Championship Scramble Match Thoughts!


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
So the last time we saw one of these matches was at The Bash back in 2009 which was for the ECW Championship and before that we had Unforgiven 2008 which held 3 title matches using this stipulation and I enjoyed everyone one of them!

So where has this match gone? Heck, I don't mind it being on Raw or Smackdown, but what is it? Is it not a good stipulation? has it got too many flaws? Also, what do you think about this match? Do you like the idea of a scramble match? Would you like to see another happen??

The Championship Scramble match is a great enabler of WWE's lazy booking. You take six men and throw them in a match for the title. You don't need to push anybody, prepare a feud, or anything. Bam. Title match. But...with that said...I think it's a really fun match. You get to see a lot more action, faces who normally wouldn't interact collide, and ANYBODY can walk away with the title. It could also gives people like Morrison and Bryan a chance to shine in a title match they normally wouldn't get.

I don't like it as a gimmick PPV. I wouldn't want to see 3 or 4 in a single night, but one on Raw or at something like Extreme Rules after Mania would be really cool. Right now I would book something like Miz vs. Morrison vs. Sheamus vs. Orton vs. Cena vs. CM Punk. Three different feuds in the same match would be EPIC and would probably produce some great Raw ratings.
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Before Unforgiven '08, I thought that the concept was stupid, and would not work! But as I was watching the show, I found myself right into it. I'm not sure they'd try it on PPV again, it did up the buys from the Unforgiven in '07 slightly, but not a dramatic dent by any means.

I do think it could work again as a main event for a three hour RAW maybe.
I think the Championship Scramble was a great match. It was that "Adamle Original" that everyone slammed at 1st, but I thought it was a brilliant match. The fact that it was 20 minutes, and you could have different champions every second was different. I still think that the World Heavyweight Championship Scramble that Jericho won was pure genius.
Would I like to see it come back? Yes please, it was great, because we couldn't tell who was going to win. That was the best bit.
Definitely one of my more favourite match creations of the past few years.
Before Unforgiven '08, I thought that the concept was stupid, and would not work! But as I was watching the show, I found myself right into it. I'm not sure they'd try it on PPV again, it did up the buys from the Unforgiven in '07 slightly, but not a dramatic dent by any means.

I do think it could work again as a main event for a three hour RAW maybe.

Amen brother.

I remember thinking, "this is bull shit." then watching the match, in particular the wwe title match and freaking out with the Jeff Hardy/HHH duel pin- and their face off afterwards.

In fact I was so amped by the match ( and No Mercy being at my home in Portland the following month) I promptly got on stub hub and bought tickets for the event.

I can honestly say I'm thankful for the match. Not because of the motivation it gave me for NO Mercy tickets... but because behind the ladder match, the CS is the greatest video game stipulation ever.
I personally really liked the match. Back in September at Night of Champions they had the Six-Pack challenge and I remember thinking at the time that they could have just as easily made it into a Scramble match instead. That being said, I agree as was said earlier that I wouldn't want to see it get turned into a gimmick PPV and have multiple Scrambles in one night. I think with the gimmick PPVs having 2 or 3 matches with the same match type, those matches are getting really watered down and loosing their appeal, and I would hate to see the same thing happen to the scramble.
The championchip scrambel is not a good Main Event stipulation at all, especially for the PPV's because it's just to short. I do see WWE having a scramble for the USA championchip, maybe even Intercontinental, but the big ones? No way. Where has the match gone? Well for one, I think there were not enough credible opponents for any mid-carder to face on a short notice. They could build one up from the Miz/Bryan/Morrison situation. From then on - nothing.
i think a scramble match is more exiciting than a six pac challenge and probably as good as a fatal 4 way... i hope it takes place sometime after wm 27 as i dont mind seeing it once in a while
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2761924 said:
The Championship Scramble match is a great enabler of WWE's lazy booking. You take six men and throw them in a match for the title. You don't need to push anybody, prepare a feud, or anything. Bam. Title match. But...with that said...I think it's a really fun match. You get to see a lot more action, faces who normally wouldn't interact collide, and ANYBODY can walk away with the title. It could also gives people like Morrison and Bryan a chance to shine in a title match they normally wouldn't get.

I don't like it as a gimmick PPV. I wouldn't want to see 3 or 4 in a single night, but one on Raw or at something like Extreme Rules after Mania would be really cool. Right now I would book something like Miz vs. Morrison vs. Sheamus vs. Orton vs. Cena vs. CM Punk. Three different feuds in the same match would be EPIC and would probably produce some great Raw ratings.

First things first, the Championship Scramble match is a 5-man match. With that said, you'd have to take someone out of your match. But, I do think that any 5-man combination of the people you listed above could make for a very impressive match.

The championchip scrambel is not a good Main Event stipulation at all, especially for the PPV's because it's just to short. I do see WWE having a scramble for the USA championchip, maybe even Intercontinental, but the big ones? No way. Where has the match gone? Well for one, I think there were not enough credible opponents for any mid-carder to face on a short notice. They could build one up from the Miz/Bryan/Morrison situation. From then on - nothing.

Really? Really? Are you serious? Not a good main event? Too short? I don't know if you pay attention, but most WWE main events now are like 15-18 minutes. It's very rare that you see a 20+ minute main event. And, tell me, what about this makes it not a good main event? Is it the fact that you don't know or can't tell who's going to win? Is it the fact that there are no disqualifications? No count outs? Is it the fact that there're more than two people competing for a World Championship? I really think you just posted to post...

Now, on to my opinion of this match. The Championship Scramble match was definitely a great concept and an entertaining match. While it may have been lazy booking, it did provide the fans with a new, fresh championship picture, even if it was for only one pay-per-view event.

For those that don't know (or have forgotten), here are the rules of the match:
There's a 20-minute time limit on the match.
Two superstars start the match, and a new superstar enters every 5 minutes until all 5 superstars have entered.
If a superstar scores a pinfall or submission, he becomes the interim champion.
Whichever superstar is the interim champion at the end of the 20-minute time period becomes the official champion, and none of the other interim championship reigns are recognized as official championship reigns.
There are no count-outs and no disqualifications.​

With those rules, you can have almost anyone become the World Champion. Remember when Brian Kendrick was the interim WWE Champion for the majority of that scramble match? Or remember when Tommy Dreamer became interim ECW Champion just as the match was ending? Those are the kind of twists and turns that this match can take, and that's what makes for fresh, exciting television.
A championship scramble match is, for me, far more entertaining that just a straight up fatal four way/six pack challenge match, as somebody has already pointed out. The time limit (which usually means the CS works out shorter than the other type of match) and increased number of falls (most of the time) mean that superstars can't hide as much and all are far more involved. In other multi man matches there always seems to be at least one guy who is the whipping boy and superstars seem to take it in turns to lie prone outside the ring for 5 minutes or so to recharge. There is less scope for this to happen in a CS match.

Again, I wouldn't want a whole PPV around it (I don't like themed PPVs anyway, a great way to take the novelty out of a good idea) I'd welcome the odd match on Raw or even one match at a PPV.
I enjoyed this match concept. It is unpredictable and a match like that is rare in WWE these days. I think it is an alright concept that should be brought back, every now and again especially for a main event on Raw. The only thing I would change is the time period. I would add ten more minutes to this match and make it a 30 minute match instead of 20. I think it would also make for a good main event at Night of Champions for one of the World titles.
I really liked this as a once in a while thing it doesn't work that well if it happens more than once in a while though.
I really enjoyed it when they first done it but it was kind of different then. When they done it for the hardcore title when crash holly was champion. The others were all great though
Ehhh I was never really a fan of this match. Am I really supposed to believe that instead of the normal 20 minutes it usually takes two top wrestlers to finish one another off they can do it in 5? I'm not buying it. Furthermore, very rarely are there 5 legitimate contenders for the title, so guys like The Brian Kendrick get thrown into the match just to fill up the empty spots. I say fuck that.

Big crowded matches are, more often than not, cluster fucks. They are never as entertaining as a well constructed one on one match. Give me a well developed feud between two wrestler over a blockbuster event with 6 stars any day.
I like the idea of the scramble match. I think it's got some good potential for creating some intense moments (2 pin falls at the same time)

If Money in the Bank is not going to be at wrestlemania, then maybe a good idea would be to have a scramble match for the IC or US title. It would allow 6 mid carders per brand to get into a match and if you make it No DQ then some of the fun spots can occur.

Put it this way:

Raw US title scramble:

Daniel Bryan vs Ted vs Harris vs Otunga vs Kidd vs DH Smith

the solidness of the 5 performers could easily hide Otunga's in ring weakness (especially if he enters last) have it be 15 minutes long, 2 start in the ring, new competitors enter at 3, 6, 9 and 12 minutes.

Easily a nice chance to see some more people at 'Mania

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