion: King King via Pinfall

King is celebrating. Corino gets up covered in his own blood. He goes over to King, and they stare each other down. Corino extends his hand, King is hesitant but he takes it. Corino raises Kings hand, and the crowd loves it. Corino is leaving the ring. King continues to pose to the crowd with his new title.

Shannon K. Rose closes out the show, by announcing the next event, and the matches that have been signed for the show.

Next Shows Announced Segments
Austin Aries vs. Dingo - Special Referee: Chuck Taylor​
For anyone that was following my Book This! fed, I apologize for being MIA for a few weeks.

I've had a lot of things come up, but I'm back. I'm just skipping straight to January so I'm not that far behind. I should have the first CWA show of 2010 up later tonight, or tomorrow at the latest.

Thanks everyone who was interested.
CWA Press Release​

After missing the month of December due to weather conditions. The Championship Wrestling Alliance looks to make a big impact in 2010. The First show of the new year is shaping up to be a highly anticipated one.

- How will the deal the South African Brotherhood effect their match against America's Most Wanted?
- Chuck Taylor and Dingo are still at odds. Taylor is still scheduled to be guest referee when Dingo takes on Austin Aries. Will the combatants implode?
- MsChif looks to retain the Women's Title when she defends against Malia Hosaka.

All this and more!!!

Don't miss it!​

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