Cesaro - plans going into 2015.


Getting Noticed By Management
As everyone knows, the man with the freakish strength, the man who speaks 5 languages, the man who is better than you, blah blah... Cesaro.

What do you see for Cesaro going into 2015I? It seemed like he got a rocky start a Heel earlier this year (I don't know if the siren theme helped him at first, I love it) but he is arguably the best actual wrestler in the WWE right now. I dig the towel over the head, has huge legit threat power against bigger opponents, and his moveset is freaking awesome (Release Tiger Bomb he's been using lately anyone?) but has been trying to find his character and was a little misused.

The match with Ziggler was awesome last night and I see them carrying that out for a while. Do you see Cesaro pushed to the main event in the next year? Especially with him doing a lot of the motion capture and promo for WWE2k15 - or kept where he's at - as a workhorse for every show WWE has and losing frequently... or eventually taking the IC belt from Zig-Man??

Well, I feel he may get rewarded at some point down the line, unless he pissed off Vinnie Mac or Paulie Levesque. Ultimately he may get a few runs as IC/US champ, but since WWE got rid of the World title, it doesn't seem likely he'll get to the top any time soon, if at all. So, your last 2 scenarios seem the most likely to me.
Cesaro at the beginning of this year,was hot as white coal.. Then for some reason,he cooled off big time.. I still believe in Cesaro,but collectively i think the WWE audience doesn't share the same opinion as me.. I dont see him pissing off Vinnie Mac,or Trips.

His athletic ability cannot be called into question,he speaks great on the mic.. With only one title now,i dont see him in the title picture anytime soon as well.. A good run with the IC title,or us title will be all about it.. He is a solid upper mid-card guy but sadly,will never ME any PPV anytime soon.. I dont see why but this is just what seems to be the norm
Well last night Cesaro got (I don't want to use the word buried) but pummeled down in seconds by Dean Ambrose after losing a PPV the night before... Was watching with a friend and explaining "This dude is awesome you have to see him" and he got punked out... crap.
It's amazing what it takes to get on top. It used to be if you were over with the fans and put on good matches. Now it's who you suck up to and if you're a company "yes" man.

Cesaro and Ziggler are both main eventers who don't get their rightful due yet we get Cena shoved down our throats 24/7 no matter how sick the fans are of him.
I'd like to see Cesaro bounce between Raw and NXT for a few weeks. He could be the big fish in a small pond of NXT, dominating his way into the championship picture. I wouldn't mind a continuation of Zayn/Cesaro.

If WWE was willing to shell out for a Raw appearance, Cesaro would make a great television opponent for Brock Lesnar. If I were to sit in my fantasy booking armchair (*gets comfy*), I'd simply have Cesaro call out Lesnar through Heyman. Hype Lesnar's return to Raw in competition for a few weeks. Cesaro pulls those uppercuts, the giant swing, that ridiculous-Hercules-Superplex, but ultimately loses to Lesnar.

Raw gets a great rating for hyping the return of Lesnar, and showing off the best of Cesaro to the casual viewer. I don't think this would have the same impact on PPV, nor do I feel Cesaro would be ready for it. Maybe after this match?
Cesaro is now in that holding pattern Dolph and Sandow were in. Both got big wins and then fizzled while others got pushed.

There are other priority candidates right now... they are getting Rusev, Ambrose, Rollins, Wyatt and now Ryback over again with Sandow and Ziggler also getting some love at last... They have Barrett and Reigns soon to return and add to that picture, Cesaro isn't going to be the priority. They're depushing guys who didn't do as well as hoped... Bo Dallas, Cesaro even Miz and Sheamus to a lesser extent...

To be honest WWE messed up giving Cesaro the battle royal win at Mania... he wasn't ready for the push and they weren't really ready to give it to him. It's almost at the time for him to hit the tags with someone... if Hero hadn't screwed it up Kings Of Wrestling would be a thing now... still could be with a new partner I guess... he and Zayn could easily tear up the division.

It's not a tragedy... Cesaro will be employed for a very long time doing what he does, he will always be a contender in that IC/US picture... not everyone HAS to go to the world belt or main event... guys like Tito Santana, Rick Martel, Ken Shamrock never did.
I agree they gave him the Andre Memorial Battle Royal too soon. He hadn't even been out of the Real Americans long and was still getting huge pops for the swing... then who's idea was it to immediately stick him with Paul Heyman, have him heel, have Heyman leave him (major storyline opportunity missed there...and when asked in character he still says "Me and Paul are fine") ... then him continue like nothing happened - and now as of late he has a gimmick where he tells bad one liners?

Don't get me wrong, I like him as a heel... just not sure why they they turned him heel when his signature move and t-shirt was based off a move a face would do. I do think it's awesome he just now teases it, then puts the guy in a cloverleaf or throws them... then brings out the swing at random times (like Sunday night).
He is one of the best in ring workers they have right now. He's had some killer matches, I'm not a fan of the character but the ring work is excellent. When he wrestled Cena earlier this year I almost believed Cena was just as good, Then Cena had a match with someone else the next week and that squashed that idea.
I can’t predict the future, because regardless of what the plans are, things change constantly. Vince himself could start calling him the “Chosen One”, but look how that turned out in the past. One thing for sure, I believe he has a good chance of winning the Royal Rumble. Can you imagine him doing the Cesaro Swing to eliminate the last SuperStar in the ring to win the Royal Rumble!? I think that'll be Kofi's highlight this year. HAHA!! Poor Kofi.
WWE is unpredictable when it comes to stuff like this. Just as we saw Ryback become a huge star in 2012, we saw how quickly that changed in 2013 and 2014.

Me personally, I think in 2015, he'll still put on great matches and I think he'll win the MITB next year.
The Authority is likely (if not already) losing Orton. Cesaro previously asked HHH to let him know if he wanted his help (months ago). I really think this is a logical pairing now. Even if HHH is fighting in Survivor Series, they'll need at least one more person on their team (Kane, Rollins, HHH).
WWE is unpredictable when it comes to stuff like this. Just as we saw Ryback become a huge star in 2012, we saw how quickly that changed in 2013 and 2014.

Me personally, I think in 2015, he'll still put on great matches and I think he'll win the MITB next year.

I think he'll win MITB next year as well. It's going to be him or Barrett, but I think they'll go with Cesaro because of consistency.
I would say either

- Have him acknowledge his recent failures and emphasize how he's become more focused and determined. Then he can start defeating those who have been defeating him- Kofi, Big E, Ziggler, Sheamus etc. That can be used to propel him into the main event scene.

- Have him turn face and challenge Rusev. Swagger's career was even worse off than Cesaro's is now before his face turn. He was jobbing to the likes of Adam Rose! But targeting Rusev seemed to immediately redeem him. Cesaro wouldn't even have to necessarily win. As long as the audiences are invested, they can start rebuilding him.
You almost have to feel sorry for a guy like Cesaro. He's great in the ring, promo's who cares really, his ring work speaks for itself.

He got the push and then he didn't and seems like he's been bounced around to see what fits. If he had the look of a Roman Reigns we'd all be saying "Cena who?" There is no doubt he would have had the push of a lifetime, but the WWE doesn't work like that unfortunately for the fans.

They should pair him with someone and make an unstoppable tag team. He was good with Swagger, but they didn't gel for me for some reason. Something always looked off and strange about them. And that's saying a lot in the world of wrestling when you have teams like the Dust brothers.

Maybe putting him with an up and coming Sami Zayn might help both of them. Zayn is a high flyer, and Cesaro has the strength. They also kind of look like each other in a way. With Cena, Orton, Bryan, Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns all in the title picture, Cesaro it looks like has come along at the wrong time. I think he is worthy of a title shot and would love to see him against Lesnar. It would be one hell of a match, and he's a better opponent for Lesnar than Cena. John Cena looks big and strong, but Cesaro I believe has more power and could take Brock Lesnar.
Agree with Navi. He would go great with Sami in a gimmick of basically "we are two awesome wrestlers". His in-ring prowess and strength is some of the best stuff seen in years. WWE blew it with forcing him as a heel and I think he's still working on it but he was a natural face with all his explosive moves and the swing... Not a guy who retreats and gets heat. Hopefully they figure it out... He is too good to deny.
In a rare 2 out of 3 fall match, you expect to see three falls, right? To have Cesaro beaten in two straight gives more of an indication of the company's problems with Cesaro than might be immediately apparent.

I mean, two straight to Dolph Ziggler? Is Dolph about to receive a big push (again?:disappointed:) or was it a way of teaching a continuing lesson to Cesaro? What do they want from him, anyway?

He looks great in the ring and gives a terrific account of himself every time. If the organization was looking to keep him down, why would they feature him on every TV card? ("Keep trying, Claudio. We'll let you know when you get it right.")

Is he arrogant backstage? Are they trying to knock him down a peg, even while recognizing his ability? Usually, when someone is receiving the push Cesaro was, it doesn't get aborted (against Jack Swagger, no less) before it gets too far along.

My conclusion is that I have no conclusion what the plans are for Cesaro in the next year. When he first started in WWE, I found him to be sloppy and inexperienced in the ring, but over time, the guy has won me over. But someone is going to have to be a fly on the wall to learn what WWE has planned for him, because I have no clue.
I'd like and hope he'll have a very strong Royal Rumble outing this year and getting a face/tweener turn and bringing back the swing!

I would put him as a candidate for MITB winner next year as I think his ability alone deserves a main event push and title run!

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