Cena vs Rock at Summerslam almost a lock?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so were obviously not getting this at WM and makes me go back to what I said over a year ago. WWE is smart and knows WM will draw no matter what (If HHH Sheamus Main events it it'll still draw, enough said). The Rock has said he'll come back this summer in more then a guest host roll. Mark my words WWE wants another strong buy rate and if they have the Rock go against anyone at Summerslam it is an almost guaranteed million buys esp facing a guy like Cena. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if it beat WM's buy rate. Makes me also wonder why they choose to have it in Hollywood 2 years in a row..............
Ok, dude? Maybe you haven't read like, the last 3 of the Rock's interviews posted on this website, but he's made it perfectly clear that this supposed role that he wants to play out will NOT include him wrestling again. I think he even dissed Cena in one those interviews. So mark MY words: we will never see Dwayne Johnson wrestle again. That's not to say he won't give the Miz a rock bottom out of pure spite, but I digress. Don't get me wrong, I love the Rock as much as the next 2 guys combined, but it ain't gonna happen. Not at summerslam, not ever.
I must concur with that, CENA/ROCK will not happen. If anything some kind of an in-ring talk, talk, talk between them too but Rock won't risk his pretty Hollywood face in a match again, he sold out remember? he was the next big thing in wrestling and sold it out to Hollywood, pays better so maybe anyone woulda too. So sorry dude! Its not a lock and if it does happen I will come back to this thread and call you a wrestling god for calling that one! Personally I'd much rather see ROCK/BATISTA!
Mark my words WWE wants another strong buy rate and if they have the Rock go against anyone at Summerslam it is an almost guaranteed million buys esp facing a guy like Cena. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if it beat WM's buy rate

I agree that if Rock did wrestle, it would be huge and be an amazing buyrate. But I have to agree with the above posts, it prolly wont happen man. He has said in a few interviews now that he has no intention of doing a match.

However, things can change and who knows?...maybe he will change his mind and say "ok, ill give the fans another match." In this case, I look forward to not only the match, but seeing the buyrate on that PPV!!
The rock does not want to go back to wrestling, but as someone pointed out, this does not mean he cant hit a rock bottom on someone, or do some type of run in. we have seen guys like shaq get physically involved in a match without being a participant. hell, advertising the rock as a special guest ref would skyrocket views for the show. the rock not only would bring back fans that watch the show because of him, i was one for the longest time, but since he also does kid movies and wwe is now pg, all those little kiddies will want to see their movie hero on any show, including wwe.

so in conclusion, no the rock wont wrestle. he is done with it and i respect the fact that he doesnt keep coming back once he retires (Rick Flair.) but he can get physically involved as a ref or special enforcer. and hell, he is the king of the mic. just having him cut a promo on the miz or jericho, i think that they are the only two that would be able to keep up with him, will be awsome and worth watching the show.
first post here :lol: but yeah man i gotta agree with everyone. This would be amazing to see but dude it isn't gonna happen, sadly the rock AKA Dwayne Johnson will never wrestle another match, but hey i would love to be proved wrong
I am a life long Rocky fan. And if he comes back it's gonna draw lot of $$$ for wwe. But this is bullsh*t. Srry for using that word. But this is what it is. Attitude era fans (including me) are just not ready to give up on the great time they have had. They just somehow someway want rocky or steve to come back and do wonders by wrestling again. This may be because of the frustration of Attitude era fans with the current product. But srry to burst your bubble, but this is NOt gonna happen. I give you guaran-dam-tee. After trying so hard to get out of the image of a wrestler, rocky won't come back to wrestle. He'll be back to do something else and to have fun, but no wrestling. And on the other hand, if the match happens, there are great chances that the rock will win, i mean he won't come back to loose. So the question arises, why would WWE wanna make their most popular baby face today to loose to someone who has long since retired from wrestling. And the biggest loop hole is that i severly doubt that they will have the match of this proportion at summerslam than at wrestlemania. That makes no sense. ''Oh summerslam buyrates are less, so what do we do? let's have rock-cena match at summerslam''....that's just don't sound right. Lastly, rock is my hero, he'll always be, and god knows i wanna see him ley the smack down one more time, but i absolutely don't think that rock-cena will happen at SS.
Let's take it easy on weird86, it's obvious he hasn't read what the Rock said (not that big of a deal). He did say he will come back, but not wrestle. I agree there is no way he will wrestle at Summeslam. He doesn't sound like he is a big John Cena fan (who is?), so there would be no point in having those two wrestle.

Do I believe that he will NEVER wrestle again? No. I am not saying he will, I am just saying never say never. I never though Hulk Hogan would turn heel, but he did. I never thought, in 1992, that Steve Austin would ever be a Worlds champion, but he won it several times (and was amazing at what he did). And most importantly, I have learned to never say never when it comes to wrestling, after watching Bret Hart come out on Raw January 4th. So after seeing those things (especially Bret), I will never say never again.
The Rock will not face John Cena. Trust me. Why? Because The Rock has already said repeatedly he does not want face John Cena for 2 reasons, 1. Because he doesnt think he could pull of a decent match with the low wrestling talented John Cena, He just cant carry people like he used to. 2. He just doesnt want to face him, he mentioned his rivalries with Hogan, Austin, Undertaker etc. and he said he WANTED to face those guys but he has no intention whatsoever to face Cena.
Other than achieving a great buy rate for this one PPV, what would a Rock/Cena match accomplish?

I cannot imagine the Rock would come back for one big match, with all of the associated hype, and agree to lose. I also cannot see what is to gain by having your top star, the face of the company in the present and for the future, lose to a guy who has been out of the business for years. So how would it play out? A no-decision would be a tremendous disappointment. Logistically I don't see how such a match could ever happen.

The only way I'd like to see the Rock versus Cena would be if the Rock were coming back on a permanent basis, and no one is naive enough to think that's happening. I personally don't like it when guys come back for one shot deals only (Bret Hart being the exception because it will involve him and Vince, who is not an actual wrestler interacting, plus the screwjob incident needs closure as well).

The Rock has consistently said he's not ever going to wrestle again. While that could be deception on his part, or while he could be convinced otherwise by the right amount of money, I'm not sure. Plus he's no longer in ring shape and would have to be incredibly rusty.

I see the Rock as a guest host and/or a special guest referee, something like this. Giving a Rock Bottom or a People's Elbow to one of the heels. But that's it. And that's enough.
It's probably about the farthest thing from a lock you can possibly get. I seriously doubt the Rock is going to come back to the WWE to wrestle a match any time in the forseeable future. His life as a low level movie star is much easier and much more profitable. What would the reason be for him coming back to wrestle?

You are right in saying that this would be an absolutely huge draw and it'd likely bring back a ton of former fans, at least for that one night. However, there is basically no chance of this happening within the next decade.

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