Championship Glory


Charismatic Desperado
Is a championship title just a prop? Is it just a hunk of metal strapped to leather to use to sell a product? To many its certainly far, far more than that. Championships used to be seen as testaments to the hard work and talent of the individuals that held them. In the past, when a worker was told “we're gonna put the strap on you,” it was magical; a moment they would never forget. Over the years, however, titles in the WWE have been passed around back and forth more than Melina was in the locker room her first year at WWE. Joking aside, the championships in the WWE need to be reviewed and reestablished to their former prominence in order for them to be perceived to be as prestigious to the fans in the audience as it once was to the workers in the back in the past. This can be easily done in such a way as to not only elevate the title, but also give young up and comers more ways to showcase themselves to the public.

To start with let's start with the WWE Divas' Championship and WWE Tag Team Championship. The main problem with these two divisions is reestablishing their importance, as well as showcasing a convincing roster of contenders for each title. The divas' division has a great start at the moment with Beth Phoenix as their champion. Due to her talent and skill, she is easily the best active member of that division. As such, her reign with the championship should last a long while, maybe even into Wrestlemania. But, how could that be done convincingly and in a way that is entertaining.

Between now and Wrestlemania there are approximately five pay-per-views; Vengeance, Survivor Series, TLC, Royal Rumble, and Elimination Chamber. With Vengeance being not long away, not much build up can be done just yet, so one can start off by finally doing the blow-off final match between Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly. Beth should look dominate in this match-up to help showcase her position as the top of the division. The main build-up for the division won't fully jump start till after Survivor Series as based on the WWE model one can expect Survivor Series-style tag match being arranged for the divas match per usual. After Survivor Series, there are would be only two opponents that would stand out as the main contenders for Beth's title; Eve and Natalya. Eve can be built up as wanting to take revenge for what her friend, Kelly Kelly, went through can demand to want a show at Beth first. Natalya, however, would counter by claiming that Beth would want her to have the first shot. As such, with two people vying for the match, Natalya and Eve could be placed in a number one contender's match at TLC with Beth watching from the outside.

Eve could go over Natalya to get the match with Beth at the Royal Rumble. At the Royal Rumble, Trish Stratus could be shown speaking with Eve in the back to give support and to also help set the tone for things to come. When Beth and Eve go one on one later that night, Beth could get overly aggressive and end up being disqualified for it. As she's beating her down, Trish could run in for the save. From here the can build up a story of how Trish is getting sick of all the things that Beth and Natalya have been doing in the division, and says that she will help get her ready for Beth. At Elimination Chamber it could be Eve with Trish in her corner vs. Beth with Natalya in her corner for the title, with Eve going over here. This would help establish Eve as being a credible champion for beating such a dominant star and help build her up for her future challenger after Wrestlemania.

Because of this match, the story can be built up so that it arranges Beth Phoenix and Natalya vs. Trish Stratus and Eve at Wrestlemania. Trish and Eve could go over here, and while celebrating after the match (as it would be just enough time thankfully) Kharma could make her return to shock the crowd. Kharma could then be a tweener to begin running through the division as she had before to help build her way up to finally go over and beat Eve down the line, most likely at Over the Limit or Capitol Punishment. With this build-up, the title and the division would both have a huge boast with Eve, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and Kharma as the forefront of the division that could all easily be seen as credible champions.

As for the WWE Tag Team Championship, WWE already has a good start with having Air Boom as champions with Awesome Truth vying for the championship. At the moment, there are currently five teams that are regularly tagging with one another; Air Boom, Awesome Truth, The Usos, Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks, and Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger. As the final two teams will most likely not last for an extended period let's focus on Air Boom, Awesome Truth, and The Usos. Going by the current power struggle angle going on in the WWE, Awesome Truth will most likely stand as the heel tag team for the inevitable 'new regime'-like stable that will begin to emerge from this angle. As such they need to most likely hold the gold to help establish the division more. As there is no telling when this new stable will emerge, one must say for the time being that when such a stable does finally appear from the shadows as the source of the 'true conspiracy,' Awesome Truth should gain the titles at the next pay-per-view from there to help establish the stable's dominance, most likely being TLC.

From there, they can feud with Air Boom as part of a WWE vs. Anti-WWE struggle. But, who do they face after that. There are a few teams that could emerge for this. The Usos can easily be seen as the first true team to try to dethrone them. This would occur toward the second half of the WWE vs. Anti-WWE struggle. Seeing as it will most likely not go past Capitol Punishment, I say that the Usos should take the championships from Awesome Truth at either Extreme Rules or Over the Limit. From there the feud between the two teams would end at the same time as the WWE vs. Anti-WWE struggle does. From there the Usos would need someone fresh to face off with, a team that would stand out as the true team to bring the division to its peak. This is where the “Kings Reign Supreme.”

With the recent acquisition by WWE of Claudio Castagnoli and the most likely near future signing of Chris Hero, the Kings of Wrestling can find themselves on WWE television very quickly. What would be done is the night after the Usos win the WWE Tag Team Championships, the Kings of Wrestling would debut on Raw. From there they should appear on as many WWE shows as possible winning matches as to establish themselves as being on a winning streak. As such, when the struggle angle does finally end, the Usos have a viable team already waiting in the shadows who could be seen as a true that to their reign after Awesome Truth. From there you can have the two teams feud for about two months before finally having the Kings of Wrestling defeat the Usos for the titles around most likely Night of Champions. From there the titles would have a hell of a lot of most interest than they had in the past with a few already established teams that can compete with the Kings, as well as hopefully a few more tag team acquisitions done by the WWE during this time to help boost the division.

From here we bring ourselves now to the two world titles. Having multiple world champions did serve a fine purpose in the past when the brands were truly separate entities, but now since certain titles are dual-branded having two world champions tends to be harder to seen as making sense as most fans would prefer to have one man standing tall as the true undisputed champion of the WWE. That can't be done if there is one more man claiming themselves to be the best as well. So only one thing can be truly done, unify them the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship to be one WWE World Championship.

Now I call this unified title the WWE World Championship as this takes away the weight moniker that is usually associated with the world title as not all world champions are usually heavyweights so why call them as such. This can be done sometime after Wrestlemania and toward the end of the prementioned struggle angle. Going by who I think the champions will be after Wrestlemania, I say this feud will focus around Daniel Bryan and CM Punk; thankfully also since Cena will be occupied with the Rock, we shouldn't have to see him vying for the title for quite some time.)

This set-up calls for Daniel Bryan to turn heel leading into Wrestlemania before cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase. Due to his losing streak he's been having as of late Bryan could finally just lose it and start going off on his opponents in a far more aggressive manner. As such, his heel character would focus on him being one of the most aggressive and technically sound wrestlers on the roster, and knowing it. I know also many fans would also be marking out immensely when we finally see the resurgence of the classic “I have till five” moments that have been seen by the American Dragon in the past. After Bryan wins the World Heavyweight Championship, Bryan can continue being on a winning streak tearing through the Smackdown roster going through guys like Sheamus and Randy Orton. After such victories, Bryan could start going on about how he is truly the one that is the “Best in the World,” Que “Cult of Personality” in the middle of his promo on Smackdown.

CM Punk could walk out and start talking about how long he has known Bryan, and how he could not believe he has sunk this low. From there he could start going on about how since he is the WWE Champion, than he is the one that is the true “Best in the World.” From there they could arrange to take on one another one on one in order to see who is truly the best. In order to make things more interesting, as well as to help the feud begin sooner, this can be built up as a best of five series to determine who is the best beginning at either Capitol Punishment or Money in the Bank and ending with the final match being at Night of Champions. Also, the title stipulation wouldn't necessarily have to be added right away. The matches could be seen as a pride thing at first, but when it comes down to the 2-2 score, Punk could bring up uping the stakes to the series by making their final match be a unification match; most likely with it being a 30-minute Iron Man Match.

From here, Punk could go over Bryan in the end in a classic match to end an entralling series that would be remembered always. With there being one world title, the champion can appear on both shows with his number one contender also being able go between brands as well. This would make the world title mean far more with the champion having to work even harder for his position since it means far more then. During this time, Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler could continue to be built up to be in the main event picture so that when Punk finally wins he has two viable heels ready to face him. Now with there being only one world title, that leaves the main event picture a tad full. But, that leads into how the Intercontinental and United States championships are elevated.

These titles would serve as the top championship for each brand, while the WWE World Championship would serve as the top championship of the company as a whole. As such, the IC and US titles would be treated as the separate world titles were previous to that with storylines that could easily be portrayed as main event ones. As such, it would serve as the perfect way to prepare up and coming talent to be in the main event as the titles served as stepping stones in the past. This would also help veterans to work with these talents to help prepare them for it, as well as keep them from being seen too much with the world title as John Cena has been as of late. Also, the United States championship would be elevated as being a part of the Grand Slam in the WWE finally as the appropriate replacement for the slot normally held by either the European & Hardcore titles. As such the criteria for the Grand Slam would be:

Primary: WWE World Championship (or WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship)
Secondary: WWE Intercontinental Championship
Tertiary: WWE United States Championship (or European Championship or Hardcore Championship)
Tag: WWE Tag Team Championship (or World Tag Team Championship)

With this being done, more people could have the chance to attain the Grand Slam, as well as past stars would have that honor attributed to them. (For Example: Ric Flair). This would make the IC and US titles mean so much more, and make people want to watch more. However, you still run into the problem that comes from removing a title, less championships for stars to go for which in-turn can lead to less television time for them. With this, I bring up my final point to this revival; bringing back the Cruiserweight Championship to be a dual-branded title.

I say only the Cruiserweight Championship for a number of reason. 1. A huge amount of the roster could compete for it, most of which would normally not be seen as viable world champions in the eyes of the WWE due to their size. 2. You don't want to have too many titles or else its too much to present to the audience. 3. Due to changing times and tastes, the Hardcore Championship would be far harder to market and use as it would devalue gimmick/hardcore matches to the point wear they would mean as much as well as would make more chances for superstars to hurt themselves seriously.

It could be used to get the crowd pumped for the action of the night with ease and give superstars more time to showcase their skills. It could be brought back with ease. After the power struggle angle that is going on now is over, whoever comes out on top could reintroduce it as one of their first orders of business for their “new era” in the WWE. A tournament could then be held with Sin Cara coming out on top to help be the main face of the division. From there, the skies the limit. More talent can be brought out from overseas that may not speak English that could not only thrive in that kind of division, but also help to boost WWE marketing value in those areas they were from as well.

With these kinds of changes the WWE could revitalize the images of their championships with ease. This would create very compelling television that would bring in both casual and smart fans alike, while also not interfering directly with WWE's main business model, main current storyline, or knocking away their main poster boy that most fans have grown stale with. As such, the championships would finally be brought back to their former glory. Epic long post with not much to ACTUALLY say in it...but here we go.

Diva's title - First. Kharma will NOT be back for Mania. Remember why she went to start with. She's pregnant. Don't expect her back for another 2 or so years if she'll be back at all.

Tag Titles - I could honestly see The Uso's facing Air Boom. If not, I could see a triple team match, with Awesome Truth, The Usos and Air Boom for Mania. We know they like to throw all their eggs in one basket for Mania, and having 6 top tier stars gunning for the tag titles would just be...amazing. On the side note here; If Hero has been signed, him and Claudio WILL be in WWE within months. They've already been tipped to in effect "skip developmental", so their time in FCW will be to determine if they will get over enough rather than whether they're good enough.

WWE title - Why unify it? Think about it. You have 2 shows. Out of these 2 shows, you have pretty much 60 guys wanting to step up. If you take one of the top tier titles away from them, you leave yourself with Orton vs Cena for the titles over and over again. There would NEVER be any other viable contenders because...well...there's no room for them. Guys like Cody, Wade, Daniel Bryan...they would NEVER EVER get a shot. Simple.

Next up, Bryan should NOT turn heel. In my mind, he should be like Benoit and be a tweener. Not have much to say but get the job done against faces and heels alike. What Bryan NEEDS is to become dominant and make people tap out.

What you dont seem to get is that LESSENING the amount of titles does NOT mean they will be "worth more." If anything, all it does is FURTHER push the guys that don't need it, IE, Cena and Orton, and lessens the push the younger kids get. People whine that the titles don't mean anything but they're a tool to PUSH people. Without these titles to push people, there's no point in having 60+ people. Shows would just concern the top guys and no-one would be able to gain a push if you're not one of the top guys. It's that simple.
Yes Kharma left because she was pregnant, but Wrestlemania is about the end of the twelve month period she said she would need to be gone to have her baby and be back in ring shape to compete. Its based on her statement for the point of arranging when she'd approximately would be back. Also I just need to add I'm not saying that lessening the amount of titles is the answer; actually there would be the exact same number of championships as before just with only one of them being a world championship. The point of unifiying the two world titles is that having one world champion helps to give the person holding it more credibility as the best in the company instead of there being a second world champion technically at the same level. As for Cena and Orton, I do address that as well. What comes from this strategy is to try to have them have less use in the world title picture all the time. By having the IC and US titles as the top titles of each brand would allow them to be treated as being nearly equivalent to how the two world titles are treated today for each brandso that these titles could be considered good enough to showcase as main event worthy. This is where WWE should use Orton and Cena more in the US and IC title pictures to help elevate the titles as such, and also to keep them for being overly seen in the world title picture. As I was saying it comes down to the IC and US titles being treated as looked at as the "top titles" for each brand with the world title being the top title of the company. The main thing it comes down is to building certain stars with each of the championships in such a way as to showcase their importance through their own story in such a way that has not been done in a very long time.
No offense, but you do need a TL;DR at the bottom of the page.

To loosely answer what I think you're asking, no the belt is not just a prop; that logic is one of the many reasons Vince Russo is terrible at writing wrestling stories.

In the world of kayfabe, the only world that's "supposed" to exist, that title belt should mean everything. It's representative of who the best in the business, is. That's why people get so mad when it changes hands, wantonly. Not only does that destroy the illusion, but it constantly challenges who the best is. I think that's why people get so mad when Cena holds the belt, so much. Your kayfabe world needs to be based off reality. Nobody is going to believe that Santino is a legit world champion, for example. Is Cena actually the best as much as WWE says he is? No, but he is still good. People hate John Cena because though, again, he is actually good, he's not 11 time world champion good, if you will. People know that in reality, there have been plenty of people who could out-wrestle Cena, and it damages the kayfabe; wrestling is nothing without the kayfabe. It's okay when Punk cut his, "shoot," promo because it toppled the 4th wall by just the right amount. It was all kayfabe, as we've discussed, but it felt so realistic and passionate that it actually strengthened the illusion. That's genius storytelling if I've ever seen it and I think that's why we all loved the promo, so much: you have to maintain the illusion, and title belts are a big part of that.

Title belts build kayfabe, and kayfabe is everything to televised wrestling.
(UCWutIDidThur? :lmao:)
It is my opinion that WWE should either reduce the number of championships or make the championships more distinct.

Right now we have too many titles: WWE, WHC, IC, US, Tag, and Divas.

What is the difference b/t WWE Champion and World Heavyweight Champion?
What is the difference b/t IC Champion and US Champion?

There should be ONE top singles title. There should be ONE mid-card title.
There should be ONE Divas title. There should be ONE tag title.

Four titles that can be competed for across the brand. NOT everyone deserves to be WWE Champion. We look back at guys like Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase and Roddy Piper and say "They should have won the big one". But look at it in context. They were very, very, strong upper-mid-card talent in their heyday, but that's it. WWE Champions need to be a step above. I think the problem is we compare these great talents with recent top champions in WWE like Jack Swagger and Sheamus and say "Well, if Jack and Sheamus were champions then these guys surely should have been." It's a different world.

Do you know why Shawn Michael's first WWF Championship win was so epic? It had 8 YEARS of history behind it. He started in 1988. He won the Royal Rumble in 1995, lost his title match at Wrestlemania, won Royal Rumble in 1996 and beat Bret Hart in a 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the WWF Championship. That is how you build a champion and bring prestige to a title. "The Boyhood Dream". Jack Swagger got his world title through cashing in Money in the Bank and Sheamus got his title through Jesse Ventura's "Breakthrough Battle Royal". They didn't have to spend years and years and years building and building.

Championships don't build superstars. Superstars build championships. You don't put a title on someone to get them over, you get them over and then reward them with the title. It's simple.

That is my opinion for why WWE should limit the number of championships to FOUR.

Now, there is a way that I would support more WWE championships: Make them more distinct. Add weight divisions (Heavyweight, Middleweight, Cruiserweight) and match style divisions (Tag team, 6-Man Tag, Hardcore, FCW's 15 Minute Challenge, etc.) This way the champion will be distinct for what they do. Instead of having WWE Champion be the best in the company, you could say that the Cruiserweight Champion is the best in the company, or the FCW 15 Champion is the best in the company. That way, conceivably, any championship match could main event a RAW or SD!. I mean, look at UFC. Who is the best in UFC? You can't say. There is lively debate. They are the best in their weight division, they are the best at what they do. It used to be that the IC Champion and WWF Champion were seen on the same level.

So, either WWE needs to stick to their hierarchical scheme of championships
Low-Card, Mid-Card, Main Event and reduce the number of championships or find ways to make each championship distinct and increase the number of championships.

TL;DR: 1: There are many ways to make the championships relevant, first off being making the superstars who compete for them relevant. Not just Money in the Bank winners and fluke challengers. 2: The championships need to be clarified by rank or division to give more "sport-like" competitive credence to them.
It is my opinion that WWE should either reduce the number of championships or make the championships more distinct.

Do you know why Shawn Michael's first WWF Championship win was so epic? It had 8 YEARS of history behind it. He started in 1988. He won the Royal Rumble in 1995, lost his title match at Wrestlemania, won Royal Rumble in 1996 and beat Bret Hart in a 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the WWF Championship. QUOTE]

Actually, Michaels was already a World tag Champion before that, he was wrestling as one of The Midnight Rockers in the AWA as far back as 86, kind of the AWA's rather poor imitation of The Rock & Roll Express, using Midnight in their name (trade off on the mega popular R&R vs Midnight Express Fued) and I believe their finisher at the time was a version of the sling shot suplex popularized by Tully Blanchard. In any event, Michaels & The Rockers were already a known commodity before 88-89
Hmmmm..... WWE Title needs to be retweaked or a new championship the spinner has been used enough and needs to be retired don't like it that much and I love the Winged Eagle Championship more referred as the WWF Championship. Also the tag titles ohhh yuuckk!!!!!!!!!!! Lousy look and display for the tag team gold ugly ugly ugly. Also they need to bring back the hardcore or ECW championship, with the ECW title renamed as the Extreme Hardcore Champion.
Firstly, I don't think the belts are a prop. The way to bring prestige is to cut back the heavyweight title. Obviously they'd get rid of the world heavyweight title even though it's the better looking 1. I say keep the u.s. title on raw & the i.c. title on SMACKDOWN & allow 1 heavyweight champ to travel between shows. I have to give whoever it was that decided to bring back the old i.c. title. That belt is timeless & a thing of beauty. I believed that brought prestige back immediately.
Belts are props just as much as WWE Superstars are actors. Belts are also Championships just as much as WWE Superstars are athletes.

I think there are two simple solutions that can “bring back prestige” to the Championships in the WWE.

Plan A1
Unify all the Titles the way they did at Survivor Series and Vengeance 2001. By doing this, the Brand Extension needs to officially end or only the Champions can cross brands. I’m assuming they are going to pick option A. Either way, a WWE Light Heavyweight or Cruiserweight Championship would be more than welcome as a 3rd Tier Title.

WWE Super Raw Smackdown Supershow
WWE World Champion
Intercontinental Champion
Light Heavyweight Champion
WWE Tag Team Champions
Divas Champion

Plan 2B
Reinforce the Brand Extension. Make the Tag Titles and Divas Title “disputed” again and bring back the WWE Women’s Championship and the World Tag Team Titles. In order for this to work, the Superstars cannot, for any reason show up on the other show. The important thing is to not mix Red and Blue together to make Purple. Keep Raw and Smackdown separate. This makes the Draft more important. This makes the PPVs more important. This makes cross branded Tournaments, such as King Of The Ring and the Royal Rumble more important. This makes the Titles more important. I’d go as far as having the Red Superstars never acknowledging the Blue Show and the Blue Superstars never acknowledging the Red Show. Treat them as “competition”. I think adding a 3rd Tier Title won’t hurt either.

WWE Champion (Red Strap)
Intercontinental Champion (White Strap)
Light Heavyweight Champion (Light Blue Strap)
WWE Tag Team Champions (Red Strap)
Women’s Champion (Pink Strap)
Internet Champion (Purple and Orange Strap)

World Champion (Blue Strap)
United States Champion (Red, White, and Blue Strap)
Cruiserweight Champion (Dark Red Strap)
World Tag Team Champions (Blue Strap)
Divas Champion (Purple Strap)
Million Dollar Champion

As far as the prestige goes, put the Tag Titles and the Mid-Card Titles on former WWE World Champions and put the WWE / World Titles on Superstars that never won the “Big One” and let them hold it for at least 3 months. That should put butts in the seats.
The belts are not props. They are CHAMPIONSHIPS. Bad booking is where the blame lies. The point of the belts is to show who the best (kayfabe) within a division is. People complain all the time about the lack of prestige the belts have. In order for a championship to regain its former glory it needs a strong champion who is challenged by a strong division of challengers. In my opinion WWE were better off a few years ago because not only did the brand extension still matter but each brand had separate divisions:

World title: WWE Championship
Midcard title: Intercontinental Championship (later on US)
Tag title: World Tag Team Championship
Female title: Womens Championship (later on Divas)

World title: World Heavyweight Championship
Midcard title: United States Championship (later on IC)
Tag title: WWE Tag Team Championship
Female title: Divas Championship (later on Womens)

WWE had it pretty good with this setup. That is, until the bad booking began to take a turn for the worse. The tag team division on Smackdown suffered early on, leading to the unification of the tag belts. The midcard and female titles traded brands to "shake things up" a bit in 2009 when in reality the midcards should have just received more attention. The female division on both brands went the way of the tag team division, once again due to lazy and bad booking. Unified belt. They can't just unify every tier's belt because eventually that will lead to them having to unify the whole roster and then what would the point be of keeping any of the Smackdown exclusive events anymore? The solution is to build stronger divisions. Then the belts will not seem like props because they will have some prestige restored. Having two separate rosters, two separate brands, with four strong divisions is what the goal should be. They had it right at first but as the years went on things changed for the worse.
To the company it's just a prop. A tool used to give a rub to a certain superstar they want to push or have remain in the spotlight, or otherwise further a feud.

To the casual fans it's a symbol of who's the best. Who is on top. Who they should be cheering for or booing against.

To the "smart fans" it's a symbol of who the company trusts, or even who they're giving a shot to.

To the guys on top of the WWE it's a prop, another number or feather in the cap. It's something they probably don't NEED but I assume enjoy knowing the company trusts them with it.

To the guys on the bottom or in the midcard it's a goal. It's a brass ring they have to reach for. It's what every wrestler who gets into the business aims for.

Championship titles mean different things to different people. The WWE title is the most well-known, and achieving that is a "boyhood dream" for most that realize it. Regardless of how little it means to the product or the smart fans today. In TNA I think the World title means a little bit more. You can see the passion coming off the guys who hold it (for the most part) and it gets traded around a lot less (for the most part). It's also a better reflection of who the brass thinks has a shot at being great.

In ROH their titles mean everything. They draw money based on a whole different spectrum of things. Who holds the titles is probably not effecting their bottom line all that much, and after talking to several of the wrestlers in ROH I can tell you they genuinely reach for those goals. The genuinely believe that whoever holds the ROH tag team titles is the best team in the world at that moment. Same goes for the ROH World title. They're one of the few companies that take championship gold seriously. And it really pays off people a fan and going to live events and PPV's.

Titles mean different things to different people in different companies. Overall though, I think no matter how you feel of the product, as a wrestler you always want to aim for that WWE Championship.

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