Cena: Best Feud.


It's goin' down forreal!
I don't know if this thread was made already. If it was then I'm sorry. Anyway, John Cena is the face of the WWE right now. I can see why, he has drawn in money for Vince with his popularity among kids and women.

Love or hate this guy, he has had some awesome feuds. Even though we know that he ends up winning because I guess WWE has this mentality of "The Good Guy" always wins for Cena, his matches were excellent.

My favorite feud has got to be with Randy Orton for the first few times, the last few times were stale. I enjoyed that feud. Orton was the heel and played it perfectly. I will not forget the time when Orton punt "Cena's Dad". Who the hell knew they'd bring in family in this feud during the PG Era. Well that's all I gotta say.

Now, I know that he's feuding with R-truth. But after that, I'd like to see how Alberto Del Rio does against Cena. That feud could be the one to elevate Del Rio because I don't think he's THERE yet. This could potentially be like the Orton-Christian feud but for Raw. Meaning that Christian isn't a big draw and I guess so is Del Rio, but put on great matches with Orton and Cena.

What's your favorite feud that Cena had?
Who would you want him to feud with next?
Tho the feud wasnt long i gotta go with his feud with HBK.

This feud brought out the best in Cena (well HBK brought out the best in everybody)

Who do i want to see him feud with next? gotta go with Punk! this guy is one of the best heels right now but he isnt really doing anything! a long feud with Cena will shatter the glass ceiling on Punks career and put him right where he needs and deserves to be
My favorite feud has got to be with Randy Orton for the first few times, the last few times were stale. I enjoyed that feud. Orton was the heel and played it perfectly. I will not forget the time when Orton punt "Cena's Dad". Who the hell knew they'd bring in family in this feud during the PG Era. Well that's all I gotta say.

That was actually Cena's dad, and it wasn't during the PG era. They went full PG in 2008, their first feud was 2007.

I say Cena's best feud was vs Edge in 06 and 09.

He should have a legit feud with Punk since the few altercations earlier in the year didn't do anything.
John Cena's best feud will have to be JBL in my mind, no doubt. Those two have fought through pretty much every stipulation WWE has in the book. And the things these two have done to each other over the years have gone farther then personal. Cena won his first every world title against the one and only JBL at Wrestlemania, and since then a feud erupted. We then saw John Cena and JBL in one of the most gruesome I Quit matches to date. No handcuffs or Duct Tape, this I Quit match was full on smashing each other's face's of cars, making each other's face's bloodier then Ric Flair, using an weapon they could find. Cena came out on top.

We got a break from the John Cena and JBL feud until 2008, where the two went at it again. After Cena eliminated JBL in the Fatal Four Way elimination match at Backlash, Cena and JBL fought again at Judgement Day, where Cena came out victorious. Then again at One Night Stand in a First Blood Match, in the last official First Blood Match in the WWE. Lastly, we saw Cena and JBL in a New York City Parking Lot Brawl at the Great American Bash. Not only could this be one of the greatest PLB's, but it was also the most gruesome. Cars being crashed into one an other, JBL lighting a car on fire with Cena in it. It was the perfect way to end the long, personal feud between the two.

So I must pick JBL and Cena as one of the best feuds Cena had, not only was this feud personal, but it was also presented in some of the best matches WWE has to offer. I wouldn't be surprised in the least, if John Cena and JBL have fought in every gimmick match possible.
When I think of John Cena's best feud I think of the back and forth encounters he has had with Edge starting back in 06. The emotion was there, the feud felt real, and it really propelled both guys into a main event level in my eyes. Both guys stepped their game up and really made the championship something special.

As to who I'd like to see Cena feud with next, I'd have to go with Alberto Del Rio. ADR needs that feud to get him over and Cena is just the guy to do it. Del Rio has had a huge rise to the top, but it has seemingly sputtered since losing to Edge at Mania. Cena is just the guy to give ADR the rub as a legit star.
Cena's first feud with Edge had everything.
Edge being thrown in the river, Cena's dad getting slapped, a live sex celebration, and a whole bunch of other things.
And I feel this feud solidified Edge's status in the main event.
Good gosh! Everyone in this thread has spelled "feud" correctly! What are the over/under odds it continues?

I say his best feud was with Nexus. I've never seen a program that generated so much interest; it seemed that last Summer it was all we talked about. We couldn't wait to find out what would happen next.

Yes, Nexus was attacking a lot of people, but make no mistake: this was Cena's feud. Even Super Cena couldn't fight off eight guys at once and the feud was fascinating in John's attempts to enlist other people for his side. Sure, we knew the good guys would join him, but when he attempted to ally heels Chris Jericho and Edge to his cause, I couldn't take my eyes from the TV screen.

Consider this: What other single individual could head a program in which he faces off against an entire group of people? No one else but Cena, in my opinion. It takes a giant personality to command that kind of power, yet display the vulnerability necessary to make the whole thing look believable.

For instance, Hulk Hogan had the presence (back in the 80's that is) but the program would have wound up with him single-handedly beating down all eight of them at once. With Cena; he got beaten down..... he scored minor triumphs.....he got beaten down some more......then some more...... before finally winding up on top.

Best feud I ever saw.
I've really enjoyed Cena's recent work with Miz, and I thought the first half of his feud with Nexus was very good. After all, the Nexus debut was easily the biggest shocker in wrestling in years.

Cena's work with HBK was very good, and it provided us with a handful of great matches, but John Cena's feud with Edge was probably the best. The feud started with a bang, or more appropriately, a nuclear explosion when Edge cashed in his Money in the Bank contract on an extremely weak John Cena. The duo went on to consistently put on solid matches with each other, and they had some wild moments outside of their wrestling. Who can forget Edge's live sex celebration, or when he slapped John Cena Sr. in his own home?

Furthermore, the feud really elevated both superstars. John Cena, who was already the man, looked stronger than ever when he proved he could tango with the master of the TLC in his own environment. At the same time, Edge looked great as he was able to out wit John Cena, and prove that he could not only be extremely entertaining, but a big draw as well.
What's your favorite feud that Cena had?
John Cena's feud with Edge back in '06 was great. It started at New Years Resolution and even through Wrestlemania 22, they kept the heat on one another, with Edge doing nothing but promos on how he'd get Cena back. Going into SummerSlam being in Cena's hometown, and with Edge's attack on Cena's dad(He gets attacked too much.) it got personal, and to me the best parts of the feud were the night where Cena hurled Edge into the Long Island Sound river and the following weeks TLC match at Unforgiven in Canada. That to me is still Cena's best match to date.

Who would you want him to feud with next?
I too would have to say John Cena vs. ADR. Cena could bring Del Rio back to the status he needs as a top heel if the feud works out well. It would be similar to JBL vs. Cena, which would be nostalgic, as ADR plays a similar gimmick to that of John Layfield. And I just want to see Del Rio out of the midcard for fuck sake.
Damn, I think I'll change my best feud of Cena to Cena vs. Edge. Lol. I was so shocked at how Edge cashed in his Money in The Bank contract after Cena's chamber match. That was so epic! After Cena's match, out comes Mr.Mcmahon and tells us the night isn't over and out comes Edge. Cena even kicked outta the spear. This was a great moment for WWE in 2006.
I gotta say his feud with Edge. It was one of the few times I was able to get behind Cena as a face because Edge was so good as an antagonist. It produced good matches and unforgettable moments, such as the live sex celebration and the first money in the bank cash-in.
His feud with Edge was the best. Cena and Edge gave it their best and they gave us some great memorable matches. The cash-in, TLC, river, live sex celebration, the slap, hell every damn moment of their match was crazy. It got Edge into the main-event and stamped his status as one of the best main-eventers ever. It also made Cena the "face" of the WWE.

As to who I would see him feud with next, Rey Mysterio. That feud has to happen before Rey retires. And I think it will happen this year after the Cena-Truth feud is over.
I think cena best feud is againt edge. It all started when edge cashes in his mbc in 2006. I don't mind if he feud wit 619
Before reading the comments in this thread I would have said Cena's feud with Edge... That being said, after reading Mustang Sally's account of the Nexus feud it's easy to forget just how great a feud that was and for months It was THE reason why I watched Raw. I can't help but feel that the current state of Nexus has contributed to how this feud has almost been forgotten in some way.
The 1st Cena/Orton feud. Randy was/is always amazing as heel. When he punted Cena's dad, just awesome. They both played their parts to perfection during that time.
As soon as I saw the post the first thing that popped in my mind was Cena vs. RVD/Sabu/ECW. That month leading up to ONS in 06 was fantastic. It really sucked me in and actually had me cheering for Cena (I fucking hate ECW), and the ONS ppv was out of control. The fans at the Hammerstein were so crazy I thought they actually would riot if Cena won. That sticks out in my mind as Cena's best/most intense feud.
Is there even any doubt about this? Had Cena not gotten hurt back in 2007, his feud with Randy Orton may have surpassed his feud with Edge. Had we not been overexposed to the the pair in 2009, again, ding ding, you may have your winner. But his feud with Edge, as it stands, is his best feud to date. With all due respect to his feud with Nexus, the program was too rushed, to be honest, and could have been so much more.

Edge was the first man to tug on Superman's cape, so to speak. Jericho couldn't do it, and Kurt Angle couldn't do it after. Despite starting New Years Revolution in the EC alongside HBK, he went coast to coast in the darn thing and it seemed at the time that noone would be able to take the championship from Cena. Not only did Edge do that with one MITB cash-in, he cost Cena his second championship, won his second in a match against Cena, and held him off numerous times over the majority of the year before falling in a great TLC match to Cena that September, and a great steel cage match on Raw a few weeks later. The two were literally incapable of having a bad match against the other.

The thing that made this feud better then his 2009 feud with Orton is this: We weren't overexposed with Cena and Edge. Sure, Cena took the title back from him at the Rumble, but after a series of rematches on Raw, Cena moved on to HHH, and Edge to Mick Foley and RVD before they re-ignited their feud full force. Cena met HHH, RVD, and Sabu at consecutive PPV's, while Edge met Mick Foley, RVD, and Tommy Dreamer in between. Yet, they still remained "involved" with each other, with Edge costing Cena his match against RVD at ONS 2006. It wasn't until August, some six months after Cena and Edge had met at the Rumble, that we saw the two face off again on PPV. Yet they had enough interaction and shorter matches on Raw that the feud played out over the course of those 9 months, and really was a star making performance for the both of them. Edge became a relevant main eventer for the remainder of his career following, and Cena showed chinks in the armor, while still emerging victorious at the end. What more could you ask for?
What's your favorite feud that Cena had?
Cena v Edge in 2006. Definitely. I loved this feud. The TLC Match at Unforgiven, Edge getting thrown in the harbor, Cena cracking jokes about how Lita is a ****e. This feud was all-around entertaining.

Who would you want him to feud with next?
Id like to see a Cena v Del Rio feud. It would be pretty awesome. Id also like a Cena v Christian and a Cena v Mysterio in the future.
For me it is one of two
John Cena v Brock Lesnar - F5 v FU, the real start of soldifying Cena for the rapping gimmick, the feud was just memorable
John Cena v Kurt Angle I - This feud was arguably one of my favorite's of the entire decade, the rap battles, Kurt Angle rapping, the feud had a great match to end it, and it made Cena seem legitamate and gave a great overcoming the odds for the No Way Out 2005 rematch. This was an enjoyable back and forth feud which solidyfied Cena's character.

In the future
I would like to see the John Cena v CM Punk feud which should have happened in the New Nexus storyline not Randy Oront, but I digress
For me I would have to pick his fued with Batista. These two both debuted around the same time in 2002 and reached the top at the same time as the current faces of the company. But what made it great was that eventhough Cena's rise looked inferior to Batista's, Batista always seemed to be trapped in Cena's shadow eventhough Cena could never beat him. Batista eliminated him to win the 05 Rumble, beat him at SummerSlam 08 and arguably put him out of action, and beat him again for The WWE Title at Elimination Chamber last year. Then they finally had their WM worthy showdown where Cena finally beat Batista to win the biggest prize on the biggest stage to finally prove himself to be the top face of the company before beating him 2 more times before ultimately making him quit and giving him the undeniable victory.

As for who he should fued with next, I would definately say CM Punk. These two have proved to have great chemistry together and as long as Punk's given a fighting chance without The New Nexus I think it could be quite a successful fued.

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